path: root/c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/shared/include/gr1553rt.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/shared/include/gr1553rt.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 434 deletions
diff --git a/c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/shared/include/gr1553rt.h b/c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/shared/include/gr1553rt.h
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index 55237b5dfd..0000000000
--- a/c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/shared/include/gr1553rt.h
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-/* GR1553B RT driver
- *
- * COPYRIGHT (c) 2010.
- * Cobham Gaisler AB.
- *
- * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
- * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
- *
- */
-#ifndef __GR1553RT_H__
-#define __GR1553RT_H__
-/* CONFIG OPTION: Maximum number of LIST IDs supported.
- * There are two lists per RT subaddress, one for RX one
- * for TX.
- */
-#define RTLISTID_MAX 64
-/* CONFIG OPTION: Maximum number of Interrupt handlers per device supported
- * max is 256 supported, and minimum is 1.
- */
-#define RTISR_MAX 64
-/* CONFIG OPTION: Maximum number of transfer (RX/TX) descriptors supported.
- *
- * Set this option to zero to allow flexible number of descriptors,
- * requires dynamically allocation of driver structures.
- */
-/*#define RTBD_MAX 4096*/
-#define RTBD_MAX 0
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* Register GR1553B driver needed by RT driver */
-extern void gr1553rt_register(void);
-struct gr1553rt_list;
-/* Descriptor read/written by hardware.
- *
- * Must be aligned to 16 byte boundary
- */
-struct gr1553rt_bd {
- volatile unsigned int ctrl; /* 0x00 Control/Status word */
- volatile unsigned int dptr; /* 0x04 Data Pointer */
- volatile unsigned int next; /* 0x08 Next Descriptor in list */
- volatile unsigned int unused; /* 0x0C UNUSED BY HARDWARE */
-/* Sub address table entry, the hardware access */
-struct gr1553rt_sa {
- volatile unsigned int ctrl; /* 0x00 SUBADDRESS CONTROL WORD */
- volatile unsigned int txptr; /* 0x04 TRANSMIT BD POINTER */
- volatile unsigned int rxptr; /* 0x08 RECEIVE BD POINTER */
- volatile unsigned int unused; /* 0x0C UNUSED BY HARDWARE */
-/* Configuration of a RT-SubAddress-List */
-struct gr1553rt_list_cfg {
- unsigned int bd_cnt; /* Number of hw-descriptors in list */
-/* A TX or RX subaddress descriptor list */
-struct gr1553rt_list {
- short listid; /* ID/NUMBER of List. -1 unassigned */
- short subadr; /* SubAddress. -1 when not scheduled */
- void *rt; /* Scheduled on Device */
- struct gr1553rt_list_cfg *cfg; /* List configuration */
- int bd_cnt; /* Number of Descriptors */
- /* !!Must be last in data structure!!
- * !!Array must at least be of length bd_cnt!!
- */
- unsigned short bds[1]; /* Array of BDIDs, -1 unused/end */
-/* GR1553B-RT Driver configuration options used when calling gr1553rt_config().
- *
- * Note that if not custom addresses are given the driver will dynamically
- * allocate memory for buffers.
- * Note that if custom addresses with the LSB set, the address will be
- * interpreted as a address accessible by hardware, and translated
- * into an address used by CPU.
- */
-struct gr1553rt_cfg {
- unsigned char rtaddress; /* RT Address 0..30 */
- /*** MODE CODE CONFIG ***/
- unsigned int modecode; /* Mode codes enable/disable/IRQ/EV-Log.
- * Each modecode has a 2-bit cfg field.
- * See Mode Code Control Register in
- * hardware manual.
- */
- /*** TIME CONFIG ***/
- unsigned short time_res; /* Time tag resolution in us */
- void *satab_buffer; /* Optional Custom buffer. Must be
- * At least 16*32 bytes, and be aligned
- * to 10-bit (1KB) boundary. Set to NULL
- * to make driver allocate buffer.
- */
- /*** EVENT LOG CONFIG ***/
- void *evlog_buffer; /* Optional Custom buffer */
- int evlog_size; /* Length, must be a multiple of 2.
- * If set to ZERO event log is disabled
- */
- int bd_count; /* Number of transfer descriptors shared
- * by all RX/TX sub-addresses */
- void *bd_buffer; /* Optional Custom descriptor area.
- * Must hold bd_count*32 bytes.
- * If NULL, descriptors will be
- * allocated dynamically. */
-/* GR1553B-RT status indication, copied from the RT registers and stored
- * here. Used when calling the gr1553rt_status() function.
- */
-struct gr1553rt_status {
- unsigned int status; /* RT Status word */
- unsigned int bus_status; /* BUS Status */
- unsigned short synctime; /* Time Tag of last sync with data */
- unsigned short syncword; /* Data of last mode code synchronize
- * with data. */
- unsigned short time_res; /* Time resolution (set by config) */
- unsigned short time; /* Current Time Tag */
-/* ISR callback definition for ERRORs detected in the GR1553B-RT interrupt
- * handler.
