path: root/bsps/arm/imxrt/nxp/devices/MIMXRT1052/drivers/fsl_spdif.c
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 830 deletions
diff --git a/bsps/arm/imxrt/nxp/devices/MIMXRT1052/drivers/fsl_spdif.c b/bsps/arm/imxrt/nxp/devices/MIMXRT1052/drivers/fsl_spdif.c
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index e03c28b6a0..0000000000
--- a/bsps/arm/imxrt/nxp/devices/MIMXRT1052/drivers/fsl_spdif.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,830 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2017-2019 NXP
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- */
-#include "fsl_spdif.h"
-/* Component ID definition, used by tools. */
-#define FSL_COMPONENT_ID "platform.drivers.spdif"
- * Definitations
- ******************************************************************************/
-/*! @brief spdif transfer state. */
- kSPDIF_Busy = 0x0U, /*!< SPDIF is busy */
- kSPDIF_Idle, /*!< Transfer is done. */
- kSPDIF_Error /*!< Transfer error occurred. */
-/*! @brief Typedef for spdif tx interrupt handler. */
-typedef void (*spdif_isr_t)(SPDIF_Type *base, spdif_handle_t *handle);
- * Prototypes
- ******************************************************************************/
- * Variables
- ******************************************************************************/
-/* Base pointer array */
-static SPDIF_Type *const s_spdifBases[] = SPDIF_BASE_PTRS;
-/*! @brief SPDIF handle pointer */
-static spdif_handle_t *s_spdifHandle[ARRAY_SIZE(s_spdifBases)][2];
-/* IRQ number array */
-static const IRQn_Type s_spdifIRQ[] = SPDIF_IRQS;
-/* Clock name array */
-static const clock_ip_name_t s_spdifClock[] = SPDIF_CLOCKS;
-/*! @brief Pointer to IRQ handler for each instance. */
-static spdif_isr_t s_spdifTxIsr;
-/*! @brief Pointer to IRQ handler for each instance. */
-static spdif_isr_t s_spdifRxIsr;
-/*! @brief Used for spdif gain */
-static uint8_t s_spdif_gain[8] = {24U, 16U, 12U, 8U, 6U, 4U, 3U, 1U};
-static uint8_t s_spdif_tx_watermark[4] = {16, 12, 8, 4};
-static uint8_t s_spdif_rx_watermark[4] = {1, 4, 8, 16};
- * Code
- ******************************************************************************/
-uint32_t SPDIF_GetInstance(SPDIF_Type *base)
- uint32_t instance;
- /* Find the instance index from base address mappings. */
- for (instance = 0; instance < ARRAY_SIZE(s_spdifBases); instance++)
- {
- if (s_spdifBases[instance] == base)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- assert(instance < ARRAY_SIZE(s_spdifBases));
- return instance;
- * brief Initializes the SPDIF peripheral.
- *
- * Ungates the SPDIF clock, resets the module, and configures SPDIF with a configuration structure.
- * The configuration structure can be custom filled or set with default values by
- * SPDIF_GetDefaultConfig().
- *
- * note This API should be called at the beginning of the application to use
- * the SPDIF driver. Otherwise, accessing the SPDIF module can cause a hard fault
- * because the clock is not enabled.
- *
- * param base SPDIF base pointer
- * param config SPDIF configuration structure.
- */
-void SPDIF_Init(SPDIF_Type *base, const spdif_config_t *config)
- uint32_t val = 0;
- /* Enable the SPDIF clock */
- CLOCK_EnableClock(s_spdifClock[SPDIF_GetInstance(base)]);
- /* Reset the internal logic */
- /* Waiting for reset finish */
- while ((base->SCR & SPDIF_SCR_SOFT_RESET_MASK) != 0x00U)
- {
- }
- /* Setting the SPDIF settings */
- base->SCR = SPDIF_SCR_RXFIFOFULL_SEL(config->rxFullSelect) | SPDIF_SCR_RXAUTOSYNC(config->isRxAutoSync) |
- SPDIF_SCR_TXAUTOSYNC(config->isRxAutoSync) | SPDIF_SCR_TXFIFOEMPTY_SEL(config->txFullSelect) |
- SPDIF_SCR_TXFIFO_CTRL(1U) | SPDIF_SCR_VALCTRL(config->validityConfig) |
- SPDIF_SCR_TXSEL(config->txSource) | SPDIF_SCR_USRC_SEL(config->uChannelSrc);
- /* Set DPLL clock source */
- base->SRPC = SPDIF_SRPC_CLKSRC_SEL(config->DPLLClkSource) | SPDIF_SRPC_GAINSEL(config->gain);
- /* Set SPDIF tx clock source */
- val |= SPDIF_STC_TXCLK_SOURCE(config->txClkSource);
- base->STC = val;
- * brief De-initializes the SPDIF peripheral.
