path: root/doc/tools/texi2www/texi2www
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/tools/texi2www/texi2www')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1276 deletions
diff --git a/doc/tools/texi2www/texi2www b/doc/tools/texi2www/texi2www
deleted file mode 100755
index 3e677936b9..0000000000
--- a/doc/tools/texi2www/texi2www
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1276 +0,0 @@
-# (Works with both perl 4 and perl 5)
-# $Id$
-$version = 'Jan 2 1996';
-$copyright = <<EOT;
-texi2www - converts texinfo to HTML
-Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996 Tim Singletary
-This program is freely distributable under the terms of the GNU
-GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. In particular, modified versions of this
-program must retain this copyright notice and must remain freely
-$usage = <<EOT;
-Usage: texi2www [option ...] texinfo_file
-where options are:
- -dir directory -- Specify output directory. Default is `.'.
- -dirfile path -- Specifies a replacement for ../dir.html
- -header path -- Specifies the path to a file containing HTML;
- this files gets inserted near the top of each
- generated HTML file.
- -footer path -- Specifies the path to a file containing HTML;
- this files gets inserted near the bottom of each
- generated HTML file.
- -icons path -- Specifies the path, relative to the output directory,
- to the arrow files. Default is `..'.
- -base -- Specify the base part fo the genrated short file names
- -uselongnames -- Use long names for generated html files
- -verbose -- Verbose output.
-The complete user\'s is available at
-%lookup = (); # clear the name mapping hash
-$uselongnames=0; # default to using short names
-$base = "a"; # default short name base (BASEnnnnn.html)
-$outcount = 0; # count for the nnnnn part of short names
-$icons = ".."; # where are the icons
-$dir = "."; # where are the generated files to go
-$dirfile = "../dir.html"; # "up" node pointer
-while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
- $_ = shift;
- if (/-base/) {$base = shift; next;}
- if (/-dirfile/) {$dirfile = shift; next;}
- if (/-dir/) {$_ = shift; s!/$!!; s!$!/!; $dir = $_; next;}
- if (/-footer/) {$footer = shift; next;}
- if (/-header/) {$header = shift; next;}
- if (/-icons/) {$_ = shift; s!\/$!!; $icons = $_; next;}
- if (/-uselongnames/) {$uselongnames = 1; next;}
- if (/-verbose/) {$verbose = 1; next;}
- die $usage;
-# Read the texinfo input into @texinfo
-&read_input(1,'/^\@bye/',"$texinfo_file[0] line 1");
-$texinfo[$ntexinfo] = "\@bye\n";
-$origin[$ntexinfo] = "$texinfo_file[0] line $.";
-# Parse @texinfo
-$texinfo_index = 0;
-while ($texinfo_index < @texinfo) {
- &get_more_stuff_to_parse();
- if (/^\@bye/) {
- &terminate_node();
- print "Normal completion\n";
- exit;
- }
- &parse();
-print "Huh? didn't parse the \@bye directive!\n";
-sub canonical # (node_name)
- local ($n) = @_;
- $n =~ s/^\s+//; $n =~ s/\s+$//; # strip whitespace
- return "$dirfile" if ($n =~ /\(dir\)/i); # handle (dir)
- if ($n =~ /^\(([^\)]+)\)(.*)/) {
- $p = $1; $p =~ s/^\s+//; $p =~ s/\s+$//; $p .= "/";
- $n = $2; $n =~ s/^\s+//; $n =~ s/\s+$//;
- } else {
- $p = "";
- }
- $n =~ s/\$/\$\$/; # `$' -> `$$'
- $n =~ s/_/\$_/g; # `_' -> `$_'
- $n =~ s/\s+/_/g; # whitespace -> `_'
- # anything else that's funky get
- # translated to `$xx' where `xx'
- # are hex digits.
- while ($n =~ /(.*)([^-a-zA-Z0-9\$_.])(.*)/) {
- $n = $1 . sprintf("\$%02x",ord($2)) . $3;
- }
- if ($uselongnames) {
- return "$p$n.html" if ($n);
- } else {
- if ($n eq 'Top') {
- $lookup{"$p$n"}= "index.html";
- return $lookup{"$p$n"};
- } elsif ($n) {
- if (! $lookup{"$p$n"}) {
- $outcount = $outcount + 1;
- #$lookup{"$p$n"}= "$base$outcount.html";
- $lookup{"$p$n"} = sprintf "%s%05d.html", $base, $outcount;
- }
- return $lookup{"$p$n"};
- }
- }
- return "";
-} # canonical
-sub deduce_node_links
-# On entry, $_ is a node line and $start_index is the index (in @texinfo)
-# the node line.
-# &deduce_node_links() sets $next, $prev, and $up.
- local ($level,$i,$node,$j);
- # First, search down from this node to the next sectioning command.
- $level = &determine_node_level($start_index+1);
- # Next, look for the `next' node (i.e., the next node at the
- # same or a higher level).
