path: root/source-builder/doc/source-builder.txt
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authorChris Johns <>2012-11-10 16:19:15 +1100
committerChris Johns <>2012-11-10 16:19:15 +1100
commit069c7def3ceaf7a1795ca69a7d11228c00d7adfb (patch)
tree72ade553ebe86c0adfb9d346b6d0a2b33a99e804 /source-builder/doc/source-builder.txt
parentClean up the exception handling. Lets --help work. (diff)
More documentation added.
Diffstat (limited to 'source-builder/doc/source-builder.txt')
1 files changed, 561 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/source-builder/doc/source-builder.txt b/source-builder/doc/source-builder.txt
index 185484b..2a5679f 100644
--- a/source-builder/doc/source-builder.txt
+++ b/source-builder/doc/source-builder.txt
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ the spec file format and build a new tool called the Source Builder.
Quick Start
+The quick start will show you how to build a generic unpatched GNU tool set for
+any support target.
Check out the Source Builder tool from git:
@@ -154,12 +157,14 @@ Examining: /usr/home/chris/development/rtems/src/rtems-source-builder/config <1>
Examining: /usr/home/chris/development/rtems/src/source-builder/config <2>
gnu-tools-4.6 <3>
rtems-tools-4.10 <4>
+ rtems-tools-4.11 <5>
<1> The local RTEMS configuration directory. Searched first.
<2> The Source Builder configuration directory.
<3> The Source Builder provided GNU tools GCC 4.6 build set.
<4> The RTEMS Source Builder provided RTEMS 4.10 build set.
+<5> The RTEMS Source Builder provided RTEMS 4.11 (gcc-4.6.3) build set.
And to view the configurations you can:
@@ -192,8 +197,11 @@ Examining: /usr/home/chris/development/rtems/src/source-builder/config
+ rtems-binutils-2.22-1
+ rtems-gcc-4.6.3-newlib-1.20.0-1
+ rtems-gdb-7.5-1
<1> Configurations are built by using the builder. This creates a stand alone
@@ -205,10 +213,558 @@ The Source Builder
The Source Builder provides a few generic build sets and the configuration
support to build a number of packages. A project that uses the Source Builder
can create a specialised set of configuration files that provides the specific
-configurations thet project uses.
+configurations a project uses.
+For example the RTEMS project provides its own set of configuration files
+inside the Source Builder. They do not have to be here. In the build set list
+in the 'Quick Start' section you can see the build sets +rtems-tools-4.10+ and
++rtems-tools-4.11+. These build set defines the extact configration to use for
+the RTEMS releases.
+The Source Builder has been tested on:
+. FreeBSD
+. MacOS (Mountain Lion)
+. Ubuntu
+. Fedora
+Windows will be support how-ever there are issues with the Python threading
+used in the Source Builder and the MinGW project's MSYS process handling of make.
+Set Builder and the Builder
+The Source Builder provides two commands, the +sb-set-builder+ to build sets of
+packages and the +sb-builder+ to build a specific package. The set builder uses
+the builder to build a set of packages. You could write a shell script that did
+th same thing so the set builder is a convenience command that allows you to
+define and control specific features of the packages you are building. The set
+builder looks for files with the +.bset" extension in the +config+
+directories. The builder command uses the configuration files have the +.cfg+
+file extension. They also live in the +config+ directories.
+The build set file for the RTEMS 4.10 tool set +rtems/rtems-tools-4.10.bset+
+shows a typical build set file structure:
+# Tools Set for RTEMS 4.10
+%define rtems_version 4.10 <1>
+%define release 1 <2>
+package: rtems-%{rtems_version}-%{_target}-%{release} <3>
+# Project custom message
+%define gcc_version_message RTEMS %{rtems_version}-%{release},gcc-%{gcc_version}/newlib-%{newlib_version} <4>
+# Tools configuration.
+rtems-binutils-2.20.1-1 <5>
+<1> Define the version of RTEMS.
+<2> Define the release. This allows us to number the tool releases.
+<3> The top level name of the package. The finaly tar file name.
+<4> The GCC configuration allow a custom message to be embedded into GCC.
+<5> The list of packages this build set contains.
+Currently the syntax of the set builder scripts is limited. It support
+comments, the package command, macros (the +%{}+), and defining macros
+(+%define+). It is planned to allow more of the configuration file syntax in
+the future.
+The builder uses configuration files that allow the full range of the
+configuration script syntax. Configuration files follow most of the RPM spec
+file format. They support macros and logic as well as the ability to include
+other configuration files. The ability to include other configuration files
+allow a simple way to configuration control the builds. Configuration files
+have four main areas:
+. Descriptions and definitions.
+The description lists various useful pieces of information about the
+package. None of this is currently enforced how-ever it is good practice to
+provide it. The definitions are the sources and the patches.
+. Preparation
+The preparation is the set up of the source code ready for building. The set up
+follows the unusual command structure used by RPM. The follwing macro
+trickshows how to conditional patch the source if a patch has been declared.
