path: root/bsps/arm/imxrt/include/fsl_adc_etc.h
blob: 1bd38d1865eabe32e1487c72f11ff3e07d21c892 (plain) (tree)

 * Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
 * Copyright 2016-2020 NXP
 * All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

#ifndef _FSL_ADC_ETC_H_
#define _FSL_ADC_ETC_H_

#include "fsl_common.h"

 *  @addtogroup adc_etc
 *  @{

 * Definitions
/*! @brief ADC_ETC driver version */
#define FSL_ADC_ETC_DRIVER_VERSION (MAKE_VERSION(2, 1, 0)) /*!< Version 2.1.0. */
/*! @brief The mask of status flags cleared by writing 1. */

 * @brief ADC_ETC customized status flags mask.
enum _adc_etc_status_flag_mask
    kADC_ETC_Done0StatusFlagMask = 1U << 0U,
    kADC_ETC_Done1StatusFlagMask = 1U << 1U,
    kADC_ETC_Done2StatusFlagMask = 1U << 2U,
    kADC_ETC_Done3StatusFlagMask = 1U << 3U,
    kADC_ETC_ErrorStatusFlagMask = 1U << 4U,
    kADC_ETC_ErrorStatusFlagMask  = 1U << 3U,

 * @brief External triggers sources.
typedef enum _adc_etc_external_trigger_source
    /* External XBAR sources. Support HW or SW mode. */
    kADC_ETC_Trg0TriggerSource = 0U, /* External XBAR trigger0 source. */
    kADC_ETC_Trg1TriggerSource = 1U, /* External XBAR trigger1 source. */
    kADC_ETC_Trg2TriggerSource = 2U, /* External XBAR trigger2 source. */
    kADC_ETC_Trg3TriggerSource = 3U, /* External XBAR trigger3 source. */
    kADC_ETC_Trg4TriggerSource = 4U, /* External XBAR trigger4 source. */
    kADC_ETC_Trg5TriggerSource = 5U, /* External XBAR trigger5 source. */
    kADC_ETC_Trg6TriggerSource = 6U, /* External XBAR trigger6 source. */
    kADC_ETC_Trg7TriggerSource = 7U, /* External XBAR trigger7 source. */
    /* External TSC sources. Only support HW mode. */
    kADC_ETC_TSC0TriggerSource = 8U, /* External TSC trigger0 source. */
    kADC_ETC_TSC1TriggerSource = 9U, /* External TSC trigger1 source. */
} adc_etc_external_trigger_source_t;

 * @brief Interrupt enable/disable mask.
typedef enum _adc_etc_interrupt_enable
    kADC_ETC_Done0InterruptEnable = 0U, /* Enable the DONE0 interrupt when ADC conversions complete. */
    kADC_ETC_Done1InterruptEnable = 1U, /* Enable the DONE1 interrupt when ADC conversions complete. */
    kADC_ETC_Done2InterruptEnable = 2U, /* Enable the DONE2 interrupt when ADC conversions complete. */
    kADC_ETC_Done3InterruptEnable = 3U, /* Enable the DONE3 interrupt when ADC conversions complete. */
    kADC_ETC_InterruptDisable     = 0U, /* Disable the ADC_ETC interrupt. */
    kADC_ETC_Done0InterruptEnable = 1U, /* Enable the DONE0 interrupt when ADC conversions complete. */
    kADC_ETC_Done1InterruptEnable = 2U, /* Enable the DONE1 interrupt when ADC conversions complete. */
    kADC_ETC_Done2InterruptEnable = 3U, /* Enable the DONE2 interrupt when ADC conversions complete. */
} adc_etc_interrupt_enable_t;

 * @brief DMA mode selection.
typedef enum _adc_etc_dma_mode_selection
    kADC_ETC_TrigDMAWithLatchedSignal =
        0U, /* Trig DMA_REQ with latched signal, REQ will be cleared when ACK and source request cleared. */
    kADC_ETC_TrigDMAWithPulsedSignal = 1U, /* Trig DMA_REQ with pulsed signal, REQ will be cleared by ACK only. */
} adc_etc_dma_mode_selection_t;

