path: root/source-builder/sb/asciidoc/
diff options
authorChris Johns <>2017-08-07 09:59:49 +1000
committerChris Johns <>2017-08-07 09:59:49 +1000
commit8b96e17c8abf61d97dd224b23370dc148f32fe3c (patch)
treee8eb043159d145ffbbbf9c23ef872226de5ab059 /source-builder/sb/asciidoc/
parent4.12: Fix SIS patch URL (diff)
doc: Remove in source documentation and the asciidoc package
The RSB documentation is now in ReST format and part of the RTEMS Documentation project. See Remove support for the GPL based asciidoc tool and remove the asciidoc package from the RSB. Add the Python Markdown package and update the reporter to use Markdown for HTML generation. The resuling HTML report is a single self contained file. Closes #3047.
Diffstat (limited to 'source-builder/sb/asciidoc/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 960 deletions
diff --git a/source-builder/sb/asciidoc/ b/source-builder/sb/asciidoc/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1b192a2..0000000
--- a/source-builder/sb/asciidoc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,960 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-a2x - A toolchain manager for AsciiDoc (converts Asciidoc text files to other
- file formats)
-Copyright: Stuart Rackham (c) 2009
-License: MIT
-import os
-import fnmatch
-import HTMLParser
-import re
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import traceback
-import urlparse
-import zipfile
-import xml.dom.minidom
-import mimetypes
-PROG = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(__file__)[0])
-VERSION = '8.6.8'
-# AsciiDoc global configuration file directory.
-# NOTE: CONF_DIR is "fixed up" by Makefile -- don't rename or change syntax.
-CONF_DIR = '/etc/asciidoc'
-# Default configuration file parameters.
-# Optional environment variable dictionary passed to
-# executing programs. If set to None the existing
-# environment is used.
-ENV = None
-# External executables.
-ASCIIDOC = 'asciidoc'
-XSLTPROC = 'xsltproc'
-DBLATEX = 'dblatex' # pdf generation.
-FOP = 'fop' # pdf generation (--fop option).
-W3M = 'w3m' # text generation.
-LYNX = 'lynx' # text generation (if no w3m).
-XMLLINT = 'xmllint' # Set to '' to disable.
-EPUBCHECK = 'epubcheck' # Set to '' to disable.
-# External executable default options.
-FOP_OPTS = ''
-# End of configuration file parameters.
-# Utility functions
-OPTIONS = None # These functions read verbose and dry_run command options.
-def errmsg(msg):
- sys.stderr.write('%s: %s\n' % (PROG,msg))
-def warning(msg):
- errmsg('WARNING: %s' % msg)
-def infomsg(msg):
- print '%s: %s' % (PROG,msg)
-def die(msg, exit_code=1):
- errmsg('ERROR: %s' % msg)
- sys.exit(exit_code)
-def trace():
- """Print traceback to stderr."""
- errmsg('-'*60)
- traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
- errmsg('-'*60)
-def verbose(msg):
- if OPTIONS.verbose or OPTIONS.dry_run:
- infomsg(msg)
-class AttrDict(dict):
- """
- Like a dictionary except values can be accessed as attributes i.e.
- can be used in addition to obj['foo'].
- If self._default has been set then it will be returned if a non-existant
- attribute is accessed (instead of raising an AttributeError).
- """
- def __getattr__(self, key):
- try:
- return self[key]
- except KeyError, k:
- if self.has_key('_default'):
- return self['_default']
- else:
- raise AttributeError, k
- def __setattr__(self, key, value):
- self[key] = value
- def __delattr__(self, key):
- try: del self[key]
- except KeyError, k: raise AttributeError, k
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<AttrDict ' + dict.__repr__(self) + '>'
- def __getstate__(self):
- return dict(self)
- def __setstate__(self,value):
- for k,v in value.items(): self[k]=v
-def isexecutable(file_name):
- return os.path.isfile(file_name) and os.access(file_name, os.X_OK)
-def find_executable(file_name):
- '''
- Search for executable file_name in the system PATH.
- Return full path name or None if not found.
- '''
- def _find_executable(file_name):
- if os.path.split(file_name)[0] != '':
- # file_name includes directory so don't search path.
