path: root/c/src/exec/posix/src/pthread.c
blob: 4b8a4977d8b528c70b564eb86e1c46c132aea2ab (plain) (tree)




















































 *  $Id$

#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <limits.h>

#include <rtems/system.h>
#include <rtems/score/apiext.h>
#include <rtems/score/stack.h>
#include <rtems/score/thread.h>
#include <rtems/score/userext.h>
#include <rtems/score/wkspace.h>
#include <rtems/posix/pthread.h>
#include <rtems/posix/priority.h>
#include <rtems/posix/config.h>

 *  The default pthreads attributes structure.
const pthread_attr_t _POSIX_Threads_Default_attributes = {
  TRUE,                    /* is_initialized */
  0,                       /* stackaddr */
  STACK_MINIMUM_SIZE,      /* stacksize */
  PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS,   /* contentionscope */
  PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED,   /* inheritsched */
  SCHED_FIFO,              /* schedpolicy */
  {                        /* schedparam */
    128,                   /* sched_priority */
    0,                     /* ss_low_priority */
    { 0L, 0 },             /* ss_replenish_period */
    { 0L, 0 }              /* ss_initial_budget */
  PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED, /* detachstate */
  1                        /* cputime_clock_allowed */

 *  _POSIX_Threads_Create_extension
 *  XXX
boolean _POSIX_Threads_Create_extension(
  Thread_Control *executing,
  Thread_Control *created
  POSIX_API_Control *api;
  api = _Workspace_Allocate( sizeof( POSIX_API_Control ) );
  if ( !api )
    return FALSE;
  created->API_Extensions[ THREAD_API_POSIX ] = api;
  /* XXX something should go here */

  return TRUE;
 *  _POSIX_Threads_Delete_extension
 *  XXX
User_extensions_routine _POSIX_Threads_Delete_extension(
  Thread_Control *executing,
  Thread_Control *deleted
  (void) _Workspace_Free( deleted->API_Extensions[ THREAD_API_POSIX ] );
  deleted->API_Extensions[ THREAD_API_POSIX ] = NULL;

 *  _POSIX_Threads_Initialize_user_threads
 *  This routine creates and starts all configured user
 *  initialzation threads.
 *  Input parameters: NONE
 *  Output parameters:  NONE
void _POSIX_Threads_Initialize_user_threads( void )
  int                                 status;
  unsigned32                          index;
  unsigned32                          maximum;
  posix_initialization_threads_table *user_threads;
  pthread_t                           thread_id;
  user_threads = _POSIX_Threads_User_initialization_threads;
  maximum      = _POSIX_Threads_Number_of_initialization_threads;

  if ( !user_threads || maximum == 0 )
  for ( index=0 ; index < maximum ; index++ ) {
    status = pthread_create(
      user_threads[ index ].entry,
    assert( !status );

API_extensions_Control _POSIX_Threads_API_extensions = {
  { NULL, NULL },
  NULL,                                     /* predriver */
  _POSIX_Threads_Initialize_user_threads,   /* postdriver */
  NULL,                                     /* post switch */
User_extensions_Control _POSIX_Threads_User_extensions = {
  { NULL, NULL },
  { _POSIX_Threads_Create_extension,          /* create */
    NULL,                                     /* start */
    NULL,                                     /* restart */
    _POSIX_Threads_Delete_extension,          /* delete */
    NULL,                                     /* switch */
    NULL,                                     /* begin */
    NULL,                                     /* exitted */
    NULL                                      /* fatal */
 *  _POSIX_Threads_Manager_initialization
 *  This routine initializes all threads manager related data structures.
 *  Input parameters:
 *    maximum_pthreads - maximum configured pthreads
 *  Output parameters:  NONE
void _POSIX_Threads_Manager_initialization(
  unsigned32                          maximum_pthreads,
  unsigned32                          number_of_initialization_threads,
  posix_initialization_threads_table *user_threads
  _POSIX_Threads_Number_of_initialization_threads = 
  _POSIX_Threads_User_initialization_threads = user_threads;

   *  There may not be any POSIX initialization threads configured.

#if 0
  if ( user_threads == NULL || number_of_initialization_threads == 0 )
    _Internal_error_Occurred( INTERNAL_ERROR_POSIX_API, TRUE, EINVAL );

    FALSE,                               /* does not support global */
    sizeof( POSIX_Threads_Control ),
    5,                                   /* length is arbitrary for now */
    TRUE                                 /* this class is threads */

   *  Add all the extensions for this API
  _User_extensions_Add_API_set( &_POSIX_Threads_User_extensions );
  _API_extensions_Add( &_POSIX_Threads_API_extensions );
   *  If we supported MP, then here we would ...
   *       Register the MP Process Packet routine.