- *
- * This API gates the SPDIF clock. The SPDIF module can't operate unless SPDIF_Init is called to enable the clock.
- *
- * param base SPDIF base pointer
- */
-void SPDIF_Deinit(SPDIF_Type *base)
- SPDIF_TxEnable(base, false);
- SPDIF_RxEnable(base, false);
- CLOCK_DisableClock(s_spdifClock[SPDIF_GetInstance(base)]);
- * brief Sets the SPDIF configuration structure to default values.
- *
- * This API initializes the configuration structure for use in SPDIF_Init.
- * The initialized structure can remain unchanged in SPDIF_Init, or it can be modified
- * before calling SPDIF_Init.
- * This is an example.
- code
- spdif_config_t config;
- SPDIF_GetDefaultConfig(&config);
- endcode
- *
- * param config pointer to master configuration structure
- */
-void SPDIF_GetDefaultConfig(spdif_config_t *config)
- /* Initializes the configure structure to zero. */
- (void)memset(config, 0, sizeof(*config));
- config->isTxAutoSync = true;
- config->isRxAutoSync = true;
- config->DPLLClkSource = 1;
- config->txClkSource = 1;
- config->rxFullSelect = kSPDIF_RxFull8Samples;
- config->txFullSelect = kSPDIF_TxEmpty8Samples;
- config->uChannelSrc = kSPDIF_UChannelFromTx;
- config->txSource = kSPDIF_txNormal;
- config->validityConfig = kSPDIF_validityFlagAlwaysClear;
- config->gain = kSPDIF_GAIN_8;
- * brief Enables/disables the SPDIF Tx.
- *
- * param base SPDIF base pointer
- * param enable True means enable SPDIF Tx, false means disable.
- */
-void SPDIF_TxEnable(SPDIF_Type *base, bool enable)
- uint32_t val = 0;
- if (enable)
- {
- /* Open Tx FIFO */
- val = base->SCR & (~SPDIF_SCR_TXFIFO_CTRL_MASK);
- base->SCR = val;
- /* Enable transfer clock */
- }
- else
- {
- /* Disable transfer clock */
- }
- * brief Configures the SPDIF Tx sample rate.
- *
- * The audio format can be changed at run-time. This function configures the sample rate.
- *
- * param base SPDIF base pointer.
- * param sampleRate_Hz SPDIF sample rate frequency in Hz.
- * param sourceClockFreq_Hz SPDIF tx clock source frequency in Hz.
- */
-void SPDIF_TxSetSampleRate(SPDIF_Type *base, uint32_t sampleRate_Hz, uint32_t sourceClockFreq_Hz)
- uint32_t clkDiv = sourceClockFreq_Hz / (sampleRate_Hz * 64U);
- uint32_t mod = sourceClockFreq_Hz % (sampleRate_Hz * 64U);
- uint32_t val = 0;
- uint8_t clockSource = (uint8_t)(((base->STC) & SPDIF_STC_TXCLK_SOURCE_MASK) >> SPDIF_STC_TXCLK_SOURCE_SHIFT);
- /* Compute the nearest divider */
- if (mod > ((sampleRate_Hz * 64U) / 2U))
- {
- clkDiv += 1U;
- }
- /* If use divided systeme clock */
- if (clockSource == 5U)
- {
- if (clkDiv > 256U)
- {
- val |= SPDIF_STC_SYSCLK_DF((clkDiv / 128U) - 1U) | SPDIF_STC_TXCLK_DF(127U);
- base->STC = val;
- }
- else
- {
- base->STC = val;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Other clock only uses txclk div */
- val |= SPDIF_STC_TXCLK_DF(clkDiv - 1U);
- base->STC = val;
- }
- * brief Configures the SPDIF Rx audio format.
