path: root/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
diff options
authorChris Johns <>2017-08-07 09:59:49 +1000
committerChris Johns <>2017-08-07 09:59:49 +1000
commit8b96e17c8abf61d97dd224b23370dc148f32fe3c (patch)
treee8eb043159d145ffbbbf9c23ef872226de5ab059 /source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
parent4.12: Fix SIS patch URL (diff)
doc: Remove in source documentation and the asciidoc package
The RSB documentation is now in ReST format and part of the RTEMS Documentation project. See Remove support for the GPL based asciidoc tool and remove the asciidoc package from the RSB. Add the Python Markdown package and update the reporter to use Markdown for HTML generation. The resuling HTML report is a single self contained file. Closes #3047.
Diffstat (limited to 'source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/')
1 files changed, 265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20b889c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+CodeHilite Extension for Python-Markdown
+Adds code/syntax highlighting to standard Python-Markdown code blocks.
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Original code Copyright 2006-2008 [Waylan Limberg](
+All changes Copyright 2008-2014 The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..treeprocessors import Treeprocessor
+ from pygments import highlight
+ from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name, guess_lexer
+ from pygments.formatters import get_formatter_by_name
+ pygments = True
+except ImportError:
+ pygments = False
+def parse_hl_lines(expr):
+ """Support our syntax for emphasizing certain lines of code.
+ expr should be like '1 2' to emphasize lines 1 and 2 of a code block.
+ Returns a list of ints, the line numbers to emphasize.
+ """
+ if not expr:
+ return []
+ try:
+ return list(map(int, expr.split()))
+ except ValueError:
+ return []
+# ------------------ The Main CodeHilite Class ----------------------
+class CodeHilite(object):
+ """
+ Determine language of source code, and pass it into pygments hilighter.
+ Basic Usage:
+ >>> code = CodeHilite(src = 'some text')
+ >>> html = code.hilite()
+ * src: Source string or any object with a .readline attribute.
+ * linenums: (Boolean) Set line numbering to 'on' (True),
+ 'off' (False) or 'auto'(None). Set to 'auto' by default.
+ * guess_lang: (Boolean) Turn language auto-detection
+ 'on' or 'off' (on by default).
+ * css_class: Set class name of wrapper div ('codehilite' by default).
+ * hl_lines: (List of integers) Lines to emphasize, 1-indexed.
+ Low Level Usage:
+ >>> code = CodeHilite()
+ >>> code.src = 'some text' # String or anything with a .readline attr.
+ >>> code.linenos = True # Turns line numbering on or of.
+ >>> html = code.hilite()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, src=None, linenums=None, guess_lang=True,
+ css_class="codehilite", lang=None, style='default',
+ noclasses=False, tab_length=4, hl_lines=None, use_pygments=True):
+ self.src = src
+ self.lang = lang
+ self.linenums = linenums
+ self.guess_lang = guess_lang
+ self.css_class = css_class
+ = style
+ self.noclasses = noclasses
+ self.tab_length = tab_length
+ self.hl_lines = hl_lines or []
+ self.use_pygments = use_pygments
+ def hilite(self):
+ """
+ Pass code to the [Pygments]( highliter with
+ optional line numbers. The output should then be styled with css to
+ your liking. No styles are applied by default - only styling hooks
+ (i.e.: <span class="k">).
+ returns : A string of html.
+ """
+ self.src = self.src.strip('\n')
+ if self.lang is None:
+ self._parseHeader()
+ if pygments and self.use_pygments:
+ try:
+ lexer = get_lexer_by_name(self.lang)
+ except ValueError:
+ try:
+ if self.guess_lang:
+ lexer = guess_lexer(self.src)
+ else:
+ lexer = get_lexer_by_name('text')
+ except ValueError:
+ lexer = get_lexer_by_name('text')
+ formatter = get_formatter_by_name('html',
+ linenos=self.linenums,
+ cssclass=self.css_class,
+ noclasses=self.noclasses,
+ hl_lines=self.hl_lines)
+ return highlight(self.src, lexer, formatter)
+ else:
+ # just escape and build markup usable by JS highlighting libs
+ txt = self.src.replace('&', '&amp;')
+ txt = txt.replace('<', '&lt;')
+ txt = txt.replace('>', '&gt;')
+ txt = txt.replace('"', '&quot;')
+ classes = []
+ if self.lang:
+ classes.append('language-%s' % self.lang)
+ if self.linenums:
+ classes.append('linenums')
+ class_str = ''
+ if classes:
+ class_str = ' class="%s"' % ' '.join(classes)
+ return '<pre class="%s"><code%s>%s</code></pre>\n' % \
+ (self.css_class, class_str, txt)
+ def _parseHeader(self):
+ """
+ Determines language of a code block from shebang line and whether said
+ line should be removed or left in place. If the sheband line contains a
+ path (even a single /) then it is assumed to be a real shebang line and
+ left alone. However, if no path is given (e.i.: #!python or :::python)
+ then it is assumed to be a mock shebang for language identifitation of
+ a code fragment and removed from the code block prior to processing for
+ code highlighting. When a mock shebang (e.i: #!python) is found, line
+ numbering is turned on. When colons are found in place of a shebang
+ (e.i.: :::python), line numbering is left in the current state - off
+ by default.
