path: root/c/src/lib/libcpu/i386/cpu.h
blob: ec15f952da823edec0d211accacdeba74b48b89e (plain) (tree)








































 * cpu.h  - This file contains definitions for data structure related
 *          to Intel system programming. More information can be found
 *	    on Intel site and more precisely in the following book :
 *		Pentium Processor familly
 *		Developper's Manual
 *		Volume 3 : Architecture and Programming Manual
 * Copyright (C) 1998  Eric Valette (
 *                     Canon Centre Recherche France.
 *  The license and distribution terms for this file may be
 *  found in found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
 * $Id$

#ifndef _LIBCPU_i386_CPU_H
#define _LIBCPU_i386_CPU_H

#include <rtems/score/registers.h>

#ifndef ASM

 *  Interrupt Level Macros
#include <rtems/score/interrupts.h>

 *  Segment Access Routines
 *  NOTE:  Unfortunately, these are still static inlines even when the
 *         "macro" implementation of the generic code is used.

static inline unsigned short i386_get_cs()
  register unsigned short segment = 0;

  asm volatile ( "movw %%cs,%0" : "=r" (segment) : "0" (segment) );

  return segment;

static inline unsigned short i386_get_ds()
  register unsigned short segment = 0;

  asm volatile ( "movw %%ds,%0" : "=r" (segment) : "0" (segment) );

  return segment;

static inline unsigned short i386_get_es()
  register unsigned short segment = 0;

  asm volatile ( "movw %%es,%0" : "=r" (segment) : "0" (segment) );

  return segment;

static inline unsigned short i386_get_ss()
  register unsigned short segment = 0;

  asm volatile ( "movw %%ss,%0" : "=r" (segment) : "0" (segment) );

  return segment;

static inline unsigned short i386_get_fs()
  register unsigned short segment = 0;

  asm volatile ( "movw %%fs,%0" : "=r" (segment) : "0" (segment) );

  return segment;

static inline unsigned short i386_get_gs()
  register unsigned short segment = 0;

  asm volatile ( "movw %%gs,%0" : "=r" (segment) : "0" (segment) );

  return segment;

 *  IO Port Access Routines

#define i386_outport_byte( _port, _value ) \
do { register unsigned short __port  = _port; \
     register unsigned char  __value = _value; \
     asm volatile ( "outb %0,%1" : : "a" (__value), "d" (__port) ); \
   } while (0)

#define i386_outport_word( _port, _value ) \
do { register unsigned short __port  = _port; \
     register unsigned short __value = _value; \
     asm volatile ( "outw %0,%1" : : "a" (__value), "d" (__port) ); \
   } while (0)

#define i386_outport_long( _port, _value ) \
do { register unsigned short __port  = _port; \
     register unsigned int  __value = _value; \
     asm volatile ( "outl %0,%1" : : "a" (__value), "d" (__port) ); \
   } while (0)

#define i386_inport_byte( _port, _value ) \
do { register unsigned short __port  = _port; \
     register unsigned char  __value = 0; \
     asm volatile ( "inb %1,%0" : "=a" (__value) \
                                : "d"  (__port) \
                  ); \
     _value = __value; \
   } while (0)

#define i386_inport_word( _port, _value ) \
do { register unsigned short __port  = _port; \
     register unsigned short __value = 0; \
     asm volatile ( "inw %1,%0" : "=a" (__value) \
                                : "d"  (__port) \
                  ); \
     _value = __value; \
   } while (0)

#define i386_inport_long( _port, _value ) \
do { register unsigned short __port  = _port; \
     register unsigned int  __value = 0; \
     asm volatile ( "inl %1,%0" : "=a" (__value) \
                                : "d"  (__port) \
                  ); \
     _value = __value; \
   } while (0)

 * Type definition for raw interrupts.

typedef unsigned char  rtems_vector_offset;

typedef struct __rtems_raw_irq_connect_data__{
  * IDT vector offset (IRQ line + PC386_IRQ_VECTOR_BASE)
  rtems_vector_offset		idtIndex;
   * IDT raw handler. See comment on handler properties below in function prototype.
  rtems_raw_irq_hdl	   	hdl;
   * function for enabling raw interrupts. In order to be consistent
   * with the fact that the raw connexion can defined in the
   * libcpu library, this library should have no knowledge of
   * board specific hardware to manage interrupts and thus the
   * "on" routine must enable the irq both at device and PIC level.
    rtems_raw_irq_enable	on;
   * function for disabling raw interrupts. In order to be consistent
   * with the fact that the raw connexion can defined in the
   * libcpu library, this library should have no knowledge of
   * board specific hardware to manage interrupts and thus the
   * "on" routine must disable the irq both at device and PIC level.
  rtems_raw_irq_disable		off;
   * function enabling to know what interrupt may currently occur
  rtems_raw_irq_is_enabled	isOn;

typedef struct {
   * size of all the table fields (*Tbl) described below.
  unsigned int	 		idtSize;
   * Default handler used when disconnecting interrupts.
  rtems_raw_irq_connect_data	defaultRawEntry;
   * Table containing initials/current value.
  rtems_raw_irq_connect_data*	rawIrqHdlTbl;

