path: root/bsps/arm/imxrt/nxp/devices/MIMXRT1052/drivers/fsl_flexio_camera_edma.c
diff options
authorChristian Mauderer <>2020-10-12 13:40:30 +0200
committerChristian Mauderer <>2020-11-20 08:53:18 +0100
commit48f6a6c302a3e1a3f8915e2503d0fe618d1af285 (patch)
treeb5d570ddd5e432519c5a9d42b4cf6725d8161551 /bsps/arm/imxrt/nxp/devices/MIMXRT1052/drivers/fsl_flexio_camera_edma.c
parentcpu/armv7m: Add table based init for ARMV7M_MPU (diff)
bsp/imxrt: Import files from MCUXpresso SDK V2.8.5
The following files have been imported: cp ${SDK}/boards/evkbimxrt1050/project_template/clock_config.c nxp/boards/evkbimxrt1050 cp ${SDK}/boards/evkbimxrt1050/project_template/clock_config.h include/fsl_clock_config.h cp ${SDK}/boards/evkbimxrt1050/project_template/dcd.c start/flash-dcd.c cp ${SDK}/boards/evkbimxrt1050/project_template/pin_mux.c nxp/boards/evkbimxrt1050 cp ${SDK}/boards/evkbimxrt1050/project_template/pin_mux.h include/fsl_pin_mux.h cp ${SDK}/boards/evkbimxrt1050/xip/evkbimxrt1050_flexspi_nor_config.h include/fsl_flexspi_nor_config.h cp ${SDK}/devices/MIMXRT1052/MIMXRT1052.h include cp ${SDK}/devices/MIMXRT1052/MIMXRT1052_features.h include cp ${SDK}/devices/MIMXRT1052/drivers/fsl_*.c nxp/devices/MIMXRT1052/drivers cp ${SDK}/devices/MIMXRT1052/drivers/fsl_*.h include cp ${SDK}/devices/MIMXRT1052/fsl_device_registers.h include cp ${SDK}/devices/MIMXRT1052/system_MIMXRT1052.h include/ cp ${SDK}/devices/MIMXRT1052/xip/fsl_flexspi_nor_boot.c nxp/devices/MIMXRT1052/xip/fsl_flexspi_nor_boot.c cp ${SDK}/devices/MIMXRT1052/xip/fsl_flexspi_nor_boot.h include Update #4180
Diffstat (limited to 'bsps/arm/imxrt/nxp/devices/MIMXRT1052/drivers/fsl_flexio_camera_edma.c')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bsps/arm/imxrt/nxp/devices/MIMXRT1052/drivers/fsl_flexio_camera_edma.c b/bsps/arm/imxrt/nxp/devices/MIMXRT1052/drivers/fsl_flexio_camera_edma.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12bb77b020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bsps/arm/imxrt/nxp/devices/MIMXRT1052/drivers/fsl_flexio_camera_edma.c
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2015, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2016-2020 NXP
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#include "fsl_flexio_camera_edma.h"
+ * Definitions
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Component ID definition, used by tools. */
+#define FSL_COMPONENT_ID "platform.drivers.flexio_camera_edma"
+/*<! Structure definition for camera_edma_private_handle_t. The structure is private. */
+typedef struct _flexio_camera_edma_private_handle
+ FLEXIO_CAMERA_Type *base;
+ flexio_camera_edma_handle_t *handle;
+} flexio_camera_edma_private_handle_t;
+/* CAMERA EDMA transfer handle. */
+enum _flexio_camera_edma_tansfer_states
+ kFLEXIO_CAMERA_RxIdle, /* RX idle. */
+ kFLEXIO_CAMERA_RxBusy /* RX busy. */
+ * Variables
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/*< @brief user configurable flexio camera handle count. */
+/*<! Private handle only used for internally. */
+static flexio_camera_edma_private_handle_t s_edmaPrivateHandle[FLEXIO_CAMERA_HANDLE_COUNT];
+ * Prototypes
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ * @brief FLEXIO CAMERA EDMA receive finished callback function.
