path: root/bsps/arm/atsam/include/libchip/include/samv71/component/component_afec.h
diff options
authorChris Johns <>2017-12-23 18:18:56 +1100
committerSebastian Huber <>2018-01-25 08:45:26 +0100
commit2afb22b7e1ebcbe40373ff7e0efae7d207c655a9 (patch)
tree44759efe9374f13200a97e96d91bd9a2b7e5ce2a /bsps/arm/atsam/include/libchip/include/samv71/component/component_afec.h
parentMAINTAINERS: Add myself to Write After Approval. (diff)
Remove make preinstall
A speciality of the RTEMS build system was the make preinstall step. It copied header files from arbitrary locations into the build tree. The header files were included via the -Bsome/build/tree/path GCC command line option. This has at least seven problems: * The make preinstall step itself needs time and disk space. * Errors in header files show up in the build tree copy. This makes it hard for editors to open the right file to fix the error. * There is no clear relationship between source and build tree header files. This makes an audit of the build process difficult. * The visibility of all header files in the build tree makes it difficult to enforce API barriers. For example it is discouraged to use BSP-specifics in the cpukit. * An introduction of a new build system is difficult. * Include paths specified by the -B option are system headers. This may suppress warnings. * The parallel build had sporadic failures on some hosts. This patch removes the make preinstall step. All installed header files are moved to dedicated include directories in the source tree. Let @RTEMS_CPU@ be the target architecture, e.g. arm, powerpc, sparc, etc. Let @RTEMS_BSP_FAMILIY@ be a BSP family base directory, e.g. erc32, imx, qoriq, etc. The new cpukit include directories are: * cpukit/include * cpukit/score/cpu/@RTEMS_CPU@/include * cpukit/libnetworking The new BSP include directories are: * bsps/include * bsps/@RTEMS_CPU@/include * bsps/@RTEMS_CPU@/@RTEMS_BSP_FAMILIY@/include There are build tree include directories for generated files. The include directory order favours the most general header file, e.g. it is not possible to override general header files via the include path order. The "bootstrap -p" option was removed. The new "bootstrap -H" option should be used to regenerate the "" files. Update #3254.
Diffstat (limited to 'bsps/arm/atsam/include/libchip/include/samv71/component/component_afec.h')
1 files changed, 490 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bsps/arm/atsam/include/libchip/include/samv71/component/component_afec.h b/bsps/arm/atsam/include/libchip/include/samv71/component/component_afec.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b514a28b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bsps/arm/atsam/include/libchip/include/samv71/component/component_afec.h
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Atmel Microcontroller Software Support */
+/* SAM Software Package License */
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+/* Copyright (c) 2015, Atmel Corporation */
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+/* All rights reserved. */
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+/* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without */
+/* modification, are permitted provided that the following condition is met: */
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+/* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, */
+/* this list of conditions and the disclaimer below. */
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+/* Atmel's name may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from */
+/* this software without specific prior written permission. */
+/* */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ============================================================================= */
+/** SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Analog Front-End Controller */
+/* ============================================================================= */
+/** \addtogroup SAMV71_AFEC Analog Front-End Controller */
+#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
+/** \brief Afec hardware registers */
+typedef struct {
+ __O uint32_t AFEC_CR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x00) AFEC Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t AFEC_MR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x04) AFEC Mode Register */
+ __IO uint32_t AFEC_EMR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x08) AFEC Extended Mode Register */
+ __IO uint32_t AFEC_SEQ1R; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x0C) AFEC Channel Sequence 1 Register */
+ __IO uint32_t AFEC_SEQ2R; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x10) AFEC Channel Sequence 2 Register */
+ __O uint32_t AFEC_CHER; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x14) AFEC Channel Enable Register */
+ __O uint32_t AFEC_CHDR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x18) AFEC Channel Disable Register */
+ __I uint32_t AFEC_CHSR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x1C) AFEC Channel Status Register */
+ __I uint32_t AFEC_LCDR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x20) AFEC Last Converted Data Register */
+ __O uint32_t AFEC_IER; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x24) AFEC Interrupt Enable Register */
+ __O uint32_t AFEC_IDR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x28) AFEC Interrupt Disable Register */
+ __I uint32_t AFEC_IMR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x2C) AFEC Interrupt Mask Register */
+ __I uint32_t AFEC_ISR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x30) AFEC Interrupt Status Register */
+ __I uint32_t Reserved1[6];
+ __I uint32_t AFEC_OVER; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x4C) AFEC Overrun Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t AFEC_CWR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x50) AFEC Compare Window Register */
+ __IO uint32_t AFEC_CGR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x54) AFEC Channel Gain Register */
+ __I uint32_t Reserved2[2];
+ __IO uint32_t AFEC_DIFFR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x60) AFEC Channel Differential Register */
+ __IO uint32_t AFEC_CSELR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x64) AFEC Channel Selection Register */
+ __I uint32_t AFEC_CDR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x68) AFEC Channel Data Register */
+ __IO uint32_t AFEC_COCR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x6C) AFEC Channel Offset Compensation Register */
+ __IO uint32_t AFEC_TEMPMR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x70) AFEC Temperature Sensor Mode Register */
+ __IO uint32_t AFEC_TEMPCWR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x74) AFEC Temperature Compare Window Register */
+ __I uint32_t Reserved3[7];
+ __IO uint32_t AFEC_ACR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0x94) AFEC Analog Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t Reserved4[2];
