path: root/bsps/include/grlib/grcan.h
blob: a956bef12415d1ab97abde598097cf14ffc0e28d (plain) (tree)

















































 * @file
 * @ingroup can
 * @brief Driver API for the GRLIB GRCAN and GRCANFD controllers

 *  COPYRIGHT (c) 2007.
 *  Cobham Gaisler AB.
 *  The license and distribution terms for this file may be
 *  found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at

#ifndef __GRCAN_H__
#define __GRCAN_H__

 * @defgroup can GRCAN
 * @ingroup RTEMSBSPsSharedGRLIB
 * @brief Macros used for grcan controller
 * @{

#include <stdint.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

struct grcan_regs {
	volatile unsigned int conf;          /* 0x00 */
	volatile unsigned int stat;          /* 0x04 */
	volatile unsigned int ctrl;          /* 0x08 */
	volatile unsigned int dummy0[3];     /* 0x0C-0x014 */
	volatile unsigned int smask;         /* 0x18 */
	volatile unsigned int scode;         /* 0x1C */

	volatile unsigned int dummy1[8];     /* 0x20-0x3C */

	volatile unsigned int nbtr;          /* 0x40 */
	volatile unsigned int fdbtr;         /* 0x44 */
	volatile unsigned int tdelay;        /* 0x48 */

	volatile unsigned int dummy1b[45];   /* 0x4C-0xFC */

	volatile unsigned int pimsr;         /* 0x100 */
	volatile unsigned int pimr;          /* 0x104 */
	volatile unsigned int pisr;          /* 0x108 */
	volatile unsigned int pir;           /* 0x10C */
	volatile unsigned int imr;           /* 0x110 */
	volatile unsigned int picr;          /* 0x114 */

	volatile unsigned int dummy2[58];    /* 0x118-0x1FC */

	volatile unsigned int tx0ctrl;       /* 0x200 */
	volatile unsigned int tx0addr;       /* 0x204 */
	volatile unsigned int tx0size;       /* 0x208 */
	volatile unsigned int tx0wr;         /* 0x20C */
	volatile unsigned int tx0rd;         /* 0x210 */
	volatile unsigned int tx0irq;        /* 0x214 */

	volatile unsigned int dummy3[58];    /* 0x218-0x2FC */

	volatile unsigned int rx0ctrl;       /* 0x300 */
	volatile unsigned int rx0addr;       /* 0x304 */
	volatile unsigned int rx0size;       /* 0x308 */
	volatile unsigned int rx0wr;         /* 0x30C */
	volatile unsigned int rx0rd;         /* 0x310 */
	volatile unsigned int rx0irq;        /* 0x314 */
	volatile unsigned int rx0mask;       /* 0x318 */
	volatile unsigned int rx0code;       /* 0x31C */

struct grcan_stats {
	unsigned int passive_cnt;
	unsigned int overrun_cnt;
	unsigned int rxsync_cnt;
	unsigned int txsync_cnt;
	unsigned int txloss_cnt;
	unsigned int ahberr_cnt;
	unsigned int ints;
	unsigned int busoff_cnt;

struct grcan_timing {
	unsigned char scaler;
	unsigned char ps1;
	unsigned char ps2;
	unsigned char rsj;
	unsigned char bpr;

struct grcanfd_timing {
	unsigned char scaler;
	unsigned char ps1;
	unsigned char ps2;
	unsigned char sjw;
	unsigned char resv_zero;

struct grcan_selection {
	int selection;
	int enable0;
	int enable1;

struct grcan_filter {
	unsigned long long mask;
	unsigned long long code;

