path: root/doc/tools/src2html1.4a/src2html
diff options
authorRalf Corsepius <>2003-02-14 03:29:01 +0000
committerRalf Corsepius <>2003-02-14 03:29:01 +0000
commite84c52869baf3ba40890f37887e1e0893079bdf3 (patch)
tree5fdd1e37f4c753b42bc822c931ab82fb7a62e412 /doc/tools/src2html1.4a/src2html
parent2003-02-11 Joel Sherrill <> (diff)
Merger from rtems-4-6-branch.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/tools/src2html1.4a/src2html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 704 deletions
diff --git a/doc/tools/src2html1.4a/src2html b/doc/tools/src2html1.4a/src2html
deleted file mode 100644
index 98d9d83d7f..0000000000
--- a/doc/tools/src2html1.4a/src2html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,704 +0,0 @@
-# Src2html: Take a source tree and generate Html documents that have hyperlinks
-# to the definition of structures, variables, functions, and preprocessor
-# definitions. Read the manual page for details on how to use the program.
-# Version 1.4-alpha. Written by Warren Toomey
-# 19th January 1996
-# $Id$
-if ($#ARGV <= 0 || $#ARGV > 4) { # Check arg count
- print(STDERR "Usage: $0 [-na] [-nl] [-d num] input_description\n");
- print(STDERR " -na: Don't produce top-level category files\n");
- print(STDERR " -nl: Don't produce per-letter files\n");
- print(STDERR " -d: Set debugging to given number (0-3)\n");
- exit(1);
-# Set up default option values
-$NoLetters= 0;
-$NoAll= 0;
-$Top= $ARGV[$#ARGV];
-$Top=~ s/\.s2h$//;
-# Parse the options
-for ($i=0; $i<= $#ARGV; $i++) {
- if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-na") { $NoAll= 1; next; }
- if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-nl") { $NoLetters= 1; next; }
- if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-d") { $i++; $Debug= $ARGV[$i]; next; }
-$Title{"m"}= "C Macros";
-$Title{"d"}= "C Defines";
-$Title{"f"}= "C Functions";
-$Title{"v"}= "C Variables";
-$Title{"s"}= "C Structs";
-$Title{"u"}= "C Unions";
-$Title{"t"}= "C Typedefs";
-$Title{"e"}= "C Enums";
-$Title{"AdaType"}= "Ada Types";
-$Title{"AdaProcedure"}= "Ada Procedures";
-$Title{"AdaFunction"}= "Ada Functions";
-$Title{"AdaPackage"}= "Ada Packages";
-$Title{"AdaTask"}= "Ada Tasks";
-$Title{"g"}= "All symbols";
-&get_s2h; # Read the description file
-&make_dirs; # Make directories as needed
-&make_ctags; # Generate ctags for all src
-&parse_ctags; # Parse ctags, generate html ptr files
-foreach $i (keys(%Dirinfo))
-{ &rewrite_src($i); } # Rewrite the src code
-exit(0); # and exit
-## get_s2h: Opens the source description file, reads it, and sets up some
-## variables describing where some directories are, and the source directories
-## to process. Variables used are:
-## Srctree - The root of the source tree we are processing
-## Htmlroot - The directory where all WWW documents are kept
-## Htmldir - The directory under Htmlroot for this source tree
-## Htmltree - The root of the destination tree for the Html code
-## Newsrctree - The directory in Htmltree to store the new Htmlised code
-## Headers - The directory where we keep information to prepend in some docs
-## Formdir - The place to put the index searching script
-## Dirinfo{} - The list of dirs and the info about the directory
-## Dotdir{} - The directory name with /'s -> .'s
-sub get_s2h {
- $Newsrctree= 'newsrc'; # Set up as default
- $Headers= '.';
- #########################################################
- # make sure we dump out the last bit of the last file....