+ __IO uint32_t AFEC_SHMR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0xA0) AFEC Sample & Hold Mode Register */
+ __I uint32_t Reserved5[11];
+ __IO uint32_t AFEC_COSR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0xD0) AFEC Correction Select Register */
+ __IO uint32_t AFEC_CVR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0xD4) AFEC Correction Values Register */
+ __IO uint32_t AFEC_CECR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0xD8) AFEC Channel Error Correction Register */
+ __I uint32_t Reserved6[2];
+ __IO uint32_t AFEC_WPMR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0xE4) AFEC Write Protection Mode Register */
+ __I uint32_t AFEC_WPSR; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0xE8) AFEC Write Protection Status Register */
+ __I uint32_t Reserved7[4];
+ __I uint32_t AFEC_VERSION; /**< \brief (Afec Offset: 0xFC) AFEC Version Register */
+} Afec;
+#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
+/* -------- AFEC_CR : (AFEC Offset: 0x00) AFEC Control Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_CR_SWRST (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_CR) Software Reset */
+#define AFEC_CR_START (0x1u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_CR) Start Conversion */
+/* -------- AFEC_MR : (AFEC Offset: 0x04) AFEC Mode Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_MR_TRGEN (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Trigger Enable */
+#define AFEC_MR_TRGEN_DIS (0x0u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Hardware triggers are disabled. Starting a conversion is only possible by software. */
+#define AFEC_MR_TRGEN_EN (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Hardware trigger selected by TRGSEL field is enabled. */
+#define AFEC_MR_TRGSEL_Pos 1
+#define AFEC_MR_TRGSEL_Msk (0x7u << AFEC_MR_TRGSEL_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Trigger Selection */
+#define AFEC_MR_TRGSEL(value) ((AFEC_MR_TRGSEL_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_MR_TRGSEL_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_MR_TRGSEL_AFEC_TRIG0 (0x0u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) AFE0_ADTRG for AFEC0 / AFE1_ADTRG for AFEC1 */
+#define AFEC_MR_TRGSEL_AFEC_TRIG1 (0x1u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) TIOA Output of the Timer Counter Channel 0 for AFEC0/TIOA Output of the Timer Counter Channel 3 for AFEC1 */
+#define AFEC_MR_TRGSEL_AFEC_TRIG2 (0x2u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) TIOA Output of the Timer Counter Channel 1 for AFEC0/TIOA Output of the Timer Counter Channel 4 for AFEC1 */
+#define AFEC_MR_TRGSEL_AFEC_TRIG3 (0x3u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) TIOA Output of the Timer Counter Channel 2 for AFEC0/TIOA Output of the Timer Counter Channel 5 for AFEC1 */
+#define AFEC_MR_TRGSEL_AFEC_TRIG4 (0x4u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) PWM0 event line 0 for AFEC0 / PWM1 event line 0 for AFEC1 */
+#define AFEC_MR_TRGSEL_AFEC_TRIG5 (0x5u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) PWM0 event line 1 for AFEC0 / PWM1 event line 1 for AFEC1 */
+#define AFEC_MR_TRGSEL_AFEC_TRIG6 (0x6u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Analog Comparator */
+#define AFEC_MR_SLEEP (0x1u << 5) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Sleep Mode */
+#define AFEC_MR_SLEEP_NORMAL (0x0u << 5) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Normal mode: The AFE and reference voltage circuitry are kept ON between conversions. */
+#define AFEC_MR_SLEEP_SLEEP (0x1u << 5) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Sleep mode: The AFE and reference voltage circuitry are OFF between conversions. */
+#define AFEC_MR_FWUP (0x1u << 6) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Fast Wake-up */
+#define AFEC_MR_FWUP_OFF (0x0u << 6) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Normal Sleep mode: The sleep mode is defined by the SLEEP bit. */
+#define AFEC_MR_FWUP_ON (0x1u << 6) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Fast wake-up Sleep mode: The voltage reference is ON between conversions and AFE is OFF. */
+#define AFEC_MR_FREERUN (0x1u << 7) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Free Run Mode */
+#define AFEC_MR_FREERUN_OFF (0x0u << 7) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Normal mode */
+#define AFEC_MR_FREERUN_ON (0x1u << 7) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Free Run mode: Never wait for any trigger. */
+#define AFEC_MR_PRESCAL_Pos 8
+#define AFEC_MR_PRESCAL_Msk (0xffu << AFEC_MR_PRESCAL_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Prescaler Rate Selection */
+#define AFEC_MR_PRESCAL(value) ((AFEC_MR_PRESCAL_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_MR_PRESCAL_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_Pos 16
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_MR_STARTUP_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Start-up Time */
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP(value) ((AFEC_MR_STARTUP_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_MR_STARTUP_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_SUT0 (0x0u << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) 0 periods of AFE clock */
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_SUT8 (0x1u << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) 8 periods of AFE clock */
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_SUT16 (0x2u << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) 16 periods of AFE clock */
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_SUT24 (0x3u << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) 24 periods of AFE clock */
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_SUT64 (0x4u << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) 64 periods of AFE clock */
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_SUT80 (0x5u << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) 80 periods of AFE clock */
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_SUT96 (0x6u << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) 96 periods of AFE clock */
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_SUT112 (0x7u << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) 112 periods of AFE clock */
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_SUT512 (0x8u << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) 512 periods of AFE clock */
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_SUT576 (0x9u << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) 576 periods of AFE clock */
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_SUT640 (0xAu << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) 640 periods of AFE clock */
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_SUT704 (0xBu << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) 704 periods of AFE clock */