- *
- * The audio format can be changed at run-time. This function configures the sample rate and audio data
- * format to be transferred.
- *
- * param base SPDIF base pointer.
- * param clockSourceFreq_Hz SPDIF system clock frequency in hz.
- */
-uint32_t SPDIF_GetRxSampleRate(SPDIF_Type *base, uint32_t clockSourceFreq_Hz)
- uint64_t gain = s_spdif_gain[((base->SRPC & SPDIF_SRPC_GAINSEL_MASK) >> SPDIF_SRPC_GAINSEL_SHIFT)];
- uint32_t measure = 0;
- uint32_t sampleRate = 0;
- uint64_t temp = 0;
- /* Wait the DPLL locked */
- while ((base->SRPC & SPDIF_SRPC_LOCK_MASK) == 0U)
- {
- }
- /* Get the measure value */
- measure = base->SRFM;
- temp = (uint64_t)measure * (uint64_t)clockSourceFreq_Hz;
- temp /= 1024U * 1024U * 128U * gain;
- sampleRate = (uint32_t)temp;
- return sampleRate;
- * brief Sends data using a blocking method.
- *
- * note This function blocks by polling until data is ready to be sent.
- *
- * param base SPDIF base pointer.
- * param buffer Pointer to the data to be written.
- * param size Bytes to be written.
- */
-void SPDIF_WriteBlocking(SPDIF_Type *base, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size)
- assert(buffer != NULL);
- assert((size % 6U) == 0U);
- uint32_t i = 0, j = 0, data = 0;
- while (i < size)
- {
- /* Wait until it can write data */
- while ((SPDIF_GetStatusFlag(base) & (uint32_t)kSPDIF_TxFIFOEmpty) == 0x00U)
- {
- }
- /* Write left channel data */
- for (j = 0; j < 3U; j++)
- {
- data |= ((uint32_t)(*buffer) << (j * 8U));
- buffer++;
- }
- SPDIF_WriteLeftData(base, data);
- /* Write right channel data */
- data = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < 3U; j++)
- {
- data |= ((uint32_t)(*buffer) << (j * 8U));
- buffer++;
- }
- SPDIF_WriteRightData(base, data);
- i += 6U;
- }
- * brief Receives data using a blocking method.
- *
- * note This function blocks by polling until data is ready to be sent.
- *
- * param base SPDIF base pointer.
- * param buffer Pointer to the data to be read.
- * param size Bytes to be read.
- */
-void SPDIF_ReadBlocking(SPDIF_Type *base, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size)
- assert(buffer != NULL);
- assert((size % 6U) == 0U);
- uint32_t i = 0, j = 0, data = 0;
- while (i < size)
- {
- /* Wait until it can write data */
- while ((SPDIF_GetStatusFlag(base) & (uint32_t)kSPDIF_RxFIFOFull) == 0x00U)
- {
- }
- /* Write left channel data */
- data = SPDIF_ReadLeftData(base);
- for (j = 0; j < 3U; j++)
- {
- *buffer = ((uint8_t)(data >> (j * 8U)) & 0xFFU);
- buffer++;
- }
- /* Write right channel data */
- data = SPDIF_ReadRightData(base);
- for (j = 0; j < 3U; j++)
- {
- *buffer = ((uint8_t)(data >> (j * 8U)) & 0xFFU);
- buffer++;
- }
- i += 6U;
- }
- * brief Initializes the SPDIF Tx handle.
- *
- * This function initializes the Tx handle for the SPDIF Tx transactional APIs. Call
- * this function once to get the handle initialized.
- *
- * param base SPDIF base pointer
- * param handle SPDIF handle pointer.
- * param callback Pointer to the user callback function.