- # Print out the remainder of the
- # current file, incl. the buffered line
- if ($In_file == 1) {
- if ("$line" ne "") { print OUT $line; }
- while (<IN>) {
- s/\&/&amp;/g; s/\</&lt;/g; s/\>/&gt;/g; print OUT;
- }
- print OUT "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n</pre></body>\n";
- close(IN); close(OUT);
- }
- #########################################################
- open(S2H,$ARGV[$#ARGV]) # Open descript
- || die "$0: can't open $ARGV[$#ARGV]: $!\n";
- while(<S2H>) { # Read in input lines
- next if /^#/; # Skip comments
- if ( /^set\s+Srctree\s+(\S+)/ ) {
- $Srctree = $1; next; # Set the variable
- }
- if ( /^set\s+Htmlroot\s+(\S+)/ ) {
- $Htmlroot = $1; next; # Set the variable
- }
- if ( /^set\s+Htmldir\s+(\S+)/ ) {
- $Htmldir = $1; next; # Set the variable
- }
- if ( /^set\s+Newsrctree\s+(\S+)/ ) {
- $Newsrctree = $1; next; # Set the variable
- }
- if ( /^set\s+Headers\s+(\S+)/ ) {
- $Headers = $1; next; # Set the variable
- }
- if ( /^set\s+Formdir\s+(\S+)/ ) {
- $Formdir = $1; next; # Set the variable
- }
- if ( /^dir\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/ ) {
- $Dirinfo{$1}= $2; $Dotdir{$1}=$1;
- $Dotdir{$1}=~ s/\//./g;
- next; # Get dir commands
- }
- if ( /^\n/ ) { next; } # Ignore blank lines
- # Bad input line, give warning
- chop; print "$_: Bad line, ignoring\n"; next;
- }
- close(S2H);
- if (!defined($Srctree)) { die "$0: Srctree undefined in $ARGV[$#ARGV]\n"; }
- if (!defined($Htmlroot)) { die "$0: Htmlroot undefined in $ARGV[$#ARGV]\n"; }
- if (!defined($Htmldir)) { die "$0: Htmldir undefined in $ARGV[$#ARGV]\n"; }
- $Htmltree= "$Htmlroot/$Htmldir";
-## make_dirs: Make the directories need to store the Html documents, and also
-## check to make sure that the input directories exist. We depend upon mkdir(1)
-## having the -p option to make intermediate directories as needed.
-sub make_dirs {
- local($i);
- foreach $i (keys(%Dirinfo)) { # Check that the directories exist
- if (! -e "$Srctree/$i") {
- die "$0: Input dir $Srctree/$i doesn't exist\n";
- }
- if (! -d "$Srctree/$i") {
- die "$0: Input dir $Srctree/$i is not a directory\n";
- }
- }
- if (! -e "$Htmltree") {
- system("mkdir -p $Htmltree") && die "$0: Can't mkdir $Htmltree\n";
- }
- if (! -e "$Htmltree/$Newsrctree") {
- system("mkdir -p $Htmltree/$Newsrctree")
- && die "$0: Can't mkdir $Htmltree/$Newsrctree\n";
- }
- if (! -e "$Htmltree/ctags") {
- system("mkdir -p $Htmltree/ctags") && die "$0: Can't mkdir ctags\n";
- }
- foreach $i (keys(%Dirinfo)) {
- if (! -e "$Htmltree/$Newsrctree/$i") {
- system("mkdir -p $Htmltree/$Newsrctree/$i")
- && die "$0: Can't mkdir $Htmltree/$Newsrctree/$i\n";
- }
- }
-## make_ctags: Process all the source code, creating the ctags files.
-## The Ctagsfile{} array is set up to hold the name of the ctags files
-## created.