- undef($next);
- for ($i=$start_index+1; $i < $ntexinfo; ++$i) {
- $_ = $texinfo[$i];
- next unless /^\@node +([^,]+).*\n/;
- $j = &determine_node_level($i+1);
- if ($j <= $level) {
- if ($j == $level) {$next = $1;}
- last;
- }
- }
- # Look for the `prev' and `up' nodes
- undef($prev);
- undef($up);
- for ($i=$start_index-1; $i > 1; --$i) {
- $_ = $texinfo[$i];
- next unless /^\@node\s+([^,]+).*\n/;
- $j = &determine_node_level($i+1);
- if ($j == $level) {
- unless ($prev) {$prev = $1;}
- } elsif ($j < $level) {
- $up = $1;
- last;
- }
- }
- unless (defined($up)) {$up = "(dir)";}
- $xthis = $this;
- $xthis =~ s/\n//;
-} # deduce_node_links
-sub determine_node_level
- local ($i) = @_;
- local ($level);
- $level = 0;
- while ($i < $ntexinfo) {
- $_ = $texinfo[$i];
- ++$i;
- next if /^\s+$/;
- last if (/\@node/);
- last unless (/\@(\w+)/);
- if ($directive_section{$1}) {
- $level = $directive_section{$1};
- last;
- }
- }
- return $level;
-} # determine_node_level
-sub expand_xref
- local ($cmd,$arg) = @_;
- local ($node,$xrefname,$topic,$infofile,$manual,$url,$x);
- if ($cmd eq 'inforef') {
- ($node,$xrefname,$infofile) = split(/,/,$arg);
- $topic = $manual = '';
- } elsif ($cmd eq 'href') {
- ($xrefname,$node,$infofile,$url) = split(/,/,$arg);
- } else {
- ($node,$xrefname,$topic,$infofile,$manual) = split(/,/,$arg);
- }
- $xrefname =~ s/^\s+//; $infofile =~ s/^\s+//;
- $xrefname =~ s/\s+$//; $infofile =~ s/\s+$//;
- $xrefname =~ s/\s+/ /; $infofile =~ s/\s+/ /;
- $infofile =~ s/\.texi$//;
- $infofile =~ s/\.texinfo$//;
- if ($xrefname =~ /^$/) {$xrefname = $node;}
- $node = &canonical($node);
- unless ($url) {
- unless ($infofile =~ /^$/) {$url = "../$infofile/";}
- $url = $url . $node;
- }
- $x = "<A HREF=\"$url\">$xrefname</A>";
-} # expand_xref
-sub get_more_stuff_to_parse
- $start_index = $texinfo_index;
- $_ = '';
- do {
- if ($texinfo_index >= @texinfo) {
- print "Unclosed \@x{y} in chunk beginning at "
- . "$origin[$start_index]\n";
- return;
- }
- s/\n$/ /;
- $more = $texinfo[$texinfo_index++];
- $more =~ s/\@\*/<BR>\n/g;
- $more =~ s/\@\./\./g;
- $more =~ s/\@\://g;
- $more =~ s/\@refill//g;
- $_ .= $more;
- # Expand all @a{b} in line
- while (/\@(\w+)\{([^{}]*)\}/) {
- $atcmd = $1;
- $atarg = $2;
- if ($z = $atxy_2_zyz{$atcmd}) {
- if ($z =~ /(.+),(.+),(.+)/) {
- $left = $1; $z = $2; $right = $3;
- } else {
- $left = ''; $right = '';
- }
- if ($z =~ s/^\^//) {$atarg =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;}
- $x = "$left<$z>$atarg</$z>$right";
- } elsif ($atxy_2_y{$atcmd}) {
- $x = $atarg;
- } elsif ($z = $atxy_2_z{$atcmd}) {
- $x = $z;
- } elsif ($z = $atxy_2_ref{$atcmd}) {
- $x = $z . &expand_xref($atcmd,$atarg);
- $x =~ s/^X//; # works because $z must start with 'X'!
- } elsif ($atcmd eq 'value') {
- $x = $texinfo_variable{$atarg};
- } elsif ($atcmd eq 'today') {
- $x = &today();
- } elsif ($atcmd eq 'footnote') {
- $footnote[$nfootnotes++] = $atarg;
- $x = "\[$nfootnotes\]";
- } elsif ($atcmd eq 'gif') {
- $atarg =~ s/,.*//;
- &copy_to_destdir($atarg);
- $atarg =~ s|.*/||;
- $x = "<IMG SRC=\"$atarg\">";
- } else {
- print "**WARNING** Don't know how to expand "
- . "\@$atcmd\{$atarg\}\n";
- $debug = 1;
- $x = "?$atcmd\?$atarg\?";
- }
- print "$origin[$start_index]: \@$atcmd\{$atarg\} => $x\n"
- if $debug{expansions};
- s/\@\w+\{[^{}]*\}/$x/;
- }
- } while (/\@\w+\{[^}]*$/);
- print "$origin[$start_index]: $_" if $debug{chunks};
-} # get_more_stuff_to_parse
-sub parse
-# On entry:
-# $_ -- the line(s) to parse.
-# $start_index -- where, in $texinfo, $_ begins.
- local ($x);
- if (/^\@(\w+)/) {
- if ($x=$directive_block{$1}) { # @example, @quotation, etc.
