path: root/riscv.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'riscv.h')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/riscv.h b/riscv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e39cddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/riscv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+/* This file is part of SIS (SPARC/RISCV instruction simulator)
+ Copyright (C) 1995-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Contributed by Jiri Gaisler, Sweden.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>. */
+//#include "opcode/riscv.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "sis.h"
+#define C_EXTENSION
+#define FPU_ENABLED
+#define FPU_D_ENABLED
+#define T_JALR 2
+#define T_BMISS 2
+#define TRAP_IEXC 1
+#define TRAP_ILLEG 2
+#define TRAP_EBREAK 3
+#define TRAP_LMALI 4
+#define TRAP_LEXC 5
+#define TRAP_SMALI 6
+#define TRAP_SEXC 7
+#define TRAP_ECALLU 8
+#define TRAP_ECALLS 9
+#define TRAP_ECALLM 11
+#define TRAP_IPAGEF 13
+#define TRAP_LPAGEF 13
+#define TRAP_SPAGEF 15
+#define FSR_TT 0x1C000
+#define FP_IEEE 0x04000
+#define FP_UNIMP 0x0C000
+#define FP_SEQ_ERR 0x10000
+#define OP_LOAD 0x00
+#define OP_FLOAD 0x01
+#define OP_FENCE 0x03
+#define OP_IMM 0x04
+#define OP_AUIPC 0x05
+#define OP_STORE 0x08
+#define OP_FSW 0x09
+#define OP_AMO 0x0b
+#define OP_REG 0x0c
+#define OP_LUI 0x0d
+#define OP_FMADD 0x10
+#define OP_FMSUB 0x11
+#define OP_FNMSUB 0x12
+#define OP_FNMADD 0x13
+#define OP_FPU 0x14
+#define OP_BRANCH 0x18
+#define OP_JALR 0x19
+#define OP_JAL 0x1b
+#define OP_SYS 0x1c
+#define B_BE 0
+#define B_BNE 1
+#define B_BLT 4
+#define B_BGE 5
+#define B_BLTU 6
+#define B_BGEU 7
+#define ADD 0
+#define SLL 1
+#define SLT 2
+#define SLTU 3
+#define IXOR 4
+#define SRL 5
+#define IOR 6
+#define IAND 7
+#define SB 0
+#define SH 1
+#define SW 2
+#define LB 0
+#define LH 1
+#define LW 2
+#define LD 3
+#define LBU 4
+#define LHU 5
+#define AMOADD 0
+#define AMOSWAP 1
+#define LRQ 2
+#define SCQ 3
+#define AMOXOR 5
+#define AMOOR 8
+#define AMOAND 0x0C
+#define AMOMIN 0x10
+#define AMOMAX 0x14
+#define AMOMINU 0x18
+#define AMOMAXU 0x1C
+#define CSRRW 1
+#define CSRRS 2
+#define CSRRC 3
+#define CSRRWI 5
+#define CSRRSI 6
+#define CSRRCI 7
+#define CADDI4SPN 0
+#define CFLD 1
+#define CLW 2
+#define CFLW 3
+#define CFSD 5
+#define CSW 6
+#define CFSW 7
+#define CADDI 0
+#define CJAL 1
+#define CLI 2
+#define CADDI16SP 3
+#define CARITH 4
+#define CJNL 5
+#define CBEQZ 6
+#define CBNEZ 7
+#define SIGN_BIT 0x80000000
+/* # of cycles overhead when a trap is taken */
+#define TRAP_C 3
+#define CSR_MSTATUS 0x300
+#define CSR_MTVEC 0x305
+#define CSR_MEPC 0x341
+#define CSR_MIE 0x304