-sub make_ctags {
- local($i);
- foreach $i (keys(%Dirinfo)) {
- $Ctagsfile{$i}= "$Htmltree/ctags/$Dotdir{$i}.ctags";
- if ($Debug > 0 ) { print "Generating ctags for $Ctagsfile{$i}\n"; }
- system("(cd $Srctree; /usr1/rtems/rtemsdoc-work/tools/src2html/ctags-wr $i) > $Ctagsfile{$i}")
- && print "$0: ctags failed on $Srctree/$i\n";
- }
-## parse_ctags: Parse the ctags file produced by make_ctags, creating several
-## arrays of information. The arrays created are:
-## Macro{} - The name of every macro and its name lowercased
-## Def{} - The name of every define and its name lowercased
-## Func{} - The name of every function and its name lowercased
-## Var{} - The name of every variable and its name lowercased
-## Struct{} - The name of every struct and its name lowercased
-## Union{} - The name of every union and its name lowercased
-## Type{} - The name of every typedef and its name lowercased
-## Enum{} - The name of every enum and its name lowercased
-## Nfile{} - The directory in which the symbol was found
-## Nline{} - The line number where the symbol was found
-sub parse_ctags {
- local($i);
- local($low);
- local($count);
- $count = 0;
- foreach $i (keys(%Dirinfo)) {
- open(CTAGS,$Ctagsfile{$i}) || die "$0: Can't open $Ctagsfile{$i}, $!\n";
- if ($Debug > 0) { print "Parsing $Ctagsfile{$i} to build ptr files\n"; }
- while (<CTAGS>) {
- $count ++;
- if ( /^(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+Preprocessor macro/ ) {
- ($low=$1)=~tr/A-Z_/a-z/d; $k="$low$count";
- $Macro{$k}=$1; $Nline{$k}= $2;
- $Nfile{$k}= $3; next;
- }
- if ( /^(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+Preprocessor define/ ) {
- ($low=$1)=~tr/A-Z_/a-z/d; $k="$low$count";
- $Def{$k}=$1; $Nline{$k}= $2;
- $Nfile{$k}= $3; next;
- }
- if ( /^(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+C struct/ ) {
- ($low=$1)=~tr/A-Z_/a-z/d; $k="$low$count";
- $Struct{$k}=$1; $Nline{$k}= $2;
- $Nfile{$k}= $3; next;
- }
- if ( /^(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+C union/ ) {
- ($low=$1)=~tr/A-Z_/a-z/d; $k="$low$count";
- $Union{$k}=$1; $Nline{$k}= $2;
- $Nfile{$k}= $3; next;
- }
- if ( /^(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+C typedef/ ) {
- ($low=$1)=~tr/A-Z_/a-z/d; $k="$low$count";
- $Type{$k}=$1; $Nline{$k}= $2;
- $Nfile{$k}= $3; next;
- }
- if ( /^(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+C enum/ ) {
- ($low=$1)=~tr/A-Z_/a-z/d; $k="$low$count";
- $Enum{$k}=$1; $Nline{$k}= $2;
- $Nfile{$k}= $3; next;
- }
- if ( /^(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+C function/ ) {
- ($low=$1)=~tr/A-Z_/a-z/d; $k="$low$count";
- $Func{$k}=$1; $Nline{$k}= $2;
- $Nfile{$k}= $3; next;
- }
- if ( /^(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+C variable/ ) {
- ($low=$1)=~tr/A-Z_/a-z/d; $k="$low$count";
- $Var{$k}=$1; $Nline{$k}= $2;
- $Nfile{$k}= $3; next;
- }
- if ( /^(return)\/.\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+.*/ ) {
- next;
- # Code like the following line results in "return" as ctag
- # "type Action is access function return Boolean;
- }
- if ( /^(\w+)\/.\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+use .*/ ) {
- next;
- # throw away lines like "use type System"
- }
- if ( /^(\w+)\/.\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+type .*/ ) {
- ($low=$1)=~tr/A-Z_/a-z/d; $k="$low$count";
- $AdaType{$k}=$1; $Nline{$k}= $2;
- $Nfile{$k}= $3; next;
- }