- &parse_block($1,$x);
- } elsif ($directive_section{$1}) { # @chapter, @subsection, etc.
- &process_section();
- } elsif ($1 eq 'bye') {
- if ($nfootnotes > 0) {
- &printHTML("<P><HR>\n");
- for ($n=0; $n < $nfootnotes; ++$n) {
- &printHTML("<P>\[" . ($n+1) . "\] $footnote[$n]</P>\n");
- }
- }
- &printHTML("<P><HR>\n");
- &print_arrows;
- &printHTML("</P>\n");
- &print_footer if $footer;
- &printHTML("</BODY></HTML>\n");
- close (HTML);
- return;
- } elsif ($1 eq 'center') {
- /^\@center\s+(.*)/;
- &printHTML("$paragraph_end") if $in_paragraph;
- &printHTML("<P ALIGN=CENTER>$1</P>\n");
- $in_paragraph = 0;
- } elsif ($1 eq 'clear') {
- /^\@clear\s+(\S+)/;
- undef($texinfo_variable{$1});
- } elsif ($1 =~ /^def(code)?index/) {
- /^\@(def|defcode)index\s+(\w+)/;
- $index_name{$2} = $2 . "index";
- $index_style{$2} = 'CODE' if ($1 eq "defcode");
- } elsif ($1 =~ /^(def.*)/) { # @defn, @defun, ... @deftp
- &parse_def($1);
- } elsif ($1 eq 'enumerate') {
- &parse_enumerate();
- } elsif ($1 eq 'exdent') {
- /^\@exdent\s+(.*)/;
- &printHTML("$paragraph_end") if $in_paragraph;
- # A bug -- doesn't exdent the line!
- &printHTML("<P>$1</P>\n");
- $in_paragraph = 0;
- } elsif ($1 eq 'flushleft' || $1 eq 'flushright') {
- &parse_flush();
- } elsif ($1 eq 'html') {
- while ($texinfo_index < @texinfo) {
- &get_more_stuff_to_parse();
- last if (/^\@end\s+html/);
- s/\&quot;/\"/g; s/\&gt;/\>/g; s/\&lt;/\</g; s/\&amp;/\&/g;
- &printHTML("$_");
- }
- } elsif ($1 eq 'itemize') {
- &parse_itemize();
- } elsif ($1 eq 'menu') {
- &parse_menu();
- } elsif ($1 eq 'node') {
- $node=$_;
- &process_node();
- } elsif ($1 eq 'printindex') {
- /^\@printindex\s+([a-z]+)/;
- &print_index($1);
- } elsif ($1 eq 'settitle') {
- /^\@settitle\s+(.*)/;
- unless ($title) {$title = $1;}
- } elsif ($1 eq 'set') {
- if (/^\@set\s+(\S+)\s+(.+)$/) {
- $texinfo_variable{$1} = $2;
- } else {
- /^\@set\s+(\S+)/;
- $texinfo_variable{$1} = 1;
- }
- } elsif ($1 eq 'syncodeindex') {
- &process_synindex(1);
- } elsif ($1 eq 'synindex') {
- &process_synindex(0);
- } elsif ($1 =~ /^.?table/) { # @table, @vtable, @ftable
- unless (/^\@(.?table)\s*\@(\w*)/
- && ($2 eq 'asis' || ($tbltype=$atxy_2_zyz{$2}))) {
- print "**WARNING** $origin[$start_index]: assuming "
- . "\@table \@asis\n";
- $tbltype = '';
- }
- &parse_table($1,$tbltype);
- } elsif ($1 =~ /..?index/) { # @cindex, @findex, .. @auindex, etc.
- &process_index();
- } else {
- print "**WARNING** $origin[$start_index]: ignoring $_";
- }
- } else {
- if (/^\s*$/) {
- if ($in_paragraph) {
- &printHTML("$paragraph_end");
- } elsif ($in_preformatted) {
- &printHTML("\n");
- }
- $in_paragraph = 0;
- } else {
- unless ($in_preformatted) {
- unless ($in_paragraph) {
- &printHTML("<P>\n");
- $in_paragraph = 1;
- $paragraph_end = "</P>\n";
- }
- }
- &printHTML("$_");
- }
- }
-} # parse
-sub parse_block
-# Handles @example, @display, etc.
