path: root/c/
blob: 2a53930fcb00245e4d4393c3266f44dd9b0961e5 (plain) (tree)








#  $Id$
# top level directory for RTEMS build tree
# This Makefile is *not* a good example of a directory Makefile.

srcdir = @srcdir@
top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
prefix = @prefix@
exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
bindir = @bindir@
libdir = @libdir@
includedir = @includedir@
target = @target@
manext = 1
mandir = @mandir@/man$(manext)
program_prefix = @program_prefix@

include $(RTEMS_CUSTOM)
include $(RTEMS_ROOT)/make/directory.cfg

# dubious, but needed by rtems-glom ...

SUB_DIRS=build-tools src

# We only make the install point for the KA9Q header files if it is enabled.
LIBKA9Q_yes_V = include/ka9q

# We only make the rtems++ install point if it is enabled.
LIBRTEMSCPLUSPLUS_yes_V = include/rtems++

# directories to be created in install point
CREATE_DIRS = 	include include/sys \
    include/rtems include/rtems/score include/rtems/rtems include/rtems/posix \
    include/netinet include/libc include/libc/sys \
    include/motorola include/zilog \
    $(LIBKA9Q) \
    lib bin samples \
    tests tests/screens tests/screens/sptests \
    tests/screens/psxtests tests/screens/mptests \
    tests/screens/mptests/node1 tests/screens/mptests/node2 \
    build-tools update-tools

# Make all/install must include 'env'
all $(TARGET_VARIANTS:%=%_install) $(TARGET_VARIANTS:%=%_all): env 

# top level clean/clobber will delete the install points
clean_WRAPUP = $(MAKE) clean_wrapup
clobber_WRAPUP = $(MAKE) clean_wrapup

clean_wrapup: clean_tools clean_dirs clean_modules

.PHONY:	dirs clean_wrapup clean_dirs clean_tools clean_modules env install

#  XXX The link is temporary while switching to -specs options.
	-test -d $(PROJECT_ROOT)/c/src/lib/libhwapi && \
	    (cd $(PROJECT_ROOT)/c/src/lib/libhwapi ; $(MAKE) mkdirs)
	-rm -f $(PROJECT_ROOT)/$(RTEMS_BSP)/include
	-ln -s $(PROJECT_ROOT)/$(RTEMS_BSP)/include \

distclean: clobber


	cd build-tools; $(MAKE) clean

# NOTE: The wildcard on the install should pick up everything except
#       the tests directory.  This significantly minimizes the install size.
install: all
	 -$(MKDIR) $(prefix)/$(target)
	 -$(MKDIR) $(prefix)/$(target)/rtems
	 -$(MKDIR) $(prefix)/$(target)/rtems/make
	 -$(MKDIR) $(prefix)/$(target)/rtems/make/compilers
	 -$(MKDIR) $(prefix)/$(target)/rtems/make/custom
	 -$(MKDIR) $(prefix)/$(target)/rtems/make/os
	-rm -rf $(prefix)/$(target)/rtems/$(RTEMS_BSP)
	cd ../; tar cf - $(RTEMS_BSP)/[bilsu]* | \
		(cd $(prefix)/$(target)/rtems; tar xpBf - )
	cd $(srcdir); tar cf - make/compilers make/custom make/os \
		make/leaf.cfg make/directory.cfg make/main.cfg | \
		(cd $(prefix)/$(target)/rtems; tar xpBf - )
	echo RTEMS_BSP = $(RTEMS_BSP) > \
	cat make/Templates/ >> \

	cd src/tests; $(MAKE) all

env:    $(SRCS) dirs