 *  3.1.3 Register Fork Handlers, P1003.1c/Draft 10, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 27
 *  RTEMS does not support processes, so we fall under this and do not
 *  provide this routine:
 *  "Either the implementation shall support the pthread_atfork() function
 *   as described above or the pthread_atfork() funciton shall not be
 *   provided."

 *  13.5.1 Thread Creation Scheduling Attributes, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 120

int pthread_attr_setscope(
  pthread_attr_t  *attr,
  int              contentionscope
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;

  attr->contentionscope = contentionscope;
  return 0;

 *  13.5.1 Thread Creation Scheduling Attributes, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 120

int pthread_attr_getscope(
  const pthread_attr_t  *attr,
  int                   *contentionscope
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;

  *contentionscope = attr->contentionscope;
  return 0;

 *  13.5.1 Thread Creation Scheduling Attributes, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 120

int pthread_attr_setinheritsched(
  pthread_attr_t  *attr,
  int              inheritsched
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;

  attr->inheritsched = inheritsched;
  return 0;

 *  13.5.1 Thread Creation Scheduling Attributes, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 120

int pthread_attr_getinheritsched(
  const pthread_attr_t  *attr,
  int                   *inheritsched
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;

  *inheritsched = attr->inheritsched;
  return 0;

 *  13.5.1 Thread Creation Scheduling Attributes, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 120

int pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(
  pthread_attr_t  *attr,
  int              policy
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;

  attr->schedpolicy = policy;
  return 0;

 *  13.5.1 Thread Creation Scheduling Attributes, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 120

int pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(
  const pthread_attr_t  *attr,
  int                   *policy
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;

  *policy = attr->schedpolicy;
  return 0;

 *  13.5.1 Thread Creation Scheduling Attributes, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 120

int pthread_attr_setschedparam(
  pthread_attr_t            *attr,
  const struct sched_param  *param
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;

  attr->schedparam = *param;
  return 0;

 *  13.5.1 Thread Creation Scheduling Attributes, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 120

int pthread_attr_getschedparam(
  const pthread_attr_t   *attr,
  struct sched_param     *param
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;

  *param = attr->schedparam;
  return 0;

 *  13.5.2 Dynamic Thread Scheduling Parameters Access, 
 *         P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 124

int pthread_getschedparam(
  pthread_t           thread,
  int                *policy,
  struct sched_param *param
  pthread_attr_t *attr;   /* XXX: really need to get this from the thread */

  if ( !policy || !param  )
    return EINVAL;

  *policy = attr->schedpolicy;
  *param  = attr->schedparam;
  return 0;

 *  13.5.2 Dynamic Thread Scheduling Parameters Access, 
 *         P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 124

int pthread_setschedparam(
  pthread_t           thread,
  int                 policy,
  struct sched_param *param
  /* XXX need to reschedule after doing this to the thread */
  pthread_attr_t *attr;   /* XXX: really need to get this from the thread */

  if ( !param )
    return EINVAL;

  attr->schedpolicy = policy;
  attr->schedparam  = *param;
  return 0;

 *  16.1.1 Thread Creation Attributes, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p, 140

int pthread_attr_init(
  pthread_attr_t  *attr
  if ( !attr )
    return EINVAL;
  *attr = _POSIX_Threads_Default_attributes;
  return 0;

 *  16.1.1 Thread Creation Attributes, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p, 140

int pthread_attr_destroy(
  pthread_attr_t  *attr
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;
  attr->is_initialized = FALSE;
  return 0;
 *  16.1.1 Thread Creation Attributes, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p, 140

int pthread_attr_getstacksize(
  const pthread_attr_t  *attr,
  size_t                *stacksize
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;

  *stacksize = attr->stacksize;
  return 0;
 *  16.1.1 Thread Creation Attributes, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p, 140

int pthread_attr_setstacksize(
  pthread_attr_t  *attr,
  size_t           stacksize
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;

  if ( stacksize < STACK_MINIMUM_SIZE )
    attr->stacksize = STACK_MINIMUM_SIZE;
    attr->stacksize = stacksize;
  return 0;
 *  16.1.1 Thread Creation Attributes, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p, 140

int pthread_attr_getstackaddr(
  const pthread_attr_t   *attr,
  void                  **stackaddr
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;

  *stackaddr = attr->stackaddr;
  return 0;
 *  16.1.1 Thread Creation Attributes, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p, 140

int pthread_attr_setstackaddr(
  pthread_attr_t  *attr,
  void            *stackaddr
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;

  attr->stackaddr = stackaddr;
  return 0;
 *  16.1.1 Thread Creation Attributes, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p, 140

int pthread_attr_getdetachstate(
  const pthread_attr_t  *attr,
  int                   *detachstate
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;