- * param userData User parameter passed to the callback function
- */
-void SPDIF_TransferTxCreateHandle(SPDIF_Type *base,
- spdif_handle_t *handle,
- spdif_transfer_callback_t callback,
- void *userData)
- assert(handle != NULL);
- /* Zero the handle */
- (void)memset(handle, 0, sizeof(*handle));
- s_spdifHandle[SPDIF_GetInstance(base)][0] = handle;
- handle->callback = callback;
- handle->userData = userData;
- handle->watermark =
- /* Set the isr pointer */
- s_spdifTxIsr = SPDIF_TransferTxHandleIRQ;
- /* Enable Tx irq */
- (void)EnableIRQ(s_spdifIRQ[SPDIF_GetInstance(base)]);
- * brief Initializes the SPDIF Rx handle.
- *
- * This function initializes the Rx handle for the SPDIF Rx transactional APIs. Call
- * this function once to get the handle initialized.
- *
- * param base SPDIF base pointer.
- * param handle SPDIF handle pointer.
- * param callback Pointer to the user callback function.
- * param userData User parameter passed to the callback function.
- */
-void SPDIF_TransferRxCreateHandle(SPDIF_Type *base,
- spdif_handle_t *handle,
- spdif_transfer_callback_t callback,
- void *userData)
- assert(handle != NULL);
- /* Zero the handle */
- (void)memset(handle, 0, sizeof(*handle));
- s_spdifHandle[SPDIF_GetInstance(base)][1] = handle;
- handle->callback = callback;
- handle->userData = userData;
- handle->watermark =
- /* Set the isr pointer */
- s_spdifRxIsr = SPDIF_TransferRxHandleIRQ;
- /* Enable Rx irq */
- (void)EnableIRQ(s_spdifIRQ[SPDIF_GetInstance(base)]);
- * brief Performs an interrupt non-blocking send transfer on SPDIF.
- *
- * note This API returns immediately after the transfer initiates.
- * Call the SPDIF_TxGetTransferStatusIRQ to poll the transfer status and check whether
- * the transfer is finished. If the return status is not kStatus_SPDIF_Busy, the transfer
- * is finished.
- *
- * param base SPDIF base pointer.
- * param handle Pointer to the spdif_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
- * param xfer Pointer to the spdif_transfer_t structure.
- * retval kStatus_Success Successfully started the data receive.
- * retval kStatus_SPDIF_TxBusy Previous receive still not finished.
- * retval kStatus_InvalidArgument The input parameter is invalid.
- */
-status_t SPDIF_TransferSendNonBlocking(SPDIF_Type *base, spdif_handle_t *handle, spdif_transfer_t *xfer)
- assert(handle != NULL);
- /* Check if the queue is full */
- if (handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueUser].data != NULL)
- {
- return kStatus_SPDIF_QueueFull;
- }
- /* Add into queue */
- handle->transferSize[handle->queueUser] = xfer->dataSize;
- handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueUser].data = xfer->data;
- handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueUser].dataSize = xfer->dataSize;
- handle->queueUser = (handle->queueUser + 0x01U) % SPDIF_XFER_QUEUE_SIZE;
- /* Set the state to busy */
- handle->state = kSPDIF_Busy;
- /* Enable interrupt */
- SPDIF_EnableInterrupts(base, kSPDIF_TxFIFOEmpty);
- /* Enable Tx transfer */
- SPDIF_TxEnable(base, true);
- return kStatus_Success;
- * brief Performs an interrupt non-blocking receive transfer on SPDIF.
- *
- * note This API returns immediately after the transfer initiates.
- * Call the SPDIF_RxGetTransferStatusIRQ to poll the transfer status and check whether
- * the transfer is finished. If the return status is not kStatus_SPDIF_Busy, the transfer
- * is finished.
- *
- * param base SPDIF base pointer
- * param handle Pointer to the spdif_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
- * param xfer Pointer to the spdif_transfer_t structure.
- * retval kStatus_Success Successfully started the data receive.
- * retval kStatus_SPDIF_RxBusy Previous receive still not finished.
- * retval kStatus_InvalidArgument The input parameter is invalid.
