path: root/c/src/lib/libc/termios.c
diff options
authorJoel Sherrill <>1999-03-31 23:35:22 +0000
committerJoel Sherrill <>1999-03-31 23:35:22 +0000
commit18040d302cc22978633ae9ce6efc7302d78d8966 (patch)
treef523cc5396c56008265fd67d0948d29a28bd2ee3 /c/src/lib/libc/termios.c
parentRegenerated. (diff)
Patch from Thomas Doerfler <> to add flow control:
Some lines for "documentation": ====================================== One thing should be noted: when XON/XOFF is enabled, the serial device will always work with one-character buffers, so the interrupt load for the CPU might get higer, especially on devices like MC68360 and MPC860, where the serial channels are capable of using big buffers. But, once again, this only happens when XON/XOFF is actually selected. Please note that the flag IXON is set by default, so outgoing XON/XOFF flow control is enabled by default. XON/XOFF is controlled using the "standard" fields IXON/IXOFF in the termios structure. The termios flag IXANY is not (yet) supported. Hardware handshake for the incoming data stream is controlled using the standard flag CRTSCTS. If this flag is set, whenever the receive buffer is almost full, the driver function "device.stopRemoteTx()" is called, when the receive buffer has more space available, "device.startRemoteTx()" is called again. If the driver does not provide these interface functions (entries in device structure are NULL pointers), then these calls are suppressed. Changes of the flow control options during operation should work at any time, but this has not been extensively tested. No changes to the device driver interface are needed. ================================================ One critical point when using this patch might be, that any BSP using this version of termios will now have outgoing flow control enabled by default, so the behaviour of these BSPs will change here. The option IXON has already been set in older termios by default, but it did not work until this patch. Maybe this option should be switched off by default, what do you think?
Diffstat (limited to 'c/src/lib/libc/termios.c')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/c/src/lib/libc/termios.c b/c/src/lib/libc/termios.c
index c2a43c7707..e783e54753 100644
--- a/c/src/lib/libc/termios.c
+++ b/c/src/lib/libc/termios.c
@@ -125,8 +125,22 @@ struct rtems_termios_tty {
* Callbacks to device-specific routines
rtems_termios_callbacks device;
+ volatile unsigned int flow_ctrl;
+ unsigned int lowwater,highwater;
+/* fields for "flow_ctrl" status */
+#define FL_IREQXOF 1 /* input queue requests stop of incoming data */
+#define FL_ISNTXOF 2 /* XOFF has been sent to other side of line */
+#define FL_IRTSOFF 4 /* RTS has been turned off for other side.. */
+#define FL_ORCVXOF 0x10 /* XOFF has been received */
+#define FL_OSTOP 0x20 /* output has been stopped due to XOFF */
+#define FL_MDRTS 0x100 /* input controlled with RTS/CTS handshake */
+#define FL_MDXON 0x200 /* input controlled with XON/XOFF protocol */
+#define FL_MDXOF 0x400 /* output controlled with XON/XOFF protocol */
static struct rtems_termios_tty *ttyHead, *ttyTail;
static rtems_id ttyMutex;
@@ -270,6 +284,7 @@ rtems_termios_open (
tty->termios.c_oflag = OPOST | ONLCR | XTABS;
tty->termios.c_cflag = B9600 | CS8 | CREAD;
tty->termios.c_lflag = ISIG | ICANON | IEXTEN | ECHO | ECHOK | ECHOE | ECHOCTL;
tty->termios.c_cc[VINTR] = '\003';
tty->termios.c_cc[VQUIT] = '\034';
tty->termios.c_cc[VERASE] = '\177';
@@ -285,11 +300,19 @@ rtems_termios_open (
tty->termios.c_cc[VWERASE] = '\027';
tty->termios.c_cc[VLNEXT] = '\026';
+ /* setup flow control mode, clear flow control flags */
+ tty->flow_ctrl = FL_MDXON;
+ /*
+ * set low/highwater mark for XON/XOFF support
+ */
+ tty->lowwater = RAW_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE * 1/2;
+ tty->highwater = RAW_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE * 3/4;
* Bump name characer
if (c++ == 'z')
c = 'a';
args->iop->data1 = tty;
if (!tty->refcount++ && tty->device.firstOpen)
@@ -356,6 +379,75 @@ rtems_termios_close (void *arg)
+static void
+termios_set_flowctrl(struct rtems_termios_tty *tty)
+ rtems_interrupt_level level;
+ /*