- *
- * \param err Inidicate Error type. The IRQ flag register bit mask:
- * Bit 9 - RT DMA ERROR
- * Bit 10 - RT Table access error
- * \param data Custom data assigned by user
- */
-typedef void (*gr1553rt_irqerr_t)(int err, void *data);
-/* ISR callback definition for modecodes that are configured to generate
- * an IRQ. The callback is called from within the GR1553B-RT interrupt
- * handler.
- *
- * \param mcode Mode code that caused this IRQ
- * \param entry The raw Eventlog Entry
- * \param data Custom data assigned by user
- */
-typedef void (*gr1553rt_irqmc_t)(int mcode, unsigned int entry, void *data);
-/* Transfer ISR callback definition. Called from GR1553B-RT interrupt handler
- * when an interrupt has been generated and a event logged due to a 1553
- * transfer to this RT.
- *
- * \param list List (Subaddress/TransferType) that caused IRQ
- * \param entry The raw Eventlog Entry
- * \param bd_next Next Descriptor-entry index in the list (Subaddress/tr-type)
- * This can be used to process all descriptors upto entry_next.
- * \param data Custom data assigned by user
- */
-typedef void (*gr1553rt_irq_t)(
- struct gr1553rt_list *list,
- unsigned int entry,
- int bd_next,
- void *data
- );
-/* Configure a list according to configuration. Assign the list
- * to a device, however not to a RT sub address yet. The rt
- * is stored within list.
- *
- * \param rt RT Device driver identification, stored within list.
- * \param list The list to configure
- * \param cfg Configuration for list. Pointer to configuration is
- * stored within list for later use.
- */
-extern int gr1553rt_list_init
- (
- void *rt,
- struct gr1553rt_list **plist,
- struct gr1553rt_list_cfg *cfg
- );
-/* Assign an Error Interrupt handler. Before the handler is called the
- * RT hardware is stopped/disabled. The handler is optional, if not assigned
- * the ISR will still stop the RT upon error.
- *
- * Errors detected by the interrupt handler:
- * - DMA error
- * - Subaddress table access error
- *
- * \param func ISR called when an error causes an interrupt.
- * \param data Custom data given as an argument when calling ISR
- */
-extern int gr1553rt_irq_err
- (
- void *rt,
- gr1553rt_irqerr_t func,
- void *data
- );
-/* Assign a ModeCode Interrupt handler callback. Called when a 1553 modecode
- * transfer is logged and cause an IRQ. The modecode IRQ generation is
- * configured from "struct gr1553rt_cfg" when calling gr1553rt_config().
- *
- * \param func ISR called when a modecode causes an interrupt.
- * \param data Custom data given as an argument when calling ISR
- */
-extern int gr1553rt_irq_mc
- (
- void *rt,
- gr1553rt_irqmc_t func,
- void *data
- );
-/* Assign transfer interrupt handler callback. Called when a RX or TX
- * transfer is logged and cause an interrupt, the function is called
- * from the GR1553B-RT driver's ISR, in interrupt context.
- *
- * The callback can be installed per subaddress and transfer type.
- * Subaddress 0 and 31 are not valid (gr1553rt_irq_mc() for modecodes).
- *
- * \param subadr Select subaddress (1-30)
- * \param tx 1=TX subaddress, 0=RX subaddress
- * \param func ISR called when subaddress of spcified transfer type
- * causes an interrupt.
- * \param data Custom data given as an argument when calling ISR
- */
-extern int gr1553rt_irq_sa
- (
- void *rt,
- int subadr,
- int tx,
- gr1553rt_irq_t func,
- void *data
- );
-#define GR1553RT_BD_FLAGS_IRQEN (1<<30)
-/* Initialize a descriptor entry in a list. This is typically done
- * prior to scheduling the list.
- *
- * \param entry_no Entry number in list (descriptor index in list)
- * \param flags Enable IRQ when descriptor is accessed by setting
- * argument GR1553RT_BD_FLAGS_IRQEN. Enabling IRQ on a
- * descriptor basis will override SA-table IRQ config.
- * \param dptr Data Pointer to RX or TX operation. The LSB indicate
- * if the address must be translated into Hardware address
- * - this is useful when a buffer close to CPU is used
- * as a data pointer and the RT core is located over PCI.
- * \param next Next Entry in list. Set to 0xffff for end of list. Set
- * 0xfffe for next entry in list, wrap around to entry
- * zero if entry_no is last descriptor in list (circular).
- */
-extern int gr1553rt_bd_init(
- struct gr1553rt_list *list,
- unsigned short entry_no,
- unsigned int flags,
- uint16_t *dptr,
- unsigned short next
- );
-/* Manipulate/Read Control/Status and Data Pointer words of a buffer descriptor.
- * If status is zero, the control/status word is accessed. If dptr is non-zero
- * the data pointer word is accessed.
- *
- * \param list The list that the descriptor is located at
- *
- * \param entry_no The descriptor number accessed
- *
- * \param status IN/OUT. If zero no effect. If pointer is non-zero the
- * value pointed to:
- * IN: Written to Control/Status
- * OUT: the value of the Control/Status word before writing.