- if not isexecutable(file_name):
- return None
- else:
- return file_name
- for p in os.environ.get('PATH', os.defpath).split(os.pathsep):
- f = os.path.join(p, file_name)
- if isexecutable(f):
- return os.path.realpath(f)
- return None
- if == 'nt' and os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] == '':
- for ext in ('.cmd','.bat','.exe'):
- result = _find_executable(file_name + ext)
- if result: break
- else:
- result = _find_executable(file_name)
- return result
-def write_file(filename, data, mode='w'):
- f = open(filename, mode)
- try:
- f.write(data)
- finally:
- f.close()
-def read_file(filename, mode='r'):
- f = open(filename, mode)
- try:
- return
- finally:
- f.close()
-def shell_cd(path):
- verbose('chdir %s' % path)
- if not OPTIONS.dry_run:
- os.chdir(path)
-def shell_makedirs(path):
- if os.path.isdir(path):
- return
- verbose('creating %s' % path)
- if not OPTIONS.dry_run:
- os.makedirs(path)
-def shell_copy(src, dst):
- verbose('copying "%s" to "%s"' % (src,dst))
- if not OPTIONS.dry_run:
- shutil.copy(src, dst)
-def shell_rm(path):
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- return
- verbose('deleting %s' % path)
- if not OPTIONS.dry_run:
- os.unlink(path)
-def shell_rmtree(path):
- if not os.path.isdir(path):
- return
- verbose('deleting %s' % path)
- if not OPTIONS.dry_run:
- shutil.rmtree(path)
-def shell(cmd, raise_error=True):
- '''
- Execute command cmd in shell and return tuple
- (stdoutdata, stderrdata, returncode).
- If raise_error is True then a non-zero return terminates the application.
- '''
- if == 'nt':
- # TODO: this is probably unnecessary, see:
- #
- # Windows doesn't like running scripts directly so explicitly
- # specify python interpreter.
- # Extract first (quoted or unquoted) argument.
- mo = re.match(r'^\s*"\s*(?P<arg0>[^"]+)\s*"', cmd)
- if not mo:
- mo = re.match(r'^\s*(?P<arg0>[^ ]+)', cmd)
- if'arg0').endswith('.py'):
- cmd = 'python ' + cmd
- # Remove redundant quoting -- this is not just cosmetic,
- # quoting seems to dramatically decrease the allowed command
- # length in Windows XP.
- cmd = re.sub(r'"([^ ]+?)"', r'\1', cmd)
- verbose('executing: %s' % cmd)
- if OPTIONS.dry_run:
- return
- stdout = stderr = subprocess.PIPE
- try:
- popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr,
- shell=True, env=ENV)
- except OSError, e:
- die('failed: %s: %s' % (cmd, e))
- stdoutdata, stderrdata = popen.communicate()
- if OPTIONS.verbose:
- print stdoutdata
- print stderrdata
- if popen.returncode != 0 and raise_error:
- die('%s returned non-zero exit status %d' % (cmd, popen.returncode))
- return (stdoutdata, stderrdata, popen.returncode)
-def find_resources(files, tagname, attrname, filter=None):
- '''
- Search all files and return a list of local URIs from attrname attribute
- values in tagname tags.
- Handles HTML open and XHTML closed tags.
- Non-local URIs are skipped.
- files can be a file name or a list of file names.
- The filter function takes a dictionary of tag attributes and returns True if
- the URI is to be included.
- '''
- class FindResources(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
- # Nested parser class shares locals with enclosing function.
- def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs):
- self.handle_starttag(tag, attrs)
- def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
- attrs = dict(attrs)
- if tag == tagname and (filter is None or filter(attrs)):
- # Accept only local URIs.
- uri = urlparse.urlparse(attrs[attrname])
- if uri[0] in ('','file') and not uri[1] and uri[2]:
- result.append(uri[2])
- if isinstance(files, str):
- files = [files]
- result = []
- for filename in files:
- verbose('finding resources in: %s' % filename)
- if OPTIONS.dry_run:
- continue
- parser = FindResources()
- # HTMLParser has problems with non-ASCII strings.
- # See
- contents = read_file(filename)
- mo ='\A<\?xml.* encoding="(.*?)"', contents)
- if mo:
- encoding =
- parser.feed(contents.decode(encoding))
- else:
- parser.feed(contents)
- parser.close()
- result = list(set(result)) # Drop duplicate values.