#define GRCAN_FDOPT_NOM   0
#define GRCAN_FDOPT_FDBTR 0x01
#define GRCAN_FDOPT_FDFRM 0x02

typedef struct {
	char extended; /* 1= Extended Frame (29-bit id), 0= STD Frame (11-bit id) */
	char rtr; /* RTR - Remote Transmission Request */
	char unused; /* Must be 0 to select classic CAN frame */
	unsigned char len;
	unsigned char data[8];
	unsigned int id;
} CANMsg;

typedef struct {
	uint8_t extended; /* 1= Extended Frame (29-bit id), 0= STD Frame (11-bit id) */
	uint8_t rtr;      /* RTR - Remote Transmission Request */
	uint8_t fdopts;   /* Bit1: 1=Switch bit rate. bit2: 1=FD frame. */
	uint8_t len;      /* 0-8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 48 or 64 bytes */
	uint32_t id;
	union {
		uint64_t dwords[8]; /* up to 64 bytes if FD=1 and len>8 */
		uint8_t  bytes[64]; /* up to 64 bytes if FD=1 and len>8 */
	} data;

enum {
	GRCAN_RET_OK            =  0,
	GRCAN_RET_INVARG        = -1,
	GRCAN_RET_TIMEOUT       = -3,
	/* Bus-off condition detected (request aborted by driver) */
	GRCAN_RET_BUSOFF        = -4,
	/* AHB error condition detected (request aborted by driver) */
	GRCAN_RET_AHBERR        = -5,

 * User functions can cause these transitions:
 * ISR can cause these transition
 * STATE_BUSOFF is entered from ISR on bus-off condition. STATE_AHBERR is
 * entered from ISR on AHB DMA errors on RX/TX operations. At transition the ISR
 * disables DMA, masks all interrupts and releases semaphores.
enum grcan_state {

#define GRCAN_CFG_ABORT      0x00000001
#define GRCAN_CFG_ENABLE0    0x00000002
#define GRCAN_CFG_ENABLE1    0x00000004
#define GRCAN_CFG_SELECTION  0x00000008
#define GRCAN_CFG_SILENT     0x00000010
#define GRCAN_CFG_BPR        0x00000300
#define GRCAN_CFG_RSJ        0x00007000
#define GRCAN_CFG_PS1        0x00f00000
#define GRCAN_CFG_PS2        0x000f0000
#define GRCAN_CFG_SCALER     0xff000000

#define GRCAN_CFG_BPR_BIT    8
#define GRCAN_CFG_RSJ_BIT    12
#define GRCAN_CFG_PS1_BIT    20
#define GRCAN_CFG_PS2_BIT    16

#define GRCAN_CTRL_RESET  0x2



#define GRCANFD_NBTR_SCALER 0x00ff0000
#define GRCANFD_NBTR_PS1 0x0000fc00
#define GRCANFD_NBTR_PS2 0x000003e0
#define GRCANFD_NBTR_SJW 0x0000001f


#define GRCANFD_FDBTR_SCALER 0x00ff0000
#define GRCANFD_FDBTR_PS1 0x00003c00
#define GRCANFD_FDBTR_PS2 0x000001e0
#define GRCANFD_FDBTR_SJW 0x0000000f


/* Relative offset of IRQ sources to AMBA Plug&Play */
#define GRCAN_IRQ_IRQ 0

#define GRCAN_ERR_IRQ        0x1
#define GRCAN_OFF_IRQ        0x2
#define GRCAN_OR_IRQ         0x4
#define GRCAN_RXAHBERR_IRQ   0x8
#define GRCAN_TXAHBERR_IRQ   0x10
#define GRCAN_RXIRQ_IRQ      0x20
#define GRCAN_TXIRQ_IRQ      0x40
#define GRCAN_RXFULL_IRQ     0x80
#define GRCAN_TXEMPTY_IRQ    0x100
#define GRCAN_RX_IRQ         0x200
#define GRCAN_TX_IRQ         0x400
#define GRCAN_RXSYNC_IRQ     0x800
#define GRCAN_TXSYNC_IRQ     0x1000
#define GRCAN_RXERR_IRQ      0x2000
#define GRCAN_TXERR_IRQ      0x4000
#define GRCAN_RXMISS_IRQ     0x8000
#define GRCAN_TXLOSS_IRQ     0x10000