+ * check for flow control options to be switched off
+ */
+ /* check for outgoing XON/XOFF flow control switched off */
+ if (( tty->flow_ctrl & FL_MDXON) &&
+ !(tty->termios.c_iflag & IXON)) {
+ /* clear related flags in flow_ctrl */
+ tty->flow_ctrl &= ~(FL_MDXON | FL_ORCVXOF);
+ /* has output been stopped due to received XOFF? */
+ if (tty->flow_ctrl & FL_OSTOP) {
+ /* disable interrupts */
+ rtems_interrupt_disable(level);
+ tty->flow_ctrl &= ~FL_OSTOP;
+ /* check for chars in output buffer (or rob_state?) */
+ if (tty->rawOutBufState != rob_idle) {
+ /* if chars available, call write function... */
+ (*tty->device.write)(tty->minor,
+ (char *)&tty->rawOutBuf[tty->rawOutBufTail], 1);
+ }
+ /* reenable interrupts */
+ rtems_interrupt_enable(level);
+ }
+ }
+ /* check for incoming XON/XOFF flow control switched off */
+ if (( tty->flow_ctrl & FL_MDXOF) &&
+ !(tty->termios.c_iflag & IXOFF)) {
+ /* clear related flags in flow_ctrl */
+ tty->flow_ctrl &= ~(FL_MDXOF);
+ /* FIXME: what happens, if we had sent XOFF but not yet XON? */
+ tty->flow_ctrl &= ~(FL_ISNTXOF);
+ }
+ /* check for incoming RTS/CTS flow control switched off */
+ if (( tty->flow_ctrl & FL_MDRTS) &&
+ !(tty->termios.c_cflag & CRTSCTS)) {
+ /* clear related flags in flow_ctrl */
+ tty->flow_ctrl &= ~(FL_MDRTS);
+ /* restart remote Tx, if it was stopped */
+ if ((tty->flow_ctrl & FL_IRTSOFF) &&
+ (tty->device.startRemoteTx != NULL)) {
+ tty->device.startRemoteTx(tty->minor);
+ }
+ tty->flow_ctrl &= ~(FL_IRTSOFF);
+ }
+ /*
+ * check for flow control options to be switched on
+ */
+ /* check for incoming RTS/CTS flow control switched on */
+ if (tty->termios.c_cflag & CRTSCTS) {
+ tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_MDRTS;
+ }
+ /* check for incoming XON/XOF flow control switched on */
+ if (tty->termios.c_iflag & IXOFF) {
+ tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_MDXOF;
+ }
+ /* check for outgoing XON/XOF flow control switched on */
+ if (tty->termios.c_iflag & IXON) {
+ tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_MDXON;
+ }
rtems_termios_ioctl (void *arg)
@@ -380,6 +472,10 @@ rtems_termios_ioctl (void *arg)
tty->termios = *(struct termios *)args->buffer;
+ /* check for and process change in flow control options */
+ termios_set_flowctrl(tty);
if (tty->termios.c_lflag & ICANON) {
tty->rawInBufSemaphoreOptions = RTEMS_WAIT;
tty->rawInBufSemaphoreTimeout = RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT;
@@ -464,9 +560,16 @@ osend (const char *buf, int len, struct rtems_termios_tty *tty)
tty->rawOutBuf[tty->rawOutBufHead] = *buf++;
tty->rawOutBufHead = newHead;
if (tty->rawOutBufState == rob_idle) {
+ /* check, whether XOFF has been received */
+ if (!(tty->flow_ctrl & FL_ORCVXOF)) {
- (char *)&tty->rawOutBuf[tty->rawOutBufTail], 1);
- tty->rawOutBufState = rob_busy;
+ (char *)&tty->rawOutBuf[tty->rawOutBufTail],1);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* remember that output has been stopped due to flow ctrl*/
+ tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_OSTOP;
+ }
+ tty->rawOutBufState = rob_busy;
rtems_interrupt_enable (level);
@@ -807,6 +910,30 @@ fillBufferQueue (struct rtems_termios_tty *tty)
newHead = (tty->rawInBufHead + 1) % RAW_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE;
c = tty->rawInBuf[newHead];
tty->rawInBufHead = newHead;
+ if(((tty->rawInBufTail-newHead+RAW_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE)
+ < tty->lowwater) {
+ tty->flow_ctrl &= ~FL_IREQXOF;
+ /* if tx stopped and XON should be sent... */
+ if (((tty->flow_ctrl & (FL_MDXON | FL_ISNTXOF))
+ && ((tty->rawOutBufState == rob_idle)
+ || (tty->flow_ctrl & FL_OSTOP))) {
+ /* XON should be sent now... */
+ (*tty->device.write)(tty->minor,
+ &(tty->termios.c_cc[VSTART]),
+ 1);
+ }
+ else if (tty->flow_ctrl & FL_MDRTS) {
+ tty->flow_ctrl &= ~FL_IRTSOFF;
+ /* activate RTS line */
+ if (tty->device.startRemoteTx != NULL) {
+ tty->device.startRemoteTx(tty->minor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* continue processing new character */
if (tty->termios.c_lflag & ICANON) {
if (siproc (c, tty))
@@ -866,26 +993,106 @@ rtems_termios_read (void *arg)
* Place characters on raw queue.
