path: root/source-builder/sb/asciidoc/tests/
diff options
authorChris Johns <>2017-08-07 09:59:49 +1000
committerChris Johns <>2017-08-07 09:59:49 +1000
commit8b96e17c8abf61d97dd224b23370dc148f32fe3c (patch)
treee8eb043159d145ffbbbf9c23ef872226de5ab059 /source-builder/sb/asciidoc/tests/
parent4.12: Fix SIS patch URL (diff)
doc: Remove in source documentation and the asciidoc package
The RSB documentation is now in ReST format and part of the RTEMS Documentation project. See Remove support for the GPL based asciidoc tool and remove the asciidoc package from the RSB. Add the Python Markdown package and update the reporter to use Markdown for HTML generation. The resuling HTML report is a single self contained file. Closes #3047.
Diffstat (limited to 'source-builder/sb/asciidoc/tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 420 deletions
diff --git a/source-builder/sb/asciidoc/tests/ b/source-builder/sb/asciidoc/tests/
deleted file mode 100755
index 679ad35..0000000
--- a/source-builder/sb/asciidoc/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Run AsciiDoc conformance tests specified in configuration FILE.
- list List tests
- run [NUMBER] [BACKEND] Execute tests
- update [NUMBER] [BACKEND] Regenerate and update test data
- -f, --conf-file=CONF_FILE
- Use configuration file CONF_FILE (default configuration file is
- testasciidoc.conf in directory)
- --force
- Update all test data overwriting existing data'''
-__version__ = '0.1.1'
-__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2009 Stuart Rackham'
-import os, sys, re, difflib
-if sys.platform[:4] == 'java':
- # Jython cStringIO is more compatible with CPython StringIO.
- import cStringIO as StringIO
- import StringIO
-import asciidocapi
-BACKENDS = ('html4','xhtml11','docbook','wordpress','html5') # Default backends.
-BACKEND_EXT = {'html4':'.html', 'xhtml11':'.html', 'docbook':'.xml',
- 'wordpress':'.html','slidy':'.html','html5':'.html'}
-def iif(condition, iftrue, iffalse=None):
- """
- Immediate if c.f. ternary ?: operator.
- False value defaults to '' if the true value is a string.
- False value defaults to 0 if the true value is a number.
- """
- if iffalse is None:
- if isinstance(iftrue, basestring):
- iffalse = ''
- if type(iftrue) in (int, float):
- iffalse = 0
- if condition:
- return iftrue
- else:
- return iffalse
-def message(msg=''):
- print >>sys.stderr, msg
-def strip_end(lines):
- """
- Strip blank strings from the end of list of strings.
- """
- for i in range(len(lines)-1,-1,-1):
- if not lines[i]:
- del lines[i]
- else:
- break
-def normalize_data(lines):
- """
- Strip comments and trailing blank strings from lines.
- """
- result = [ s for s in lines if not s.startswith('#') ]
- strip_end(result)
- return result
-class AsciiDocTest(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.number = None # Test number (1..).
- = '' # Optional test name.
- self.title = '' # Optional test name.
- self.description = [] # List of lines followoing title.
- self.source = None # AsciiDoc test source file name.
- self.options = []
- self.attributes = {}
- self.backends = BACKENDS
- self.datadir = None # Where output files are stored.
- self.disabled = False
- def backend_filename(self, backend):
- """
- Return the path name of the backend output file that is generated from
- the test name and output file type.
- """
- return '%s-%s%s' % (
- os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.datadir,,
- backend,
- BACKEND_EXT[backend])
- def parse(self, lines, confdir, datadir):
- """
- Parse conf file test section from list of text lines.