- result.sort()
- return result
-def copy_files(files, src_dir, dst_dir):
- '''
- Copy list of relative file names from src_dir to dst_dir.
- '''
- for filename in files:
- filename = os.path.normpath(filename)
- if os.path.isabs(filename):
- continue
- src = os.path.join(src_dir, filename)
- dst = os.path.join(dst_dir, filename)
- if not os.path.exists(dst):
- if not os.path.isfile(src):
- warning('missing file: %s' % src)
- continue
- dstdir = os.path.dirname(dst)
- shell_makedirs(dstdir)
- shell_copy(src, dst)
-def find_files(path, pattern):
- '''
- Return list of file names matching pattern in directory path.
- '''
- result = []
- for (p,dirs,files) in os.walk(path):
- for f in files:
- if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, pattern):
- result.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(p,f)))
- return result
-def exec_xsltproc(xsl_file, xml_file, dst_dir, opts = ''):
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- shell_cd(dst_dir)
- try:
- shell('"%s" %s "%s" "%s"' % (XSLTPROC, opts, xsl_file, xml_file))
- finally:
- shell_cd(cwd)
-def get_source_options(asciidoc_file):
- '''
- Look for a2x command options in AsciiDoc source file.
- Limitation: options cannot contain double-quote characters.
- '''
- def parse_options():
- # Parse options to result sequence.
- inquotes = False
- opt = ''
- for c in options:
- if c == '"':
- if inquotes:
- result.append(opt)
- opt = ''
- inquotes = False
- else:
- inquotes = True
- elif c == ' ':
- if inquotes:
- opt += c
- elif opt:
- result.append(opt)
- opt = ''
- else:
- opt += c
- if opt:
- result.append(opt)
- result = []
- if os.path.isfile(asciidoc_file):
- options = ''
- f = open(asciidoc_file)
- try:
- for line in f:
- mo ='^//\s*a2x:', line)
- if mo:
- options += ' ' + line[mo.end():].strip()
- finally:
- f.close()
- parse_options()
- return result
-# Application class
-class A2X(AttrDict):
- '''
- a2x options and conversion functions.
- '''
- def execute(self):
- '''
- Process a2x command.
- '''
- self.process_options()
- # Append configuration file options.
- self.asciidoc_opts += ' ' + ASCIIDOC_OPTS
- self.dblatex_opts += ' ' + DBLATEX_OPTS
- self.fop_opts += ' ' + FOP_OPTS
- self.xsltproc_opts += ' ' + XSLTPROC_OPTS
- self.backend_opts += ' ' + BACKEND_OPTS
- # Execute to_* functions.
- if self.backend:
- self.to_backend()
- else:
- self.__getattribute__('to_'+self.format)()
- if not (self.keep_artifacts or self.format == 'docbook' or self.skip_asciidoc):
- shell_rm(self.dst_path('.xml'))
- def load_conf(self):
- '''
- Load a2x configuration file from default locations and --conf-file
- option.
- '''
- global ASCIIDOC
- CONF_FILE = 'a2x.conf'
- a2xdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- conf_files = []
- # From directory.
- conf_files.append(os.path.join(a2xdir, CONF_FILE))
- # If the asciidoc executable and conf files are in the a2x directory
- # then use the local copy of asciidoc and skip the global a2x conf.
- asciidoc = os.path.join(a2xdir, '')
- asciidoc_conf = os.path.join(a2xdir, 'asciidoc.conf')
- if os.path.isfile(asciidoc) and os.path.isfile(asciidoc_conf):
- self.asciidoc = asciidoc
- else:
- self.asciidoc = None
- # From global conf directory.
- conf_files.append(os.path.join(CONF_DIR, CONF_FILE))
- # From $HOME directory.
- home_dir = os.environ.get('HOME')
- if home_dir is not None:
- conf_files.append(os.path.join(home_dir, '.asciidoc', CONF_FILE))
- # If asciidoc is not local to a2x then search the PATH.
- if not self.asciidoc:
- self.asciidoc = find_executable(ASCIIDOC)
- if not self.asciidoc:
- die('unable to find asciidoc: %s' % ASCIIDOC)
- # From backend plugin directory.
