path: root/bsps/powerpc/tqm8xx/include/bsp/spi.h
blob: bd6b3c2ab7f7ae27bb9a8e15da23b20ccaebed25 (plain) (tree)




| Project: RTEMS support for MPC8xx                               |
|                    Copyright (c) 2009                           |
|                    embedded brains GmbH                         |
|                    Obere Lagerstr. 30                           |
|                    82178 Puchheim                             |
|                    Germany                                      |
|                               |
| The license and distribution terms for this file may be         |
| found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at            |
|                                                                 |
|                           |
|                                                                 |
| this file contains the MPC8xx SPI driver declarations           |
#ifndef _M8XX_SPIDRV_H
#define _M8XX_SPIDRV_H

#include <mpc8xx.h>
#include <rtems/libi2c.h>
#include <rtems/irq.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef struct m8xx_spi_softc {
  int                     initialized;
  rtems_id                irq_sema_id;
  rtems_isr_entry         old_handler;
  m8xxBufferDescriptor_t *rx_bd;
  m8xxBufferDescriptor_t *tx_bd;
} m8xx_spi_softc_t ;

typedef struct {
  rtems_libi2c_bus_t  bus_desc;
  m8xx_spi_softc_t softc;
} m8xx_spi_desc_t;

| Function:                                                                 |
rtems_status_code m8xx_spi_init
| Purpose:                                                                  |
|   initialize the driver                                                   |
| Input Parameters:                                                         |
 rtems_libi2c_bus_t *bh                  /* bus specifier structure        */
| Return Value:                                                             |
|    o = ok or error code                                                   |

| Function:                                                                 |
int m8xx_spi_read_bytes
| Purpose:                                                                  |
|   receive some bytes from SPI device                                      |
| Input Parameters:                                                         |
 rtems_libi2c_bus_t *bh,                 /* bus specifier structure        */
 unsigned char *buf,                     /* buffer to store bytes          */
 int len                                 /* number of bytes to receive     */
| Return Value:                                                             |
|    number of bytes received or (negative) error code                      |

| Function:                                                                 |
int m8xx_spi_write_bytes
| Purpose:                                                                  |
|   send some bytes to SPI device                                           |
| Input Parameters:                                                         |
 rtems_libi2c_bus_t *bh,                 /* bus specifier structure        */
 unsigned char *buf,                     /* buffer to send                 */
 int len                                 /* number of bytes to send        */

| Return Value:                                                             |
|    number of bytes sent or (negative) error code                          |

| Function:                                                                 |
rtems_status_code m8xx_spi_set_tfr_mode
| Purpose:                                                                  |
|   set SPI to desired baudrate/clock mode/character mode                   |
| Input Parameters:                                                         |
 rtems_libi2c_bus_t *bh,                 /* bus specifier structure        */
 const rtems_libi2c_tfr_mode_t *tfr_mode /* transfer mode info             */
| Return Value:                                                             |
|    rtems_status_code                                                      |

| Function:                                                                 |
int m8xx_spi_ioctl
| Purpose:                                                                  |
|   perform selected ioctl function for SPI                                 |
| Input Parameters:                                                         |
 rtems_libi2c_bus_t *bh,                 /* bus specifier structure        */
 int                 cmd,                /* ioctl command code             */
 void               *arg                 /* additional argument array      */
| Return Value:                                                             |
|    rtems_status_code                                                      |

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _M8XX_SPIDRV_H */