+cd expat-%{expat_version}
+%{?patch0:%patch0 -p1}
+cd ..
+. Build
+The build phase. This is a fragment of shell script that can be mixed with
+conditional configuration scripting to create the list of build commands.
+. Install
+The install phase. Again this is a fragment of shell script.
+This is a configuration script to build gdb:
+# GDB 7.xx Version 1.
+# This configuration file configure's, make's and install's gdb.
+%include %{_configdir}/checks.cfg <1>
+Name: %{_target}-gdb-%{gdb_version}-%{release} <2>
+Summary: GDB v%{gdb_version} for target %{_target} on host %{_host}
+Version: %{gdb_version}
+Release: %{release}
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
+# Source
+Source0:{gdb_version}.tar.bz2 <3>
+VersionControl0 git clone git://
+# Prepare the source code.
+%prep <4>
+%setup -q -c -T -n %{name}-%{version}
+cd gdb-%{gdb_version}
+%{?patch0:%patch0 -p1}
+cd ..
+%build <5>
+ export PATH="%{_bindir}:${PATH}"
+ mkdir -p build
+ cd build
+%if "%{_build}" != "%{_host}"
+ CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD="-g -O2 -Wall" \
+ ../gdb-%{gdb_version}/configure \
+ --build=%{_build} --host=%{_host} \
+ --target=%{_target} \
+ --verbose --disable-nls \
+ --without-included-gettext \
+ --disable-win32-registry \
+ --disable-werror \
+ --enable-sim \
+ --with-expat \
+ --with-python \
+ --prefix=%{_prefix} --bindir=%{_bindir} \
+ --exec-prefix=%{_exec_prefix} \
+ --includedir=%{_includedir} --libdir=%{_libdir} \
+ --mandir=%{_mandir} --infodir=%{_infodir}
+ %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags} all
+ cd ..
+%install <6>
+ export PATH="%{_bindir}:${PATH}"
+ rm -rf $SB_BUILD_ROOT
+ cd build
+ %{__make} DESTDIR=$SB_BUILD_ROOT install
+ # Dropped in FSF-binutils-2.9.5, but Cygwin still ships it.
+ rm -rf $SB_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/*
+ rm -f $SB_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/dir
+ touch $SB_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/dir
+ cd ..
+<1> Including a file. The +_configdir+ macro searchs a list of paths.
+<2> The description section.
+<3> The source file as a URL. If not found in the +sources+ directories it is
+<4> Preparing the source code.
+<5> The commands to build +gdb+.
+<6> The installation phase. Notice the +DESTDIR=+ feature is used.
+Controlling Configurations
+This is a simple process of including the specific pieces you need. There
+typically is three layers where the top level is specific and each sub-layer is
+more generic configured by the layer above it. The typical layering is:
+. Build Set
+. Package definition
+. Package configuration
+The build set defines the packages to be built plus any specific configuration
+needed. Some packages default to standard values if the build set does not
+provide any specific configuration and some configurations raise an error
+indicating a required configuration is missing.
+Using the RTEMS 4.10 Tools Set build as an example the build set configuration
+# Tools Set for RTEMS 4.10
+%define rtems_version 4.10
+%define release 1 <1>
+package: rtems-%{rtems_version}-%{_target}-%{release}
+# Project custom message
+%define gcc_version_message RTEMS %{rtems_version}-%{release},gcc-%{gcc_version}/newlib-%{newlib_version}
+# Tools configuration.
+rtems-binutils-2.20.1-1 <2>
+<1> The release of the RTEMS 4.10 tools package.
+<2> The build configurations. These reference the specific version of the tools
+including the related patches. You should note the configurations referenced
+are RTEMS specific, that is prefixed with +rtems-+.
+The GCC and Newlib file +rtems-gcc-4.4.7-newlib-1.18.0-1+ is:
+# GCC 4.4.7, Newlib 1.18.0
+%include %{_configdir}/checks.cfg <1>
+%include %{_configdir}/base.cfg <2>
+%define gcc_version 4.4.7 <3>
+%define newlib_version 1.18.0
+%define mpfr_version 2.4.1
+%define mpc_version 0.8.2
+%define gmp_version 5.0.5
+%define with_threads 1 <4>
+%define with_plugin 0
+%define with_iconv 1
+# AVR C++ does not work.
+# configure: error: unable to detect exception model
+%if %{_target} == avr-rtems4.10 <5>
+%define enable_cxx 0
+# M32C C++ does not work.
+# gcc-4.4.7/libstdc++-v3/src/ error: cast from 'void*' to 'size_t' loses precision
+%if %{_target} == m32c-rtems4.10
+%define enable_cxx 0
-For example the RTEMS project provides its own set of configuration files. In
-the build set list in the 'Quick Start' section you can see a build set
-+rtems-tools-4.10+. This build set defines the extact configration to use for
-the RTEMS 4.10 release.