+ *
+ * This function is called when FLEXIO CAMERA EDMA receive finished. It disables the CAMERA
+ * RX EDMA request and sends @ref kStatus_FLEXIO_CAMERA_RxIdle to CAMERA callback.
+ *
+ * @param handle The EDMA handle.
+ * @param param Callback function parameter.
+ */
+static void FLEXIO_CAMERA_TransferReceiveEDMACallback(edma_handle_t *handle,
+ void *param,
+ bool transferDone,
+ uint32_t tcds);
+ * Code
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static void FLEXIO_CAMERA_TransferReceiveEDMACallback(edma_handle_t *handle,
+ void *param,
+ bool transferDone,
+ uint32_t tcds)
+ flexio_camera_edma_private_handle_t *cameraPrivateHandle = (flexio_camera_edma_private_handle_t *)param;
+ /* Avoid the warning for unused variables. */
+ handle = handle;
+ tcds = tcds;
+ if (transferDone)
+ {
+ FLEXIO_CAMERA_TransferAbortReceiveEDMA(cameraPrivateHandle->base, cameraPrivateHandle->handle);
+ if (cameraPrivateHandle->handle->callback != NULL)
+ {
+ cameraPrivateHandle->handle->callback(cameraPrivateHandle->base, cameraPrivateHandle->handle,
+ kStatus_FLEXIO_CAMERA_RxIdle, cameraPrivateHandle->handle->userData);
+ }
+ }
+ * brief Initializes the Camera handle, which is used in transactional functions.
+ *
+ * param base Pointer to the FLEXIO_CAMERA_Type.
+ * param handle Pointer to flexio_camera_edma_handle_t structure.
+ * param callback The callback function.
+ * param userData The parameter of the callback function.
+ * param rxEdmaHandle User requested DMA handle for RX DMA transfer.
+ * retval kStatus_Success Successfully create the handle.
+ * retval kStatus_OutOfRange The FlexIO Camera eDMA type/handle table out of range.
+ */
+status_t FLEXIO_CAMERA_TransferCreateHandleEDMA(FLEXIO_CAMERA_Type *base,
+ flexio_camera_edma_handle_t *handle,
+ flexio_camera_edma_transfer_callback_t callback,
+ void *userData,
+ edma_handle_t *rxEdmaHandle)
+ assert(handle != NULL);
+ uint8_t index;
+ /* Find the an empty handle pointer to store the handle. */
+ for (index = 0U; index < (uint8_t)FLEXIO_CAMERA_HANDLE_COUNT; index++)
+ {
+ if (s_edmaPrivateHandle[index].base == NULL)
+ {
+ s_edmaPrivateHandle[index].base = base;
+ s_edmaPrivateHandle[index].handle = handle;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (index == (uint8_t)FLEXIO_CAMERA_HANDLE_COUNT)
+ {
+ return kStatus_OutOfRange;
+ }
+ s_edmaPrivateHandle[index].base = base;
+ s_edmaPrivateHandle[index].handle = handle;
+ (void)memset(handle, 0, sizeof(*handle));
+ handle->rxState = (uint8_t)kFLEXIO_CAMERA_RxIdle;
+ handle->rxEdmaHandle = rxEdmaHandle;
+ handle->callback = callback;
+ handle->userData = userData;
+ /* Configure RX. */
+ if (rxEdmaHandle != NULL)
+ {
+ EDMA_SetCallback(handle->rxEdmaHandle, FLEXIO_CAMERA_TransferReceiveEDMACallback, &s_edmaPrivateHandle);
+ }
+ return kStatus_Success;
+ * brief Receives data using eDMA.
+ *
+ * This function receives data using eDMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns
+ * right away. When all data is received, the receive callback function is called.