- */
-status_t SPDIF_TransferReceiveNonBlocking(SPDIF_Type *base, spdif_handle_t *handle, spdif_transfer_t *xfer)
- assert(handle != NULL);
- /* Check if the queue is full */
- if (handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueUser].data != NULL)
- {
- return kStatus_SPDIF_QueueFull;
- }
- /* Add into queue */
- handle->transferSize[handle->queueUser] = xfer->dataSize;
- handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueUser].data = xfer->data;
- handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueUser].dataSize = xfer->dataSize;
- handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueUser].udata = xfer->udata;
- handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueUser].qdata = xfer->qdata;
- handle->queueUser = (handle->queueUser + 0x01U) % SPDIF_XFER_QUEUE_SIZE;
- /* Set state to busy */
- handle->state = kSPDIF_Busy;
- /* Enable interrupt */
- SPDIF_EnableInterrupts(base, (uint32_t)kSPDIF_UChannelReceiveRegisterFull |
- (uint32_t)kSPDIF_QChannelReceiveRegisterFull | (uint32_t)kSPDIF_RxFIFOFull |
- (uint32_t)kSPDIF_RxControlChannelChange);
- /* Enable Rx transfer */
- SPDIF_RxEnable(base, true);
- return kStatus_Success;
- * brief Gets a set byte count.
- *
- * param base SPDIF base pointer.
- * param handle Pointer to the spdif_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
- * param count Bytes count sent.
- * retval kStatus_Success Succeed get the transfer count.
- * retval kStatus_NoTransferInProgress There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
- */
-status_t SPDIF_TransferGetSendCount(SPDIF_Type *base, spdif_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
- assert(handle != NULL);
- status_t status = kStatus_Success;
- uint8_t queueDriver = handle->queueDriver;
- if (handle->state != (uint32_t)kSPDIF_Busy)
- {
- status = kStatus_NoTransferInProgress;
- }
- else
- {
- *count = (handle->transferSize[queueDriver] - handle->spdifQueue[queueDriver].dataSize);
- }
- return status;
- * brief Gets a received byte count.
- *
- * param base SPDIF base pointer.
- * param handle Pointer to the spdif_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
- * param count Bytes count received.
- * retval kStatus_Success Succeed get the transfer count.
- * retval kStatus_NoTransferInProgress There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
- */
-status_t SPDIF_TransferGetReceiveCount(SPDIF_Type *base, spdif_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
- assert(handle != NULL);
- status_t status = kStatus_Success;
- uint8_t queueDriver = handle->queueDriver;
- if (handle->state != (uint32_t)kSPDIF_Busy)
- {
- status = kStatus_NoTransferInProgress;
- }
- else
- {
- *count = (handle->transferSize[queueDriver] - handle->spdifQueue[queueDriver].dataSize);
- }
- return status;
- * brief Aborts the current send.
- *
- * note This API can be called any time when an interrupt non-blocking transfer initiates
- * to abort the transfer early.
- *
- * param base SPDIF base pointer.
- * param handle Pointer to the spdif_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
- */
-void SPDIF_TransferAbortSend(SPDIF_Type *base, spdif_handle_t *handle)
- assert(handle != NULL);
- /* Use FIFO request interrupt and fifo error */
- SPDIF_DisableInterrupts(base, kSPDIF_TxFIFOEmpty);
- handle->state = kSPDIF_Idle;
- /* Clear the queue */
- (void)memset(handle->spdifQueue, 0, sizeof(spdif_transfer_t) * SPDIF_XFER_QUEUE_SIZE);
- handle->queueDriver = 0;
- handle->queueUser = 0;
- * brief Aborts the current IRQ receive.
- *
- * note This API can be called when an interrupt non-blocking transfer initiates
- * to abort the transfer early.
