path: root/doc/tools/word-replace2
blob: a56d88a688640bb865f3895b8e56659cb34faf74 (plain) (tree)

#  $Id$

eval "exec /usr/local/bin/perl -S $0 $*"
    if $running_under_some_shell;

require '';
&Getopts("p:vh");		# help, pattern file, verbose,

if ($opt_h || ! $opt_p) {
    print STDERR <<NO_MORE_HELP;

   Replace *words* with patterns.   Pattern file specifies which patterns
   to replace on each line.  All patterns are wrapped with perl \\b regexp

Usage: $0       [-v] -p pattern-file files to replace

    -v          -- possibly more verbose
    -p file     -- pattern file
    -h          -- help

    anything else == this help message

Pattern file looks like this:

# Example:
# ignores all lines with beginning with # or not exactly 2 fields
_Dorky_Name  rtems_dorky_name           # comments, and blank lines are cool
_Dorky_Name2 rtems_dorky_name2          # comments, and blank lines are cool
    exit 0;

$verbose = $opt_v;
$pattern_file = $opt_p;

# make standard outputs unbuffered (so the '.'s come out ok)
$oldfh = select(STDERR); $| = 1; select($oldfh);
$oldfh = select(STDOUT); $| = 1; select($oldfh);

# pull in the patterns
open(PATTERNS, "<$pattern_file") ||
    die "could not open $pattern_file: $!, crapped out at";

foreach (<PATTERNS>)
    next if /^$/;
    ($orig, $new, $junk, @rest) = split;
    next if ( ! $orig || ! $new || $junk); # <2 or >2 patterns
    die "pattern appears 2x: '$orig' in '$pattern_file'--" if defined($patterns{$orig});
    $patterns{$orig} = $new;
# walk thru each line in each file

$infile = '-' ;
$outfile = '-' ;

if ( $#ARGV > -1 )
  $infile = "@ARGV[0]" ;
  shift @ARGV ;

if ( $#ARGV > -1 )
  $outfile = "@ARGV[0]" ;
  shift @ARGV ;

print STDERR "$outfile\t";

open (INFILE, "<$infile") ||
        die "could not open input file $infile: $!";

open (OUTFILE, ">$outfile") ||
        die "could not open output file $outfile: $!";

$line = join('',<INFILE>) ;

  foreach $key (keys %patterns)
    if ( $line =~ s/\b$key\b/$patterns{$key}/ge )
      print STDERR "." ;

print OUTFILE $line ;

print STDERR "\n";
close INFILE;
close OUTFILE;