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_SUT768 (0xCu << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) 768 periods of AFE clock */
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_SUT832 (0xDu << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) 832 periods of AFE clock */
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_SUT896 (0xEu << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) 896 periods of AFE clock */
+#define AFEC_MR_STARTUP_SUT960 (0xFu << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) 960 periods of AFE clock */
+#define AFEC_MR_ONE (0x1u << 23) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) One */
+#define AFEC_MR_TRACKTIM_Pos 24
+#define AFEC_MR_TRACKTIM_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_MR_TRACKTIM_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Tracking Time */
+#define AFEC_MR_TRACKTIM(value) ((AFEC_MR_TRACKTIM_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_MR_TRACKTIM_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_MR_TRANSFER_Pos 28
+#define AFEC_MR_TRANSFER_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_MR_TRANSFER_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Transfer Period */
+#define AFEC_MR_TRANSFER(value) ((AFEC_MR_TRANSFER_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_MR_TRANSFER_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_MR_USEQ (0x1u << 31) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) User Sequence Enable */
+#define AFEC_MR_USEQ_NUM_ORDER (0x0u << 31) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) Normal mode: The controller converts channels in a simple numeric order. */
+#define AFEC_MR_USEQ_REG_ORDER (0x1u << 31) /**< \brief (AFEC_MR) User Sequence mode: The sequence respects what is defined in AFEC_SEQ1R and AFEC_SEQ1R. */
+/* -------- AFEC_EMR : (AFEC Offset: 0x08) AFEC Extended Mode Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_EMR_CMPMODE_Pos 0
+#define AFEC_EMR_CMPMODE_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_EMR_CMPMODE_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) Comparison Mode */
+#define AFEC_EMR_CMPMODE(value) ((AFEC_EMR_CMPMODE_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_EMR_CMPMODE_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_EMR_CMPMODE_LOW (0x0u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) Generates an event when the converted data is lower than the low threshold of the window. */
+#define AFEC_EMR_CMPMODE_HIGH (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) Generates an event when the converted data is higher than the high threshold of the window. */
+#define AFEC_EMR_CMPMODE_IN (0x2u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) Generates an event when the converted data is in the comparison window. */
+#define AFEC_EMR_CMPMODE_OUT (0x3u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) Generates an event when the converted data is out of the comparison window. */
+#define AFEC_EMR_CMPSEL_Pos 3
+#define AFEC_EMR_CMPSEL_Msk (0x1fu << AFEC_EMR_CMPSEL_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) Comparison Selected Channel */
+#define AFEC_EMR_CMPSEL(value) ((AFEC_EMR_CMPSEL_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_EMR_CMPSEL_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_EMR_CMPALL (0x1u << 9) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) Compare All Channels */
+#define AFEC_EMR_CMPFILTER_Pos 12
+#define AFEC_EMR_CMPFILTER_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_EMR_CMPFILTER_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) Compare Event Filtering */
+#define AFEC_EMR_RES_Pos 16
+#define AFEC_EMR_RES_Msk (0x7u << AFEC_EMR_RES_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) Resolution */
+#define AFEC_EMR_RES(value) ((AFEC_EMR_RES_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_EMR_RES_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_EMR_RES_NO_AVERAGE (0x0u << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) 12-bit resolution, AFE sample rate is maximum (no averaging). */
+#define AFEC_EMR_RES_OSR4 (0x2u << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) 13-bit resolution, AFE sample rate divided by 4 (averaging). */
+#define AFEC_EMR_RES_OSR16 (0x3u << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) 14-bit resolution, AFE sample rate divided by 16 (averaging). */
+#define AFEC_EMR_RES_OSR64 (0x4u << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) 15-bit resolution, AFE sample rate divided by 64 (averaging). */
+#define AFEC_EMR_RES_OSR256 (0x5u << 16) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) 16-bit resolution, AFE sample rate divided by 256 (averaging). */
+#define AFEC_EMR_TAG (0x1u << 24) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) TAG of the AFEC_LDCR */
+#define AFEC_EMR_STM (0x1u << 25) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) Single Trigger Mode */
+#define AFEC_EMR_SIGNMODE_Pos 28
+#define AFEC_EMR_SIGNMODE_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_EMR_SIGNMODE_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) Sign Mode */
+#define AFEC_EMR_SIGNMODE(value) ((AFEC_EMR_SIGNMODE_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_EMR_SIGNMODE_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_EMR_SIGNMODE_SE_UNSG_DF_SIGN (0x0u << 28) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) Single-Ended channels: Unsigned conversions.Differential channels: Signed conversions. */
+#define AFEC_EMR_SIGNMODE_SE_SIGN_DF_UNSG (0x1u << 28) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) Single-Ended channels: Signed conversions.Differential channels: Unsigned conversions. */
+#define AFEC_EMR_SIGNMODE_ALL_UNSIGNED (0x2u << 28) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) All channels: Unsigned conversions. */
+#define AFEC_EMR_SIGNMODE_ALL_SIGNED (0x3u << 28) /**< \brief (AFEC_EMR) All channels: Signed conversions. */
+/* -------- AFEC_SEQ1R : (AFEC Offset: 0x0C) AFEC Channel Sequence 1 Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH0_Pos 0
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH0_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH0_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_SEQ1R) User Sequence Number 0 */
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH0(value) ((AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH0_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH0_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH1_Pos 4
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH1_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH1_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_SEQ1R) User Sequence Number 1 */
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH1(value) ((AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH1_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH1_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH2_Pos 8