- *
- * param base SPDIF base pointer
- * param handle Pointer to the spdif_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
- */
-void SPDIF_TransferAbortReceive(SPDIF_Type *base, spdif_handle_t *handle)
- assert(handle != NULL);
- /* Disable interrupt */
- SPDIF_DisableInterrupts(base, (uint32_t)kSPDIF_UChannelReceiveRegisterFull |
- (uint32_t)kSPDIF_QChannelReceiveRegisterFull | (uint32_t)kSPDIF_RxFIFOFull |
- (uint32_t)kSPDIF_RxControlChannelChange);
- handle->state = kSPDIF_Idle;
- /* Clear the queue */
- (void)memset(handle->spdifQueue, 0, sizeof(spdif_transfer_t) * SPDIF_XFER_QUEUE_SIZE);
- handle->queueDriver = 0;
- handle->queueUser = 0;
- * brief Tx interrupt handler.
- *
- * param base SPDIF base pointer.
- * param handle Pointer to the spdif_handle_t structure.
- */
-void SPDIF_TransferTxHandleIRQ(SPDIF_Type *base, spdif_handle_t *handle)
- assert(handle != NULL);
- uint8_t *buffer = handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueDriver].data;
- uint8_t dataSize = 0;
- uint32_t i = 0, j = 0, data = 0;
- /* Do Transfer */
- if (((SPDIF_GetStatusFlag(base) & (uint32_t)kSPDIF_TxFIFOEmpty) != 0x00U) &&
- ((base->SIE & (uint32_t)kSPDIF_TxFIFOEmpty) != 0x00U))
- {
- dataSize = handle->watermark;
- while (i < dataSize)
- {
- data = 0;
- /* Write left channel data */
- for (j = 0; j < 3U; j++)
- {
- data |= ((uint32_t)(*buffer) << (j * 8U));
- buffer++;
- }
- SPDIF_WriteLeftData(base, data);
- /* Write right channel data */
- data = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < 3U; j++)
- {
- data |= ((uint32_t)(*buffer) << (j * 8U));
- buffer++;
- }
- SPDIF_WriteRightData(base, data);
- i++;
- }
- handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize -= (uint32_t)dataSize * 6U;
- handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueDriver].data += dataSize * 6U;
- /* If finished a block, call the callback function */
- if (handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize == 0U)
- {
- (void)memset(&handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueDriver], 0, sizeof(spdif_transfer_t));
- handle->queueDriver = (handle->queueDriver + 0x01U) % SPDIF_XFER_QUEUE_SIZE;
- if (handle->callback != NULL)
- {
- (handle->callback)(base, handle, kStatus_SPDIF_TxIdle, handle->userData);
- }
- }
- /* If all data finished, just stop the transfer */
- if (handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueDriver].data == NULL)
- {
- SPDIF_TransferAbortSend(base, handle);
- }
- }
- * brief Tx interrupt handler.
- *
- * param base SPDIF base pointer.
- * param handle Pointer to the spdif_handle_t structure.
- */
-void SPDIF_TransferRxHandleIRQ(SPDIF_Type *base, spdif_handle_t *handle)
- assert(handle != NULL);
- uint8_t *buffer = NULL;
- uint8_t dataSize = 0;
- uint32_t i = 0, j = 0, data = 0;
- /* Handle Cnew flag */
- if ((SPDIF_GetStatusFlag(base) & (uint32_t)kSPDIF_RxControlChannelChange) != 0x00U)
- {
- /* Clear the interrupt flag */
- SPDIF_ClearStatusFlags(base, SPDIF_SIE_CNEW_MASK);
- if (handle->callback != NULL)
- {
- (handle->callback)(base, handle, kStatus_SPDIF_RxCnew, handle->userData);
- }
- }
- /* Handle illegal symbol */
- if ((SPDIF_GetStatusFlag(base) & (uint32_t)kSPDIF_RxIllegalSymbol) != 0x00U)
- {
- SPDIF_ClearStatusFlags(base, kSPDIF_RxIllegalSymbol);
- if (handle->callback != NULL)
- {