-# > @example > <PRE>
-# > a + b = c ==> > a + b = c
-# > @end example > </PRE>
- local ($block,$pre) = @_;
- local ($started_at);
- $started_at = $start_index;
- &printHTML("$paragraph_end") if $in_paragraph;
- $in_paragraph = 0;
- if ($pre eq '>PRE') {
- &printHTML("<DL><DT><DD>\n<PRE>\n");
- } else {
- &printHTML("<$pre>\n") unless ($pre eq '-');
- }
- $in_preformatted = $block;
- while ($texinfo_index < @texinfo) {
- &get_more_stuff_to_parse();
- if (/^\@end\s+$block/) {
- if ($pre eq 'HR') {
- &printHTML("</HR>\n");
- } elsif ($pre eq '>PRE') {
- &printHTML("</PRE>\n</DL>\n");
- } else {
- &printHTML("</$pre>\n") unless ($pre eq '-');
- }
- $in_preformatted = 0;
- return;
- }
- &parse();
- }
- print "**ERROR** reached EOF while searching for end of the \@$block "
- . "block that started on $origin[$started_at]\n";
-} # parse_block
-sub parse_def
-# $_ contains a @def* command
- local ($def) = @_;
- local ($started_at,$in_dd);
- $started_at = $start_index;
- &printHTML("$paragraph_end") if $in_paragraph;
- $in_paragraph = 0;
- &printHTML("<DL>\n");
- &printdef();
- while ($texinfo_index < @texinfo) {
- &get_more_stuff_to_parse();
- if (/^\@end\s+$def/) {
- &printHTML("</DL>\n");
- $in_paragraph = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (s/^(\@def\w+)x\s/$1 /) {&printdef();}
- else {
- unless ($in_dd) {
- &printHTML("<DD>\n");
- ++$in_dd;
- $in_paragraph = 1;
- $paragraph_end = "\n";
- }
- &parse();
- }
- }
- print "**ERROR** reached EOF while searching for end of the $def "
- . "definition that started on $origin[$started_at]\n";
-} # parse_def
-sub printdef
- s/\@defun(x?)\s/\@deffn Function /
- || s/\@defmac(x?)\s/\@deffn Macro /
- || s/\@defspec(x?)\s/\@deffn \{Special Form\} /
- || s/\@defvar(x?)\s/\@defvr Variable /
- || s/\@defopt(x?)\s/\@defvr \{User Option\} /
- || s/\@deftypefun(x?)\s/\@deftypefn Function /
- || s/\@deftypevar(x?)\s/\@deftypefn Variable /
- || s/\@defivar(x?)\s/\@defcv \{Instance Variable\} /
- || s/\@defmethod(x?)\s/\@defop Method /;
- s/(\@\w+)x\s/$1 /;
- @words = split;
- $i = 1;
- $category = $words[$i++];
- while ($i < @words && $category =~ /^\{[^}]*$/) {
- $category .= ' ' . $words[$i++];
- }
- if ($i>=@words) {
- print "def error at $origin{$started_at}\n";
- }
- $category =~ s/^\{//;
- $category =~ s/\}$//;
- &printHTML("<DT>$category: ");
- if ($words[0] eq '@deftypefn' || $words[0] eq '@deftypevr'
- || $words[0] eq '@defcv' || $words[0] eq '@defop') {
- if ($words[$i] =~ s/^\{//) {
- &printHTML("<VAR>");
- until ($words[$i] =~ s/\}$//) {&printHTML("$words[$i++]");}
- &printHTML("$words[$i++]</VAR> ");
- } else {
- &printHTML("<VAR>$words[$i++]</VAR> ");
- }
- $words[0] =~ /.*([a-z][a-z])/;
- $_ = "\@" . $1 . "index " . $words[$i];
- &process_index;
- }
- &printHTML("<STRONG>$words[$i++]</STRONG>\n<VAR>");
- while ($i < @words) {&printHTML(" $words[$i++]");}
- &printHTML("</VAR>\n");
-} # printdef
-sub parse_enumerate
-# $_ is `@enumerate'. Note that @enumerate with an arg (`@enumerate 3',
-# for example) is kinda funky due to HTML limitations.
- local ($count,$started_at);
- $started_at = $start_index;
- &printHTML("$paragraph_end") if $in_paragraph;
- $in_paragraph = 0;
- if (/^\@enumerate\s*(\S+)/) {$count = $1;}
- &printHTML("<" . ($count ? "UL" : "OL") . ">\n");
- while ($texinfo_index < @texinfo) {
- &get_more_stuff_to_parse();
- if (/^\@end\s+enumerate/) {
- &printHTML("</" . ($count ? "UL" : "OL") . ">\n");
- return;
- }
- if (/^\@item\s+(.*)/ || /^\@item()$/) {
- if ($count) {
- &printHTML("<LI>$count: $1\n");
- ++$count;
- } else {
- &printHTML("<LI>$1\n");
- }
- $in_paragraph = 1;
- $paragraph_end = "\n";
- } else {
- &parse();
- }
- }
- print "**ERROR** reached EOF while searching for end of the \@enumerate "
- . "that started on $origin[$started_at]\n";
-} # parse_enumerate
-sub parse_flush
- local ($started_at,$flush);
- /^\@(\w+)\s/;
- $flush = $1;
- $started_at = $start_index;
- &printHTML("$paragraph_end") if $in_paragraph;
- $in_paragraph = 0;
- while ($texinfo_index < @texinfo) {
- &get_more_stuff_to_parse();
- if (/^\@end\s+$flush/) {
- return;
- }
- &parse();
- }
- print "**ERROR** reached EOF while searching for end of the $flush "
- . "that started on $origin[$started_at]\n";
-} # parse_flush
-sub parse_itemize
-# $_ is `@itemize'. Due to HTML limitation, `@itemize @bullet' comes
-# out the same as `@itemize @minus'.