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH2_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH2_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_SEQ1R) User Sequence Number 2 */
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH2(value) ((AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH2_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH2_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH3_Pos 12
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH3_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH3_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_SEQ1R) User Sequence Number 3 */
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH3(value) ((AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH3_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH3_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH4_Pos 16
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH4_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH4_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_SEQ1R) User Sequence Number 4 */
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH4(value) ((AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH4_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH4_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH5_Pos 20
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH5_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH5_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_SEQ1R) User Sequence Number 5 */
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH5(value) ((AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH5_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH5_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH6_Pos 24
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH6_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH6_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_SEQ1R) User Sequence Number 6 */
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH6(value) ((AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH6_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH6_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH7_Pos 28
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH7_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH7_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_SEQ1R) User Sequence Number 7 */
+#define AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH7(value) ((AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH7_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_SEQ1R_USCH7_Pos)))
+/* -------- AFEC_SEQ2R : (AFEC Offset: 0x10) AFEC Channel Sequence 2 Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH8_Pos 0
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH8_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH8_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_SEQ2R) User Sequence Number 8 */
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH8(value) ((AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH8_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH8_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH9_Pos 4
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH9_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH9_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_SEQ2R) User Sequence Number 9 */
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH9(value) ((AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH9_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH9_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH10_Pos 8
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH10_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH10_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_SEQ2R) User Sequence Number 10 */
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH10(value) ((AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH10_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH10_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH11_Pos 12
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH11_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH11_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_SEQ2R) User Sequence Number 11 */
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH11(value) ((AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH11_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH11_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH12_Pos 16
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH12_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH12_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_SEQ2R) User Sequence Number 12 */
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH12(value) ((AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH12_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH12_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH13_Pos 20
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH13_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH13_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_SEQ2R) User Sequence Number 13 */
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH13(value) ((AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH13_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH13_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH14_Pos 24
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH14_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH14_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_SEQ2R) User Sequence Number 14 */
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH14(value) ((AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH14_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH14_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH15_Pos 28
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH15_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH15_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_SEQ2R) User Sequence Number 15 */
+#define AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH15(value) ((AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH15_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_SEQ2R_USCH15_Pos)))
+/* -------- AFEC_CHER : (AFEC Offset: 0x14) AFEC Channel Enable Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_CHER_CH0 (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHER) Channel 0 Enable */
+#define AFEC_CHER_CH1 (0x1u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHER) Channel 1 Enable */
+#define AFEC_CHER_CH2 (0x1u << 2) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHER) Channel 2 Enable */
+#define AFEC_CHER_CH3 (0x1u << 3) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHER) Channel 3 Enable */
+#define AFEC_CHER_CH4 (0x1u << 4) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHER) Channel 4 Enable */