 * @brief ADC_ETC configuration.
typedef struct _adc_etc_config
    bool enableTSCBypass;   /* If bypass TSC, TSC would trigger ADC directly.
                               Otherwise TSC would trigger ADC through ADC_ETC. */
    bool enableTSC0Trigger; /* Enable external TSC0 trigger. It is valid when enableTSCBypass = false. */
    bool enableTSC1Trigger; /* Enable external TSC1 trigger. It is valid when enableTSCBypass = false.*/
    adc_etc_dma_mode_selection_t dmaMode; /* Select the ADC_ETC DMA mode. */
#endif                                    /*FSL_FEATURE_ADC_ETC_HAS_CTRL_DMA_MODE_SEL*/
    uint32_t TSC0triggerPriority;         /* External TSC0 trigger priority, 7 is highest, 0 is lowest. */
    uint32_t TSC1triggerPriority;         /* External TSC1 trigger priority, 7 is highest, 0 is lowest. */
    uint32_t clockPreDivider;             /* Pre-divider for trig delay and interval. Available range is 0-255.
                                            Clock would be divided by (clockPreDivider+1). */
    uint32_t XBARtriggerMask; /* Enable the corresponding trigger source. Available range is trigger0:0x01 to
                                 For example, XBARtriggerMask = 0x7U, which means trigger0, trigger1 and trigger2 is
                                 enabled. */
} adc_etc_config_t;

 * @brief ADC_ETC trigger chain configuration.
typedef struct _adc_etc_trigger_chain_config
    bool enableB2BMode;           /* Enable ADC_ETC BackToBack mode. when not enabled B2B mode,
                                     wait until interval delay is reached. */
    uint32_t ADCHCRegisterSelect; /* Select relevant ADC_HCx register to trigger. 1U : HC0, 2U: HC1, 4U: HC2 ... */
    uint32_t ADCChannelSelect;    /* Select ADC sample channel. */
    adc_etc_interrupt_enable_t InterruptEnable; /* Enable/disable Interrupt. */
    bool enableIrq; /* Enable IRQ for selected interrupt enable choice in "InterruptEnable" */
#endif              /* FSL_FEATURE_ADC_ETC_HAS_TRIGm_CHAIN_a_b_IEn_EN */
} adc_etc_trigger_chain_config_t;

 * @brief ADC_ETC trigger configuration.
typedef struct _adc_etc_trigger_config
    bool enableSyncMode; /* Enable the sync Mode, In SyncMode ADC1 and ADC2 are controlled by the same trigger source.
                            In AsyncMode ADC1 and ADC2 are controlled by separate trigger source. */
    bool enableSWTriggerMode;     /* Enable the sofware trigger mode. */
    uint32_t triggerChainLength;  /* TRIG chain length to the ADC. 0: Trig length is 1. ... 7: Trig length is 8. */
    uint32_t triggerPriority;     /* External trigger priority, 7 is highest, 0 is lowest. */
    uint32_t sampleIntervalDelay; /* Set sampling interval delay. */
    uint32_t initialDelay;        /* Set trigger initial delay. */
} adc_etc_trigger_config_t;

 * API
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

 * @name Initialization
 * @{

 * @brief Initialize the ADC_ETC module.
 * @param base ADC_ETC peripheral base address.
 * @param config Pointer to "adc_etc_config_t" structure.
void ADC_ETC_Init(ADC_ETC_Type *base, const adc_etc_config_t *config);

 * @brief De-Initialize the ADC_ETC module.
 * @param base ADC_ETC peripheral base address.
void ADC_ETC_Deinit(ADC_ETC_Type *base);

 * @brief Gets an available pre-defined settings for the ADC_ETC's configuration.
 * This function initializes the ADC_ETC's configuration structure with available settings. The default values are:
 * @code
 *   config->enableTSCBypass = true;
 *   config->enableTSC0Trigger = false;
 *   config->enableTSC1Trigger = false;
 *   config->TSC0triggerPriority = 0U;
 *   config->TSC1triggerPriority = 0U;
 *   config->clockPreDivider = 0U;
 *   config->XBARtriggerMask = 0U;
 * @endcode
 * @param config Pointer to "adc_etc_config_t" structure.
void ADC_ETC_GetDefaultConfig(adc_etc_config_t *config);

 * @brief Set the external XBAR trigger configuration.
 * @param base ADC_ETC peripheral base address.
 * @param triggerGroup Trigger group index.
 * @param config Pointer to "adc_etc_trigger_config_t" structure.
void ADC_ETC_SetTriggerConfig(ADC_ETC_Type *base, uint32_t triggerGroup, const adc_etc_trigger_config_t *config);

 * @brief Set the external XBAR trigger chain configuration.
 * For example, if triggerGroup is set to 0U and chainGroup is set to 1U, which means Trigger0 source's chain1 would be
 * configurated.
 * @param base ADC_ETC peripheral base address.
 * @param triggerGroup Trigger group index. Available number is 0~7.
 * @param chainGroup Trigger chain group index. Available number is 0~7.
 * @param config Pointer to "adc_etc_trigger_chain_config_t" structure.
void ADC_ETC_SetTriggerChainConfig(ADC_ETC_Type *base,
                                   uint32_t triggerGroup,
                                   uint32_t chainGroup,
                                   const adc_etc_trigger_chain_config_t *config);