- """
- self.__init__()
- self.confdir = confdir
- self.datadir = datadir
- lines = Lines(lines)
- while not lines.eol():
- l = lines.read_until(r'^%')
- if l:
- if not l[0].startswith('%'):
- if l[0][0] == '!':
- self.disabled = True
- self.title = l[0][1:]
- else:
- self.title = l[0]
- self.description = l[1:]
- continue
- reo = re.match(r'^%\s*(?P<directive>[\w_-]+)', l[0])
- if not reo:
- raise (ValueError, 'illegal directive: %s' % l[0])
- directive = reo.groupdict()['directive']
- data = normalize_data(l[1:])
- if directive == 'source':
- if data:
- self.source = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(
- self.confdir, os.path.normpath(data[0])))
- elif directive == 'options':
- self.options = eval(' '.join(data))
- for i,v in enumerate(self.options):
- if isinstance(v, basestring):
- self.options[i] = (v,None)
- elif directive == 'attributes':
- self.attributes = eval(' '.join(data))
- elif directive == 'backends':
- self.backends = eval(' '.join(data))
- elif directive == 'name':
- = data[0].strip()
- else:
- raise (ValueError, 'illegal directive: %s' % l[0])
- if not self.title:
- self.title = self.source
- if not
- = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(self.source)[0])
- def is_missing(self, backend):
- """
- Returns True if there is no output test data file for backend.
- """
- return not os.path.isfile(self.backend_filename(backend))
- def is_missing_or_outdated(self, backend):
- """
- Returns True if the output test data file is missing or out of date.
- """
- return self.is_missing(backend) or (
- os.path.getmtime(self.source)
- > os.path.getmtime(self.backend_filename(backend)))
- def get_expected(self, backend):
- """
- Return expected test data output for backend.
- """
- f = open(self.backend_filename(backend))
- try:
- result = f.readlines()
- # Strip line terminators.
- result = [ s.rstrip() for s in result ]
- finally:
- f.close()
- return result
- def generate_expected(self, backend):
- """
- Generate and return test data output for backend.
- """
- asciidoc = asciidocapi.AsciiDocAPI()
- asciidoc.options.values = self.options
- asciidoc.attributes = self.attributes
- infile = self.source
- outfile = StringIO.StringIO()
- asciidoc.execute(infile, outfile, backend)
- return outfile.getvalue().splitlines()
- def update_expected(self, backend):
- """
- Generate and write backend data.
- """
- lines = self.generate_expected(backend)
- if not os.path.isdir(self.datadir):
- print('CREATING: %s' % self.datadir)
- os.mkdir(self.datadir)
- f = open(self.backend_filename(backend),'w+')
- try:
- print('WRITING: %s' %
- f.writelines([ s + os.linesep for s in lines])
- finally:
- f.close()
- def update(self, backend=None, force=False):
- """
- Regenerate and update expected test data outputs.
- """
- if backend is None:
- backends = self.backends
- else:
- backends = [backend]
- for backend in backends:
- if force or self.is_missing_or_outdated(backend):
- self.update_expected(backend)
- def run(self, backend=None):
- """
- Execute test.
- Return True if test passes.
- """
- if backend is None:
- backends = self.backends
- else:
- backends = [backend]
- result = True # Assume success.
- self.passed = self.failed = self.skipped = 0
- print('%d: %s' % (self.number, self.title))
- if self.source and os.path.isfile(self.source):
- print('SOURCE: asciidoc: %s' % self.source)
- for backend in backends:
- fromfile = self.backend_filename(backend)
- if not self.is_missing(backend):
- expected = self.get_expected(backend)
- strip_end(expected)
- got = self.generate_expected(backend)
- strip_end(got)
- lines = []
- for line in difflib.unified_diff(got, expected, n=0):
- lines.append(line)
- if lines:
- result = False
- self.failed +=1
- lines = lines[3:]
- print('FAILED: %s: %s' % (backend, fromfile))
- message('+++ %s' % fromfile)
- message('--- got')
- for line in lines:
- message(line)
- message()
- else:
- self.passed += 1
- print('PASSED: %s: %s' % (backend, fromfile))
- else:
- self.skipped += 1
- print('SKIPPED: %s: %s' % (backend, fromfile))
- else:
- self.skipped += len(backends)
- if self.source:
- msg = 'MISSING: %s' % self.source
- else:
- print(msg)
- print('')
- return result
-class AsciiDocTests(object):
- def __init__(self, conffile):
- """
- Parse configuration file.
- """
- self.conffile = os.path.normpath(conffile)
- # All file names are relative to configuration file directory.