#define GRCAN_STAT_PASS      0x1
#define GRCAN_STAT_OFF       0x2
#define GRCAN_STAT_OR        0x4
#define GRCAN_STAT_AHBERR    0x8
#define GRCAN_STAT_ACTIVE    0x10
#define GRCAN_STAT_RXERRCNT  0xff00
#define GRCAN_STAT_TXERRCNT  0xff0000

 * Return number of GRCAN devices available to driver
extern int grcan_dev_count(void);

 * Open a GRCAN device
 * dev_no:	Device number to open
 * return:	Device handle to use with all other grcan_ API functions. The
 *		function returns NULL if device can not be opened.
extern void *grcan_open(int dev_no);

 * Open a GRCAN device by name. Finds device index then calls
 * grcan_open(index).
 * name:	Device name to open
 * dev_no:	Device number matching name. Will be set if device found.
 * return:	Device handle to use with all other grcan_ API functions. The
 *		function returns NULL if device can not be opened or not found.
extern void *grcan_open_by_name(char *name, int *dev_no);

 * Close a GRCAN device
 * return: This function always returns 0 (success)
extern int grcan_close(void *d);

 * Returns if CAN hardware device is CANFD capable.
 * dev_no:	Device handle
 * return:	0=Not FD capable, 1=FD capable.
 *		function returns NULL if device can not be opened.
extern int grcan_canfd_capable(void *d);

 * Receive CAN messages
 * Multiple CAN messages can be received in one call.
 * d: Device handle
 * msg: Pointer to receive messages
 * count: Number of CAN messages to receive
 * return:
 *   >=0:                       Number of CAN messages received. This can be
 *                              less than the count parameter.
 *   GRCAN_RET_INVARG:          count parameter less than one or NULL msg.
 *   GRCAN_RET_NOTSTARTED:      Device not in started mode
 *   GRCAN_RET_TIMEOUT:         Timeout in non-blocking mode
 *   GRCAN_RET_BUSOFF:          A read was interrupted by a bus-off error.
 *                              Device has left started mode.
 *   GRCAN_RET_AHBERR:          Similar to BUSOFF, but was caused by AHB Error.
extern int grcan_read(
	void *d,
	CANMsg *msg,
	size_t count

 * Receive CAN messages  (only GRCANFD)
 * Multiple CAN messages can be received in one call.
 * d: Device handle
 * msg: Pointer to receive messages
 * count: Number of CAN messages to receive
 * return:
 *   >=0:                       Number of CAN messages received. This can be
 *                              less than the count parameter.
 *   GRCAN_RET_INVARG:          count parameter less than one or NULL msg.
 *   GRCAN_RET_NOTSTARTED:      Device not in started mode
 *   GRCAN_RET_TIMEOUT:         Timeout in non-blocking mode
 *   GRCAN_RET_BUSOFF:          A read was interrupted by a bus-off error.
 *                              Device has left started mode.
 *   GRCAN_RET_AHBERR:          Similar to BUSOFF, but was caused by AHB Error.
extern int grcanfd_read(
	void *d,
	CANFDMsg *msg,
	size_t count

 * Transmit CAN messages
 * Multiple CAN messages can be transmit in one call.
 * d: Device handle
 * msg: Pointer to messages to transmit
 * count: Number of CAN messages to transmit
 * return:
 *   >=0:                       Number of CAN messages transmitted. This can be
 *                              less than the count parameter.
 *   GRCAN_RET_INVARG:          count parameter less than one.
 *   GRCAN_RET_NOTSTARTED:      Device not in started mode
 *   GRCAN_RET_TIMEOUT:         Timeout in non-blocking mode
 *   GRCAN_RET_BUSOFF:          A write was interrupted by a Bus-off error.
 *                              Device has left started mode
 *   GRCAN_RET_AHBERR:          Similar to BUSOFF, but was caused by AHB Error.
extern int grcan_write(
	void *d,
	CANMsg *msg,
	size_t count

