path: root/c/src/librdbg/src/servtgt.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'c/src/librdbg/src/servtgt.c')
1 files changed, 550 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/c/src/librdbg/src/servtgt.c b/c/src/librdbg/src/servtgt.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a8471e3e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c/src/librdbg/src/servtgt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+ **************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Component: RDB servers
+ * Module: servtgt.c
+ *
+ **************************************************************************
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/errno.h>
+#include <rdbg/rdbg.h>
+#include <rdbg/servrpc.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#ifdef DDEBUG
+#define Ptrace TgtDbgPtrace
+#define Ptrace TgtRealPtrace
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ TgtBreakRestoreOrig - Restore original instruction at "addr"
+ just before single-stepping it.
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+int TgtBreakRestoreOrig (int pid, void *addr, void *addr2)
+ /* Process identifier */
+ /* Breakpoint address */
+ /* Original instruction or bkpt number */
+ int ret;
+ int l;
+ l = (long)Ptrace(RPT_PEEKTEXT, pid, addr, 0, NULL); /* assume ok */
+ ret = ORG_BREAK (l, (UINT32) addr2); /* reconstruct old instr */
+ ret = Ptrace(RPT_POKETEXT, pid, addr, ret, NULL); /* poke back old */
+ return ret;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TgtBreakCancelStep - Restore the breakpoint at "addr" if the single-step
+ has failed at the ptrace level.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define BKPT0(plst) ((BASE_BREAK*)(plst)->break_list)
+void TgtBreakCancelStep (PID_LIST* plst)
+ assert (plst->break_list);
+ assert (BKPT0 (plst)->clr_step);
+ if (plst->break_list && BKPT0 (plst)->clr_step) {
+ int idx = BKPT0 (plst)->last_break;
+ int data;
+ data = Ptrace (RPT_PEEKTEXT, plst->pid,
+ (char *)plst->break_list [idx].ee_loc, 0, NULL);
+ assert (! IS_BREAK (data));
+ Ptrace (RPT_POKETEXT, plst->pid,
+ (char *)plst->break_list[idx].ee_loc,
+ (int) SET_BREAK (data), NULL);
+ }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TgtCreateNew - add a new process into the process management lists.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void
+TgtCreateNew(PID pid, int conn, INT32 child, char *name, Boolean spawn)
+ int idx;
+ for (idx = 0; idx < pid_list_cnt; idx++)
+ if (!pid_list[idx].pid)
+ break; /* find empty */
+ if (idx >= pid_list_cnt)
+ { /* no empties, add more */
+ PID_LIST *tmp_pid_list = pid_list;
+ pid_list_cnt += PID_LIST_INC;
+ pid_list = (PID_LIST*) Realloc(pid_list, /* get new or extend */
+ pid_list_cnt * sizeof(PID_LIST));
+ if (!pid_list)
+ { /* out of memory */
+ pid_list_cnt -= PID_LIST_INC;
+ if (pid_list_cnt)
+ { /* realloc failed - malloc again */
+ pid_list = tmp_pid_list;
+ /* above relies on old pointer being valid after failed realloc */
+ }
+ return; /* failed */
+ }
+ /* now clear newly added space */
+ memset(pid_list+pid_list_cnt-PID_LIST_INC, 0,
+ PID_LIST_INC * sizeof(PID_LIST));
+ idx = pid_list_cnt - PID_LIST_INC;
+ }
+ else /* clear entry we found */
+ memset(&pid_list[idx], 0, sizeof(PID_LIST));
