path: root/bsps/include/grlib/greth.h
blob: 1c42c99ddc50b57384150529692da2aa60152726 (plain) (tree)









 * Cobham Gaisler ethernet MAC driver
 * adapted from Opencores driver by Marko Isomaki
 * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
 * found in found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at

#ifndef __GRETH_H__
#define __GRETH_H__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* Ethernet configuration registers */

typedef struct _greth_regs {
   volatile uint32_t ctrl;         /* Ctrl Register */
   volatile uint32_t status;       /* Status Register */
   volatile uint32_t mac_addr_msb; /* Bit 47-32 of MAC address */
   volatile uint32_t mac_addr_lsb; /* Bit 31-0 of MAC address */
   volatile uint32_t mdio_ctrl;    /* MDIO control and status */
   volatile uint32_t txdesc;       /* Transmit descriptor pointer */
   volatile uint32_t rxdesc;       /* Receive descriptor pointer */
   volatile uint32_t edcl;         /* EDCL IP register */
   volatile uint32_t ht_msb;       /* Multicast MSB hash */
   volatile uint32_t ht_lsb;       /* Multicast LSB hash */
} greth_regs;

#define GRETH_TOTAL_BD           128
#define GRETH_MAXBUF_LEN         1520
/* Tx BD */                     
#define GRETH_TXD_ENABLE      0x0800 /* Tx BD Enable */
#define GRETH_TXD_WRAP        0x1000 /* Tx BD Wrap (last BD) */
#define GRETH_TXD_IRQ         0x2000 /* Tx BD IRQ Enable */
#define GRETH_TXD_MORE        0x20000 /* Tx BD More (more descs for packet) */
#define GRETH_TXD_IPCS        0x40000 /* Tx BD insert ip chksum */
#define GRETH_TXD_TCPCS       0x80000 /* Tx BD insert tcp chksum */
#define GRETH_TXD_UDPCS       0x100000 /* Tx BD insert udp chksum */

#define GRETH_TXD_UNDERRUN    0x4000 /* Tx BD Underrun Status */
#define GRETH_TXD_RETLIM      0x8000 /* Tx BD Retransmission Limit Status */
#define GRETH_TXD_LATECOL     0x10000 /* Tx BD Late Collision */

#define GRETH_TXD_STATS       (GRETH_TXD_UNDERRUN            | \
                               GRETH_TXD_RETLIM              | \

#define GRETH_TXD_CS          (GRETH_TXD_IPCS            | \
                               GRETH_TXD_TCPCS           | \
/* Rx BD */                     
#define GRETH_RXD_ENABLE      0x0800 /* Rx BD Enable */
#define GRETH_RXD_WRAP        0x1000 /* Rx BD Wrap (last BD) */
#define GRETH_RXD_IRQ         0x2000 /* Rx BD IRQ Enable */

#define GRETH_RXD_DRIBBLE     0x4000 /* Rx BD Dribble Nibble Status */                                
#define GRETH_RXD_TOOLONG     0x8000 /* Rx BD Too Long Status */
#define GRETH_RXD_CRCERR      0x10000 /* Rx BD CRC Error Status */
#define GRETH_RXD_OVERRUN     0x20000 /* Rx BD Overrun Status */
#define GRETH_RXD_LENERR      0x40000 /* Rx BD Length Error */
#define GRETH_RXD_ID          0x40000 /* Rx BD IP Detected */
#define GRETH_RXD_IR          0x40000 /* Rx BD IP Chksum Error */
#define GRETH_RXD_UD          0x40000 /* Rx BD UDP Detected*/
#define GRETH_RXD_UR          0x40000 /* Rx BD UDP Chksum Error */
#define GRETH_RXD_TD          0x40000 /* Rx BD TCP Detected */
#define GRETH_RXD_TR          0x40000 /* Rx BD TCP Chksum Error */

#define GRETH_RXD_STATS       (GRETH_RXD_OVERRUN             | \
                               GRETH_RXD_DRIBBLE             | \
                               GRETH_RXD_TOOLONG             | \

