path: root/c/src/lib/libbsp/mips/rbtx4938/start/start.S
blob: 406f1b6bbd42b20c2ed8833141b7bc22c8b57c5b (plain) (tree)





























Based upon IDT provided code with the following release:

This source code has been made available to you by IDT on an AS-IS
basis. Anyone receiving this source is licensed under IDT copyrights
to use it in any way he or she deems fit, including copying it,
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Any person who transfers this source code or any derivative work must
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two paragraphs in the transferred software.


** Copyright 1991-95 Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
**	All Rights Reserved
** idt_csu.S -- IDT stand alone startup code
#include <rtems/mips/iregdef.h>
#include <rtems/mips/idtcpu.h>
#include <rtems/asm.h>

#include <bsp.h>

	.extern	mon_flush_cache

#if 0
	.extern _fdata,4		/* this is defined by the linker */
	.extern _edata,4		/* this is defined by the linker */
	.extern _idata,4		/* this is defined by the linker */
	.extern _fbss,4			/* this is defined by the linker */
	.extern end,4			/* this is defined by the linker */

	.lcomm sim_mem_cfg_struct,12


#define HARD_CODED_MEM_SIZE	0x1000000	/* RBTX4938 has 16 megabytes of RAM */
#define PMON_VECTOR 0xbfc00500

#define TMP_STKSIZE  1024

** P_STACKSIZE is the size of the Prom Stack.
** the prom stack grows downward
#define	P_STACKSIZE	0x2000   /* sets stack size to 8k */

**  start - Typical standalone start up code required for R3000/R4000
**	1)  Initialize the STATUS Register
**		a) Clear parity error bit
**		b) Set co_processor 1 usable bit ON
**		c) Clear all IntMask Enables
**		d) Set kernel/disabled mode
**	2)  Initialize Cause Register
**		a)  clear software interrupt bits
**	3)  Determine FPU installed or not
**		if not, clear CoProcessor 1 usable bit
**	4)  Initialize data areas. Clear bss area.
**	5)  MUST allocate temporary stack until memory size determined
**	    It MUST be uncached to prevent overwriting when caches are cleared
**	6)  Install exception handlers
**	7)  Determine memory and cache sizes
**	8)  Establish permanent stack (cached or uncached as defined by bss)
**	9)  Flush Instruction and Data caches
** 	10)  If there is a Translation Lookaside Buffer, Clear the TLB
** 	11)  Execute initialization code if the IDT/c library is to be used
** 	12)  Jump to user's "main()"
** 	13)  Jump to promexit
**	IDT/C 5.x defines _R3000, IDT/C 6.x defines _R4000 internally.
**	This is used to mark code specific to R3xxx or R4xxx processors.
**	IDT/C 6.x defines __mips to be the ISA level for which we're
**	generating code. This is used to make sure the stack etc. is
**	double word aligned, when using -mips3 (default) or -mips2,
**	when compiling with IDT/C6.x


	.set	noreorder
#if __mips_fpr == 64
	li	v0,SR_CU1|SR_FR 	/* initally clear ERL, enable FPU with 64 bit regs */
	li	v0,SR_CU1	 	/* initally clear ERL, enable FPU with 32 bit regs */

	mtc0	v0,C0_SR		/* clr IntMsks/ kernel/disabled mode */
	mtc0	zero,C0_CAUSE		/* clear software interrupts */

	li	v0,CFG_C_NONCOHERENT	/* initialise default cache mode */
	mtc0	v0,C0_CONFIG

**	check to see if a fpu is really plugged in
	li	t3,0xaaaa5555		/*  put a's and 5's in t3	*/
	mtc1	t3,fp0			/* try to write them into fp0   */
	mtc1	zero,fp1		/* try to write zero in fp	*/
	mfc1	t0,fp0
	mfc1	t1,fp1
	bne	t0,t3,1f		/* branch if no match  */
	bne	t1,zero,1f		/* double check for positive id   */
	/* We have a FPU. clear fcsr */
	ctc1	zero, fcr31
	j	2f			/* status register already correct  */
        li      v0,0x0	 		/* clear ERL and disable FPA */

	mtc0	v0, C0_SR		/* reset status register */
	la  	gp, _gp			/* Initialize gp register (pointer to "small" data)*/

#if 0
					/* Initialize data sections from "rom" copy */
	la	t0,_idata		/* address of initialization data (copy of data sections placed in ROM) */
	la	t1,_fdata		/* start of initialized data section */
	la	t2,_edata		/* end of initialized data section */
	lw	t3,0(t0)
	sw	t3,0(t1)
	addiu	t1,t1,4
	bne	t1,t2,3b
	addiu	t0,t0,4

	 				/* clear bss before using it */
	la	v0,_fbss		/* start of bss */
	la	v1,end 			/* end of bss */
4:	sw	zero,0(v0)
	bltu	v0,v1,4b
	add	v0,4

** 	Temporary Stack - needed to  handle stack saves until
**			  memory size is determined and permanent stack set
**			  MUST be uncached to avoid confusion at cache
**			       switching during memory sizing
	/* For MIPS 3, we need to be sure that the stack is aligned on a
	 * double word boundary.
	andi	t0, v0, 0x7
	beqz	t0, 11f   /* Last three bits Zero, already aligned */
	add	v0, 4

	or	v0, K1BASE		/* switch to uncached */
	add	v1, v0, TMP_STKSIZE 	/* end of bss + length of tmp stack */
	sub	v1, v1, (4*4)		/* overhead */
	move	sp, v1			/* set sp to top of stack */
4:	sw	zero, 0(v0)
	bltu	v0, v1, 4b		/* clear out temp stack */
	add	v0, 4