+ /* now fill in empty entry */
+ pid_list[idx].pid = pid;
+ pid_list[idx].running = 1; /* we have not called wait yet */
+ pid_list[idx].primary_conn = (UCHAR)conn; /* primary owner */
+ if (conn != -1)
+ { /* found caller */
+ pid_list[idx].owners = 1;
+ PIDMAP_SET (conn, idx); /* mask in */
+ }
+ pid_list[idx].thread = (UINT32)-1; /* no thread for now */
+ pid_list[idx].last_start = LAST_START; /* handle MiX bug */
+ pid_list[idx].name = name ? (char *)StrDup(name) : (char *)NULL;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TgtNotifyWaitChange - send event to clients indicating child changed state.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void
+TgtNotifyWaitChange( PID pid, int status, Boolean exclude)
+ int conn, idx;
+ idx = FindPidEntry (pid); /* locate the pid that changed */
+ if (idx < 0)
+ {
+ DPRINTF(("TgtNotifyWaitChange: pid %d not in our list\n",
+ (int) pid));
+ return; /* not in our list */
+ }
+ pid_list[idx].running = 0; /* not running */
+ pid_list[idx].state = status; /* save status of stop/term */
+ if (!pid_list[idx].owners && !STS_SIGNALLED(status))
+ TgtDelete(&pid_list[idx], -1, 0); /* terminated and no owners */
+ else
+ { /* normal cases */
+ for (conn = 0; conn < conn_list_cnt; conn++)
+ { /* now find all interested clients */
+ if (!conn_list[conn].in_use /* free entry */
+ || ! PIDMAP_TEST (conn, idx))
+ continue; /* not using this pid */
+ if (conn == exclude)
+ continue; /* do not do this one */
+ TspSendWaitChange(conn, BMSG_WAIT, 1, pid, 0, False);/* notify of change */
+ }
+ }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TgtNotifyAll - send a message to all clients interested in process.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void
+ TgtNotifyAll( int pid_idx, BACK_MSG msg, UINT16 spec,
+ UINT32 context, int exclude, Boolean force)
+ int conn;
+ DPRINTF(("TgtNotifyAll: msg %d (%s) for pid_idx=%d (%d,%d)\n",
+ msg, BmsgNames [msg], pid_idx, exclude, force));
+ for (conn = 0; conn < conn_list_cnt; conn++)
+ if (conn_list[conn].in_use /* not free */
+ && PIDMAP_TEST (conn, pid_idx))
+ {
+ if (conn != exclude)
+ TspSendWaitChange(conn, msg, spec, pid_list[pid_idx].pid, context,
+ force);
+ }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TgtDelete - mark process as now uncontrolled.
+ Notes:
+ - this function removes a process from the process list.
+ - the notify argument indicates a message to send if needed.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void TgtDelete(PID_LIST *plst, int conn_idx, BACK_MSG notify)
+ int idx = plst - pid_list, cnt, conn;
+ /* found */
+ cnt = pid_list[idx].owners;
+ if (cnt)
+ { /* some connections to break */
+ for (conn = 0; cnt && conn < conn_list_cnt; conn++)
+ if (conn_list[conn].in_use /* not free */
+ && PIDMAP_TEST (conn, idx))
+ { /* found one that uses it */
+ PIDMAP_CLEAR (conn, idx);
+ if (notify && conn != conn_idx)
+ TspSendWaitChange(conn, notify, 0, plst->pid, 0, True);
+ if (!--cnt)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pid_list[idx].name)
+ Free(pid_list[idx].name); /* free string name back */
+ /* Free breakpoint list */
+ if (pid_list [idx].break_list != NULL) {
+ Free (pid_list [idx].break_list);
+ }
+ pid_list[idx].pid = 0; /* gone */