* NOTE: This routine runs in the context of the
* device receive interrupt handler.
- * Returns the number of characters dropped because of overlow.
+ * Returns the number of characters dropped because of overflow.
rtems_termios_enqueue_raw_characters (void *ttyp, char *buf, int len)
struct rtems_termios_tty *tty = ttyp;
unsigned int newTail;
+ char c;
+ int dropped = 0;
+ boolean flow_rcv = FALSE; /* TRUE, if flow control char received */
+ rtems_interrupt_level level;
- while (len) {
+ while (len--) {
+ c = *buf++;
+ /* FIXME: implement IXANY: any character restarts output */
+ /* if incoming XON/XOFF controls outgoing stream: */
+ if (tty->flow_ctrl & FL_MDXON) {
+ /* if received char is V_STOP and V_START (both are equal value) */
+ if (c == tty->termios.c_cc[VSTOP]) {
+ if (c == tty->termios.c_cc[VSTART]) {
+ /* received VSTOP and VSTART==VSTOP? */
+ /* then toggle "stop output" status */
+ tty->flow_ctrl = tty->flow_ctrl ^ FL_ORCVXOF;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* VSTOP received (other code than VSTART) */
+ /* stop output */
+ tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_ORCVXOF;
+ }
+ flow_rcv = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (c == tty->termios.c_cc[VSTART]) {
+ /* VSTART received */
+ /* restart output */
+ tty->flow_ctrl &= ~FL_ORCVXOF;
+ flow_rcv = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (flow_rcv) {
+ /* restart output according to FL_ORCVXOF flag */
+ if ((tty->flow_ctrl & (FL_ORCVXOF | FL_OSTOP)) == FL_OSTOP) {
+ /* disable interrupts */
+ rtems_interrupt_disable(level);
+ tty->flow_ctrl &= ~FL_OSTOP;
+ /* check for chars in output buffer (or rob_state?) */
+ if (tty->rawOutBufState != rob_idle) {
+ /* if chars available, call write function... */
+ (*tty->device.write)(tty->minor,
+ (char *)&tty->rawOutBuf[tty->rawOutBufTail], 1);
+ }
+ /* reenable interrupts */
+ rtems_interrupt_enable(level);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
newTail = (tty->rawInBufTail + 1) % RAW_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE;
+ /* if chars_in_buffer > highwater */
+ rtems_interrupt_disable(level);
+ if ((((newTail - tty->rawInBufHead + RAW_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE)
+ > tty->highwater) &&
+ !(tty->flow_ctrl & FL_IREQXOF)) {
+ /* incoming data stream should be stopped */
+ tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_IREQXOF;
+ if ((tty->flow_ctrl & (FL_MDXOF | FL_ISNTXOF))
+ == (FL_MDXOF ) ){
+ if ((tty->flow_ctrl & FL_OSTOP) ||
+ (tty->rawOutBufState == rob_idle)) {
+ /* if tx is stopped due to XOFF or out of data */
+ /* call write function here */
+ tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_ISNTXOF;
+ (*tty->device.write)(tty->minor,
+ &(tty->termios.c_cc[VSTOP]),
+ 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((tty->flow_ctrl & (FL_MDRTS | FL_IRTSOFF))
+ == (FL_MDRTS ) ) {
+ tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_IRTSOFF;
+ /* deactivate RTS line */
+ if (tty->device.stopRemoteTx != NULL) {
+ tty->device.stopRemoteTx(tty->minor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* reenable interrupts */