- if ( /^(\w+)\/.+\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+procedure .*/ ) {
- ($low=$1)=~tr/A-Z_/a-z/d; $k="$low$count";
- $AdaProcedure{$k}=$1; $Nline{$k}= $2;
- $Nfile{$k}= $3; next;
- }
- if ( /^(\w+)\/.+\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+function .*/ ) {
- ($low=$1)=~tr/A-Z_/a-z/d; $k="$low$count";
- $AdaFunction{$k}=$1; $Nline{$k}= $2;
- $Nfile{$k}= $3; next;
- }
- if ( /^(\".+)\/.+\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+function .*/ ) {
- next;
- # throw away functions like "*"
- }
- if ( /^(\w+)\/.\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+package .*/ ) {
- ($low=$1)=~tr/A-Z_/a-z/d; $k="$low$count";
- $AdaPackage{$k}=$1; $Nline{$k}= $2;
- $Nfile{$k}= $3; next;
- }
- if ( /^(\w+)\/.\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+task .*/ ) {
- ($low=$1)=~tr/A-Z_/a-z/d; $k="$low$count";
- $AdaTask{$k}=$1; $Nline{$k}= $2;
- $Nfile{$k}= $3; next;
- }
- if ( /^([\w\/]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+use type .*/ ) {
- next;
- }
- if ( /^([\w\/\(]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+type .*/ ) {
- next;
- }
- if ( /^;([\w\/\(]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+type .*/ ) {
- next;
- }
- if ( /^\(([\w\/\(]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+procedure .*/ ) {
- next;
- }
- print "$0: In Ctagsfile{$i}, don't recognise $_";
- }
- close(CTAGS);
- &make_dir_html($i);
- undef %Macro; undef %Def; undef %Func; undef %Var;
- undef %Struct; undef %Union; undef %Type; undef %Enum;
- undef %AdaType; undef %AdaProcedure; undef %AdaFunction;
- undef %AdaPackage; undef %AdaTask;
- }
- &make_top_html;
-## make_letters_html: Make the lowest HTML documents, i.e those per-directory
-## per-type per-letter Htmls that point directly at the source code.
-## Arguments are: Dir name, prefix, title, Name/dir list
-## If the file is created, set $Exists(letter) positive, else to 0.
-sub make_letters_html {
- local($dir)= $_[0];
- local($pref)= $_[1];
- local($title)= $_[2];
- local(*type)= $_[3];
- local($htmlfile);
- local($let)="@";
- foreach $i ( "a".."z",
- "AdaType", "AdaProcedure", "AdaFunction", "AdaPackage", "AdaTask" ) {
- $Exists{$i}=0;
- }
- foreach $name (sort keys( %type )) {
- if (substr($name,0,1) ne $let) {
- if ($let ne "@") {
- print HTML "</ul></body>\n";
- close(HTML);
- $Exists{$let}= 1;
- }
- $let= substr($name, 0, 1);
- $htmlfile= "$Htmltree/$Dotdir{$dir}.$pref$let.html";
- open(HTML, "> $htmlfile") || die "$0: Can't open $htmlfile, $!\n";
- print HTML "<head>\n<title>$title starting with ";
- print HTML "`$let' in $dir</title>\n";
- print HTML "</head><body><h1>$title starting with ";
- print HTML "`$let' in $dir</h1><p>\n";
- print HTML "<ul>\n";
- }
- # print HTML "<li><a href=\"$Newsrctree/$Nfile{$type{$name}}";
- # print HTML ".html#$type{$name}\">$type{$name}</a> ";
- # print HTML "$Nfile{$type{$name}}:$Nline{$type{$name}}\n"; next;
- print HTML "<li><a href=\"$Newsrctree/$Nfile{$name}";
- print HTML ".html#$type{$name}\">$type{$name}</a> ";
- print HTML "$Nfile{$name}:$Nline{$name}\n"; next;
- }
- print HTML "</ul></body>\n";
- close(HTML);
- $Exists{$let}= 1;
-## make_type_html: Make the type htmls. If there are <50 symbols for the
-## directory, create the per-directory per-type html document only. Otherwise
-## for every letter grep symbols, call make_lowest_letter_html, and
-## finally create the per-directory per-type html document that points only
-## at the letter files created.