- if self.backend is not None:
- stdout = shell(self.asciidoc + ' --backend list')[0]
- backends = [(i, os.path.split(i)[1]) for i in stdout.splitlines()]
- backend_dir = [i[0] for i in backends if i[1] == self.backend]
- if len(backend_dir) == 0:
- die('missing %s backend' % self.backend)
- if len(backend_dir) > 1:
- die('more than one %s backend' % self.backend)
- verbose('found %s backend directory: %s' %
- (self.backend, backend_dir[0]))
- conf_files.append(os.path.join(backend_dir[0], ''))
- # From --conf-file option.
- if self.conf_file is not None:
- if not os.path.isfile(self.conf_file):
- die('missing configuration file: %s' % self.conf_file)
- conf_files.append(self.conf_file)
- # From --xsl-file option.
- if self.xsl_file is not None:
- if not os.path.isfile(self.xsl_file):
- die('missing XSL file: %s' % self.xsl_file)
- self.xsl_file = os.path.abspath(self.xsl_file)
- # Load ordered files.
- for f in conf_files:
- if os.path.isfile(f):
- verbose('loading configuration file: %s' % f)
- execfile(f, globals())
- def process_options(self):
- '''
- Validate and command options and set defaults.
- '''
- if not os.path.isfile(self.asciidoc_file):
- die('missing SOURCE_FILE: %s' % self.asciidoc_file)
- self.asciidoc_file = os.path.abspath(self.asciidoc_file)
- if not self.destination_dir:
- self.destination_dir = os.path.dirname(self.asciidoc_file)
- else:
- if not os.path.isdir(self.destination_dir):
- die('missing --destination-dir: %s' % self.destination_dir)
- self.destination_dir = os.path.abspath(self.destination_dir)
- self.resource_dirs = []
- self.resource_files = []
- if self.resource_manifest:
- if not os.path.isfile(self.resource_manifest):
- die('missing --resource-manifest: %s' % self.resource_manifest)
- f = open(self.resource_manifest)
- try:
- for r in f:
- self.resources.append(r.strip())
- finally:
- f.close()
- for r in self.resources:
- r = os.path.expanduser(r)
- r = os.path.expandvars(r)
- if r.endswith('/') or r.endswith('\\'):
- if os.path.isdir(r):
- self.resource_dirs.append(r)
- else:
- die('missing resource directory: %s' % r)
- elif os.path.isdir(r):
- self.resource_dirs.append(r)
- elif r.startswith('.') and '=' in r:
- ext, mimetype = r.split('=')
- mimetypes.add_type(mimetype, ext)
- else:
- self.resource_files.append(r)
- for p in (os.path.dirname(self.asciidoc), CONF_DIR):
- for d in ('images','stylesheets'):
- d = os.path.join(p,d)
- if os.path.isdir(d):
- self.resource_dirs.append(d)
- verbose('resource files: %s' % self.resource_files)
- verbose('resource directories: %s' % self.resource_dirs)
- if not self.doctype and self.format == 'manpage':
- self.doctype = 'manpage'
- if self.doctype:
- self.asciidoc_opts += ' --doctype %s' % self.doctype
- for attr in self.attributes:
- self.asciidoc_opts += ' --attribute "%s"' % attr
-# self.xsltproc_opts += ' --nonet'
- if self.verbose:
- self.asciidoc_opts += ' --verbose'
- self.dblatex_opts += ' -V'
- if self.icons or self.icons_dir:
- params = [
- ' 1',
- ' 1',
- 'admon.textlabel 0',
- ' 1',
- ]
- if self.icons_dir:
- params += [
- ' "%s/"' % self.icons_dir,
- ' "%s/callouts/"' % self.icons_dir,
- ' "%s/"' % self.icons_dir,
- ]
- else:
- params = [
- ' 0',
- ' 0',
- 'admon.textlabel 1',
- ' 0',
- ]
- if self.stylesheet:
- params += ['html.stylesheet "%s"' % self.stylesheet]
- if self.format == 'htmlhelp':
- params += ['htmlhelp.chm "%s"' % self.basename('.chm'),
- 'htmlhelp.hhp "%s"' % self.basename('.hhp'),
- 'htmlhelp.hhk "%s"' % self.basename('.hhk'),
- 'htmlhelp.hhc "%s"' % self.basename('.hhc')]
- if self.doctype == 'book':
- params += ['toc.section.depth 1']
- # Books are chunked at chapter level.
