path: root/c/src/lib/libcpu/powerpc/mpc860/vectors/vectors.S
diff options
authorJoel Sherrill <>1999-02-17 20:24:53 +0000
committerJoel Sherrill <>1999-02-17 20:24:53 +0000
commitee733965291f61dd959c0f75659b0482df7a64ca (patch)
tree1b7cd7bafa0e265b562fb8c6df14070293161c9a /c/src/lib/libcpu/powerpc/mpc860/vectors/vectors.S
parentPatch from Eric Valette <> to undo the patch (diff)
Jay Monkman <> submitted the eth_comm BSP for a PPC860
based board.
Diffstat (limited to 'c/src/lib/libcpu/powerpc/mpc860/vectors/vectors.S')
1 files changed, 952 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/c/src/lib/libcpu/powerpc/mpc860/vectors/vectors.S b/c/src/lib/libcpu/powerpc/mpc860/vectors/vectors.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de3739f41a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c/src/lib/libcpu/powerpc/mpc860/vectors/vectors.S
@@ -0,0 +1,952 @@
+/* vectors.s 1.1 - 95/12/04
+ *
+ * This file contains the assembly code for the PowerPC MPC860
+ * interrupt veneers for RTEMS.
+ *
+ * Author: Jay Monkman (
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 by Frasca International, Inc.
+ *
+ * Derived from c/src/lib/libcpu/ppc/ppc403/vectors/vectors.s:
+ *
+ * Author: Andrew Bray <>
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by i-cubed ltd.
+ *
+ * To anyone who acknowledges that this file is provided "AS IS"
+ * without any express or implied warranty:
+ * permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this file
+ * for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * the above copyright notice and this notice appears in all
+ * copies, and that the name of i-cubed limited not be used in
+ * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
+ * software without specific, written prior permission.
+ * i-cubed limited makes no representations about the suitability
+ * of this software for any purpose.
+ *
+ */
+ * The issue with this file is getting it loaded at the right place.
+ * The first vector MUST be at address 0x????0100.
+ * How this is achieved is dependant on the tool chain.
+ *
+ * However the basic mechanism for ELF assemblers is to create a
+ * section called ".vectors", which will be loaded to an address
+ * between 0x????0000 and 0x????0100 (inclusive) via a link script.
+ *
+ * The basic mechanism for XCOFF assemblers is to place it in the
+ * normal text section, and arrange for this file to be located
+ * at an appropriate position on the linker command line.
+ *
+ * The variable 'PPC_VECTOR_FILE_BASE' must be defined to be the
+ * offset from 0x????0000 to the first location in the file. This
+ * will be either 0x0000 or 0xfff0.
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ */
+#include "asm.h"
+#include <mpc860.h>
+#error "PPC_VECTOR_FILE_BASE is not defined."
+ /* Where this file will be loaded */
+ .set file_base, PPC_VECTOR_FILE_BASE
+ /* Offset to store reg 0 */
+ .set IP_LINK, 0
+ .set IP_0, (IP_LINK + 56)
+ .set IP_0, (IP_LINK + 8)
+ .set IP_2, (IP_0 + 4)
+ .set IP_3, (IP_2 + 4)
+ .set IP_4, (IP_3 + 4)
+ .set IP_5, (IP_4 + 4)
+ .set IP_6, (IP_5 + 4)
+ .set IP_7, (IP_6 + 4)
+ .set IP_8, (IP_7 + 4)
+ .set IP_9, (IP_8 + 4)
+ .set IP_10, (IP_9 + 4)
+ .set IP_11, (IP_10 + 4)
+ .set IP_12, (IP_11 + 4)
+ .set IP_13, (IP_12 + 4)
+ .set IP_28, (IP_13 + 4)
+ .set IP_29, (IP_28 + 4)
+ .set IP_30, (IP_29 + 4)
+ .set IP_31, (IP_30 + 4)
+ .set IP_CR, (IP_31 + 4)
+ .set IP_CTR, (IP_CR + 4)
+ .set IP_XER, (IP_CTR + 4)
+ .set IP_LR, (IP_XER + 4)
+ .set IP_PC, (IP_LR + 4)
+ .set IP_MSR, (IP_PC + 4)
+ .set IP_END, (IP_MSR + 16)
+ /* Vector offsets */
+ .set begin_vector, 0x0000
+ .set reset_vector, 0x0100
+ .set mach_vector, 0x0200
+ .set dsi_vector, 0x0300
+ .set isi_vector, 0x0400
+ .set ext_vector, 0x0500
+ .set align_vector, 0x0600
+ .set prog_vector, 0x0700
+ .set float_vector, 0x0800
+ .set dec_vector, 0x0900
+ .set sys_vector, 0x0C00
+ .set trace_vector, 0x0d00
+ .set syscall_vector, 0x0c00
+ .set fpassist_vector, 0x0e00
+ .set software_vector, 0x1000
+ .set itlbm_vector, 0x1100
+ .set dtlbm_vector, 0x1200
+ .set itlbe_vector, 0x1300
+ .set dtlbe_vector, 0x1400
+ .set databkpt_vector, 0x1c00
+ .set insbkpt_vector, 0x1d00
+ .set perbkpt_vector, 0x1e00
+ .set dev_vector, 0x1f00
+ .set siu_vector, 0x2000