  *detachstate = attr->detachstate;
  return 0;
 *  16.1.1 Thread Creation Attributes, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p, 140

int pthread_attr_setdetachstate(
  pthread_attr_t  *attr,
  int              detachstate
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;

  attr->detachstate = detachstate;
  return 0;

 *  16.1.2 Thread Creation, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 144

int pthread_create(
  pthread_t              *thread,
  const pthread_attr_t   *attr,
  void                 *(*start_routine)( void * ),
  void                   *arg
  const pthread_attr_t  *attrp;
  Priority_Control       core_priority;
  boolean                is_fp;
  boolean                status;
  Thread_Control        *the_thread;
  char                  *default_name = "psx";

  attrp = (attr) ? attr : &_POSIX_Threads_Default_attributes;

  if ( !attrp->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;

   *  Core Thread Initialize insures we get the minimum amount of
   *  stack space.

#if 0
  int contentionscope;
  int inheritsched;
  int schedpolicy;
  struct sched_param schedparam;

  int  cputime_clock_allowed;  /* see time.h */
  int  detachstate;

   *  Validate the RTEMS API priority and convert it to the core priority range.
  if ( !_POSIX_Priority_Is_valid( attrp->schedparam.sched_priority ) )
    return EINVAL;
  core_priority = _POSIX_Priority_To_core( attrp->schedparam.sched_priority );
   *  Currently all POSIX threads are floating point if the hardware 
   *  supports it.

  is_fp = CPU_HARDWARE_FP;

   *  Disable dispatch for protection
   *  Allocate the thread control block.
   *  NOTE:  Global threads are not currently supported.

  the_thread = _POSIX_Threads_Allocate();

  if ( !the_thread ) {
    return EINVAL;

   *  Initialize the core thread for this task.
  status = _Thread_Initialize(
    TRUE,                 /* preemptible */
    TRUE,                 /* timesliced */
    0,                    /* isr level */
    &default_name         /* posix threads don't have a name */
  if ( !status ) {
    _POSIX_Threads_Free( the_thread );
    return EINVAL;

  status = _Thread_Start(
    0                     /* unused */

   *  _Thread_Start only fails if the thread was in the incorrect state

  if ( !status ) {
    _POSIX_Threads_Free( the_thread );
    return EINVAL;

   *  Return the id and indicate we successfully created the thread

  *thread = the_thread->;


 return 0;


 *  16.1.3 Wait for Thread Termination, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 147

int pthread_join(
  pthread_t   thread,
  void      **value_ptr

 *  16.1.4 Detaching a Thread, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 149

int pthread_detach(
  pthread_t   thread

 * Thread Termination, p1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 150
void pthread_exit(
  void  *value_ptr
  register Thread_Control *the_thread;

  the_thread = _Thread_Executing;


   *  XXX Will need to deal with join/detach

  _Thread_Close( &_POSIX_Threads_Information, the_thread );
  _POSIX_Threads_Free( the_thread );


 * 16.1.6 Get Calling Thread's ID, p1003.1c/Draft 10, p. XXX

pthread_t pthread_self( void )
  return _Thread_Executing->;

 *  16.1.7 Compare Thread IDs, p1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 153

int pthread_equal( 
  pthread_t  t1,
  pthread_t  t2
 /* XXX may want to do a "get" to make sure both are valid. */
 /* XXX behavior is undefined if not valid pthread_t's */
  return _Objects_Are_ids_equal( t1, t1 ); 

 *  16.1.8 Dynamic Package Initialization

int pthread_once(
  pthread_once_t  *once_control,
  void           (*init_routine)(void)
  /* XXX: Should we implement this routine this way or make it a full */
  /* XXX: fledged object? */

  if ( !once_control || !init_routine )
    return EINVAL;


  if ( !once_control->is_initialized ) {

    once_control->is_initialized = TRUE;
    once_control->init_executed = TRUE;

  } if ( !once_control->init_executed ) {

    once_control->init_executed = TRUE;


  return 0;

 *  20.1.6 Accessing a Thread CPU-time Clock, P1003.4b/D8, p. 58
int pthread_getcpuclockid(
  pthread_t    pid,
  clockid_t   *clock_id

 *  20.1.7 CPU-time Clock Thread Creation Attribute, P1003.4b/D8, p. 59

int pthread_attr_setcputime(
  pthread_attr_t  *attr,
  int              clock_allowed
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;

  attr->cputime_clock_allowed = clock_allowed;
  return 0;

 *  20.1.7 CPU-time Clock Thread Creation Attribute, P1003.4b/D8, p. 59

int pthread_attr_getcputime(
  pthread_attr_t  *attr,
  int             *clock_allowed
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )
    return EINVAL;

  *clock_allowed = attr->cputime_clock_allowed;
  return 0;