+ Also parses optional list of highlight lines, like:
+ :::python hl_lines="1 3"
+ """
+ import re
+ # split text into lines
+ lines = self.src.split("\n")
+ # pull first line to examine
+ fl = lines.pop(0)
+ c = re.compile(r'''
+ (?:(?:^::+)|(?P<shebang>^[#]!)) # Shebang or 2 or more colons
+ (?P<path>(?:/\w+)*[/ ])? # Zero or 1 path
+ (?P<lang>[\w#.+-]*) # The language
+ \s* # Arbitrary whitespace
+ # Optional highlight lines, single- or double-quote-delimited
+ (hl_lines=(?P<quot>"|')(?P<hl_lines>.*?)(?P=quot))?
+ ''', re.VERBOSE)
+ # search first line for shebang
+ m =
+ if m:
+ # we have a match
+ try:
+ self.lang ='lang').lower()
+ except IndexError:
+ self.lang = None
+ if'path'):
+ # path exists - restore first line
+ lines.insert(0, fl)
+ if self.linenums is None and'shebang'):
+ # Overridable and Shebang exists - use line numbers
+ self.linenums = True
+ self.hl_lines = parse_hl_lines('hl_lines'))
+ else:
+ # No match
+ lines.insert(0, fl)
+ self.src = "\n".join(lines).strip("\n")
+# ------------------ The Markdown Extension -------------------------------
+class HiliteTreeprocessor(Treeprocessor):
+ """ Hilight source code in code blocks. """
+ def run(self, root):
+ """ Find code blocks and store in htmlStash. """
+ blocks = root.iter('pre')
+ for block in blocks:
+ if len(block) == 1 and block[0].tag == 'code':
+ code = CodeHilite(
+ block[0].text,
+ linenums=self.config['linenums'],
+ guess_lang=self.config['guess_lang'],
+ css_class=self.config['css_class'],
+ style=self.config['pygments_style'],
+ noclasses=self.config['noclasses'],
+ tab_length=self.markdown.tab_length,
+ use_pygments=self.config['use_pygments']
+ )
+ placeholder =,
+ safe=True)
+ # Clear codeblock in etree instance
+ block.clear()
+ # Change to p element which will later
+ # be removed when inserting raw html
+ block.tag = 'p'
+ block.text = placeholder
+class CodeHiliteExtension(Extension):
+ """ Add source code hilighting to markdown codeblocks. """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ # define default configs
+ self.config = {
+ 'linenums': [None,
+ "Use lines numbers. True=yes, False=no, None=auto"],
+ 'guess_lang': [True,
+ "Automatic language detection - Default: True"],
+ 'css_class': ["codehilite",
+ "Set class name for wrapper <div> - "
+ "Default: codehilite"],
+ 'pygments_style': ['default',
+ 'Pygments HTML Formatter Style '
+ '(Colorscheme) - Default: default'],
+ 'noclasses': [False,
+ 'Use inline styles instead of CSS classes - '
+ 'Default false'],
+ 'use_pygments': [True,
+ 'Use Pygments to Highlight code blocks. '
+ 'Disable if using a JavaScript library. '
+ 'Default: True']
+ }
+ super(CodeHiliteExtension, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ """ Add HilitePostprocessor to Markdown instance. """
+ hiliter = HiliteTreeprocessor(md)
+ hiliter.config = self.getConfigs()
+ md.treeprocessors.add("hilite", hiliter, "<inline")
+ md.registerExtension(self)
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ return CodeHiliteExtension(*args, **kwargs)