- (handle->callback)(base, handle, kStatus_SPDIF_RxIllegalSymbol, handle->userData);
- }
- }
- /* Handle Parity Bit Error */
- if ((SPDIF_GetStatusFlag(base) & (uint32_t)kSPDIF_RxParityBitError) != 0x00U)
- {
- SPDIF_ClearStatusFlags(base, kSPDIF_RxParityBitError);
- if (handle->callback != NULL)
- {
- (handle->callback)(base, handle, kStatus_SPDIF_RxParityBitError, handle->userData);
- }
- }
- /* Handle DPlocked */
- if ((SPDIF_GetStatusFlag(base) & (uint32_t)kSPDIF_RxDPLLLocked) != 0x00U)
- {
- SPDIF_ClearStatusFlags(base, kSPDIF_RxDPLLLocked);
- if (handle->callback != NULL)
- {
- (handle->callback)(base, handle, kStatus_SPDIF_RxDPLLLocked, handle->userData);
- }
- }
- /* Handle Q channel full flag */
- if (((SPDIF_GetStatusFlag(base) & (uint32_t)kSPDIF_QChannelReceiveRegisterFull) != 0x00U) &&
- ((base->SIE & (uint32_t)kSPDIF_QChannelReceiveRegisterFull) != 0x00U))
- {
- buffer = handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueDriver].qdata;
- data = SPDIF_ReadQChannel(base);
- buffer[0] = (uint8_t)data & 0xFFU;
- buffer[1] = (uint8_t)(data >> 8U) & 0xFFU;
- buffer[2] = (uint8_t)(data >> 16U) & 0xFFU;
- }
- /* Handle U channel full flag */
- if (((SPDIF_GetStatusFlag(base) & (uint32_t)kSPDIF_UChannelReceiveRegisterFull) != 0x00U) &&
- ((base->SIE & (uint32_t)kSPDIF_UChannelReceiveRegisterFull) != 0x00U))
- {
- buffer = handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueDriver].udata;
- data = SPDIF_ReadUChannel(base);
- buffer[0] = (uint8_t)data & 0xFFU;
- buffer[1] = (uint8_t)(data >> 8U) & 0xFFU;
- buffer[2] = (uint8_t)(data >> 16U) & 0xFFU;
- }
- /* Handle audio data transfer */
- if (((SPDIF_GetStatusFlag(base) & (uint32_t)kSPDIF_RxFIFOFull) != 0x00U) &&
- ((base->SIE & (uint32_t)kSPDIF_RxFIFOFull) != 0x00U))
- {
- dataSize = handle->watermark;
- buffer = handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueDriver].data;
- while (i < dataSize)
- {
- /* Read left channel data */
- data = SPDIF_ReadLeftData(base);
- for (j = 0; j < 3U; j++)
- {
- *buffer = (uint8_t)((data >> (j * 8U)) & 0xFFU);
- buffer++;
- }
- /* Read right channel data */
- data = SPDIF_ReadRightData(base);
- for (j = 0; j < 3U; j++)
- {
- *buffer = (uint8_t)((data >> (j * 8U)) & 0xFFU);
- buffer++;
- }
- i++;
- }
- handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize -= (uint32_t)dataSize * 6U;
- handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueDriver].data += dataSize * 6U;
- /* If finished a block, call the callback function */
- if (handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize == 0x00U)
- {
- (void)memset(&handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueDriver], 0, sizeof(spdif_transfer_t));
- handle->queueDriver = (handle->queueDriver + 0x01U) % SPDIF_XFER_QUEUE_SIZE;
- if (handle->callback != NULL)
- {
- (handle->callback)(base, handle, kStatus_SPDIF_RxIdle, handle->userData);
- }
- }
- /* If all data finished, just stop the transfer */
- if (handle->spdifQueue[handle->queueDriver].data == NULL)
- {
- SPDIF_TransferAbortReceive(base, handle);
- }
- }
-#ifndef __rtems__
-#if defined(SPDIF)
-void SPDIF_DriverIRQHandler(void)
- if ((s_spdifHandle[0][0] != NULL) && (s_spdifTxIsr != NULL))
- {
- s_spdifTxIsr(SPDIF, s_spdifHandle[0][0]);
- }
- if ((s_spdifHandle[0][1] != NULL) && (s_spdifRxIsr != NULL))
- {
- s_spdifRxIsr(SPDIF, s_spdifHandle[0][1]);
- }
-#endif /* __rtems__ */