#include <rtems/score/idtr.h>

 * C callable function enabling to get handler currently connected to a vector
rtems_raw_irq_hdl get_hdl_from_vector(rtems_vector_offset);

 * C callable function enabling to set up one raw idt entry
extern int i386_set_idt_entry (const rtems_raw_irq_connect_data*);

 * C callable function enabling to get one current raw idt entry
extern int i386_get_current_idt_entry (rtems_raw_irq_connect_data*);

 * C callable function enabling to remove one current raw idt entry
extern int i386_delete_idt_entry (const rtems_raw_irq_connect_data*);

 * C callable function enabling to init idt.
 * CAUTION : this function assumes that the IDTR register
 * has been already set.
extern int i386_init_idt (rtems_raw_irq_global_settings* config);

 * C callable function enabling to get actual idt configuration
extern int i386_get_idt_config (rtems_raw_irq_global_settings** config);

 * See page 11.12 Figure 11-8.

typedef struct {
  unsigned int limit_15_0 		: 16;
  unsigned int base_address_15_0	: 16;
  unsigned int base_address_23_16	: 8;
  unsigned int type			: 4;
  unsigned int descriptor_type		: 1;
  unsigned int privilege		: 2;
  unsigned int present			: 1;
  unsigned int limit_19_16		: 4;
  unsigned int available		: 1;
  unsigned int fixed_value_bits		: 1;
  unsigned int operation_size		: 1;
  unsigned int granularity		: 1;
  unsigned int base_address_31_24	: 8;

 * C callable function enabling to get easilly usable info from
 * the actual value of GDT register.
extern void i386_get_info_from_GDTR (segment_descriptors** table,
				     unsigned* limit);
 * C callable function enabling to change the value of GDT register. Must be called
 * with interrupts masked at processor level!!!.
extern void i386_set_GDTR (segment_descriptors*,
			   unsigned limit);

 * C callable function enabling to set up one raw interrupt handler
extern int i386_set_gdt_entry (unsigned short segment_selector, unsigned base,
					     unsigned limit);

 * See page 11.18 Figure 11-12.

typedef struct {
  unsigned int offset			: 12;
  unsigned int page			: 10;
  unsigned int directory 		: 10;

typedef union {
  la_bits	bits;
  unsigned int	address;

 * See page 11.20 Figure 11-14.

typedef struct {
  unsigned int present	 		: 1;
  unsigned int writable			: 1;
  unsigned int user			: 1;
  unsigned int write_through		: 1;
  unsigned int cache_disable		: 1;
  unsigned int accessed			: 1;
  unsigned int reserved1		: 1;
  unsigned int page_size		: 1;
  unsigned int reserved2		: 1;
  unsigned int available		: 3;
  unsigned int page_frame_address	: 20;

typedef union {
  page_dir_bits	bits;
  unsigned int	dir_entry;

typedef struct {
  unsigned int present	 		: 1;
  unsigned int writable			: 1;
  unsigned int user			: 1;
  unsigned int write_through		: 1;
  unsigned int cache_disable		: 1;
  unsigned int accessed			: 1;
  unsigned int dirty			: 1;
  unsigned int reserved2		: 2;
  unsigned int available		: 3;
  unsigned int page_frame_address	: 20;

typedef union {
  page_table_bits	bits;
  unsigned int		table_entry;
} page_table_entry;

 * definitions related to page table entry
#define PG_SIZE 0x1000
#define MAX_ENTRY (PG_SIZE/sizeof(page_dir_entry))
#define FOUR_MB       0x400000
#define MASK_FLAGS 0x1A

#define PTE_PRESENT  		0x01
#define PTE_WRITABLE 		0x02
#define PTE_USER		0x04
#define PTE_WRITE_THROUGH	0x08
#define PTE_CACHE_DISABLE	0x10

typedef struct {
  page_dir_entry pageDirEntry[MAX_ENTRY];
} page_directory;

typedef struct {
  page_table_entry pageTableEntry[MAX_ENTRY];
} page_table;

/* C declaration for paging management */

extern int  	_CPU_is_cache_enabled();
extern int  	_CPU_is_paging_enabled();
extern int 	init_paging();
extern void 	_CPU_enable_paging();
extern void 	_CPU_disable_paging();
extern void 	_CPU_disable_cache();
extern void 	_CPU_enable_cache();
extern int 	_CPU_map_phys_address
                      (void **mappedAddress, void *physAddress,
		       int size, int flag);
extern int 	_CPU_unmap_virt_address (void *mappedAddress, int size);
extern int 	_CPU_change_memory_mapping_attribute
                         (void **newAddress, void *mappedAddress,
			  unsigned int size, unsigned int flag);
extern int  	_CPU_display_memory_attribute();

# endif /* ASM */