- params += ['chunk.section.depth 0']
- for o in params:
- if o.split()[0]+' ' not in self.xsltproc_opts:
- self.xsltproc_opts += ' --stringparam ' + o
- if self.fop_opts:
- self.fop = True
- if os.path.splitext(self.asciidoc_file)[1].lower() == '.xml':
- self.skip_asciidoc = True
- else:
- self.skip_asciidoc = False
- def dst_path(self, ext):
- '''
- Return name of file or directory in the destination directory with
- the same name as the asciidoc source file but with extension ext.
- '''
- return os.path.join(self.destination_dir, self.basename(ext))
- def basename(self, ext):
- '''
- Return the base name of the asciidoc source file but with extension
- ext.
- '''
- return os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(self.asciidoc_file)[0]) + ext
- def asciidoc_conf_file(self, path):
- '''
- Return full path name of file in asciidoc configuration files directory.
- Search first the directory containing the asciidoc executable then
- the global configuration file directory.
- '''
- f = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.asciidoc), path)
- if not os.path.isfile(f):
- f = os.path.join(CONF_DIR, path)
- if not os.path.isfile(f):
- die('missing configuration file: %s' % f)
- return os.path.normpath(f)
- def xsl_stylesheet(self, file_name=None):
- '''
- Return full path name of file in asciidoc docbook-xsl configuration
- directory.
- If an XSL file was specified with the --xsl-file option then it is
- returned.
- '''
- if self.xsl_file is not None:
- return self.xsl_file
- if not file_name:
- file_name = self.format + '.xsl'
- return self.asciidoc_conf_file(os.path.join('docbook-xsl', file_name))
- def copy_resources(self, html_files, src_dir, dst_dir, resources=[]):
- '''
- Search html_files for images and CSS resource URIs (html_files can be a
- list of file names or a single file name).
- Copy them from the src_dir to the dst_dir.
- If not found in src_dir then recursively search all specified
- resource directories.
- Optional additional resources files can be passed in the resources list.
- '''
- resources = resources[:]
- resources += find_resources(html_files, 'link', 'href',
- lambda attrs: attrs.get('type') == 'text/css')
- resources += find_resources(html_files, 'img', 'src')
- resources += self.resource_files
- resources = list(set(resources)) # Drop duplicates.
- resources.sort()
- for f in resources:
- if '=' in f:
- src, dst = f.split('=')
- if not dst:
- dst = src
- else:
- src = dst = f
- src = os.path.normpath(src)
- dst = os.path.normpath(dst)
- if os.path.isabs(dst):
- die('absolute resource file name: %s' % dst)
- if dst.startswith(os.pardir):
- die('resource file outside destination directory: %s' % dst)
- src = os.path.join(src_dir, src)
- dst = os.path.join(dst_dir, dst)
- if not os.path.isfile(src):
- for d in self.resource_dirs:
- d = os.path.join(src_dir, d)
- found = find_files(d, os.path.basename(src))
- if found:
- src = found[0]
- break
- else:
- if not os.path.isfile(dst):
- die('missing resource: %s' % src)
- continue
- # Arrive here if resource file has been found.
- if os.path.normpath(src) != os.path.normpath(dst):
- dstdir = os.path.dirname(dst)
- shell_makedirs(dstdir)
- shell_copy(src, dst)
- def to_backend(self):
- '''
- Convert AsciiDoc source file to a backend output file using the global
- 'to_<backend name>' function (loaded from backend plugin
- file).
- Executes the global function in an A2X class instance context.
- '''
- eval('to_%s(self)' % self.backend)
- def to_docbook(self):
- '''
- Use asciidoc to convert asciidoc_file to DocBook.
- args is a string containing additional asciidoc arguments.