+ .set cpm_vector, 0x2600
+/* Go to the right section */
+ .section .vectors,"awx",@progbits
+ .csect .text[PR]
+ PUBLIC_VAR (__vectors)
+SYM (__vectors):
+/* Critical error handling */
+ .org reset_vector - file_base
+#if (PPC_HAS_FPU)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + 18*8 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(IP_END)(r1)
+ stw r0, IP_0(r1)
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+/* Machine check exception */
+ .org mach_vector - file_base
+#if (PPC_HAS_FPU)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + 18*8 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(IP_END)(r1)
+ stw r0, IP_0(r1)
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+/* Protection exception */
+ .org dsi_vector - file_base
+#if (PPC_HAS_FPU)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + 18*8 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(IP_END)(r1)
+ stw r0, IP_0(r1)
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+/* Instruction Storage exception */
+ .org isi_vector - file_base
+#if (PPC_HAS_FPU)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + 18*8 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(IP_END)(r1)
+ stw r0, IP_0(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_ISI
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+/* External interrupt */
+/* When an external interrupt occurs, we must find out what caused it */
+/* before calling the RTEMS handler. First we use SIVEC to decide */
+/* what signalled the interrupt to the SIU. */
+ .org ext_vector - file_base
+#if (PPC_HAS_FPU)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + 18*8 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(IP_END)(r1)
+ stw r0, IP_0(r1)
+ stw r9, IP_9(r1) /* r9 will be restored in the next level */
+ stw r10, IP_10(r1)
+ lis r9, m860@ha
+ addi r9, r9, m860@l
+ lbz r10, 0x1c(r9) /* SIVEC */
+ rlwinm r10, r10, 4, 0, 27 /* each psuedo vector will have */
+ /* room for 16 instructions */
+ addis r10, r10, siu_vectors@ha
+ addi r10, r10, siu_vectors@l
+ mflr r0
+ mtlr r10
+ lwz r10, IP_10(r1)
+ blr
+/* Align exception */
+ .org align_vector - file_base
+ .extern align_h
+ b align_h
+/* Program exception */
+ .org prog_vector - file_base
+#if (PPC_HAS_FPU)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + 18*8 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(IP_END)(r1)
+ stw r0, IP_0(r1)
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+/* Float exception */
+ .org float_vector - file_base
+#if (PPC_HAS_FPU)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + 18*8 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(IP_END)(r1)
+ stw r0, IP_0(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_NOFP
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+/* Decrementer exception */
+ .org dec_vector - file_base
+#if (PPC_HAS_FPU)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + 18*8 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(IP_END)(r1)
+ stw r0, IP_0(r1)
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+/* System call */
+ .org sys_vector - file_base
+#if (PPC_HAS_FPU)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + 18*8 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(IP_END)(r1)
+ stw r0, IP_0(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_SCALL
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+/* Trace interrupt */
+ .org trace_vector - file_base
+#if (PPC_HAS_FPU)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + 18*8 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(20*4 + IP_END)(r1)
+ stwu r1, -(IP_END)(r1)
+ stw r0, IP_0(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_TRACE
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ .org itlbm_vector - file_base
+ mfspr r2, 784 /* MI_CTR */
+ mfspr r3, 792 /* MD_CTR */
+ mfspr r4, 787 /* MI_EPN */
+ mfspr r5, 789 /* MI_TWC */
+ mfspr r6, 797 /* MD_TWC */
+ mfspr r7, 789 /* MI_TWC */
+ mfspr r8, 790 /* MI_RPN */
+ mfspr r9, 798 /* MD_RPN */
+ mfspr r10, 796 /* M_TWB */
+ mfspr r11, 793 /* M_CASID */
+ mfspr r12, 786 /* MI_AP */
+ mfspr r13, 794 /* MD_AP */
+ mfspr r14, 799 /* M_TW */
+ mfspr r15, 816 /* MI_CAM */
+ mfspr r16, 817 /* MI_RAM0 */
+ mfspr r17, 818 /* MI_RAM1 */
+ mfspr r18, 824 /* MD_CAM */