+ *
+ * param base Pointer to the FLEXIO_CAMERA_Type.
+ * param handle Pointer to the flexio_camera_edma_handle_t structure.
+ * param xfer Camera eDMA transfer structure, see #flexio_camera_transfer_t.
+ * retval kStatus_Success if succeeded, others failed.
+ * retval kStatus_CAMERA_RxBusy Previous transfer on going.
+ */
+status_t FLEXIO_CAMERA_TransferReceiveEDMA(FLEXIO_CAMERA_Type *base,
+ flexio_camera_edma_handle_t *handle,
+ flexio_camera_transfer_t *xfer)
+ assert(handle->rxEdmaHandle != NULL);
+ edma_transfer_config_t xferConfig;
+ status_t status;
+ /* If previous RX not finished. */
+ if ((uint8_t)kFLEXIO_CAMERA_RxBusy == handle->rxState)
+ {
+ status = kStatus_FLEXIO_CAMERA_RxBusy;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ handle->rxState = (uint8_t)kFLEXIO_CAMERA_RxBusy;
+ /* Prepare transfer. */
+ EDMA_PrepareTransfer(&xferConfig, (uint32_t *)FLEXIO_CAMERA_GetRxBufferAddress(base), 32,
+ (uint32_t *)xfer->dataAddress, 32, 32, xfer->dataNum, kEDMA_PeripheralToMemory);
+ /* Store the initially configured eDMA minor byte transfer count into the FLEXIO CAMERA handle */
+ handle->nbytes = 32;
+ /* Submit transfer. */
+ (void)EDMA_SubmitTransfer(handle->rxEdmaHandle, &xferConfig);
+ EDMA_StartTransfer(handle->rxEdmaHandle);
+ /* Enable CAMERA RX EDMA. */
+ FLEXIO_CAMERA_EnableRxDMA(base, true);
+ status = kStatus_Success;
+ }
+ return status;
+ * brief Aborts the receive data which used the eDMA.
+ *
+ * This function aborts the receive data which used the eDMA.
+ *
+ * param base Pointer to the FLEXIO_CAMERA_Type.
+ * param handle Pointer to the flexio_camera_edma_handle_t structure.
+ */
+void FLEXIO_CAMERA_TransferAbortReceiveEDMA(FLEXIO_CAMERA_Type *base, flexio_camera_edma_handle_t *handle)
+ assert(handle->rxEdmaHandle != NULL);
+ /* Disable CAMERA RX EDMA. */
+ FLEXIO_CAMERA_EnableRxDMA(base, false);
+ /* Stop transfer. */
+ EDMA_StopTransfer(handle->rxEdmaHandle);
+ handle->rxState = (uint8_t)kFLEXIO_CAMERA_RxIdle;
+ * brief Gets the remaining bytes to be received.
+ *
+ * This function gets the number of bytes still not received.
+ *
+ * param base Pointer to the FLEXIO_CAMERA_Type.
+ * param handle Pointer to the flexio_camera_edma_handle_t structure.
+ * param count Number of bytes sent so far by the non-blocking transaction.
+ * retval kStatus_Success Succeed get the transfer count.
+ * retval kStatus_InvalidArgument The count parameter is invalid.
+ */
+status_t FLEXIO_CAMERA_TransferGetReceiveCountEDMA(FLEXIO_CAMERA_Type *base,
+ flexio_camera_edma_handle_t *handle,
+ size_t *count)
+ assert(handle->rxEdmaHandle != NULL);
+ if (NULL == count)
+ {
+ return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
+ }
+ if ((uint8_t)kFLEXIO_CAMERA_RxBusy == handle->rxState)
+ {
+ *count = (handle->rxSize -
+ (uint32_t)handle->nbytes *
+ EDMA_GetRemainingMajorLoopCount(handle->rxEdmaHandle->base, handle->rxEdmaHandle->channel));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *count = handle->rxSize;
+ }
+ return kStatus_Success;