- local ($started_at);
- $started_at = $start_index;
- &printHTML("$paragraph_end") if $in_paragraph;
- $in_paragraph = 0;
- &printHTML("<UL>\n");
- while ($texinfo_index < @texinfo) {
- &get_more_stuff_to_parse();
- if (/^\@end\s+itemize/) {
- &printHTML("</UL>\n");
- return;
- }
- if (/^\@item\s+(.*)/ || /^\@item()$/) {
- &printHTML("<LI>$1\n");
- $in_paragraph = 1;
- $paragraph_end = "\n";
- } else {
- &parse();
- }
- }
- print "**ERROR** reached EOF while searching for end of the itemize "
- . "that started on $origin[$started_at]\n";
-} # parse_itemize
-sub parse_menu
- local ($started_at);
- $started_at = $start_index;
- &printHTML("$paragraph_end") if $in_paragraph;
- $in_paragraph = 0;
- &printHTML("<MENU>\n");
- while ($texinfo_index < @texinfo) {
- &get_more_stuff_to_parse();
- if (/^\@end\s+menu/) {
- &printHTML("</MENU>\n");
- return;
- }
- # Like ` * menu-item:: description of item'
- if (/^\s*\*\s*([^:]*)\s*::\s*(.*)$/) {
- &printHTML("$paragraph_end") if $in_paragraph;
- $in_paragraph = 0;
- $node = &canonical($1);
- &printHTML("<LI><A HREF=\"$node\">$1</A>\n");
- &printHTML("$2\n") if $2;
- # Like ` * menu-item: cross-reference. description of item'
- } elsif (/^\s*\*\s*([^:]*)\s*:([^.]*)\.\s*(.*)$/) {
- &printHTML("$paragraph_end") if $in_paragraph;
- $in_paragraph = 0;
- $node = &canonical($2);
- &printHTML("<LI><A HREF=\"$node\">$1</A>\n");
- &printHTML("$3\n");
- } elsif (/^\@/) {
- print "**WARNING** Don\'t know how to process \`$_\' inside "
- . "a menu!\n";
- } else {
- if (/^\s*$/ && !$in_paragraph) {
- &printHTML("<P>");
- $in_paragraph = "1";
- $paragraph_end = "</P>\n";
- }
- &printHTML("$_");
- }
- }
- print "**ERROR** reached EOF while searching for end of the menu "
- . "that started on $origin[$started_at]\n";
-} # parse_menu
-sub parse_table
-# $_ is `@itemize'. Due to HTML limitation, `@itemize @bullet' comes
-# out the same as `@itemize @minus'.
- local ($table,$ttype,$after_DT,$started_at,$first_para);
- ($table,$ttype) = @_;
- $started_at = $start_index;
- &printHTML("$paragraph_end") if $in_paragraph;
- $in_paragraph = 0;
- &printHTML("<DL>\n");
- while ($texinfo_index < @texinfo) {
- &get_more_stuff_to_parse();
- if (/^\@end\s+$table/) {
- &printHTML("</DL>\n");
- return;
- }
- if (/^\@item(x?)\s+(.*)/ || /^\@item(x?)()$/) {
- $atarg = $2;
- if ($ttype) {
- if ($ttype =~ /(.+),(.+),(.+)/) {
- $left = $1; $z = $2; $right = $3;
- } else {
- $left = ''; $z = $ttype; $right = '';
- }
- if ($z =~ s/^\^//) {$atarg =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;}
- &printHTML("<DT>$left<$z>$atarg</$z>$right\n");
- } else {
- &printHTML("<DT>$2\n");
- }
- $item = $2;
- if ($item && $table =~ /([fv])table/) {
- $_ = "\@" . $1 . "index " . $item;
- &process_index;
- }
- $after_DT = 1;
- } else {
- if ($after_DT) {
- &printHTML("<DD>\n");
- $in_paragraph = 1;
- $paragraph_end = "\n";
- $after_DT = 0;
- $first_para = 1;
- }
- unless ($first_para && /^\s*$/) {
- $first_para = 0;
- &parse();
- }
- }
- }
- print "**ERROR** reached EOF while searching for end of the table "
- . "that started on $origin[$started_at]\n";
-} # parse_table
-sub print_index
- local ($index) = @_;
- $index = $index_name{$index};
- eval "\@keys = keys \%$index";
- &printHTML("<MENU>\n");
- foreach $item (sort texinfo_sort @keys) {
- eval "\$val = \$$index\{\$item\}";
- &printHTML("<LI>$val\n");
- }
- &printHTML("</MENU>\n");
-} # print_index
-sub texinfo_sort
- $x = $a; $x =~ s/<[^>]*>//g; $x =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
- $y = $b; $y =~ s/<[^>]*>//g; $y =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
- $x cmp $y;
-} # texinfo_sort
-sub process_index
-# For example, `@cindex whatever' generates an entry in %cpindex
- s/\@cindex/\@cpindex/ || s/\@findex/\@fnindex/
- || s/\@vindex/\@vrindex/ || s/\@kindex/\@kyindex/
- || s/\@pindex/\@pgindex/ || s/\@tindex/\@tpindex/;
- /\@(..)index\s+(.*)/;
- if ($x=$index_style{$1}) {
- $entry = "<A HREF=\"$cthis\"><$x>$2</$x></A>";
- } else {
- $entry = "<A HREF=\"$cthis\">$2</A>";
- }
- print "*** \$$index_name{$1}\{$2\} = $entry\n" if $debug{'index'};