+#define AFEC_CHER_CH5 (0x1u << 5) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHER) Channel 5 Enable */
+#define AFEC_CHER_CH6 (0x1u << 6) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHER) Channel 6 Enable */
+#define AFEC_CHER_CH7 (0x1u << 7) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHER) Channel 7 Enable */
+#define AFEC_CHER_CH8 (0x1u << 8) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHER) Channel 8 Enable */
+#define AFEC_CHER_CH9 (0x1u << 9) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHER) Channel 9 Enable */
+#define AFEC_CHER_CH10 (0x1u << 10) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHER) Channel 10 Enable */
+#define AFEC_CHER_CH11 (0x1u << 11) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHER) Channel 11 Enable */
+/* -------- AFEC_CHDR : (AFEC Offset: 0x18) AFEC Channel Disable Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_CHDR_CH0 (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHDR) Channel 0 Disable */
+#define AFEC_CHDR_CH1 (0x1u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHDR) Channel 1 Disable */
+#define AFEC_CHDR_CH2 (0x1u << 2) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHDR) Channel 2 Disable */
+#define AFEC_CHDR_CH3 (0x1u << 3) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHDR) Channel 3 Disable */
+#define AFEC_CHDR_CH4 (0x1u << 4) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHDR) Channel 4 Disable */
+#define AFEC_CHDR_CH5 (0x1u << 5) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHDR) Channel 5 Disable */
+#define AFEC_CHDR_CH6 (0x1u << 6) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHDR) Channel 6 Disable */
+#define AFEC_CHDR_CH7 (0x1u << 7) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHDR) Channel 7 Disable */
+#define AFEC_CHDR_CH8 (0x1u << 8) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHDR) Channel 8 Disable */
+#define AFEC_CHDR_CH9 (0x1u << 9) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHDR) Channel 9 Disable */
+#define AFEC_CHDR_CH10 (0x1u << 10) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHDR) Channel 10 Disable */
+#define AFEC_CHDR_CH11 (0x1u << 11) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHDR) Channel 11 Disable */
+/* -------- AFEC_CHSR : (AFEC Offset: 0x1C) AFEC Channel Status Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_CHSR_CH0 (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHSR) Channel 0 Status */
+#define AFEC_CHSR_CH1 (0x1u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHSR) Channel 1 Status */
+#define AFEC_CHSR_CH2 (0x1u << 2) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHSR) Channel 2 Status */
+#define AFEC_CHSR_CH3 (0x1u << 3) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHSR) Channel 3 Status */
+#define AFEC_CHSR_CH4 (0x1u << 4) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHSR) Channel 4 Status */
+#define AFEC_CHSR_CH5 (0x1u << 5) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHSR) Channel 5 Status */
+#define AFEC_CHSR_CH6 (0x1u << 6) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHSR) Channel 6 Status */
+#define AFEC_CHSR_CH7 (0x1u << 7) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHSR) Channel 7 Status */
+#define AFEC_CHSR_CH8 (0x1u << 8) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHSR) Channel 8 Status */
+#define AFEC_CHSR_CH9 (0x1u << 9) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHSR) Channel 9 Status */
+#define AFEC_CHSR_CH10 (0x1u << 10) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHSR) Channel 10 Status */
+#define AFEC_CHSR_CH11 (0x1u << 11) /**< \brief (AFEC_CHSR) Channel 11 Status */
+/* -------- AFEC_LCDR : (AFEC Offset: 0x20) AFEC Last Converted Data Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_LCDR_LDATA_Pos 0
+#define AFEC_LCDR_LDATA_Msk (0xffffu << AFEC_LCDR_LDATA_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_LCDR) Last Data Converted */
+#define AFEC_LCDR_CHNB_Pos 24
+#define AFEC_LCDR_CHNB_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_LCDR_CHNB_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_LCDR) Channel Number */
+/* -------- AFEC_IER : (AFEC Offset: 0x24) AFEC Interrupt Enable Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_IER_EOC0 (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_IER) End of Conversion Interrupt Enable 0 */
+#define AFEC_IER_EOC1 (0x1u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_IER) End of Conversion Interrupt Enable 1 */
+#define AFEC_IER_EOC2 (0x1u << 2) /**< \brief (AFEC_IER) End of Conversion Interrupt Enable 2 */
+#define AFEC_IER_EOC3 (0x1u << 3) /**< \brief (AFEC_IER) End of Conversion Interrupt Enable 3 */
+#define AFEC_IER_EOC4 (0x1u << 4) /**< \brief (AFEC_IER) End of Conversion Interrupt Enable 4 */
+#define AFEC_IER_EOC5 (0x1u << 5) /**< \brief (AFEC_IER) End of Conversion Interrupt Enable 5 */
+#define AFEC_IER_EOC6 (0x1u << 6) /**< \brief (AFEC_IER) End of Conversion Interrupt Enable 6 */
+#define AFEC_IER_EOC7 (0x1u << 7) /**< \brief (AFEC_IER) End of Conversion Interrupt Enable 7 */
+#define AFEC_IER_EOC8 (0x1u << 8) /**< \brief (AFEC_IER) End of Conversion Interrupt Enable 8 */
+#define AFEC_IER_EOC9 (0x1u << 9) /**< \brief (AFEC_IER) End of Conversion Interrupt Enable 9 */
+#define AFEC_IER_EOC10 (0x1u << 10) /**< \brief (AFEC_IER) End of Conversion Interrupt Enable 10 */
+#define AFEC_IER_EOC11 (0x1u << 11) /**< \brief (AFEC_IER) End of Conversion Interrupt Enable 11 */
+#define AFEC_IER_DRDY (0x1u << 24) /**< \brief (AFEC_IER) Data Ready Interrupt Enable */
+#define AFEC_IER_GOVRE (0x1u << 25) /**< \brief (AFEC_IER) General Overrun Error Interrupt Enable */
+#define AFEC_IER_COMPE (0x1u << 26) /**< \brief (AFEC_IER) Comparison Event Interrupt Enable */
+#define AFEC_IER_TEMPCHG (0x1u << 30) /**< \brief (AFEC_IER) Temperature Change Interrupt Enable */
+/* -------- AFEC_IDR : (AFEC Offset: 0x28) AFEC Interrupt Disable Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_IDR_EOC0 (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_IDR) End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 0 */
+#define AFEC_IDR_EOC1 (0x1u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_IDR) End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 1 */
+#define AFEC_IDR_EOC2 (0x1u << 2) /**< \brief (AFEC_IDR) End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 2 */
+#define AFEC_IDR_EOC3 (0x1u << 3) /**< \brief (AFEC_IDR) End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 3 */
+#define AFEC_IDR_EOC4 (0x1u << 4) /**< \brief (AFEC_IDR) End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 4 */
+#define AFEC_IDR_EOC5 (0x1u << 5) /**< \brief (AFEC_IDR) End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 5 */
+#define AFEC_IDR_EOC6 (0x1u << 6) /**< \brief (AFEC_IDR) End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 6 */