-## Arguments are: Dir name, prefix, title, Name/dir list
-sub make_type_html {
- local($dir)= $_[0];
- local($pref)= $_[1];
- local($title)= $_[2];
- local(*type)= $_[3];
- local($i);
- local($htmlfile);
- local(@keys)= keys(%type);
- local($name);
- $Exists{$title}=0;
- if ( $#keys < 0 ) { return; }
- if ($Debug > 0) {
- $i= $#keys + 1;
- print "The associative array for $dir $title has $i elements\n";
- }
- if ( ($#keys < 50) || ($NoLetters == 1) ) {
- $htmlfile= "$Htmltree/$Dotdir{$dir}.$pref.html";
- open(HTML, "> $htmlfile") || die "$0: Can't open $htmlfile, $!\n";
- print HTML "<head>\n<title>$title in $dir</title>\n";
- print HTML "</head><body><h1>$title in $dir</h1>\n";
- print HTML "<ul>\n";
- foreach $name (sort keys( %type )) {
- # print HTML "<li><a href=\"$Newsrctree/$Nfile{$type{$name}}";
- # print HTML ".html#$type{$name}\">$type{$name}</a> ";
- # print HTML "$Nfile{$type{$name}}:$Nline{$type{$name}}\n"; next;
- print HTML "<li><a href=\"$Newsrctree/$Nfile{$name}";
- print HTML ".html#$type{$name}\">$type{$name}</a> ";
- print HTML "$Nfile{$name}:$Nline{$name}\n"; next;
- }
- print HTML "</ul></body>\n";
- close(HTML);
- $Exists{$title}=1;
- }
- else {
- &make_letters_html($dir, $pref, $title, *type);
- open(HTML, "> $Htmltree/$Dotdir{$dir}.$pref.html")
- || die "$0: Can't open $htmlfile.$pref.html, $!\n";
- print HTML "<head>\n<title>$title in $dir</title>\n";
- print HTML "</head><body><h1>$title in $dir</h1><p>\n";
- print HTML "<ul>\n";
- foreach $i ( "a".."z",
- "AdaType", "AdaProcedure", "AdaFunction", "AdaPackage", "AdaTask" ) {
- if ($Exists{$i} > 0) { # A file exists
- print HTML "<li><a href=\"$Dotdir{$dir}.$pref$i.html\">";
- print HTML "$i</a>\n"; $Exists{$title}++; $Exists{$i}=0;
- }
- }
- print HTML "</ul></body>\n";
- close(HTML);
- if ($Exists{$title} == 0) { unlink($htmlfile); }
- }
-## asappend: Append the contents of the second associative array to the
-## first.
-sub asappend {
- local(*To)= $_[0];
- local(*From)= $_[1];
- local($i);
- foreach $i (keys(%From)) { $To{$i}= $From{$i} ; }
-## make_dir_html: Make the html document for the directory. Use the
-## Exist{} array to determine what types to include on the document.