- eval "\$$index_name{$1}\{\$2\} = \$entry";
-} # process_index
-sub print_arrows
- &printHTML("<LINK REL=\"Precedes\" HREF=\"$cnext\">\n") if $next;
- &printHTML("<LINK REV=\"Precedes\" HREF=\"$cprev\">\n") if $prev;
- &printHTML("<LINK REV=\"Subdocument\" HREF=\"$cup\">\n") if $up;
- &printHTML("<LINK REV=\"Library\" HREF=\"$dirfile\">\n") if $dirfile;
- &printHTML("</HEAD><BODY><P>\n");
- if ($cprev) {
- &printHTML("<A HREF=\"$cprev\"><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE "
- . "SRC=\"$icons/prev-arrow.gif\" ALT=\"PREV\"></A>\n");
- } else {
- . "SRC=\"$icons/missing-arrow.gif\" ALT=\"prev\"></A>\n");
- }
- if ($cup) {
- &printHTML("<A HREF=\"$cup\"> <IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE "
- . "SRC=\"$icons/up-arrow.gif\" ALT=\"UP\"></A>\n");
- } else {
- . "SRC=\"$icons/missing-arrow.gif\" ALT=\"up\"></A>\n");
- }
- if ($cnext) {
- &printHTML("<A HREF=\"$cnext\"><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE "
- . "SRC=\"$icons/next-arrow.gif\" ALT=\"NEXT\"></A>\n");
- } else {
- . "SRC=\"$icons/missing-arrow.gif\" ALT=\"next\"></A>\n");
- }
- if ($dirfile) {
-# XXX need new graphic for this one
- &printHTML("<A HREF=\"$dirfile\"> <IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE "
- . "SRC=\"$icons/dir-arrow.gif\" ALT=\"Bookshelf\"></A>\n");
- } else {
- . "SRC=\"$icons/missing-arrow.gif\" ALT=\"Bookshelf\"></A>\n");
- }
- &printHTML("<CITE>$title</CITE>") if $title;
-sub process_node
-# On entry, $_ is an @node line.
- s/^\@node\s+//;
- ($this,$next,$prev,$up) = split(/,/);
- &deduce_node_links() unless ($next || $prev || $up);
- &terminate_node();
- $cthis = &canonical($this);
- $cnext = &canonical($next);
- $cprev = &canonical($prev);
- $cup = &canonical($up);
- print "... opening $dir$cthis ...\n" if $debug{nodes};
- open(HTML,">$dir/$cthis") || die "Couldn't open $dir$cthis -- $!\n";
- $nfootnotes = 0;
- &printHTML("<HTML>\n");
- &printHTML("<!-- created $today from " .
- $origin[$start_index] . " via texi2www -->\n");
- &print_header if $header;
- &printHTML("<HEAD>\n<TITLE>$this</TITLE>\n");
- &print_arrows;
- &printHTML("</P>\n");
-} # process_node
-sub terminate_node
- if ($nfootnotes) {
- &printHTML("<P><HR>\n");
- for ($n=0; $n < $nfootnotes; ++$n) {
- &printHTML("<P>\[" . ($n+1) . "\] $footnote[$n]</P>\n");
- }
- }
- &printHTML("<P><HR>\n");
- &print_arrows;
- &printHTML("</P>\n");
- &print_footer if $footer;
- &printHTML("</BODY></HTML>\n");
- close (HTML);
-sub process_section
-# On entry:
-# $_ is the section command (I.e. `@chapter Overview')
-# $i is the index to $_ in @lines
- &printHTML("$paragraph_end") if $in_paragraph;
- $in_paragraph = 0;
- /^\@(\w+)\s+(.*)/;
- $section_number = '';
- if ($1 eq 'chapter') {
- ++$chapter; $section=$subsection=$subsubsection=0;
- $section_number = "Chapter $chapter: ";
- } elsif ($1 eq 'section') {
- ++$section; $subsection=$subsubsection=0;
- $section_number = "$chapter.$section: ";
- } elsif ($1 eq 'subsection') {
- ++$subsection; $subsubsection=0;
- $section_number = "$chapter.$section.$subsection: ";
- } elsif ($1 eq 'subsubsection') {
- ++$subsubsection;
- $section_number = "$chapter.$section.$subsection.$subsubsection: ";
- } elsif ($1 eq 'appendix') {
- ++$appendix; $section=$subsection=$subsubsection=0;
- $x = ('A'..'Z')[$appendix-1];
- $section_number = "Appendix $x: ";
- } elsif ($1 eq 'appendixsec') {
- ++$section; $subsection=$subsubsection=0;
- $x = ('A'..'Z')[$appendix-1];
- $section_number = "$x.$section: ";
- } elsif ($1 eq 'appendixsubsec') {
- ++$subsection; $subsubsection=0;
- $x = ('A'..'Z')[$appendix-1];
- $section_number = "$x.$section.$subsection: ";
- } elsif ($1 eq 'appendixsubsubsec') {
- ++$subsubsection;
- $x = ('A'..'Z')[$appendix-1];
- $section_number = "$x.$section.$subsection.$subsubsection: ";
- }
- $x = $directive_section{$1};
- &printHTML("<H$x>$section_number$2</H$x>\n");
-} # process_section
-sub process_synindex
-# There's perhaps a bug here -- this presumes the @synindex comes before
-# any @?index directives; anything already in <from> doesn't get merged
-# into <to>!