/* CTRL Register */
#define GRETH_CTRL_TXEN         0x00000001 /* Transmit Enable */
#define GRETH_CTRL_RXEN         0x00000002 /* Receive Enable  */
#define GRETH_CTRL_TXIRQ        0x00000004 /* Transmit Enable */
#define GRETH_CTRL_RXIRQ        0x00000008 /* Receive Enable  */
#define GRETH_CTRL_FULLD        0x00000010 /* Full Duplex */
#define GRETH_CTRL_PRO          0x00000020 /* Promiscuous (receive all) */
#define GRETH_CTRL_RST          0x00000040 /* Reset MAC */
#define GRETH_CTRL_SP           0x00000080 /* 100MBit speed mode */
#define GRETH_CTRL_GB           0x00000100 /* 1GBit speed mode */
#define GRETH_CTRL_MCE          0x00000800 /* Multicast Enable */
#define GRETH_CTRL_DD           0x00001000 /* Disable EDCL Duplex Detection */
#define GRETH_CTRL_ED           0x00004000 /* EDCL Disable */
#define GRETH_CTRL_MC           0x02000000 /* Multicast available */
#define GRETH_CTRL_ME           0x04000000 /* MDIO interrupts enabled */
#define GRETH_CTRL_GA           0x08000000 /* Gigabit MAC available */

/* Status Register */
#define GRETH_STATUS_RXERR      0x00000001 /* Receive Error */
#define GRETH_STATUS_TXERR      0x00000002 /* Transmit Error IRQ */
#define GRETH_STATUS_RXIRQ      0x00000004 /* Receive Frame IRQ */
#define GRETH_STATUS_TXIRQ      0x00000008 /* Transmit Error IRQ */
#define GRETH_STATUS_RXAHBERR   0x00000010 /* Receiver AHB Error */
#define GRETH_STATUS_TXAHBERR   0x00000020 /* Transmitter AHB Error */

/* MDIO Control  */
#define GRETH_MDIO_WRITE        0x00000001 /* MDIO Write */
#define GRETH_MDIO_READ         0x00000002 /* MDIO Read */
#define GRETH_MDIO_LINKFAIL     0x00000004 /* MDIO Link failed */
#define GRETH_MDIO_BUSY         0x00000008 /* MDIO Link Busy */
#define GRETH_MDIO_REGADR       0x000007C0 /* Register Address */
#define GRETH_MDIO_PHYADR       0x0000F800 /* PHY address */
#define GRETH_MDIO_DATA         0xFFFF0000 /* MDIO DATA */

/* MII registers */
#define GRETH_MII_EXTADV_1000FD 0x00000200
#define GRETH_MII_EXTADV_1000HD 0x00000100
#define GRETH_MII_EXTPRT_1000FD 0x00000800
#define GRETH_MII_EXTPRT_1000HD 0x00000400

#define GRETH_MII_100T4         0x00000200
#define GRETH_MII_100TXFD       0x00000100
#define GRETH_MII_100TXHD       0x00000080
#define GRETH_MII_10FD          0x00000040
#define GRETH_MII_10HD          0x00000020

/* Attach routine */

void greth_register_drv(void);

/* PHY data */
struct phy_device_info 
   int vendor;
   int device;
   int rev;
   int adv;
   int part;

   int extadv;
   int extpart;

/* Limit speed modes advertised during auto-negotiation */
#define GRETH_ADV_10_HD    0x0001
#define GRETH_ADV_10_FD    0x0002
#define GRETH_ADV_100_HD   0x0004
#define GRETH_ADV_100_FD   0x0008
#define GRETH_ADV_1000_HD  0x0010
#define GRETH_ADV_1000_FD  0x0020
#define GRETH_ADV_ALL      0x003f
#ifdef CPU_U32_FIX
void ipalign(struct mbuf *m);

#ifdef __cplusplus