 * @brief Gets the interrupt status flags of external XBAR and TSC triggers.
 * @param base ADC_ETC peripheral base address.
 * @param sourceIndex trigger source index.
 * @return Status flags mask of trigger. Refer to "_adc_etc_status_flag_mask".
uint32_t ADC_ETC_GetInterruptStatusFlags(ADC_ETC_Type *base, adc_etc_external_trigger_source_t sourceIndex);

 * @brief Clears the ADC_ETC's interrupt status falgs.
 * @param base ADC_ETC peripheral base address.
 * @param sourceIndex trigger source index.
 * @param mask Status flags mask of trigger. Refer to "_adc_etc_status_flag_mask".
void ADC_ETC_ClearInterruptStatusFlags(ADC_ETC_Type *base,
                                       adc_etc_external_trigger_source_t sourceIndex,
                                       uint32_t mask);

 * @brief Enable the DMA corresponding to each trigger source.
 * @param base ADC_ETC peripheral base address.
 * @param triggerGroup Trigger group index. Available number is 0~7.
static inline void ADC_ETC_EnableDMA(ADC_ETC_Type *base, uint32_t triggerGroup)
    /* Avoid clearing status flags at the same time. */
    base->DMA_CTRL = (base->DMA_CTRL | ((uint32_t)ADC_ETC_DMA_CTRL_TRIG0_ENABLE_MASK << (uint32_t)triggerGroup)) &

 * @brief Disable the DMA corresponding to each trigger sources.
 * @param base ADC_ETC peripheral base address.
 * @param triggerGroup Trigger group index. Available number is 0~7.
static inline void ADC_ETC_DisableDMA(ADC_ETC_Type *base, uint32_t triggerGroup)
    /* Avoid clearing status flags at the same time. */
    base->DMA_CTRL = (base->DMA_CTRL & ~((uint32_t)ADC_ETC_DMA_CTRL_TRIG0_ENABLE_MASK << (uint32_t)triggerGroup)) &

 * @brief Get the DMA request status falgs. Only external XBAR sources support DMA request.
 * @param base ADC_ETC peripheral base address.
 * @return Mask of external XBAR tirgger's DMA request asserted flags. Available range is trigger0:0x01 to
 * trigger7:0x80.
static inline uint32_t ADC_ETC_GetDMAStatusFlags(ADC_ETC_Type *base)

 * @brief Clear the DMA request status falgs. Only external XBAR sources support DMA request.
 * @param base ADC_ETC peripheral base address.
 * @param mask Mask of external XBAR tirgger's DMA request asserted flags. Available range is trigger0:0x01 to
 * trigger7:0x80.
static inline void ADC_ETC_ClearDMAStatusFlags(ADC_ETC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)

 * @brief When enable, all logical will be reset.
 * @param base ADC_ETC peripheral base address.
 * @param enable Enable/Disable the software reset.
static inline void ADC_ETC_DoSoftwareReset(ADC_ETC_Type *base, bool enable)
    if (enable)

 * @brief Do software trigger corresponding to each XBAR trigger sources.
 * Each XBAR trigger sources can be configured as HW or SW trigger mode. In hardware trigger mode,
 * trigger source is from XBAR. In software mode, trigger source is from software tigger. TSC trigger sources
 * can only work in hardware trigger mode.
 * @param base ADC_ETC peripheral base address.
 * @param triggerGroup Trigger group index. Available number is 0~7.
static inline void ADC_ETC_DoSoftwareTrigger(ADC_ETC_Type *base, uint32_t triggerGroup)
    assert(triggerGroup < ADC_ETC_TRIGn_CTRL_COUNT);

    base->TRIG[triggerGroup].TRIGn_CTRL |= ADC_ETC_TRIGn_CTRL_SW_TRIG_MASK;

 * @brief Get ADC conversion result from external XBAR sources.
 * For example, if triggerGroup is set to 0U and chainGroup is set to 1U, which means the API would
 * return Trigger0 source's chain1 conversion result.
 * @param base ADC_ETC peripheral base address.
 * @param triggerGroup Trigger group index. Available number is 0~7.
 * @param chainGroup Trigger chain group index. Available number is 0~7.
 * @return ADC conversion result value.
uint32_t ADC_ETC_GetADCConversionValue(ADC_ETC_Type *base, uint32_t triggerGroup, uint32_t chainGroup);

/* @} */

#if defined(__cplusplus)

/* @} */

#endif /* _FSL_ADC_ETC_H_ */