 * Transmit CAN-FD complient messages  (only GRCANFD)
 * Multiple CAN messages can be transmit in one call.
 * d: Device handle
 * msg: Pointer to messages to transmit
 * count: Number of CAN messages to transmit
 * return:
 *   >=0:                       Number of CAN messages transmitted. This can be
 *                              less than the count parameter.
 *   GRCAN_RET_INVARG:          count parameter less than one.
 *   GRCAN_RET_NOTSTARTED:      Device not in started mode
 *   GRCAN_RET_TIMEOUT:         Timeout in non-blocking mode
 *   GRCAN_RET_BUSOFF:          A write was interrupted by a Bus-off error.
 *                              Device has left started mode
 *   GRCAN_RET_AHBERR:          Similar to BUSOFF, but was caused by AHB Error.
extern int grcanfd_write(
	void *d,
	CANFDMsg *msg,
	size_t ucount

 * Returns current GRCAN software state
 * If STATE_BUSOFF or STATE_AHBERR is returned then the function grcan_stop()
 * shall be called before continue using the driver.
 * d: Device handle
 * return:
 *   STATE_STOPPED              Stopped
 *   STATE_STARTED              Started
 *   STATE_BUSOFF               Bus-off has been detected
 *   STATE_AHBERR               AHB error has been detected
extern int grcan_get_state(void *d);

/* The remaining functions return 0 on success and non-zero on failure. */

/* Functions controlling operational
 * mode
/* Bring the link up after open or bus-off */
extern int grcan_start(void *d);
/* stop to change baud rate/config or closing down */
extern int grcan_stop(void *d);
/* Wait until all TX messages have been sent */
extern int grcan_flush(void *d);

/* Functions that require connection
 * to be stopped
/* enable silent mode read only state */
extern int grcan_set_silent(void *d, int silent);
/* enable/disable stopping link on AHB Error */
extern int grcan_set_abort(void *d, int abort);
/* Set Enable0,Enable1,Selection */
extern int grcan_set_selection(void *d, const struct grcan_selection *selection);
/* Set baudrate by using driver's baud rate timing calculation routines */
extern int grcan_set_speed(void *d, unsigned int hz);
/* Set baudrate by specifying the timing registers manually */
extern int grcan_set_btrs(void *d, const struct grcan_timing *timing);

/* Set the Nominal and FD baudrate by using driver's baud rate timing
 * calculation routines
extern int grcanfd_set_speed(void *d, unsigned int nomhz, unsigned int fdhz);
/* Set Nominal and FD baudrate by specifying the timing registers manually*/
extern int grcanfd_set_btrs(
	void *d,
	const struct grcanfd_timing *nominal,
	const struct grcanfd_timing *fd);

/* Functions can be called whenever */
/* Enable/disable Blocking on reception (until at least one message has been received) */
int grcan_set_rxblock(void* d, int block);
/* Enable/disable Blocking on transmission (until at least one message has been transmitted) */
int grcan_set_txblock(void* d, int block);
/* Enable/disable Blocking until all requested messages has been sent */
int grcan_set_txcomplete(void* d, int complete);
/* Enable/disable Blocking until all requested has been received */
int grcan_set_rxcomplete(void* d, int complete);
/* Get statistics */
extern int grcan_get_stats(void *d, struct grcan_stats *stats);
/* Clear statistics */
extern int grcan_clr_stats(void *d);
/* Set Acceptance filters, provide pointer to "struct grcan_filter" or NULL to disable filtering (let all messages pass) */
extern int grcan_set_afilter(void *d, const struct grcan_filter *filter);
/* Set Sync Messages RX/TX filters, NULL disables the IRQ completely */
extern int grcan_set_sfilter(void *d, const struct grcan_filter *filter);
/* Get status register of GRCAN core */
extern int grcan_get_status(void *d, unsigned int *status);

void grcan_register_drv(void);

#ifdef __cplusplus

/** @} */