- '''
- docbook_file = self.dst_path('.xml')
- if self.skip_asciidoc:
- if not os.path.isfile(docbook_file):
- die('missing docbook file: %s' % docbook_file)
- return
- shell('"%s" --backend docbook -a "a2x-format=%s" %s --out-file "%s" "%s"' %
- (self.asciidoc, self.format, self.asciidoc_opts, docbook_file, self.asciidoc_file))
- if not self.no_xmllint and XMLLINT:
- shell('"%s" --nonet --noout --valid "%s"' % (XMLLINT, docbook_file))
- def to_xhtml(self):
- self.to_docbook()
- docbook_file = self.dst_path('.xml')
- xhtml_file = self.dst_path('.html')
- opts = '%s --output "%s"' % (self.xsltproc_opts, xhtml_file)
- exec_xsltproc(self.xsl_stylesheet(), docbook_file, self.destination_dir, opts)
- src_dir = os.path.dirname(self.asciidoc_file)
- self.copy_resources(xhtml_file, src_dir, self.destination_dir)
- def to_manpage(self):
- self.to_docbook()
- docbook_file = self.dst_path('.xml')
- opts = self.xsltproc_opts
- exec_xsltproc(self.xsl_stylesheet(), docbook_file, self.destination_dir, opts)
- def to_pdf(self):
- if self.fop:
- self.exec_fop()
- else:
- self.exec_dblatex()
- def exec_fop(self):
- self.to_docbook()
- docbook_file = self.dst_path('.xml')
- xsl = self.xsl_stylesheet('fo.xsl')
- fo = self.dst_path('.fo')
- pdf = self.dst_path('.pdf')
- opts = '%s --output "%s"' % (self.xsltproc_opts, fo)
- exec_xsltproc(xsl, docbook_file, self.destination_dir, opts)
- shell('"%s" %s -fo "%s" -pdf "%s"' % (FOP, self.fop_opts, fo, pdf))
- if not self.keep_artifacts:
- shell_rm(fo)
- def exec_dblatex(self):
- self.to_docbook()
- docbook_file = self.dst_path('.xml')
- xsl = self.asciidoc_conf_file(os.path.join('dblatex','asciidoc-dblatex.xsl'))
- sty = self.asciidoc_conf_file(os.path.join('dblatex','asciidoc-dblatex.sty'))
- shell('"%s" -t %s -p "%s" -s "%s" %s "%s"' %
- (DBLATEX, self.format, xsl, sty, self.dblatex_opts, docbook_file))
- def to_dvi(self):
- self.exec_dblatex()
- def to_ps(self):
- self.exec_dblatex()
- def to_tex(self):
- self.exec_dblatex()
- def to_htmlhelp(self):
- self.to_chunked()
- def to_chunked(self):
- self.to_docbook()
- docbook_file = self.dst_path('.xml')
- opts = self.xsltproc_opts
- xsl_file = self.xsl_stylesheet()
- if self.format == 'chunked':
- dst_dir = self.dst_path('.chunked')
- elif self.format == 'htmlhelp':
- dst_dir = self.dst_path('.htmlhelp')
- if not 'base.dir ' in opts:
- opts += ' --stringparam base.dir "%s/"' % os.path.basename(dst_dir)
- # Create content.
- shell_rmtree(dst_dir)
- shell_makedirs(dst_dir)
- exec_xsltproc(xsl_file, docbook_file, self.destination_dir, opts)
- html_files = find_files(dst_dir, '*.html')
- src_dir = os.path.dirname(self.asciidoc_file)
- self.copy_resources(html_files, src_dir, dst_dir)
- def update_epub_manifest(self, opf_file):
- '''
- Scan the OEBPS directory for any files that have not been registered in
- the OPF manifest then add them to the manifest.
- '''
- opf_dir = os.path.dirname(opf_file)
- resource_files = []
- for (p,dirs,files) in os.walk(os.path.dirname(opf_file)):
- for f in files:
- f = os.path.join(p,f)
- if os.path.isfile(f):
- assert f.startswith(opf_dir)
- f = '.' + f[len(opf_dir):]
- f = os.path.normpath(f)
- if f not in ['content.opf']:
- resource_files.append(f)
- opf = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(read_file(opf_file))
- manifest_files = []
- manifest = opf.getElementsByTagName('manifest')[0]
- for el in manifest.getElementsByTagName('item'):
- f = el.getAttribute('href')
- f = os.path.normpath(f)
- manifest_files.append(f)
- count = 0
- for f in resource_files:
- if f not in manifest_files:
- count += 1
- verbose('adding to manifest: %s' % f)
- item = opf.createElement('item')
- item.setAttribute('href', f.replace(os.path.sep, '/'))
- item.setAttribute('id', 'a2x-%d' % count)
- mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(f)[0]
- if mimetype is None:
- die('unknown mimetype: %s' % f)
- item.setAttribute('media-type', mimetype)
- manifest.appendChild(item)
- if count > 0:
- write_file(opf_file, opf.toxml())
- def to_epub(self):
- self.to_docbook()
- xsl_file = self.xsl_stylesheet()
- docbook_file = self.dst_path('.xml')
- epub_file = self.dst_path('.epub')
- build_dir = epub_file + '.d'
- shell_rmtree(build_dir)
- shell_makedirs(build_dir)
- # Create content.