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TgtKillAndDelete - kill or detach process and remove entry.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ int
+TgtKillAndDelete( PID_LIST *plst, struct svc_req *rqstp, Boolean term)
+ ptrace_in pin; /* used for ptrace call */
+ ptrace_out *pout;
+ /* Remove breakpoints */
+ if (plst->break_alloc > 0) {
+ = plst->pid;
+ pin.addr.req = RPT_CLRBREAK;
+ = 0; /* clear all */
+ pin.flags = PTRFLG_NON_OWNER;
+ pout = RPCGENSRVNAME(ptrace_2_svc) (&pin, rqstp);
+ if (pout->result < 0) {
+ DPRINTF (("TgtKillAndDelete: RPT_CLRBREAK failed %d\n",
+ getErrno()));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (term)
+ { /* kill */
+ pin.addr.ptrace_addr_data_in_u.address = 0;
+ = -1; /* Don't want notification from slave */
+ pin.addr.req = RPT_KILL;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* detach */
+ pin.addr.ptrace_addr_data_in_u.address = 1;
+ = 0;
+ pin.addr.req = RPT_DETACH;
+ }
+ = plst->pid;
+ DPRINTF (("TgtKillAndDelete: ptrace_2_svc (%s (%d), %d)\n",
+ PtraceName (pin.addr.req), pin.addr.req,;
+ pout = RPCGENSRVNAME(ptrace_2_svc) (&pin, rqstp);/* start it */
+ if (pout->errNo == ESRCH && plst->pid)
+ TgtDelete(plst, -1, BMSG_KILLED); /* only entry remains */
+ return 0;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TgtDetachCon - detach a connection's ownership of a process.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void
+TgtDetachCon( int conn_idx, int pid_idx, Boolean delete)
+ if ((unsigned) pid_idx >= pid_list_cnt
+ || !pid_list[pid_idx].pid)
+ return; /* not valid */
+ if (PIDMAP_TEST (conn_idx, pid_idx))
+ { /* if an owner, release control */
+ PIDMAP_CLEAR (conn_idx, pid_idx);
+ if (pid_list[pid_idx].owners)
+ pid_list[pid_idx].owners--;
+ if (pid_list[pid_idx].primary_conn == conn_idx)
+ pid_list[pid_idx].primary_conn = NO_PRIMARY;
+ if (delete
+ && !pid_list[pid_idx].owners
+ && PROC_TERMINATED (pid_list + pid_idx))
+ TgtDelete(&pid_list[pid_idx], -1, 0); /* remove entry */
+ }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TgtHandleChildChange - decide what action to take after wait() returns.
+ Used in the master only.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef DDEBUG
+static char* LastStartNames[] = {
+ "NONE", "STEP", "CONT", "RANGE",
+char* GetLastStartName (int last_start)
+ static char buf [32];
+ strcpy (buf, LastStartNames [last_start & ~LAST_START]);
+ if (last_start & LAST_START) {
+ strcat (buf, "+START");
+ }
+ return buf;
+Boolean TgtHandleChildChange(PID pid, int* status, int *unexp,
+ CPU_Exception_frame* ctx)
+{ /* return False if continue, else stop */
+ int idx, sig;
+ int bidx = 0;
+ PID_LIST *plst;
+ unsigned long PC;
+ BASE_BREAK *base = NULL; /* break_list[0] is really BASE_BREAK */
+ int hadStepEmul;
+ int origHadStepEmul;
+ int stopWanted;
+ DPRINTF (("TgtHandleChildChange: pid %d status %x cap\n",
+ (int) pid, *status));
+ if (unexp)
+ *unexp = 0; /* initialize to ok */
+ /* first, find pid in question */
+ idx = FindPidEntry (pid);
+ if (idx < 0)
+ { /* cannot locate this process */
+ DPRINTF (("TgtHandleChildChange: unknown process (%s pid)\n",
+ FindPidEntry (pid) >= 0 ? "stale" : "unknown"));
+ if (unexp)
+ *unexp = 1; /* Unexpected change */
+ return(False); /* unknown: ignore (used to stop and notify) */