- local ($code) = @_; # Either 0 or 1; 1 means @syncodeindex
- /\@syn\w*index\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)/;
- print "*** synindex $1 $2\n" if $debug{'index'};
- $index_name{$1} = $2 . "index";
- $index_style{$1} = 'CODE' if $code;
-} # process_synindex
-sub printHTML
- local ($line) = @_;
- $line =~ s/\$R/\}/g;
- $line =~ s/\$L/\{/g;
- $line =~ s/\$A/\@/g;
- $line =~ s/\$D/\$/g;
- if ($debug{printHTML}) {
- print $line;
- } else {
- print HTML $line;
- }
-} # printHTML
-sub print_header
- unless (open(HEADER,$header)) {
- print "WARNING -- couldn't open header file \"$header\" -- $!\n";
- $header = 0;
- return;
- }
- while (<HEADER>) {
- &printHTML($_);
- }
- close(HEADER);
-sub print_footer
- unless (open(FOOTER,$footer)) {
- print "WARNING -- couldn't open footer file \"$footer\" -- $!\n";
- $footer = 0;
- return;
- }
- while (<FOOTER>) {
- &printHTML($_);
- }
- close(FOOTER);
-sub read_input
-# Read the texinfo source into @texinfo. Don't copy comments or the
-# `@ifxxx' and `@end ifxxx' surrounding [or the contents of] conditional
-# blocks. Read `@include' files.
- local ($echo,$terminator_re,$started_at) = @_;
- while (&texinfo_read()) {
- next if (/^\@c$/ || /^\@c\s/ || /^\@comment/);
- if (/^\@ifinfo/) {
- &read_input($echo,'/^\@end\s+ifinfo/',
- "$texinfo_file[0] line $.");
- next;
- }
- if (/^\@ifhtml/) {
- &read_input($echo,'/^\@end\s+ifhtml/',
- "$texinfo_file[0] line $.");
- next;
- }
- if (/^\@iftex/) {
- &read_input(0,'/^\@end\s+iftex/',
- "$texinfo_file[0] line $.");
- next;
- }
- if (/^\@tex/) {
- &read_input(0,'/^\@end\s+tex/',
- "$texinfo_file[0] line $.");
- next;
- }
- if (/^\@ignore/) {
- # @ignore doesn't nest
- $ignore_from = "$texinfo_file[0] line $.";
- while (&texinfo_read()) {
- last if (/^\@end\s+ignore/);
- }
- unless (/^\@end\s+ignore/) {
- print "Unexpected EOF while searching from $ignore_from "
- . "for \'\@end ignore\'\n";
- }
- next;
- }
- if (/^\@titlepage/) {
- &read_input(0,'/^\@end\s+titlepage/',"$texinfo_file[0] line $.");
- next;
- }
- if (/^\@ifclear\s+(\S+)/) {
- &read_input($echo&&(!defined($set{$1})),'/^\@end\s+ifclear/',
- "$texinfo_file[0] line $.");
- next;
- }
- if (/^\@ifset\s+(\S+)/) {
- &read_input($echo&&defined($set{$1}),'/^\@end\s+ifset/',
- "$texinfo_file[0] line $.");
- next;
- }
- return if eval "$terminator_re";
- if (/^\@include\s+(\S+)/) {
- &open_input_file($1);
- next;
- }
- if (/^\@(set|clear)\s+(\S+)/) {
- if ($1 eq "set") {
- $set{$2} = 1;
- } else {
- undef($set{$2});
- }
- }
- next unless $echo;
- if (/^\@(\w+)/) {next if $ignore_these_directives{$1};}
- # Hide @@, @{, and @} so later on it'll be easier to process
- # stuff like `@code{@@TeX@{@}}'.
- s/\$/\$D/g; s/\@\@/\$A/g; s/\@{/\$L/g; s/\@}/\$R/g;
- # Convert the HTML special characters
- s/\&/\&amp;/g; s/\</\&lt;/g; s/\>/\&gt;/g; s/\"/\&quot;/g;
- $texinfo[$ntexinfo] = $_;
- $origin[$ntexinfo] = "$texinfo_file[0] line $.";
- ++$ntexinfo;
- }
- print "Unexpected EOF while searching from $started_at "
- . "for $terminator_re\n";
-} # read_input
-sub initialize_tables
- # Lists which `@x{y}' get expanded into `y'.
- %atxy_2_y = (
- 'asis', 1,
- 'r', 1,
- 'w', 1,
- );
- # Describes which `@x{y}' get expanded into `<z>y</z>' and what `z'
- # is in those expansions! (If the expansion matches
- # ``/(.*),(.*),(.*)/'' then y actually expands to ``$1<$2>y</$2>$3'';
- # if z (or $2) begins with ^ then uppercase y before doing the
- # expansion).