- self.confdir = os.path.dirname(self.conffile)
- self.datadir = self.confdir # Default expected files directory.
- self.tests = [] # List of parsed AsciiDocTest objects.
- self.globals = {}
- f = open(self.conffile)
- try:
- lines = Lines(f.readlines())
- finally:
- f.close()
- first = True
- while not lines.eol():
- s = lines.read_until(r'^%+$')
- s = [ l for l in s if l] # Drop blank lines.
- # Must be at least one non-blank line in addition to delimiter.
- if len(s) > 1:
- # Optional globals precede all tests.
- if first and re.match(r'^%\s*globals$',s[0]):
- self.globals = eval(' '.join(normalize_data(s[1:])))
- if 'datadir' in self.globals:
- self.datadir = os.path.join(
- self.confdir,
- os.path.normpath(self.globals['datadir']))
- else:
- test = AsciiDocTest()
- test.parse(s[1:], self.confdir, self.datadir)
- self.tests.append(test)
- test.number = len(self.tests)
- first = False
- def run(self, number=None, backend=None):
- """
- Run all tests.
- If number is specified run test number (1..).
- """
- self.passed = self.failed = self.skipped = 0
- for test in self.tests:
- if (not test.disabled or number) and (not number or number == test.number) and (not backend or backend in test.backends):
- self.passed += test.passed
- self.failed += test.failed
- self.skipped += test.skipped
- if self.passed > 0:
- print('TOTAL PASSED: %s' % self.passed)
- if self.failed > 0:
- print('TOTAL FAILED: %s' % self.failed)
- if self.skipped > 0:
- print('TOTAL SKIPPED: %s' % self.skipped)
- def update(self, number=None, backend=None, force=False):
- """
- Regenerate expected test data and update configuratio file.
- """
- for test in self.tests:
- if (not test.disabled or number) and (not number or number == test.number):
- test.update(backend, force=force)
- def list(self):
- """
- Lists tests to stdout.
- """
- for test in self.tests:
- print '%d: %s%s' % (test.number, iif(test.disabled,'!'), test.title)
-class Lines(list):
- """
- A list of strings.
- Adds eol() and read_until() to list type.
- """
- def __init__(self, lines):
- super(Lines, self).__init__()
- self.extend([s.rstrip() for s in lines])
- self.pos = 0
- def eol(self):
- return self.pos >= len(self)
- def read_until(self, regexp):
- """
- Return a list of lines from current position up until the next line
- matching regexp.
- Advance position to matching line.
- """
- result = []
- if not self.eol():
- result.append(self[self.pos])
- self.pos += 1
- while not self.eol():
- if re.match(regexp, self[self.pos]):
- break
- result.append(self[self.pos])
- self.pos += 1
- return result
-def usage(msg=None):
- if msg:
- message(msg + '\n')
- message(USAGE)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # Process command line options.
- import getopt
- try:
- opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'f:', ['force'])
- except getopt.GetoptError:
- usage('illegal command options')
- sys.exit(1)
- if len(args) == 0:
- usage()
- sys.exit(1)
- conffile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'testasciidoc.conf')
- force = False
- for o,v in opts:
- if o == '--force':
- force = True
- if o in ('-f','--conf-file'):
- conffile = v
- if not os.path.isfile(conffile):
- message('missing CONF_FILE: %s' % conffile)
- sys.exit(1)
- tests = AsciiDocTests(conffile)
- cmd = args[0]
- number = None
- backend = None
- for arg in args[1:3]:
- try:
- number = int(arg)
- except ValueError:
- backend = arg
- if backend and backend not in BACKENDS:
- message('illegal BACKEND: %s' % backend)
- sys.exit(1)
- if number is not None and number not in range(1, len(tests.tests)+1):
- message('illegal test NUMBER: %d' % number)
- sys.exit(1)
- if cmd == 'run':
-, backend)
- if tests.failed:
- exit(1)
- elif cmd == 'update':
- tests.update(number, backend, force=force)
- elif cmd == 'list':
- tests.list()
- else:
- usage('illegal COMMAND: %s' % cmd)