-## Arguments are: Dir name
-sub make_dir_html {
- local($dir)= $_[0];
- local($i);
- local(@keys);
- if ($Debug > 1) { print"In makedir, dir is $dir\n"; }
- &make_type_html($dir, "f", $Title{"f"}, *Func);
- &make_type_html($dir, "m", $Title{"m"}, *Macro);
- &make_type_html($dir, "d", $Title{"d"}, *Def);
- &make_type_html($dir, "v", $Title{"v"}, *Var);
- &make_type_html($dir, "s", $Title{"s"}, *Struct);
- &make_type_html($dir, "u", $Title{"u"}, *Union);
- &make_type_html($dir, "t", $Title{"t"}, *Type);
- &make_type_html($dir, "e", $Title{"e"}, *Enum);
- &make_type_html($dir, "AdaType", $Title{"AdaType"}, *AdaType);
- &make_type_html($dir,
- "AdaProcedure", $Title{"AdaProcedure"}, *AdaProcedure);
- &make_type_html($dir, "AdaFunction", $Title{"AdaFunction"}, *AdaFunction);
- &make_type_html($dir, "AdaPackage", $Title{"AdaPackage"}, *AdaPackage);
- &make_type_html($dir, "AdaTask", $Title{"AdaTask"}, *AdaTask);
- if ($NoAll != 1) {
- &asappend(*GFunc, *Func);
- &asappend(*GMacro, *Macro);
- &asappend(*GDef, *Def);
- &asappend(*GVar, *Var);
- &asappend(*GStruct, *Struct);
- &asappend(*GUnion, *Union);
- &asappend(*GType, *Type);
- &asappend(*GEnum, *Enum);
- &asappend(*GAdaType, *AdaType);
- &asappend(*GAdaProcedure, *AdaProcedure);
- &asappend(*GAdaFunction, *AdaFunction);
- &asappend(*GAdaPackage, *AdaPackage);
- &asappend(*GAdaTask, *AdaTask);
- }
- &asappend(*Alldir, *Func);
- &asappend(*Alldir, *Macro);
- &asappend(*Alldir, *Def);
- &asappend(*Alldir, *Var);
- &asappend(*Alldir, *Struct);
- &asappend(*Alldir, *Union);
- &asappend(*Alldir, *Type);
- &asappend(*Alldir, *Enum);
- &asappend(*Alldir, *AdaType);
- &asappend(*Alldir, *AdaProcedure);
- &asappend(*Alldir, *AdaFunction);
- &asappend(*Alldir, *AdaPackage);
- &asappend(*Alldir, *AdaTask);
- if ($NoLetters != 1) {
- &make_letters_html($dir, "g", $Title{"g"}, *Alldir);
- }
- undef %Alldir;
- open(HTML, "> $Htmltree/$Dotdir{$dir}.html")
- || die "$0: Can't open $Htmltree/$Dotdir{$dir}.html, $!\n";
- print HTML "<head>\n<title>Cross-references for $dir</title>\n";
- print HTML "</head><body><h1>Cross-references for $dir</h1><p>\n";
- if (-f "$Headers/$Dotdir{$dir}.hdr" ) {
- open(TOPHDR, "$Headers/$Dotdir{$dir}.hdr");
- while (<TOPHDR>) { print HTML; }
- close(TOPHDR);
- }
- if (defined($Formdir)) {
- print HTML "<hr><form action=\"$Formdir/src2html.cgi\" ";
- print HTML "method=\"POST\">\n";
- print HTML "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Search\">\n";
- print HTML "<input type= \"text\" ";
- print HTML "name=\"$Htmldir/$Newsrctree\">\n";
- print HTML "Enter a symbol's name here to quickly find it.\n";
- print HTML "</form><hr>\n";
- }
- print HTML "<h1>Cross-references for $dir by type</h1><p><ul>\n";
- foreach $i ( "f","m","d","v","s","u","t","e",
- "AdaType", "AdaProcedure", "AdaFunction", "AdaPackage", "AdaTask" ) {
- if ($Exists{$Title{$i}} > 0) { # A type exists
- print HTML "<li><a href=\"$Dotdir{$dir}.$i.html\">";
- print HTML "$Title{$i}</a>\n";
- $Exists{$dir}++; $Exists{$Title{$i}}=0;
- }
- }
- print HTML "</ul><p>\n";
- if ($NoLetters != 1) {
- print HTML "<h1>Cross-references for $dir by letter</h1><p><ul>\n";
- foreach $i ( "a".."z" ) {
- if ($Exists{$i} > 0) { # A letter exists
- print HTML "<li><a href=\"$Dotdir{$dir}.g$i.html\">";
- print HTML "$i</a>\n"; $Exists{$i}=0;
- }
- }
- }
- print HTML "</ul></body>\n";
- close(HTML);
-## Make_top_html: Make the top html document by making the ones below
-## it and then adding links to them.