- %atxy_2_zyz= (
- 'b', 'STRONG',
- 'cite', 'CITE',
- 'code', "CODE",
- 'dfn', 'EM',
- 'dmn', 'EM',
- 'emph', 'EM',
- 'file', "`,CODE,'",
- 'i', 'EM',
- 'kbd', 'KBD',
- 'key', '^CODE',
- 'math', 'CODE',
- 'samp', "`,CODE,'",
- 'sc', '^EM',
- 'strong', 'STRONG',
- 't', 'CODE',
- 'titlefont', 'CITE',
- 'var', 'VAR',
- );
- # Describes which `@x{y}' can be expanded into `z' and what `z' is in
- # those expansions!
- %atxy_2_z = (
- 'TeX', '<i>T</i>e<i>X</i>',
- 'bullet', '*',
- 'copyright', '(C)',
- 'dots', '...',
- 'equiv', '==',
- 'error', 'error-->',
- 'expansion', '==>',
- 'minus', '-',
- 'point', '-!-',
- 'print', '-|',
- 'result', '=>',
- 'today', &today(),
- );
- # Lists the '@x{y}' cross reference commands, and describes how they get
- # expanded. Note the 'X' beginning each expansion -- it's there so 'ref'
- # doesn't get expanded to ''!
- %atxy_2_ref = (
- 'xref', 'XSee ',
- 'ref', 'X',
- 'pxref', 'Xsee ',
- 'href', 'X',
- 'inforef', 'XSee ',
- );
- %ignore_these_directives = (
- 'author', 1,
- 'break', 1,
- 'contents', 1,
- 'evenfooting', 1,
- 'everyfooting', 1,
- 'everyheading', 1,
- 'finalout', 1,
- 'footnotestyle', 1,
- 'headings', 1,
- 'need', 1,
- 'noindent', 1,
- 'oddfooting', 1,
- 'page', 1,
- 'paragraphindent', 1,
- 'setchapternewpage', 1,
- 'setfilename', 1,
- 'shortcontents', 1,
- 'shorttitlepage', 1,
- 'smallbook', 1,
- 'sp', 1,
- 'subtitle', 1,
- 'summarycontents', 1,
- 'top', 1,
- 'vskip', 1,
- );
- # List the section directives and indicate what heading level
- # each one gets.
- %directive_section = (
- 'chapter', 1,
- 'section', 2,
- 'subsection', 3,
- 'subsubsection',4,
- 'appendix', 1,
- 'appendixsec', 2,
- 'appendixsubsec', 3,
- 'appendixsubsubsec', 4,
- 'chapheading', 1,
- 'majorheading', 1,
- 'heading', 2,
- 'subheading', 3,
- 'subsubheading', 4,
- 'unnumbered', 1,
- 'unnumberedsec', 2,
- 'unnumberedsubsec', 3,
- 'unnumberedsubsubsec', 4,
- );
- # These @ directives begin a block of preformatted text
- # (">PRE" means indented inside <PRE>...</PRE>)
- %directive_block = (
- 'cartouche', 'HR',
- 'display', '>PRE',
- 'example', '>PRE',
- 'format', 'PRE',
- 'group', '-',
- 'lisp', '>PRE',
- 'quotation', 'BLOCKQUOTE',
- 'smallexample','>PRE',
- );
- %index_name = (
- 'cp', 'cpindex',
- 'fn', 'fnindex',
- 'ky', 'kyindex',
- 'pg', 'pgindex',
- 'tp', 'tpindex',
- 'vr', 'vrindex',
- );
- %index_style = (
- 'fn', 'CODE',
- 'ky', 'CODE',
- 'pg', 'CODE',
- 'tp', 'CODE',
- 'vr', 'CODE',
- );
-} # initialize_tables
-sub open_input_file
- unshift(@texinfo_file,$_[0]);
- print "opening $_[0] ...\n" if $debug{open_input_file};
- open($texinfo_file[0],$_[0]) || die "Couldn't open $_[0]: $!\n";
-} # open_input_file
-sub texinfo_read
-# Reads the next line of texinfo input into $_.
- do {
- $fd = $texinfo_file[0];
- $_ = <$fd>;
- } while ($_ eq '' && shift @texinfo_file);
- return $_;
-} # texinfo_read
-sub today
- $today = `date`;
- $today =~ s/\w+ (\w+ +[0-9]+) [0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+ \w+ ([0-9]+)\n/$1 $2/;
- $today =~ s/ +/ /g;
- return $today;
-} # today
-sub copy_to_destdir
- ($copy_from) = @_;
- if ($copy_from =~ m|(.*)/([^/]*)|) {
- $copy_from_dir = $1;
- $copy_from_file = $2;
- } else {
- $copy_from_dir = ".";
- $copy_from_file = $copy_from;
- }
- if ($copy_from_dir ne $dir && !-e "$dir/$copy_from_file") {
- system("cp $copy_from $dir")
- && die "Couldn\'t \`cp $copy_from $dir\'\n";
- }