path: root/testsuites/psxtests/psx10/psx10.scn
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuites/psxtests/psx10/psx10.scn')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuites/psxtests/psx10/psx10.scn b/testsuites/psxtests/psx10/psx10.scn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a19b9d8c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuites/psxtests/psx10/psx10.scn
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+*** POSIX TEST 10 ***
+Init: pthread_condattr_init
+Init: pthread_condattr_init - EINVAL (attribute invalid)
+Init: pthread_condattr_destroy
+Init: pthread_condattr_destroy - EINVAL (attribute invalid)
+Init: pthread_condattr_init
+Init: pthread_condattr_setpshared - PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED
+Init: pthread_condattr_setpshared - PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE
+Init: pthread_condattr_setpshared - EINVAL (attribute invalid)
+Init: pthread_condattr_setpshared - EINVAL (pshared invalid)
+Init: pthread_condattr_getpshared - 0
+Init: pthread_condattr_getpshared - EINVAL (attribute invalid)
+Init: pthread_cond_init - NULL attr
+Init: pthread_cond_init - EINVAL (attr not initialized)
+Init: pthread_cond_init - ENOMEM (too many conds)
+Init: pthread_cond_destroy
+Init: pthread_cond_destroy - EINVAL (cond invalid)
+Init: pthread_cond_init - attr
+Init: sleep to switch to Task_1
+Task_1: ID is 0x0c010002
+Task_1: pthread_cond_wait
+Init: pthread_cond_destroy - EBUSY (task1 waiting)
+Init: pthread_cond_signal
+Init: sleep - switch to Task_1 and Task_2
+Task_1: back from pthread_cond_wait release mutex
+Task_1: pthread_cond_wait
+Task_2: ID is 0x0c010003
+Task_2: pthread_cond_wait
+Init: pthread_cond_broadcast
+Init: sleep - switch to Task_1
+Task_1: back from pthread_cond_wait release mutex
+Task_1: task exit
+Task_2: back from pthread_cond_wait release mutex
+Task_2: task exit
+Init: pthread_cond_timedwait for 3 seconds
+Init: pthread_cond_timedwait - ETIMEDOUT - (mutex not acquired)
+Init: pthread_cond_signal - EINVAL (cond invalid)
+Init: pthread_cond_broadcast - EINVAL (cond invalid)
+Init: pthread_cond_wait - EINVAL (cond invalid)
+Init: pthread_cond_timedwait - EINVAL (cond invalid)
+Init: pthread_cond_wait - EINVAL (mutex invalid)
+Init: pthread_cond_timedwait - EINVAL (mutex invalid)
+Init: pthread_cond_timedwait - EINVAL (abstime NULL)
+Init: pthread_cond_timedwait - EINVAL (abstime->tv_sec invalid)
+Init: pthread_cond_timedwait - EINVAL (abstime->tv_nsec invalid)
+Init: pthread_cond_timedwait - EINVAL (abstime->tv_nsec to large)
+Init: pthread_cond_wait - EINVAL (mutex not locked before call)
+Init: pthread_cond_timedwait - EINVAL (mutex not locked before call)
+Init: sleep - switch to Task_3
+Task_3: ID is 0x0c010004
+Task_3: pthread_cond_wait
+Init: pthread_cond_signal
+Init: sleep - switch to Task_3
+Task_3: pthread_cond_wait - EINVAL (mutex not locked after signal)
+Task_3: task exit
+*** END OF POSIX TEST 10 ***