- exec_xsltproc(xsl_file, docbook_file, build_dir, self.xsltproc_opts)
- # Copy resources referenced in the OPF and resources referenced by the
- # generated HTML (in theory DocBook XSL should ensure they are
- # identical but this is not always the case).
- src_dir = os.path.dirname(self.asciidoc_file)
- dst_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'OEBPS')
- opf_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, 'content.opf')
- opf_resources = find_resources(opf_file, 'item', 'href')
- html_files = find_files(dst_dir, '*.html')
- self.copy_resources(html_files, src_dir, dst_dir, opf_resources)
- # Register any unregistered resources.
- self.update_epub_manifest(opf_file)
- # Build epub archive.
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- shell_cd(build_dir)
- try:
- if not self.dry_run:
- zip = zipfile.ZipFile(epub_file, 'w')
- try:
- # Create and add uncompressed mimetype file.
- verbose('archiving: mimetype')
- write_file('mimetype', 'application/epub+zip')
- zip.write('mimetype', compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
- # Compress all remaining files.
- for (p,dirs,files) in os.walk('.'):
- for f in files:
- f = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(p,f))
- if f != 'mimetype':
- verbose('archiving: %s' % f)
- zip.write(f, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
- finally:
- zip.close()
- verbose('created archive: %s' % epub_file)
- finally:
- shell_cd(cwd)
- if not self.keep_artifacts:
- shell_rmtree(build_dir)
- if self.epubcheck and EPUBCHECK:
- if not find_executable(EPUBCHECK):
- warning('epubcheck skipped: unable to find executable: %s' % EPUBCHECK)
- else:
- shell('"%s" "%s"' % (EPUBCHECK, epub_file))
- def to_text(self):
- text_file = self.dst_path('.text')
- html_file = self.dst_path('.text.html')
- if self.lynx:
- shell('"%s" %s --conf-file "%s" -b html4 -a "a2x-format=%s" -o "%s" "%s"' %
- (self.asciidoc, self.asciidoc_opts, self.asciidoc_conf_file('text.conf'),
- self.format, html_file, self.asciidoc_file))
- shell('"%s" -dump "%s" > "%s"' %
- (LYNX, html_file, text_file))
- else:
- # Use w3m(1).
- self.to_docbook()
- docbook_file = self.dst_path('.xml')
- opts = '%s --output "%s"' % (self.xsltproc_opts, html_file)
- exec_xsltproc(self.xsl_stylesheet(), docbook_file,
- self.destination_dir, opts)
- shell('"%s" -cols 70 -dump -T text/html -no-graph "%s" > "%s"' %
- (W3M, html_file, text_file))
- if not self.keep_artifacts:
- shell_rm(html_file)
-# Script main line.