+#define AFEC_IDR_EOC7 (0x1u << 7) /**< \brief (AFEC_IDR) End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 7 */
+#define AFEC_IDR_EOC8 (0x1u << 8) /**< \brief (AFEC_IDR) End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 8 */
+#define AFEC_IDR_EOC9 (0x1u << 9) /**< \brief (AFEC_IDR) End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 9 */
+#define AFEC_IDR_EOC10 (0x1u << 10) /**< \brief (AFEC_IDR) End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 10 */
+#define AFEC_IDR_EOC11 (0x1u << 11) /**< \brief (AFEC_IDR) End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 11 */
+#define AFEC_IDR_DRDY (0x1u << 24) /**< \brief (AFEC_IDR) Data Ready Interrupt Disable */
+#define AFEC_IDR_GOVRE (0x1u << 25) /**< \brief (AFEC_IDR) General Overrun Error Interrupt Disable */
+#define AFEC_IDR_COMPE (0x1u << 26) /**< \brief (AFEC_IDR) Comparison Event Interrupt Disable */
+#define AFEC_IDR_TEMPCHG (0x1u << 30) /**< \brief (AFEC_IDR) Temperature Change Interrupt Disable */
+/* -------- AFEC_IMR : (AFEC Offset: 0x2C) AFEC Interrupt Mask Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_IMR_EOC0 (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_IMR) End of Conversion Interrupt Mask 0 */
+#define AFEC_IMR_EOC1 (0x1u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_IMR) End of Conversion Interrupt Mask 1 */
+#define AFEC_IMR_EOC2 (0x1u << 2) /**< \brief (AFEC_IMR) End of Conversion Interrupt Mask 2 */
+#define AFEC_IMR_EOC3 (0x1u << 3) /**< \brief (AFEC_IMR) End of Conversion Interrupt Mask 3 */
+#define AFEC_IMR_EOC4 (0x1u << 4) /**< \brief (AFEC_IMR) End of Conversion Interrupt Mask 4 */
+#define AFEC_IMR_EOC5 (0x1u << 5) /**< \brief (AFEC_IMR) End of Conversion Interrupt Mask 5 */
+#define AFEC_IMR_EOC6 (0x1u << 6) /**< \brief (AFEC_IMR) End of Conversion Interrupt Mask 6 */
+#define AFEC_IMR_EOC7 (0x1u << 7) /**< \brief (AFEC_IMR) End of Conversion Interrupt Mask 7 */
+#define AFEC_IMR_EOC8 (0x1u << 8) /**< \brief (AFEC_IMR) End of Conversion Interrupt Mask 8 */
+#define AFEC_IMR_EOC9 (0x1u << 9) /**< \brief (AFEC_IMR) End of Conversion Interrupt Mask 9 */
+#define AFEC_IMR_EOC10 (0x1u << 10) /**< \brief (AFEC_IMR) End of Conversion Interrupt Mask 10 */
+#define AFEC_IMR_EOC11 (0x1u << 11) /**< \brief (AFEC_IMR) End of Conversion Interrupt Mask 11 */
+#define AFEC_IMR_DRDY (0x1u << 24) /**< \brief (AFEC_IMR) Data Ready Interrupt Mask */
+#define AFEC_IMR_GOVRE (0x1u << 25) /**< \brief (AFEC_IMR) General Overrun Error Interrupt Mask */
+#define AFEC_IMR_COMPE (0x1u << 26) /**< \brief (AFEC_IMR) Comparison Event Interrupt Mask */
+#define AFEC_IMR_TEMPCHG (0x1u << 30) /**< \brief (AFEC_IMR) Temperature Change Interrupt Mask */
+/* -------- AFEC_ISR : (AFEC Offset: 0x30) AFEC Interrupt Status Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_ISR_EOC0 (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_ISR) End of Conversion 0 (cleared by reading AFEC_CDRx) */
+#define AFEC_ISR_EOC1 (0x1u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_ISR) End of Conversion 1 (cleared by reading AFEC_CDRx) */
+#define AFEC_ISR_EOC2 (0x1u << 2) /**< \brief (AFEC_ISR) End of Conversion 2 (cleared by reading AFEC_CDRx) */
+#define AFEC_ISR_EOC3 (0x1u << 3) /**< \brief (AFEC_ISR) End of Conversion 3 (cleared by reading AFEC_CDRx) */
+#define AFEC_ISR_EOC4 (0x1u << 4) /**< \brief (AFEC_ISR) End of Conversion 4 (cleared by reading AFEC_CDRx) */
+#define AFEC_ISR_EOC5 (0x1u << 5) /**< \brief (AFEC_ISR) End of Conversion 5 (cleared by reading AFEC_CDRx) */
+#define AFEC_ISR_EOC6 (0x1u << 6) /**< \brief (AFEC_ISR) End of Conversion 6 (cleared by reading AFEC_CDRx) */
+#define AFEC_ISR_EOC7 (0x1u << 7) /**< \brief (AFEC_ISR) End of Conversion 7 (cleared by reading AFEC_CDRx) */
+#define AFEC_ISR_EOC8 (0x1u << 8) /**< \brief (AFEC_ISR) End of Conversion 8 (cleared by reading AFEC_CDRx) */
+#define AFEC_ISR_EOC9 (0x1u << 9) /**< \brief (AFEC_ISR) End of Conversion 9 (cleared by reading AFEC_CDRx) */
+#define AFEC_ISR_EOC10 (0x1u << 10) /**< \brief (AFEC_ISR) End of Conversion 10 (cleared by reading AFEC_CDRx) */
+#define AFEC_ISR_EOC11 (0x1u << 11) /**< \brief (AFEC_ISR) End of Conversion 11 (cleared by reading AFEC_CDRx) */
+#define AFEC_ISR_DRDY (0x1u << 24) /**< \brief (AFEC_ISR) Data Ready (cleared by reading AFEC_LCDR) */
+#define AFEC_ISR_GOVRE (0x1u << 25) /**< \brief (AFEC_ISR) General Overrun Error (cleared by reading AFEC_ISR) */
+#define AFEC_ISR_COMPE (0x1u << 26) /**< \brief (AFEC_ISR) Comparison Error (cleared by reading AFEC_ISR) */
+#define AFEC_ISR_TEMPCHG (0x1u << 30) /**< \brief (AFEC_ISR) Temperature Change (cleared on read) */
+/* -------- AFEC_OVER : (AFEC Offset: 0x4C) AFEC Overrun Status Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_OVER_OVRE0 (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_OVER) Overrun Error 0 */
+#define AFEC_OVER_OVRE1 (0x1u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_OVER) Overrun Error 1 */
+#define AFEC_OVER_OVRE2 (0x1u << 2) /**< \brief (AFEC_OVER) Overrun Error 2 */
+#define AFEC_OVER_OVRE3 (0x1u << 3) /**< \brief (AFEC_OVER) Overrun Error 3 */
+#define AFEC_OVER_OVRE4 (0x1u << 4) /**< \brief (AFEC_OVER) Overrun Error 4 */
+#define AFEC_OVER_OVRE5 (0x1u << 5) /**< \brief (AFEC_OVER) Overrun Error 5 */
+#define AFEC_OVER_OVRE6 (0x1u << 6) /**< \brief (AFEC_OVER) Overrun Error 6 */
+#define AFEC_OVER_OVRE7 (0x1u << 7) /**< \brief (AFEC_OVER) Overrun Error 7 */
+#define AFEC_OVER_OVRE8 (0x1u << 8) /**< \brief (AFEC_OVER) Overrun Error 8 */
+#define AFEC_OVER_OVRE9 (0x1u << 9) /**< \brief (AFEC_OVER) Overrun Error 9 */
+#define AFEC_OVER_OVRE10 (0x1u << 10) /**< \brief (AFEC_OVER) Overrun Error 10 */
+#define AFEC_OVER_OVRE11 (0x1u << 11) /**< \brief (AFEC_OVER) Overrun Error 11 */
+/* -------- AFEC_CWR : (AFEC Offset: 0x50) AFEC Compare Window Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_CWR_LOWTHRES_Pos 0
+#define AFEC_CWR_LOWTHRES_Msk (0xffffu << AFEC_CWR_LOWTHRES_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CWR) Low Threshold */
+#define AFEC_CWR_LOWTHRES(value) ((AFEC_CWR_LOWTHRES_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_CWR_LOWTHRES_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_CWR_HIGHTHRES_Pos 16
+#define AFEC_CWR_HIGHTHRES_Msk (0xffffu << AFEC_CWR_HIGHTHRES_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CWR) High Threshold */
+/* -------- AFEC_CGR : (AFEC Offset: 0x54) AFEC Channel Gain Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN0_Pos 0
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN0_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_CGR_GAIN0_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CGR) Gain for Channel 0 */
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN0(value) ((AFEC_CGR_GAIN0_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_CGR_GAIN0_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN1_Pos 2