+#define CSR_MIP 0x344
+#define CSR_MSCRATCH 0x340
+#define CSR_MCAUSE 0x342
+#define CSR_FFLAGS 0x1
+#define CSR_FRM 0x2
+#define CSR_FCSR 0x3
+#define CSR_TIMEH 0xc81
+#define CSR_TIME 0xc01
+#define CSR_MHARTID 0xf14
+#define CSR_MISA 0x301
+#define CSR_MTVAL 0x343
+#define MSTATUS_MIE 0x08
+#define MSTATUS_MPIE 0x80
+#define MSTATUS_MPP 0x1800
+#define MIP_MTI 0x080
+#define MIP_MEIP 0x800
+#define MIE_MTIE 0x080
+#define MIE_MEIE 0x800
+#define MSTATUS_MASK 0x1888
+#define LDDM 0x7
+#define RISCV_IMM_BITS 12
+#define RV_IMM_SIGN(x) (-(((x) >> 31) & 1))
+#define RV_X(x, s, n) (((x) >> (s)) & ((1 << (n)) - 1))
+#define EXTRACT_RVC_LW_IMM(x) \
+ ((RV_X(x, 6, 1) << 2) | (RV_X(x, 10, 3) << 3) | (RV_X(x, 5, 1) << 6))
+ ((RV_X(x, 6, 1) << 2) | (RV_X(x, 5, 1) << 3) | (RV_X(x, 11, 2) << 4) | (RV_X(x, 7, 4) << 6))
+#define EXTRACT_RVC_LD_IMM(x) \
+ ((RV_X(x, 10, 3) << 3) | (RV_X(x, 5, 2) << 6))
+#define EXTRACT_RVC_IMM(x) \
+ (RV_X(x, 2, 5) | (-RV_X(x, 12, 1) << 5))
+#define EXTRACT_RVC_J_IMM(x) \
+ ((RV_X(x, 3, 3) << 1) | (RV_X(x, 11, 1) << 4) | (RV_X(x, 2, 1) << 5) | (RV_X(x, 7, 1) << 6) | (RV_X(x, 6, 1) << 7) | (RV_X(x, 9, 2) << 8) | (RV_X(x, 8, 1) << 10) | (-RV_X(x, 12, 1) << 11))
+#define EXTRACT_RVC_ADDI16SP_IMM(x) \
+ ((RV_X(x, 6, 1) << 4) | (RV_X(x, 2, 1) << 5) | (RV_X(x, 5, 1) << 6) | (RV_X(x, 3, 2) << 7) | (-RV_X(x, 12, 1) << 9))
+#define EXTRACT_RVC_LUI_IMM(x) \
+#define EXTRACT_RVC_B_IMM(x) \
+ ((RV_X(x, 3, 2) << 1) | (RV_X(x, 10, 2) << 3) | (RV_X(x, 2, 1) << 5) | (RV_X(x, 5, 2) << 6) | (-RV_X(x, 12, 1) << 8))
+#define EXTRACT_RVC_J_IMM(x) \
+ ((RV_X(x, 3, 3) << 1) | (RV_X(x, 11, 1) << 4) | (RV_X(x, 2, 1) << 5) | (RV_X(x, 7, 1) << 6) | (RV_X(x, 6, 1) << 7) | (RV_X(x, 9, 2) << 8) | (RV_X(x, 8, 1) << 10) | (-RV_X(x, 12, 1) << 11))
+#define EXTRACT_RVC_LWSP_IMM(x) \
+ ((RV_X(x, 4, 3) << 2) | (RV_X(x, 12, 1) << 5) | (RV_X(x, 2, 2) << 6))
+#define EXTRACT_RVC_LDSP_IMM(x) \
+ ((RV_X(x, 5, 2) << 3) | (RV_X(x, 12, 1) << 5) | (RV_X(x, 2, 3) << 6))
+#define EXTRACT_RVC_SWSP_IMM(x) \
+ ((RV_X(x, 9, 4) << 2) | (RV_X(x, 7, 2) << 6))
+#define EXTRACT_RVC_SDSP_IMM(x) \
+ ((RV_X(x, 10, 3) << 3) | (RV_X(x, 7, 3) << 6))
+#define EXTRACT_ITYPE_IMM(x) \
+ (RV_X(x, 20, 12) | (RV_IMM_SIGN(x) << 12))
+#define EXTRACT_STYPE_IMM(x) \
+ (RV_X(x, 7, 5) | (RV_X(x, 25, 7) << 5) | (RV_IMM_SIGN(x) << 12))
+#define EXTRACT_SBTYPE_IMM(x) \
+ ((RV_X(x, 8, 4) << 1) | (RV_X(x, 25, 6) << 5) | (RV_X(x, 7, 1) << 11) | (RV_IMM_SIGN(x) << 12))
+#define EXTRACT_UTYPE_IMM(x) \
+ ((RV_X(x, 12, 20) << 12) | (RV_IMM_SIGN(x) << 32))
+#define EXTRACT_UJTYPE_IMM(x) \
+ ((RV_X(x, 21, 10) << 1) | (RV_X(x, 20, 1) << 11) | (RV_X(x, 12, 8) << 12) | (RV_IMM_SIGN(x) << 20))