/* 	jal	init_exc_vecs */		/* install exception handlers */
/*	nop */				/* MUST do before memory probes */

					/* Force processor into uncached space during memory/cache probes */
	la	v0, 5f
	li	v1, K1BASE
	or	v0, v1
	j	v0

	li	a0, HARD_CODED_MEM_SIZE	/* Set memory size global */
	jal	set_memory_size

	la	a0, sim_mem_cfg_struct
	jal	get_mem_conf		/* Make call to get mem size */
	la	a0, sim_mem_cfg_struct
	lw	a0, 0(a0)		/* Get memory size from struct */

	jal	config_cache		/* determine size of D & I caches */

	move	v0, a0			/* mem_size */

	/* For MIPS 3, we need to be sure that the stack (and hence v0
	 * here) is aligned on a double word boundary.
	andi	t0, v0, 0x7
	beqz	t0, 12f   /* Last three bits Zero, already aligned */
	subu	v0, 4	/* mem_size was not aligned on doubleword bdry????*/

**  Permanent Stack - now know top of memory, put permanent stack there

	la	t2, _fbss		/* cache mode as linked */
	and	t2, 0xF0000000		/* isolate segment */
	la	t1, 6f
	j	t1			/* back to original cache mode */
	or 	v0, t2			/* stack back to original cache mode */
	addiu   v0,v0,-16		/* overhead */
	move	sp, v0			/* now replace count w top of memory */
	move	v1, v0
	subu	v1, P_STACKSIZE 	/* clear requested stack size */

7:	sw	zero, 0(v1)		/* clear P_STACKSIZE  stack */
	bltu	v1,v0,7b
	add	v1, 4

/* Invalidate data cache*/
	lui	t0, 0x8000		/* Set starting address */
	addi	t1, t0, 0x2000		/* Calculate end address (assume worst case of 32 KByte / 4 Way cache) */
					/* D-Cache Writeback and Invalidate */
1:	bge	t0, t1, 2f		/* if(t0>=end_addr) then exit */
	cache	1, 0(t0)		/* Index_Writeback_Inv_D way 0 */
	cache	1, 1(t0)		/* Index_Writeback_Inv_D way 1 */
	cache	1, 2(t0)		/* Index_Writeback_Inv_D way 2 */
	cache	1, 3(t0)		/* Index_Writeback_Inv_D way 3 */
	b	1b
	addi	t0, t0, 32

/* Invalidate instruction cache*/
	lui	t0, 0x8000		/* Set starting address */
	addi	t1, t0, 0x2000		/* Calculate end address (assume worst case of 32 KByte / 4 Way cache) */
					/* I-Cache Disable */
	mfc0	t2, C0_CONFIG		/* get C0_Config */
	lui	t3, 0x2			/* C0_CONFIG#17 ICE# */
	or	t3, t2, t3		/* set ICE# bit */
	mtc0	t3, C0_CONFIG		/* set C_Config */
	b	1f			/* stop streaming */
					/* I-Cache Invalidate */
1:	bge	t0, t1, 2f		/* if(t0>=end_addr) then exit */
	cache	0, 0(t0)		/* Index_Invalidate_I way 0 */
	cache	0, 1(t0)		/* Index_Invalidate_I way 1 */
	cache	0, 2(t0)		/* Index_Invalidate_I way 2 */
	cache	0, 3(t0)		/* Index_Invalidate_I way 3 */
	b	1b
	addi	t0, t0, 32
    					/* I-Cache Enable */
2:	mtc0	t2, C0_CONFIG		/* set C0_Config */

/* Lock first 4k of PMON into instruction cache. This includes interrupt service code which
 we don't want to run out of slow flash device. */

	la	t0,0x9fc00000
	li	t1, 0x1000

	move	t3, t0
	addu	t1, t0, t1
1:	bge	t0, t1, 2f
	lui	t2, 0x1fff		/* MASK */
	ori	t2, t2, 0xf000
	and	t2, t3, t2		/* virtual->physical */
	srl	t2, t2, 4		/* [31:12] --> [35:8] */
	ori	t2, t2, 0x00c4		/* Set Valid & Lock Bits */
	mtc0	t2, C0_TAGLO		/* Load data to TagLo reg. */
	cache	0x08, 3(t0)		/* 2(I)=0x08: Index_Store_Tag(I$) Way3*/
	cache	0x14, 3(t0)		/* 5(I)=0x14: Fill(Memory->Cache) Way3*/
	b	1b
	addi	t0, t0, 32
2:	nop

	.set	reorder

** Clear Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)
	jal	init_tlb		/* clear the tlb */

** End of CPU initialization, ready to start kernel
	move	a0,zero		/* Set command line passed to boot_card */
	jal	boot_card

/* Kernel has been shutdown, jump to the "exit" routine */
	jal	_sys_exit
	move	a0,v0				# pass through the exit code

	beq	zero,zero,1b


 * _sys_exit -- Exit from the application. Normally we cause a user trap
 *          to return to the ROM monitor for another run. NOTE: This is
 *	    the only other routine we provide in the crt0.o object, since
 *          it may be tied to the "_start" routine. It also allows
 *          executables that contain a complete world to be linked with
 *          just the crt0.o object.

	break	1023
	b	13b				# but loop back just in-case


	.globl	__sizemem
	.ent	__sizemem
	j	ra
	.end	__sizemem