+ mfspr r19, 825 /* M_RAM0 */
+ mfspr r20, 826 /* M_RAM1 */
+ .long 0
+ .org dtlbm_vector - file_base
+ mfspr r1, 0x1a
+ mfspr r2, 784 /* MI_CTR */
+ mfspr r3, 792 /* MD_CTR */
+ lis r3, 0x400
+ mtspr 792, r3
+ mfspr r4, 787 /* MI_EPN */
+ mfspr r5, 789 /* MI_TWC */
+ mfspr r6, 797 /* MD_TWC */
+ mfspr r7, 789 /* MI_TWC */
+ mfspr r8, 790 /* MI_RPN */
+ mfspr r9, 798 /* MD_RPN */
+ mfspr r10, 796 /* M_TWB */
+ mfspr r11, 793 /* M_CASID */
+ mfspr r12, 786 /* MI_AP */
+ mfspr r13, 794 /* MD_AP */
+ mfspr r14, 799 /* M_TW */
+ mfspr r15, 816 /* MI_CAM */
+ mfspr r16, 817 /* MI_RAM0 */
+ mfspr r17, 818 /* MI_RAM1 */
+ mtspr 824, r18
+ mfspr r18, 824 /* MD_CAM */
+ mfspr r19, 825 /* M_RAM0 */
+ mfspr r20, 826 /* M_RAM1 */
+ .long 0
+ .org itlbe_vector - file_base
+ mfspr r2, 784 /* MI_CTR */
+ mfspr r3, 792 /* MD_CTR */
+ mfspr r4, 787 /* MI_EPN */
+ mfspr r5, 789 /* MI_TWC */
+ mfspr r6, 797 /* MD_TWC */
+ mfspr r7, 789 /* MI_TWC */
+ mfspr r8, 790 /* MI_RPN */
+ mfspr r9, 798 /* MD_RPN */
+ mfspr r10, 796 /* M_TWB */
+ mfspr r11, 793 /* M_CASID */
+ mfspr r12, 786 /* MI_AP */
+ mfspr r13, 794 /* MD_AP */
+ mfspr r14, 799 /* M_TW */
+ mfspr r15, 816 /* MI_CAM */
+ mfspr r16, 817 /* MI_RAM0 */
+ mfspr r17, 818 /* MI_RAM1 */
+ mfspr r18, 824 /* MD_CAM */
+ mfspr r19, 825 /* M_RAM0 */
+ mfspr r20, 826 /* M_RAM1 */
+ .long 0
+ .org dtlbe_vector - file_base
+ mfspr r2, 784 /* MI_CTR */
+ mfspr r3, 792 /* MD_CTR */
+ mfspr r4, 787 /* MI_EPN */
+ mfspr r5, 789 /* MI_TWC */
+ mfspr r6, 797 /* MD_TWC */
+ mfspr r7, 789 /* MI_TWC */
+ mfspr r8, 790 /* MI_RPN */
+ mfspr r9, 798 /* MD_RPN */
+ mfspr r10, 796 /* M_TWB */
+ mfspr r11, 793 /* M_CASID */
+ mfspr r12, 786 /* MI_AP */
+ mfspr r13, 794 /* MD_AP */
+ mfspr r14, 799 /* M_TW */
+ mfspr r15, 816 /* MI_CAM */
+ mfspr r16, 817 /* MI_RAM0 */
+ mfspr r17, 818 /* MI_RAM1 */
+ mfspr r18, 824 /* MD_CAM */
+ mfspr r19, 825 /* M_RAM0 */
+ mfspr r20, 826 /* M_RAM1 */
+ .long 0
+/* Now we look at what signaled the interrupt to the SIU. */
+/* I needed to do this in order to decode the CPM interrupts before */
+/* calling _ISR_Handler */
+/* *IRQ0 */
+ .org siu_vector - file_base
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_IRQ0
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+/* Level 0 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_LVL0
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+/* *IRQ1 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_IRQ1
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+/* This is probably not the "correct" way to do this. I need to have a
+ * way of calling _ISR_Handler for the CPM interrupts and this is the
+ * simplest way I can think of. Since I have the CPM interrupt mapped
+ * to the SIU interrupt level 1 on the eth-comm board, I put it here.
+ * It would probably be ok if I moved this directory to under libbsp
+ * instead of libcpu. For now, deal with it.
+/* Level 1 - CPM */
+/* Now we need to get the CPM interrupt vector */
+ /* Registers: */
+ /* R0 - has stored value of LR */
+ /* R9 - pointer to m860 struct */
+ /* R10 has already been saved and restored */
+ li r10, 1
+ sth r10, 0x930(r9) /* CIVR */
+ lbz r10, 0x930(r9) /* if we use this as an offset into a */
+ rlwinm r10, r10, 1, 0, 31 /* table, each entry will have room */
+ /* 4 instructions. */
+ addis r10, r10, cpm_vectors@ha
+ addi r10, r10, cpm_vectors@l
+ mtlr r10
+ lwz r10, IP_10(r1)
+ blr
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+#if 0
+/* Level 1 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_LVL1
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+/* *IRQ2 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_IRQ2
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+/* Level 2 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_LVL2
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+/* *IRQ3 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_IRQ3
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+/* Level 3 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_LVL3
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+/* *IRQ4 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_IRQ4
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+/* Level 4 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_LVL4