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN1_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_CGR_GAIN1_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CGR) Gain for Channel 1 */
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN1(value) ((AFEC_CGR_GAIN1_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_CGR_GAIN1_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN2_Pos 4
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN2_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_CGR_GAIN2_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CGR) Gain for Channel 2 */
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN2(value) ((AFEC_CGR_GAIN2_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_CGR_GAIN2_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN3_Pos 6
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN3_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_CGR_GAIN3_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CGR) Gain for Channel 3 */
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN3(value) ((AFEC_CGR_GAIN3_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_CGR_GAIN3_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN4_Pos 8
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN4_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_CGR_GAIN4_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CGR) Gain for Channel 4 */
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN4(value) ((AFEC_CGR_GAIN4_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_CGR_GAIN4_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN5_Pos 10
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN5_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_CGR_GAIN5_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CGR) Gain for Channel 5 */
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN5(value) ((AFEC_CGR_GAIN5_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_CGR_GAIN5_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN6_Pos 12
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN6_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_CGR_GAIN6_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CGR) Gain for Channel 6 */
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN6(value) ((AFEC_CGR_GAIN6_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_CGR_GAIN6_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN7_Pos 14
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN7_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_CGR_GAIN7_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CGR) Gain for Channel 7 */
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN7(value) ((AFEC_CGR_GAIN7_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_CGR_GAIN7_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN8_Pos 16
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN8_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_CGR_GAIN8_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CGR) Gain for Channel 8 */
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN8(value) ((AFEC_CGR_GAIN8_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_CGR_GAIN8_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN9_Pos 18
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN9_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_CGR_GAIN9_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CGR) Gain for Channel 9 */
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN9(value) ((AFEC_CGR_GAIN9_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_CGR_GAIN9_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN10_Pos 20
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN10_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_CGR_GAIN10_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CGR) Gain for Channel 10 */
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN10(value) ((AFEC_CGR_GAIN10_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_CGR_GAIN10_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN11_Pos 22
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN11_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_CGR_GAIN11_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CGR) Gain for Channel 11 */
+#define AFEC_CGR_GAIN11(value) ((AFEC_CGR_GAIN11_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_CGR_GAIN11_Pos)))
+/* -------- AFEC_DIFFR : (AFEC Offset: 0x60) AFEC Channel Differential Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_DIFFR_DIFF0 (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_DIFFR) Differential inputs for channel 0 */
+#define AFEC_DIFFR_DIFF1 (0x1u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_DIFFR) Differential inputs for channel 1 */
+#define AFEC_DIFFR_DIFF2 (0x1u << 2) /**< \brief (AFEC_DIFFR) Differential inputs for channel 2 */
+#define AFEC_DIFFR_DIFF3 (0x1u << 3) /**< \brief (AFEC_DIFFR) Differential inputs for channel 3 */
+#define AFEC_DIFFR_DIFF4 (0x1u << 4) /**< \brief (AFEC_DIFFR) Differential inputs for channel 4 */
+#define AFEC_DIFFR_DIFF5 (0x1u << 5) /**< \brief (AFEC_DIFFR) Differential inputs for channel 5 */
+#define AFEC_DIFFR_DIFF6 (0x1u << 6) /**< \brief (AFEC_DIFFR) Differential inputs for channel 6 */
+#define AFEC_DIFFR_DIFF7 (0x1u << 7) /**< \brief (AFEC_DIFFR) Differential inputs for channel 7 */
+#define AFEC_DIFFR_DIFF8 (0x1u << 8) /**< \brief (AFEC_DIFFR) Differential inputs for channel 8 */
+#define AFEC_DIFFR_DIFF9 (0x1u << 9) /**< \brief (AFEC_DIFFR) Differential inputs for channel 9 */
+#define AFEC_DIFFR_DIFF10 (0x1u << 10) /**< \brief (AFEC_DIFFR) Differential inputs for channel 10 */
+#define AFEC_DIFFR_DIFF11 (0x1u << 11) /**< \brief (AFEC_DIFFR) Differential inputs for channel 11 */
+/* -------- AFEC_CSELR : (AFEC Offset: 0x64) AFEC Channel Selection Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_CSELR_CSEL_Pos 0
+#define AFEC_CSELR_CSEL_Msk (0xfu << AFEC_CSELR_CSEL_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CSELR) Channel Selection */
+#define AFEC_CSELR_CSEL(value) ((AFEC_CSELR_CSEL_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_CSELR_CSEL_Pos)))
+/* -------- AFEC_CDR : (AFEC Offset: 0x68) AFEC Channel Data Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_CDR_DATA_Pos 0
+#define AFEC_CDR_DATA_Msk (0xffffu << AFEC_CDR_DATA_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CDR) Converted Data */
+/* -------- AFEC_COCR : (AFEC Offset: 0x6C) AFEC Channel Offset Compensation Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_COCR_AOFF_Pos 0
+#define AFEC_COCR_AOFF_Msk (0x3ffu << AFEC_COCR_AOFF_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_COCR) Analog Offset */
+#define AFEC_COCR_AOFF(value) ((AFEC_COCR_AOFF_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_COCR_AOFF_Pos)))
+/* -------- AFEC_TEMPMR : (AFEC Offset: 0x70) AFEC Temperature Sensor Mode Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_TEMPMR_RTCT (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_TEMPMR) Temperature Sensor RTC Trigger Mode */