+ }
+ /* found */
+ plst = &pid_list[idx]; /* pointer to entry */
+ /* first we see if just stopped */
+ /* copy ctxt */
+ CtxToRegs(ctx, &(plst->regs));
+ stopWanted = plst->stop_wanted;
+ plst->stop_wanted = 0; /* For the next time */
+ hadStepEmul = BreakClear (plst, -1, -1) > 0;
+ origHadStepEmul = hadStepEmul; /* hadStepEmul is cleared if real bkpt met */
+ if (STS_SIGNALLED (*status))
+ { /* stopped, not terminated */
+ sig = STS_GETSIG (*status); /* signal that stopped us */
+ /* now, we read the registers and see what to do next */
+ if (TgtPtrace(RPT_GETREGS, pid, (void *)&plst->regs, 0, NULL) < 0) {
+ memset (&plst->regs, 0, sizeof plst->regs);
+ }
+ /* Get current thread */
+ plst->thread = TgtPtrace(RPT_GETTARGETTHREAD, pid, NULL, 0, NULL);
+ if (sig == SIGTRAP)
+ { /* stopped from break/step */
+ PC = plst->regs.REG_PC;
+ /* Must check PC to see whether in situations where we had
+ step emulation we are on a breakpoint or just
+ have returned from an emulated single-step */
+ if (BreakIdentify (plst, 0 /*no adjust*/, -1 /*no thread*/) > 0) {
+ hadStepEmul = 0;
+ }
+ plst->is_step = hadStepEmul || IS_STEP(plst->regs)
+ || plst->last_start == LAST_START;
+ DPRINTF (("TgtHandleChildChange: %s last_start %s\n", plst->is_step
+ ? "step": "break", GetLastStartName (plst->last_start)));
+ if ((plst->is_step || origHadStepEmul || stopWanted)
+ && (plst->last_start == LAST_STEP
+ || plst->last_start == LAST_STEPOFF
+ || plst->last_start == LAST_RANGE))
+ {
+ DPRINTF (("TgtHandleChildChange: restoring stepped-off bkpt\n"));
+ BreakSteppedOff (plst);
+ }
+ if (plst->last_start == LAST_STEPOFF && (plst->is_step||origHadStepEmul))
+ { /* stepped off break and now need cont */
+ DPRINTF (("TgtHandleChildChange: auto-resuming after step-off\n"));
+ plst->last_start = LAST_CONT; /* convert to normal cont */
+ if (!stopWanted) {
+ if (TgtPtrace(RPT_CONT, pid, (char *)1, 0, NULL))
+ return True; /* tell people */
+ return(False); /* wait for change */
+ }
+ DPRINTF (("TgtHandleChildChange: stop_wanted %d in step-off\n",
+ stopWanted));
+ *status = STS_MAKESIG (stopWanted);
+ return True; /* Stop and notify */
+ }
+ base = plst->break_list ? ((BASE_BREAK*)plst->break_list) :
+ /* now see if step in range */
+ if (plst->last_start == LAST_RANGE /* step in range */
+ && (plst->is_step || origHadStepEmul) /* not a breakpoint */
+ && PC >= base->range_start
+ && PC <= base->range_end)
+ { /* still in range, keep going */
+ if (stopWanted) {
+ DPRINTF (("TgtHandleChildChange: stop_wanted %d in step-range\n",
+ stopWanted));
+ } else {
+ DPRINTF (("TgtHandleChildChange: Reservation at %x\n",
+ plst->regs.REG_PC));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!plst->is_step) /* was break */
+ {
+ bidx = BreakIdentify (plst, 1 /*adjust*/, plst->thread);
+ if (bidx == 0) {
+ DPRINTF (("TgtHandleChildChange: forwarding bkpt to kernel\n"));
+ if (unexp) {
+ *unexp = 1;
+ }
+ return False;
+ }
+ if (bidx < 0) { /* Unwanted breakpoint, must step it off */
+ ptrace_in pin;
+ ptrace_out* out;
+ if (origHadStepEmul)
+ {
+ DPRINTF (("TgtHandleChildChange: bkpt %x becomes step\n",
+ plst->regs.REG_PC));
+ bidx = -bidx;
+ plst->is_step = 1;
+ base->clr_step = plst->break_list [bidx].type == BRKT_INSTR;
+ base->last_break = bidx;