-sub make_top_html {
- local($i);
- local(@keys);
- $Dotdir{$Top}=$Top;
- &make_type_html($Top, "f", $Title{"f"}, *GFunc);
- &make_type_html($Top, "m", $Title{"m"}, *GMacro);
- &make_type_html($Top, "d", $Title{"d"}, *GDef);
- &make_type_html($Top, "v", $Title{"v"}, *GVar);
- &make_type_html($Top, "s", $Title{"s"}, *GStruct);
- &make_type_html($Top, "u", $Title{"u"}, *GUnion);
- &make_type_html($Top, "t", $Title{"t"}, *GType);
- &make_type_html($Top, "e", $Title{"e"}, *GEnum);
- &make_type_html($Top, "AdaType", $Title{"AdaType"}, *GAdaType);
- &make_type_html($Top, "AdaProcedure", $Title{"AdaProcedure"}, *GAdaProcedure);
- &make_type_html($Top, "AdaFunction", $Title{"AdaFunction"}, *GAdaFunction);
- &make_type_html($Top, "AdaPackage", $Title{"AdaPackage"}, *GAdaPackage);
- &make_type_html($Top, "AdaTask", $Title{"AdaTask"}, *GAdaTask);
- open(HTMLTOP, "> $Htmltree/$Top.html")
- || die "$0: Can't open $Htmltree/$Top.html, $!\n";
- print HTMLTOP "<head>\n<title>Cross-references for $Top</title>\n";
- print HTMLTOP "</head><body><h1>Cross-references for $Top</h1><p>\n";
- if (-f "$Headers/$Top.hdr" ) {
- open(TOPHDR, "$Headers/$Top.hdr");
- while (<TOPHDR>) { print HTMLTOP; }
- close(TOPHDR);
- }
- if (defined($Formdir)) {
- print HTMLTOP "<hr><form action=\"$Formdir/src2html.cgi\" ";
- print HTMLTOP "method=\"POST\">\n";
- print HTMLTOP "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Search\">\n";
- print HTMLTOP "<input type= \"text\" ";
- print HTMLTOP "name=\"$Htmldir/$Newsrctree\">\n";
- print HTMLTOP "Enter a symbol's name here to quickly find it.\n";
- print HTMLTOP "</form><hr>\n";
- }
- print HTMLTOP "<h2>Cross-references by directory</h2><p>\n";
- print HTMLTOP "<ul>\n";
- foreach $i (sort keys(%Dirinfo)) {
- if ($Exists{$i} > 0) { # A dir exists
- print HTMLTOP "<li><a href=\"$Dotdir{$i}.html\">";
- print HTMLTOP "$i</a> $Dirinfo{$i}\n"; $Exists{$i}=0;
- }
- }
- if ($NoAll != 1) {
- print HTMLTOP "</ul><p><h2>Cross-references by type</h2><p><ul>\n";
- foreach $i ( "f","m","d","v","s","u","t","e",
- "AdaType", "AdaProcedure", "AdaFunction", "AdaPackage", "AdaTask" ) {
- if ($Exists{$Title{$i}} > 0) { # A type exists
- print HTMLTOP "<li><a href=\"$Top.$i.html\">";
- print HTMLTOP "$Title{$i}</a>\n";
- }
- }
- if ($NoLetters != 1) {
- print HTMLTOP "</ul><p><h2>All Cross-references for $Top";
- print HTMLTOP "</h2><p><ul>\n";
- &asappend(*Alltop, *GFunc);
- &asappend(*Alltop, *GMacro);
- &asappend(*Alltop, *GDef);
- &asappend(*Alltop, *GVar);
- &asappend(*Alltop, *GStruct);
- &asappend(*Alltop, *GUnion);
- &asappend(*Alltop, *GType);
- &asappend(*Alltop, *GEnum);
- &asappend(*Alltop, *GAdaType);
- &asappend(*Alltop, *GAdaProcedure);
- &asappend(*Alltop, *GAdaFunction);
- &asappend(*Alltop, *GAdaPackage);
- &asappend(*Alltop, *GAdaTask);
- if ($Debug > 0) { print "Making top letters\n"; }
- &make_letters_html($Top, "g", $Title{"g"}, *Alltop);
- if ($Debug > 0) { print "Making top letters, part 2\n"; }
- foreach $i ( "a".."z" ) {
- if ($Exists{$i} > 0) {
- print HTMLTOP "<li><a href=\"$Dotdir{$Top}.g$i.html\">";
- print HTMLTOP "$i</a>\n";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- print HTMLTOP "</ul>\n";
- print HTMLTOP "<hr>This source tree was made with ";
- print HTMLTOP "<a href=\"";
- print HTMLTOP "\">src2html</a>.</body>\n";
- close(HTMLTOP);
-## rewrite_src: Reread the ctags file for the given directory, and
-## rewrite the source code, adding in anchor points and bolding symbols.
