path: root/c/src/libmisc/mw-fb/mw_uid.c
blob: 5d368a96ff351cb22f9066dbf78374e969e9a6cc (plain) (tree)

// $Header$
// Copyright (c) 2000 - Rosimildo da Silva
// This module implements the input devices interface used by MicroWindows
// in an embedded system environment.
// It uses the RTEMS message queue as the repository for the messages posted
// by the devices registered.
// $Log$
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <rtems.h>
#include <bsp.h>

#include <rtems/mw_uid.h>
#include <rtems/posix/seterr.h>

static rtems_id   queue_id = 0;
static int open_count = 0;

#define MW_DEBUG_ON     1

/* open a message queue with the kernel */
int uid_open_queue( const char *q_name, int flags, size_t max_msgs )
   static rtems_name queue_name;

    * For the first device calling this function we would create the queue.
    * It is assumed that this call is done at initialization, and no concerns
    * regarding multi-threading is taken in consideration here.
   if( !open_count )
      rtems_status_code status;
      queue_name = rtems_build_name( q_name[0],
                                     q_name[3] );
      status = rtems_message_queue_create( queue_name,
                                           sizeof( struct MW_UID_MESSAGE ),
                                           RTEMS_FIFO | RTEMS_LOCAL,
                                           &queue_id );
      if( status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL )
#ifdef MW_DEBUG_ON
        printk( "UID_Queue: error creating queue: %d\n", status );
        return -1;
#ifdef MW_DEBUG_ON
      printk( "UID_Queue: id=%X\n", queue_id );
   return 0;

/* close message queue */
int uid_close_queue( void )
  if( open_count == 1 )
     rtems_message_queue_delete( queue_id );
     queue_id = 0;
  return 0;

/* reads for a message from the device */
int uid_read_message( struct MW_UID_MESSAGE *m, unsigned long timeout )
  rtems_status_code status;
  rtems_unsigned32 size = 0;
  unsigned long micro_secs = timeout*1000;
  int wait = ( timeout != 0 );

  status = rtems_message_queue_receive( queue_id,
                                       wait ? RTEMS_WAIT : RTEMS_NO_WAIT,
                                       TOD_MICROSECONDS_TO_TICKS(micro_secs ) );

  if( status == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL )
     return size;
  else if( ( status == RTEMS_UNSATISFIED ) || ( status == RTEMS_TIMEOUT ) )
     /* this macro returns -1 */
     set_errno_and_return_minus_one( ETIMEDOUT );
  /* Here we have one error condition */
#ifdef MW_DEBUG_ON
  printk( "UID_Queue: error reading queue: %d\n", status );
  return -1;

 * add a message to the queue of events. This method cna be used to
 * simulate hardware events, and it can be very handy during development
 * a new interface.
int uid_send_message( struct MW_UID_MESSAGE *m )
  rtems_status_code status;
  status = rtems_message_queue_send( queue_id, ( void * )m, 
                                    sizeof( struct MW_UID_MESSAGE ) );
  return status == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ? 0 : -1;

 * register the device to insert events to the message
 * queue named as the value passed in q_name 
int uid_register_device( int fd, const char *q_name )
  return ioctl( fd, MW_UID_REGISTER_DEVICE, q_name );

/* tell this device to stop adding events to the queue */
int uid_unregister_device( int fd )
  return ioctl( fd, MW_UID_UNREGISTER_DEVICE, NULL );

/* set the keyboard */
int uid_set_kbd_mode( int fd, int mode, int *old_mode )
   if (ioctl( fd, MV_KDGKBMODE, old_mode) < 0) 
      return -1;
   if (ioctl(fd, MV_KDSKBMODE, mode ) < 0 ) 
      return -1;
   return 0;