+ return True;
+ }
+ if (stopWanted) {
+ DPRINTF (("TgtHandleChildChange: stop_wanted %d at bkpt %x\n",
+ stopWanted, plst->regs.REG_PC));
+ /* The PC has already been adjusted by BreakIdentify */
+ *status = STS_MAKESIG (stopWanted);
+ return True;
+ }
+ /* All the handling is done in ptrace_2_svc() so call it */
+ bidx = -bidx;
+ DPRINTF (("TgtHandleChildChange: last %d (%s) restarting bkpt %d\n",
+ plst->last_start, GetLastStartName (plst->last_start), bidx));
+ base->clr_step = 1;
+ base->last_break = bidx; /* remember which one */
+ plst->running = 0; /* So that ptrace is accepted */
+ = plst->pid;
+ if (plst->last_start == LAST_STEP) {
+ pin.addr.req = RPT_SINGLESTEP;
+ } else {
+ pin.addr.req = RPT_CONT;
+ }
+ pin.addr.ptrace_addr_data_in_u.address = 1;
+ = 0;
+ pin.flags = PTRFLG_NON_OWNER;
+ out = RPCGENSRVNAME(ptrace_2_svc) (&pin, NULL);
+ if (out->result == 0) return False; /* Continue waiting */
+ DPRINTF(("TgtHandleChildChange: failed to restart bkpt!\n"));
+ /* If something went wrong, just stop on breakpoint */
+ }
+ }
+ } /* else sig != SIGTRAP */
+ /* finally, fill in stop info in break point array base */
+ if (bidx > 0)
+ { /* store break info */
+ /* will need to get off the break for SW breakpoints only */
+ base->clr_step = plst->break_list [bidx].type == BRKT_INSTR;
+ base->last_break = bidx; /* remember which one */
+ }
+ else if (base)
+ { /* clear break info */
+ base->clr_step = False; /* not stopped on break */
+ base->last_break = 0;
+ }
+ /* decision to notify owner based on last_start */
+ } /* stopped */
+ else /* terminated */
+ {
+ if (plst->last_start == LAST_START)
+ { /* spawn failed */
+ TgtNotifyAll(idx, BMSG_EXEC_FAIL, 0, 0, -1, True);
+ plst->running = False; /* not running - dead */
+ plst->state = *status; /* contains errno in high word */
+ return(False);
+ }
+ else if ((UCHAR)(plst->last_start & ~LAST_START) < (UCHAR)LAST_KILLED)
+ plst->last_start = LAST_NONE; /* doesn't matter anymore */
+ else
+ return(False); /* killed and detach already notified */
+ }
+ return(True); /* stop and notify */
+#ifdef DDEBUG
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TgtDbgPtrace - debug version of ptrace.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+int TgtDbgPtrace(int request, PID pid, char *addr, int data, void *addr2)
+ int diag;
+ DPRINTF (("TgtDbgPtrace: entered (%s (%d), %d, %x, %d, %x)\n",
+ PtraceName (request), request, pid, (int) addr, data,
+ (int) addr2));
+ if (request == RPT_WRITETEXT || request == RPT_WRITEDATA) {
+ int i;
+ DPRINTF (("TgtDbgPtrace:"));
+ if (rdb_debug) {
+ for (i = 0; i < data && i < 16; ++i) {
+ printf (" %02x", ((char*) addr2) [i] & 0xFF);
+ }
+ printf ("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ diag = TgtRealPtrace (request, pid, addr, data, addr2);
+ DPRINTF (("TgtDbgPtrace: returned %d (%x) errno %d\n",
+ diag, diag, getErrno()));
+ if (request == RPT_GETREGS || request == RPT_GETTHREADREGS
+ || request == RPT_SETREGS || request == RPT_SETTHREADREGS)
+ {
+ /* Use DPRINTF() so as to have the id prefix */
+ DPRINTF (("TgtDbgPtrace: (%s) PC = %x, SP = %x, FP = %x\n",
+ PtraceName (request),
+ ((xdr_regs*)addr)->REG_PC,
+ ((xdr_regs*)addr)->REG_SP,
+ ((xdr_regs*)addr)->REG_FP));
+ }
+ return(diag);
+#endif /* DDEBUG */