-## This is messy as we can have multiple symbols on a single source line,
-## therefore we must buffer each line while reading from the ctags file.
-sub rewrite_src {
- local($dir)= $_[0];
- local($i);
- local($file)="";
- local($line)="";
- local($symb);
- local($cnt);
- local($nextcnt);
- $In_file=0;
- open(CTAGS,"sort +2 -3 +1n -2 $Ctagsfile{$dir} |")
- || die "$0: Can't open sorted $Ctagsfile{$dir}, $!\n";
- if ($Debug > 0) { print "Rewriting source in $dir\n"; }
- while (<CTAGS>) {
- # Get the next file, line, symbol
- if (/^([\w\/]+)\s+(\d+)\s+([A-Za-z0-9_\+\-\.\/]+)/) {
- if ($Debug > 2) { print "Symb $1 at $2 in $3\n"; }
- $fname=$3; $nextcnt= $2; $symb=$1;
- $symb=~ s/\/.//g;
- # If it's in a new file
- if ("$file" ne "$fname") {
- # Print out the remainder of the
- # current file, incl. the buffered line
- if ($In_file == 1) {
- if ("$line" ne "") { print OUT $line; }
- while (<IN>) {
- s/\&/&amp;/g; s/\</&lt;/g; s/\>/&gt;/g; print OUT;
- }
- print OUT "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n</pre></body>\n";
- close(IN); close(OUT);
- }
- $file= "$fname";
- # Open the new file & do the preamble
- open(IN, "$Srctree/$file") ||
- print "Cannot open $Srctree/$file\n";
- open(OUT, "> $Htmltree/$Newsrctree/$file.html");
- $In_file=1;
- print OUT "<head>\n<title>$file Source</title>\n";
- print OUT "</head><body>\n";
- print OUT "<h1>Source to $file</h1>\n";
- if (defined($Formdir)) {
- print OUT "<hr><form action=\"$Formdir/src2html.cgi\" ";
- print OUT "method=\"POST\">\n";
- print OUT "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Search\">\n";
- print OUT "<input type= \"text\" ";
- print OUT "name=\"$Htmldir/$Newsrctree\">\n";
- print OUT "Enter a symbol's name here to quickly find it.\n";
- print OUT "</form><hr>\n";
- }
- print OUT "<pre>\n";
- # Get the first line
- $cnt=1; $line = <IN>;
- $line=~ s/\&/&amp;/g;
- $line=~ s/\</&lt;/g;
- $line=~ s/\>/&gt;/g;
- }
- }
- # Print all lines until one with a symb
- while ($cnt < $nextcnt) {
- print OUT $line; $cnt++; $line= <IN>;
- $line=~ s/\&/&amp;/g;
- $line=~ s/\</&lt;/g;
- $line=~ s/\>/&gt;/g;
- }
- # Now rewrite the line
- $line=~ s/\b$symb\b/<a name="$symb"<\/a><b>$symb<\/b>/;
- next;
- }
- close(CTAGS); close(IN); close(OUT);