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- description = '''A toolchain manager for AsciiDoc (converts Asciidoc text files to other file formats)'''
- from optparse import OptionParser
- parser = OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [OPTIONS] SOURCE_FILE',
- version='%s %s' % (PROG,VERSION),
- description=description)
- parser.add_option('-a', '--attribute',
- action='append', dest='attributes', default=[], metavar='ATTRIBUTE',
- help='set asciidoc attribute value')
- parser.add_option('--asciidoc-opts',
- action='append', dest='asciidoc_opts', default=[],
- metavar='ASCIIDOC_OPTS', help='asciidoc options')
- parser.add_option('--copy',
- action='store_true', dest='copy', default=False,
- help='DEPRECATED: does nothing')
- parser.add_option('--conf-file',
- dest='conf_file', default=None, metavar='CONF_FILE',
- help='configuration file')
- parser.add_option('-D', '--destination-dir',
- action='store', dest='destination_dir', default=None, metavar='PATH',
- help='output directory (defaults to SOURCE_FILE directory)')
- parser.add_option('-d','--doctype',
- action='store', dest='doctype', metavar='DOCTYPE',
- choices=('article','manpage','book'),
- help='article, manpage, book')
- parser.add_option('-b','--backend',
- action='store', dest='backend', metavar='BACKEND',
- help='name of backend plugin')
- parser.add_option('--epubcheck',
- action='store_true', dest='epubcheck', default=False,
- help='check EPUB output with epubcheck')
- parser.add_option('-f','--format',
- action='store', dest='format', metavar='FORMAT', default = 'pdf',
- choices=('chunked','epub','htmlhelp','manpage','pdf', 'text',
- 'xhtml','dvi','ps','tex','docbook'),
- help='chunked, epub, htmlhelp, manpage, pdf, text, xhtml, dvi, ps, tex, docbook')
- parser.add_option('--icons',
- action='store_true', dest='icons', default=False,
- help='use admonition, callout and navigation icons')
- parser.add_option('--icons-dir',
- action='store', dest='icons_dir',
- default=None, metavar='PATH',
- help='admonition and navigation icon directory')
- parser.add_option('-k', '--keep-artifacts',
- action='store_true', dest='keep_artifacts', default=False,
- help='do not delete temporary build files')
- parser.add_option('--lynx',
- action='store_true', dest='lynx', default=False,
- help='use lynx to generate text files')
- parser.add_option('-L', '--no-xmllint',
- action='store_true', dest='no_xmllint', default=False,
- help='do not check asciidoc output with xmllint')
- parser.add_option('-n','--dry-run',
- action='store_true', dest='dry_run', default=False,
- help='just print the commands that would have been executed')
- parser.add_option('-r','--resource',
- action='append', dest='resources', default=[],
- metavar='PATH',
- help='resource file or directory containing resource files')
- parser.add_option('-m', '--resource-manifest',
- action='store', dest='resource_manifest', default=None, metavar='FILE',
- help='read resources from FILE')
- parser.add_option('--resource-dir',
- action='append', dest='resources', default=[],
- metavar='PATH',
- help='DEPRECATED: use --resource')
- parser.add_option('-s','--skip-asciidoc',
- action='store_true', dest='skip_asciidoc', default=False,
- help='DEPRECATED: redundant')
- parser.add_option('--stylesheet',
- action='store', dest='stylesheet', default=None,
- metavar='STYLESHEET',
- help='HTML CSS stylesheet file name')
- parser.add_option('--safe',
- action='store_true', dest='safe', default=False,
- help='DEPRECATED: does nothing')
- parser.add_option('--dblatex-opts',
- action='append', dest='dblatex_opts', default=[],
- metavar='DBLATEX_OPTS', help='dblatex options')
- parser.add_option('--backend-opts',
- action='append', dest='backend_opts', default=[],
- metavar='BACKEND_OPTS', help='backend plugin options')
- parser.add_option('--fop',
- action='store_true', dest='fop', default=False,
- help='use FOP to generate PDF files')
- parser.add_option('--fop-opts',
- action='append', dest='fop_opts', default=[],
- metavar='FOP_OPTS', help='options for FOP pdf generation')
- parser.add_option('--xsltproc-opts',
- action='append', dest='xsltproc_opts', default=[],
- metavar='XSLTPROC_OPTS', help='xsltproc options for XSL stylesheets')
- parser.add_option('--xsl-file',
- action='store', dest='xsl_file', metavar='XSL_FILE',
- help='custom XSL stylesheet')
- parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose',
- action='count', dest='verbose', default=0,
- help='increase verbosity')
- if len(sys.argv) == 1:
- parser.parse_args(['--help'])
- source_options = get_source_options(sys.argv[-1])
- argv = source_options + sys.argv[1:]
- opts, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
- if len(args) != 1:
- parser.error('incorrect number of arguments')
- opts.asciidoc_opts = ' '.join(opts.asciidoc_opts)
- opts.dblatex_opts = ' '.join(opts.dblatex_opts)
- opts.fop_opts = ' '.join(opts.fop_opts)
- opts.xsltproc_opts = ' '.join(opts.xsltproc_opts)
- opts.backend_opts = ' '.join(opts.backend_opts)
- opts = eval(str(opts)) # Convert optparse.Values to dict.
- a2x = A2X(opts)
- OPTIONS = a2x # verbose and dry_run used by utility functions.
- verbose('args: %r' % argv)
- a2x.asciidoc_file = args[0]
- try:
- a2x.load_conf()
- a2x.execute()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- exit(1)