path: root/c/src/lib/libbsp/powerpc/gen5200/startup/bspstart.c
blob: ba8d288f3e51d6accfd1b90da6041c69beab90d6 (plain) (tree)




| Project: RTEMS generic MPC5200 BSP                              |
| File: $File$
| Partially based on the code references which are named below.   |
| Adaptions, modifications, enhancements and any recent parts of  |
| the code are:                                                   |
|                    Copyright (c) 2005                           |
|                    Embedded Brains GmbH                         |
|                    Obere Lagerstr. 30                           |
|                    D-82178 Puchheim                             |
|                    Germany                                      |
|                               |
| The license and distribution terms for this file may be         |
| found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at            |
|                                                                 |
|                           |
|                                                                 |
| this file contains the BSP initialization code                  |
|   date                      history                        ID   |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| 01.12.05  creation                                         doe  |
|*CVS information:                                                |
|*(the following information is created automatically,            |
|*do not edit here)                                               |
|* $Log$
|* Revision 1.1  2005/12/31 05:09:26  ralf
|* New (CVS import Thomas Doerfler <>'s
|* submission).
|* Revision 1.8  2005/12/09 08:57:03  thomas
|* added/modifed file headers
|* Revision 1.7  2005/12/06 14:11:12  thomas
|* added EB file headers
/*                                                                     */
/*   Module:       bspstart.c                                          */
/*   Date:         07/17/2003                                          */
/*   Purpose:      RTEMS MPC5x00 C level startup code                  */
/*                                                                     */
/*                                                                     */
/*   Description:  This routine starts the application. It includes    */
/*                 application, board, and monitor specific            */
/*                 initialization and configuration. The generic CPU   */
/*                 dependent initialization has been performed before  */
/*                 this routine is invoked.                            */
/*                                                                     */
/*                                                                     */
/*   Code                                                              */
/*   References:   MPC8260ads C level startup code                     */
/*   Module:       bspstart.c                                          */
/*   Project:      RTEMS 4.6.0pre1 / MCF8260ads BSP                    */
/*   Version       1.2                                                 */
/*   Date:         04/17/2002                                          */
/*                                                                     */
/*   Author(s) / Copyright(s):                                         */
/*                                                                     */
/*   The MPC860 specific stuff was written by Jay Monkman              */
/*   (                                             */
/*                                                                     */
/*   Modified for the MPC8260ADS board by Andy Dachs                   */
/*   <>                                              */
/*   Surrey Satellite Technology Limited, 2001                         */
/*   A 40MHz system clock is assumed.                                  */
/*   The PON. RST.CONF. Dip switches (DS1) are                         */
/*   1 - Off                                                           */
/*   2 - On                                                            */
/*   3 - Off                                                           */
/*   4 - On                                                            */
/*   5 - Off                                                           */
/*   6 - Off                                                           */
/*   7 - Off                                                           */
/*   8 - Off                                                           */
/*   Dip switches on DS2 and DS3 are all set to ON                     */
/*   The LEDs on the board are used to signal panic and fatal_error    */
/*   conditions.                                                       */
/*   The mmu is unused at this time.                                   */
/*                                                                     */
/*   COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-1999.                                          */
/*   On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).                  */
/*                                                                     */
/*   The license and distribution terms for this file may be           */
/*   found in found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at     */
/*                        */
/*                                                                     */
/*                                                                     */
/*   Partially based on the code references which are named above.     */
/*   Adaptions, modifications, enhancements and any recent parts of    */
/*   the code are under the right of                                   */
/*                                                                     */
/*         IPR Engineering, Dachauer Straße 38, D-80335 München        */
/*                        Copyright(C) 2003                            */
/*                                                                     */
/*                                                                     */
/*   IPR Engineering makes no representation or warranties with        */
/*   respect to the performance of this computer program, and          */
/*   specifically disclaims any responsibility for any damages,        */
/*   special or consequential, connected with the use of this program. */
/*                                                                     */
/*                                                                     */
/*   Version history:  1.0                                             */
/*                                                                     */

#include <bsp.h>

#include <rtems/libio.h>
#include <rtems/libcsupport.h>
#include <rtems/powerpc/powerpc.h>
#include <rtems/score/thread.h>

#include <rtems/bspIo.h>
#include <libcpu/cpuIdent.h>
#include <libcpu/spr.h>
#include "../irq/irq.h"

#include <string.h>

#include <stackchk.h>

#if defined(HAS_UBOOT)
bd_t *uboot_bdinfo_ptr = (bd_t *)1; /* will be overwritten from startup code */
bd_t uboot_bdinfo_copy;             /* will be overwritten with copy of bdinfo */


 *  The original table from the application (in ROM) and our copy of it with
 *  some changes. Configuration is defined in <confdefs.h>. Make sure that
 *  our configuration tables are uninitialized so that they get allocated in
 *  the .bss section (RAM).
extern rtems_configuration_table Configuration;
extern unsigned long intrStackPtr;
rtems_configuration_table  BSP_Configuration;
rtems_cpu_table Cpu_table;
char *rtems_progname;