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+/* *IRQ5 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_IRQ5
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+/* Level 5 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_LVL5
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+/* *IRQ6 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_IRQ6
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+/* Level 6 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_LVL6
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+/* *IRQ7 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_IRQ7
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+/* Level 7 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_LVL7
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+/* .org cpm_vector - file_base*/
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ .long 0
+ /* PC4 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_PC4
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* PC5 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_PC5
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* SMC2 / PIP */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_SMC2
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* SMC1 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_SMC1
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* SPI */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_SPI
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* PC6 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_PC6
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* Timer 4 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* Reserved - we should never see this */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ .long 0
+ /* PC7 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_PC7
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* PC8 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_PC8
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* PC9 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_PC9
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* Timer 3 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* Reserved - we should never get here */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ .long 0
+ /* PC10 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_PC10
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* PC11 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_PC11
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* I2C */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_I2C
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* RISC Timer Table */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* Timer 2 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* Reserved - we should never get here */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ .long 0
+ /* IDMA2 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_IDMA2
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* IDMA1 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_IDMA1
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* SDMA Channel Bus Error */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* PC12 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_PC12
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* PC13 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_PC13
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* Timer 1 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* PC14 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_PC14
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* SCC4 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_SCC4
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* SCC3 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_SCC3
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* SCC2 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_SCC2
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* SCC1 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_SCC1
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)
+ /* PC15 */
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r9, IP_9(r1)
+ li r0, PPC_IRQ_CPM_PC15
+ b PROC (_ISR_Handler)