path: root/c/src/lib/start/m68k/start.s
blob: 0bbb0a851f05c3221997aea4252b92f0196e49d7 (plain) (tree)

/*  entry.s
 *  This file contains the entry point for the application.
 *  The name of this entry point is compiler dependent.
 *  It jumps to the BSP which is responsible for performing
 *  all initialization.
 *  COPYRIGHT (c) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994.
 *  On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
 *  All rights assigned to U.S. Government, 1994.
 *  This material may be reproduced by or for the U.S. Government pursuant
 *  to the copyright license under the clause at DFARS 252.227-7013.  This
 *  notice must appear in all copies of this file and its derivatives.
 *  $Id$

#include "asm.h"

                                        | Default entry points for:
         PUBLIC (start)                 |   GNU
         PUBLIC (M68Kvec)               |   Vector Table

SYM (start):
SYM (M68Kvec):                           | standard location for vectors
        nop                             | for linkers with problem
                                        | location zero
        jmp      SYM (start_around)

      *  We can use the following space as our vector table
      *  if the CPU has a VBR or we can save vector table in it
      *  if the CPU does not.

        .space   4088                   | to avoid initial intr stack
                                        |   from 135BUG on MVME13?
                                        |   and start code at 0x4000
SYM (vectors):
        .space   1016                   | reserve space for rest of vectors

SYM (lowintstack):
        .space   4092                   | reserve for interrupt stack
SYM (hiintstack):
        .space   4                      | end of interrupt stack

	PUBLIC (start_around)
SYM (start_around):
        move.w  sr, SYM (initial_sr)
        movec   isp,a0
        move.l  a0, SYM (initial_isp)
        movec   usp,a0
        move.l  a0, SYM (initial_usp)
        movec   msp,a0
        move.l  a0, SYM (initial_msp)
        move.l  a7, SYM (initial_msp)
        oriw    #0x0700,sr             | INTERRUPTS OFF!!!

        | zero out uninitialized data area
        moveal  # SYM (end),a0                | find end of .bss
        moveal  # SYM (bss_start),a1          | find beginning of .bss
        movel   #0,d0

loop:   movel   #0,a1@+                | to zero out uninitialized
        cmpal   a0,a1
        jlt     loop                    | loop until _end reached

        movel   # SYM (end),d0               | d0 = end of bss/start of heap
        addl    # SYM (heap_size),d0          | d0 = end of heap
        movel   d0, SYM (stack_start)  | Save for brk() routine
        addl    # SYM (stack_size),d0         | make room for stack
        andl    #0xffffffc0,d0         | align it on 16 byte boundary
        movw    #0x3700,sr             | SUPV MODE,INTERRUPTS OFF!!!
        movel   d0,a7                 | set master stack pointer
        movel   d0,a6                 | set base pointer

       *  RTEMS should maintiain a separate interrupt stack on CPUs
       *  without one in hardware.  This is currently not supported
       *  on versions of the m68k without a HW intr stack.

        lea     SYM (hiintstack),a0          | a0 = high end of intr stack
        movec   a0,isp                | set interrupt stack

        jsr     SYM (bsp_start)
        move.l  SYM (initial_isp),a0
        movec   a0,isp
        move.l  SYM (initial_usp),a0
        movec   a0,usp
        move.l  SYM (initial_msp),a0
        movec   a0,msp
        movea.l SYM (initial_msp),a7
        move.w  SYM (initial_sr),sr



	PUBLIC (start_frame)
SYM (start_frame):
        .space  4,0

	PUBLIC (stack_start)
SYM (stack_start):
        .space  4,0


	PUBLIC (environ)
        .align 2
SYM (environ):
        .long  0

	PUBLIC (initial_isp)
SYM (initial_isp):
        .space  4

	PUBLIC (initial_msp)
SYM (initial_msp):
        .space  4

	PUBLIC (initial_usp)
SYM (initial_usp):
        .space  4

         PUBLIC (initial_sr)
SYM (initial_sr):
        .space  2

	PUBLIC (heap_size)
        .set   SYM (heap_size),0x2000

        PUBLIC (stack_size)
        .set   SYM (stack_size),0x1000