 *  Use the shared implementations of the following routines.
 *  Look in rtems/c/src/lib/libbsp/shared/bsppost.c and
 *  rtems/c/src/lib/libbsp/shared/bsplibc.c.
void bsp_postdriver_hook(void);
void bsp_libc_init( void *, uint32_t, int );
extern void initialize_exceptions(void);
extern void cpu_init(void);

void BSP_panic(char *s)
  printk("%s PANIC %s\n",_RTEMS_version, s);
  __asm__ __volatile ("sc");

void _BSP_Fatal_error(unsigned int v)
  printk("%s PANIC ERROR %x\n",_RTEMS_version, v);
  __asm__ __volatile ("sc");

 *  Function:   bsp_pretasking_hook
 *  Created:    95/03/10
 *  Description:
 *      BSP pretasking hook.  Called just before drivers are initialized.
 *      Used to setup libc and install any BSP extensions.
 *  NOTES:
 *      Must not use libc (to do io) from here, since drivers are
 *      not yet initialized.

   *  These are assigned addresses in the linkcmds file for the BSP. This
   *  approach is better than having these defined as manifest constants and
   *  compiled into the kernel, but it is still not ideal when dealing with
   *  multiprocessor configuration in which each board as a different memory
   *  map. A better place for defining these symbols might be the makefiles.
   *  Consideration should also be given to developing an approach in which
   *  the kernel and the application can be linked and burned into ROM
   *  independently of each other.

#if defined(HAS_UBOOT)
    extern unsigned char _HeapStart;

    bsp_libc_init( &_HeapStart, 
		   + uboot_bdinfo_ptr->bi_memsize 
		   - (uint32_t)&_HeapStart
		   , 0 );
    extern unsigned char _HeapStart;
    extern unsigned char _HeapEnd;

    bsp_libc_init( &_HeapStart, &_HeapEnd - &_HeapStart, 0 );

   *  Initialize the stack bounds checker
   *  We can either turn it on here or from the app.


  rtems_debug_enable( RTEMS_DEBUG_ALL_MASK );

void bsp_predriver_hook(void)
#if 0

  initialize_PCI_bridge ();

#if (HAS_PMC_PSC8)

  * Initialize Bsp General purpose vector table.

#if (0)
   * XXX - Modify this to write a 48000000 (loop to self) command
   *       to each interrupt location.  This is better for debug.


void bsp_start(void)
  extern void *_WorkspaceBase;
  ppc_cpu_id_t myCpu;
  ppc_cpu_revision_t myCpuRevision;
  register unsigned char* intrStack;

   * Get CPU identification dynamically. Note that the get_ppc_cpu_type() function
   * store the result in global variables so that it can be used latter...
  myCpu 	    = get_ppc_cpu_type();
  myCpuRevision = get_ppc_cpu_revision();

#if defined(HAS_UBOOT)
  uboot_bdinfo_copy = *uboot_bdinfo_ptr;
  uboot_bdinfo_ptr = &uboot_bdinfo_copy;

   * Initialize some SPRG registers related to irq handling

  intrStack = (((unsigned char*)&intrStackPtr) - PPC_MINIMUM_STACK_FRAME_SIZE);

  _write_SPRG1((unsigned int)intrStack);

  /* Signal them that this BSP has fixed PR288 - eventually, this should go away */

   *  initialize the CPU table for this BSP

  Cpu_table.pretasking_hook        = bsp_pretasking_hook;    /* init libc, etc. */
  Cpu_table.predriver_hook         = bsp_predriver_hook;     /* init PCI / RTC ...   */
  Cpu_table.postdriver_hook        = bsp_postdriver_hook;
  Cpu_table.clicks_per_usec        = (IPB_CLOCK/1000000);
  Cpu_table.do_zero_of_workspace   = TRUE;
  Cpu_table.exceptions_in_RAM      = TRUE;

  if( Cpu_table.interrupt_stack_size < 4*1024 )
    Cpu_table.interrupt_stack_size = 4 * 1024;

  * Install our own set of exception vectors


   * Enable instruction and data caches. Do not force writethrough mode.

   *  Allocate the memory for the RTEMS Work Space.  This can come from
   *  a variety of places: hard coded address, malloc'ed from outside
   *  RTEMS world (e.g. simulator or primitive memory manager), or (as
   *  typically done by stock BSPs) by subtracting the required amount
   *  of work space from the last physical address on the CPU board.

   *  Need to "allocate" the memory for the RTEMS Workspace and
   *  tell the RTEMS configuration where it is.  This memory is
   *  not malloc'ed.  It is just "pulled from the air".
  BSP_Configuration.work_space_start = (void *)&_WorkspaceBase;

  BSP_Configuration.microseconds_per_tick  = 1000;

   * Initalize RTEMS IRQ system

  printk("Exit from bspstart\n");


 *  _Thread_Idle_body
 *  Replaces the one in c/src/exec/score/src/threadidlebody.c
 *  The MSR[POW] bit is set to put the CPU into the low power mode
 *  defined in HID0.  HID0 is set during starup in start.S.
Thread _Thread_Idle_body(uint32_t ignored )


    asm volatile("mfmsr 3; oris 3,3,4; sync; mtmsr 3; isync; ori 3,3,0; ori 3,3,0");


  return 0;