+#define AFEC_TEMPMR_TEMPCMPMOD_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_TEMPMR_TEMPCMPMOD_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_TEMPMR) Temperature Comparison Mode */
+#define AFEC_TEMPMR_TEMPCMPMOD_LOW (0x0u << 4) /**< \brief (AFEC_TEMPMR) Generates an event when the converted data is lower than the low threshold of the window. */
+#define AFEC_TEMPMR_TEMPCMPMOD_HIGH (0x1u << 4) /**< \brief (AFEC_TEMPMR) Generates an event when the converted data is higher than the high threshold of the window. */
+#define AFEC_TEMPMR_TEMPCMPMOD_IN (0x2u << 4) /**< \brief (AFEC_TEMPMR) Generates an event when the converted data is in the comparison window. */
+#define AFEC_TEMPMR_TEMPCMPMOD_OUT (0x3u << 4) /**< \brief (AFEC_TEMPMR) Generates an event when the converted data is out of the comparison window. */
+/* -------- AFEC_TEMPCWR : (AFEC Offset: 0x74) AFEC Temperature Compare Window Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_TEMPCWR_TLOWTHRES_Msk (0xffffu << AFEC_TEMPCWR_TLOWTHRES_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_TEMPCWR) Temperature Low Threshold */
+#define AFEC_TEMPCWR_THIGHTHRES_Msk (0xffffu << AFEC_TEMPCWR_THIGHTHRES_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_TEMPCWR) Temperature High Threshold */
+/* -------- AFEC_ACR : (AFEC Offset: 0x94) AFEC Analog Control Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_ACR_PGA0EN (0x1u << 2) /**< \brief (AFEC_ACR) PGA0 Enable */
+#define AFEC_ACR_PGA1EN (0x1u << 3) /**< \brief (AFEC_ACR) PGA1 Enable */
+#define AFEC_ACR_IBCTL_Pos 8
+#define AFEC_ACR_IBCTL_Msk (0x3u << AFEC_ACR_IBCTL_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_ACR) AFE Bias Current Control */
+#define AFEC_ACR_IBCTL(value) ((AFEC_ACR_IBCTL_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_ACR_IBCTL_Pos)))
+/* -------- AFEC_SHMR : (AFEC Offset: 0xA0) AFEC Sample & Hold Mode Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_SHMR_DUAL0 (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_SHMR) Dual Sample & Hold for channel 0 */
+#define AFEC_SHMR_DUAL1 (0x1u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_SHMR) Dual Sample & Hold for channel 1 */
+#define AFEC_SHMR_DUAL2 (0x1u << 2) /**< \brief (AFEC_SHMR) Dual Sample & Hold for channel 2 */
+#define AFEC_SHMR_DUAL3 (0x1u << 3) /**< \brief (AFEC_SHMR) Dual Sample & Hold for channel 3 */
+#define AFEC_SHMR_DUAL4 (0x1u << 4) /**< \brief (AFEC_SHMR) Dual Sample & Hold for channel 4 */
+#define AFEC_SHMR_DUAL5 (0x1u << 5) /**< \brief (AFEC_SHMR) Dual Sample & Hold for channel 5 */
+#define AFEC_SHMR_DUAL6 (0x1u << 6) /**< \brief (AFEC_SHMR) Dual Sample & Hold for channel 6 */
+#define AFEC_SHMR_DUAL7 (0x1u << 7) /**< \brief (AFEC_SHMR) Dual Sample & Hold for channel 7 */
+#define AFEC_SHMR_DUAL8 (0x1u << 8) /**< \brief (AFEC_SHMR) Dual Sample & Hold for channel 8 */
+#define AFEC_SHMR_DUAL9 (0x1u << 9) /**< \brief (AFEC_SHMR) Dual Sample & Hold for channel 9 */
+#define AFEC_SHMR_DUAL10 (0x1u << 10) /**< \brief (AFEC_SHMR) Dual Sample & Hold for channel 10 */
+#define AFEC_SHMR_DUAL11 (0x1u << 11) /**< \brief (AFEC_SHMR) Dual Sample & Hold for channel 11 */
+/* -------- AFEC_COSR : (AFEC Offset: 0xD0) AFEC Correction Select Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_COSR_CSEL (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_COSR) Sample & Hold unit Correction Select */
+/* -------- AFEC_CVR : (AFEC Offset: 0xD4) AFEC Correction Values Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_CVR_OFFSETCORR_Msk (0xffffu << AFEC_CVR_OFFSETCORR_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CVR) Offset Correction */
+#define AFEC_CVR_GAINCORR_Pos 16
+#define AFEC_CVR_GAINCORR_Msk (0xffffu << AFEC_CVR_GAINCORR_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_CVR) Gain Correction */
+#define AFEC_CVR_GAINCORR(value) ((AFEC_CVR_GAINCORR_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_CVR_GAINCORR_Pos)))
+/* -------- AFEC_CECR : (AFEC Offset: 0xD8) AFEC Channel Error Correction Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_CECR_ECORR0 (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_CECR) Error Correction Enable for channel 0 */
+#define AFEC_CECR_ECORR1 (0x1u << 1) /**< \brief (AFEC_CECR) Error Correction Enable for channel 1 */
+#define AFEC_CECR_ECORR2 (0x1u << 2) /**< \brief (AFEC_CECR) Error Correction Enable for channel 2 */
+#define AFEC_CECR_ECORR3 (0x1u << 3) /**< \brief (AFEC_CECR) Error Correction Enable for channel 3 */
+#define AFEC_CECR_ECORR4 (0x1u << 4) /**< \brief (AFEC_CECR) Error Correction Enable for channel 4 */
+#define AFEC_CECR_ECORR5 (0x1u << 5) /**< \brief (AFEC_CECR) Error Correction Enable for channel 5 */
+#define AFEC_CECR_ECORR6 (0x1u << 6) /**< \brief (AFEC_CECR) Error Correction Enable for channel 6 */
+#define AFEC_CECR_ECORR7 (0x1u << 7) /**< \brief (AFEC_CECR) Error Correction Enable for channel 7 */
+#define AFEC_CECR_ECORR8 (0x1u << 8) /**< \brief (AFEC_CECR) Error Correction Enable for channel 8 */
+#define AFEC_CECR_ECORR9 (0x1u << 9) /**< \brief (AFEC_CECR) Error Correction Enable for channel 9 */
+#define AFEC_CECR_ECORR10 (0x1u << 10) /**< \brief (AFEC_CECR) Error Correction Enable for channel 10 */
+#define AFEC_CECR_ECORR11 (0x1u << 11) /**< \brief (AFEC_CECR) Error Correction Enable for channel 11 */
+/* -------- AFEC_WPMR : (AFEC Offset: 0xE4) AFEC Write Protection Mode Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_WPMR_WPEN (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_WPMR) Write Protection Enable */
+#define AFEC_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos 8
+#define AFEC_WPMR_WPKEY_Msk (0xffffffu << AFEC_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_WPMR) Write Protect KEY */
+#define AFEC_WPMR_WPKEY(value) ((AFEC_WPMR_WPKEY_Msk & ((value) << AFEC_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos)))
+#define AFEC_WPMR_WPKEY_PASSWD (0x414443u << 8) /**< \brief (AFEC_WPMR) Writing any other value in this field aborts the write operation of the WPEN bit. Always reads as 0. */
+/* -------- AFEC_WPSR : (AFEC Offset: 0xE8) AFEC Write Protection Status Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_WPSR_WPVS (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (AFEC_WPSR) Write Protect Violation Status */
+#define AFEC_WPSR_WPVSRC_Pos 8
+#define AFEC_WPSR_WPVSRC_Msk (0xffffu << AFEC_WPSR_WPVSRC_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_WPSR) Write Protect Violation Source */
+/* -------- AFEC_VERSION : (AFEC Offset: 0xFC) AFEC Version Register -------- */
+#define AFEC_VERSION_VERSION_Msk (0xfffu << AFEC_VERSION_VERSION_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_VERSION) Version of the Hardware Module */
+#define AFEC_VERSION_MFN_Pos 16
+#define AFEC_VERSION_MFN_Msk (0x7u << AFEC_VERSION_MFN_Pos) /**< \brief (AFEC_VERSION) Metal Fix Number */
+#endif /* _SAMV71_AFEC_COMPONENT_ */