+ rtems_interrupt_enable(level);
if (newTail == tty->rawInBufHead) {
- tty->rawInBufDropped += len;
- break;
+ dropped++;
- tty->rawInBuf[newTail] = *buf++;
- len--;
- tty->rawInBufTail = newTail;
+ else {
+ tty->rawInBuf[newTail] = c;
+ tty->rawInBufTail = newTail;
+ }
+ }
+ tty->rawInBufDropped += dropped;
rtems_semaphore_release (tty->rawInBufSemaphore);
- return len;
+ return dropped;
@@ -904,31 +1111,64 @@ rtems_termios_dequeue_characters (void *ttyp, int len)
unsigned int newTail;
int nToSend;
- if (tty->rawOutBufState == rob_wait)
- rtems_semaphore_release (tty->rawOutBufSemaphore);
- if ( tty->rawOutBufHead == tty->rawOutBufTail )
- return 0;
- newTail = (tty->rawOutBufTail + len) % RAW_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE;
- if (newTail == tty->rawOutBufHead) {
- /*
- * Buffer empty
- */
- tty->rawOutBufState = rob_idle;
- nToSend = 0;
+ /* check for XOF/XON to send */
+ if ((tty->flow_ctrl & (FL_MDXOF | FL_IREQXOF | FL_ISNTXOF))
+ /* XOFF should be sent now... */
+ (*tty->device.write)(tty->minor,
+ &(tty->termios.c_cc[VSTOP]), 1);
+ tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_ISNTXOF;
+ nToSend = 1;
+ }
+ else if ((tty->flow_ctrl & (FL_IREQXOF | FL_ISNTXOF))
+ == FL_ISNTXOF) {
+ /* NOTE: send XON even, if no longer in XON/XOFF mode... */
+ /* XON should be sent now... */
+ (*tty->device.write)(tty->minor,
+ &(tty->termios.c_cc[VSTART]), 1);
+ tty->flow_ctrl &= ~FL_ISNTXOF;
+ nToSend = 1;
else {
- /*
- * Buffer not empty, start tranmitter
- */
- if (newTail > tty->rawOutBufHead)
- nToSend = RAW_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE - newTail;
- else
- nToSend = tty->rawOutBufHead - newTail;
- (*tty->device.write)(tty->minor, (char *)&tty->rawOutBuf[newTail], nToSend);
- tty->rawOutBufState = rob_busy;
+ if (tty->rawOutBufState == rob_wait)
+ rtems_semaphore_release (tty->rawOutBufSemaphore);
+ if ( tty->rawOutBufHead == tty->rawOutBufTail )
+ return 0;
+ newTail = (tty->rawOutBufTail + len) % RAW_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE;
+ if (newTail == tty->rawOutBufHead) {
+ /*
+ * Buffer empty
+ */
+ tty->rawOutBufState = rob_idle;
+ nToSend = 0;
+ }
+ /* check, whether output should stop due to received XOFF */
+ else if ((tty->flow_ctrl & (FL_MDXON | FL_ORCVXOF))
+ /* Buffer not empty, but output stops due to XOFF */
+ /* set flag, that output has been stopped */
+ tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_OSTOP;
+ nToSend = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+ * Buffer not empty, start tranmitter
+ */
+ if (newTail > tty->rawOutBufHead)
+ nToSend = RAW_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE - newTail;
+ else
+ nToSend = tty->rawOutBufHead - newTail;
+ /* when flow control XON or XOF, don't send blocks of data */
+ /* to allow fast reaction on incoming flow ctrl and low latency*/
+ /* for outgoing flow control */
+ if (tty->flow_ctrl & (FL_MDXON | FL_MDXOF)) {
+ nToSend = 1;
+ }
+ (*tty->device.write)(tty->minor, (char *)&tty->rawOutBuf[newTail], nToSend);
+ tty->rawOutBufState = rob_busy;
+ }
+ tty->rawOutBufTail = newTail;
- tty->rawOutBufTail = newTail;
return nToSend;