- *
- * \param dptr IN/OUT. If zero no effect. If pointer is non-zero, the
- * value pointed to:
- * IN: non-zero: Descriptor data pointer will be updated with
- * this value. Note that the LSB indicate if the address
- * must be translated into hardware-aware address.
- * OUT: The old data pointer is stored here.
- */
-extern int gr1553rt_bd_update(
- struct gr1553rt_list *list,
- int entry_no,
- unsigned int *status,
- uint16_t **dptr
- );
-/* Get the next/current descriptor processed of a RT sub-address.
- *
- * \param subadr RT Subaddress
- * \param txeno Pointer to where TX descriptor number is stored.
- * \param rxeno Pointer to where RX descriptor number is stored.
- */
-extern int gr1553rt_indication(void *rt, int subadr, int *txeno, int *rxeno);
-/* Take a GR1553RT hardware device identified by minor.
- * A pointer is returned that is used internally by the GR1553RT
- * driver, it is used as an input parameter 'rt' to all other
- * functions that manipulate the hardware.
- *
- * This function initializes the RT hardware to a stopped/disable level.
- */
-extern void *gr1553rt_open(int minor);
-/* Close and stop/disable the RT hardware. */
-extern void gr1553rt_close(void *rt);
-/* Configure the RT. The RT device must be configured once before
- * started. A started RT device can not be configured.
- *
- * \param rt The RT to configure
- * \param cfg Configuration parameters
- */
-extern int gr1553rt_config(void *rt, struct gr1553rt_cfg *cfg);
-/* Schedule a RX or TX list on a sub address. If a list has already been
- * schduled on the subaddress and on the same transfer type (RX/TX), the
- * old list is replaced with the list given here.
- *
- * \param subadr Subaddress to schedule list on
- * \param tx Subaddress transfer type: 1=TX, 0=RX
- * \param list Preconfigued RT list scheduled
- */
-extern void gr1553rt_sa_schedule(
- void *rt,
- int subadr,
- int tx,
- struct gr1553rt_list *list
- );
-/* Set SubAdress options. One may for example Enable or Disable a sub
- * address RX and/or TX. See hardware manual for SA-Table configuration
- * options.
- *
- * \param subadr SubAddress to configure
- * \param mask Bit mask of option-bits written to subaddress config
- * \param options The new options written to subaddress config.
- *
- */
-extern void gr1553rt_sa_setopts(
- void *rt,
- int subadr,
- unsigned int mask,
- unsigned int options
- );
-/* Get The Subaddress and transfer type of a scheduled list. Normally the
- * application knows which subaddress the list is for.
- *
- * \param list List to lookup information for
- * \param subadr Pointer to where the subaddress is stored
- * \param tx Transfer type is stored here. 1=TX, 0=RX.
- */
-extern void gr1553rt_list_sa(
- struct gr1553rt_list *list,
- int *subadr,
- int *tx
- );
-/* Start RT Communication
- *
- * Interrupts will be enabled. The RT enabled and the "RT-run-time"
- * part of the API will be opened for the user and parts that need the
- * RT to be stopped are no longer available. After the RT has been
- * started the configuration function can not be called.
- */
-extern int gr1553rt_start(void *rt);
-/* Get Status of the RT core. See data structure gr1553rt_status for more
- * information about the result. It can be used to read out:
- * - time information
- * - sync information
- * - bus & RT status
- *
- * \param status Pointer to where the status words will be stored. They
- * are stored according to the gr1553rt_status data structure.
- */
-extern void gr1553rt_status(void *rt, struct gr1553rt_status *status);
-/* Stop RT communication. Only possible to stop an already started RT device.
- * Interrupts are disabled and the RT Enable bit cleared.
- */
-extern void gr1553rt_stop(void *rt);
-/* Set RT vector and/or bit word.
- *
- * - Vector Word is used in response to "Transmit vector word" BC commands
- * - Bit Word is used in response to "Transmit bit word" BC commands
- *
- *
- * \param mask Bit-Mask, bits that are 1 will result in that bit in the
- * words register being overwritten with the value of words
- * \param words Bits 31..16: Bit Word. Bits 15..0: Vector Word.
- *
- * Operation:
- * hw_words = (hw_words & ~mask) | (words & mask)
- */
-extern void gr1553rt_set_vecword(
- void *rt,
- unsigned int mask,
- unsigned int words
- );
-/* Set selectable bits of the "Bus Status Register". The bits written
- * is determined by the "mask" bit-mask. Operation:
- *
- * bus_status = (bus_status & ~mask) | (sts & mask)
- *
- */
-extern void gr1553rt_set_bussts(void *rt, unsigned int mask, unsigned int sts);
-/* Read up to MAX number of entries in eventlog log.
- *
- * \param dst Destination address for event log entries
- * \param max Maximal number of event log entries that an be stored into dst
- *
- * Return
- * negative Failure
- * zero No entries available at the moment
- * positive Number of entries copied into dst
- */
-extern int gr1553rt_evlog_read(void *rt, unsigned int *dst, int max);
-#ifdef __cplusplus