+%ifn %{defined enable_cxx} <6>
+%define enable_cxx 1
+# The RTEMS 4.10 patches
+Patch0: gcc-core-4.4.7-rtems4.10-20120314.diff <7>
+%if %{enable_cxx}
+Patch1: gcc-g++-4.4.7-rtems4.10-20120314.diff
+Patch10: newlib-1.18.0-rtems4.10-20110518.diff
+# The gcc/newlib build instructions. We use 4.4 Release 1.
+%include %{_configdir}/gcc-4.4-1.cfg <8>
+<1> Perform some standard checks such as the release being set.
+<2> Set up some standard macros needed by most configure type packages.
+<3> The specific versions of the various parts that make a GCC embedded
+<4> Configure some specific parts of GCC and Newlib for RTEMS.
+<5> Disable C++ for the AVR target because it does not build for RTEMS.
+<6> Default is to build C++.
+<7> The various patches. This file's revision increases with each patch change.
+<8> The generic GCC/Newlib build configuration for gcc-4.4.x.
+Project Configuration
+The Source Builder has a +config+ and +patches+ directory that contain some
+useful and often needed configurations and patches. You do not need to add your
+project specific configurations into the Source Builder. You can create a
+private set and then use the Source Builder to build your packages.
+Create a +config+ directory and place your build sets and configuration in
+them. If you have private patches add them to a +patches+ directory next to the
++config+ directiory. When you run a Source Builder command it will first search
+the for the specific file then the local +config+ directoy then the Source
+Builder's +config+ directory. The same goes for +patches+.
+For example of this set up look in the +rtems+ directory in the Source
+Builder. It is actually a standard alone project configuration private to the
+RTEMS project.
+If you are an open source project and you find the Source Builder useful and
+would like your configuration held in the Source Builder's repository please
+contact me directly.
+Using the Builder
+RTEMS Build Sets
+The Source Builder package comes with the RTEMS project's build sets and
+configurations. These let you build tools for RTEMS. To use clone the Source
+Builder repository and change into the +rtems+ directory:
+$ git clone git://
+$ cd rtems
+To build all the available architectures you can run the provided script giving
+it a prefix:
+$ ./ $HOME/development/rtems/4.10 <1>
+<1> This is a local user path and does not need root to install.
+To build a tool set for a specific architecture you enter:
+$ ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --log=l-arm.txt \
+ --prefix=$HOME/development/rtems/4.10 \
+ --target=arm-rtems4.10 rtems-tools-4.10
+The results of the build are found in the +tar+ directory. The packages that
+make the build set are available as packages as well as the combined package
+for the whole build set:
+$ ls -1 tar
+arm-rtems4.10-binutils-2.20.1-1.tar.bz2 <1>
+rtems-4.10-arm-rtems4.10-1.tar.bz2 <2>
+<1> The bintuls part of the build set as a separate tar file.
+<2> The RTEMS ARM tool set. This is various packages combined.
+The tar files are constructed from the top of the prefix you provide. If you
+provide a relative prefix the installation will be relative. How well this
+works depends on the specifics of the application being packaged. Some such as
+binutils and gcc can be relocated without any issues how-ever other such as
+autoconf and automake cannot be relocated. Those packages contain absolute file
+names. In the example above the prefix was +$HOME/development/rtems/4.10+ so
+the contents of the tar file is:
+tar jtf tar/rtems-4.10-arm-rtems4.10-1.tar.bz2
+ ....
+ ....
+Because the path is absolute and references directories that +root+ owns +root+
+access would normally be needed. This can be avoided if your tar supports the
++--strip-components=+ option. To install this package without becoming +root+:
+$ cd
+$ tar --strip-components=3 -jxf \
+ development/rtems/build/rtems-source-builder/rtems/tar/tar/rtems-4.10-arm-rtems4.10-1.tar.bz2
+Source Builder Commands
+Checker (sb-check)
+This commands checks your system is set up correctly.
+$ ./source-builder/sb-check --help
+sb-check: [options] [args]
+Source Builder, an RTEMS Tools Project (c) 2012 Chris Johns
+Options and arguments:
+--force : Create directories that are not present
+--trace : Trace the execution (not current used)
+--dry-run : Do everything but actually run the build
+--warn-all : Generate warnings
+--no-clean : Do not clean up the build tree
+--no-smp : Run with 1 job and not as many as CPUs
+--rebuild : Rebuild (not used)
+--host : Set the host triplet
+--build : Set the build triplet
+--target : Set the target triplet
+--prefix path : Tools build prefix, ie where they are installed
+--prefixbase path :
+--topdir path : Top of the build tree, default is $PWD
+--configdir path : Path to the configuration directory, default: ./config
+--builddir path : Path to the build directory, default: ./build
+--sourcedir path : Path to the source directory, default: ./source
+--tmppath path : Path to the temp directory, default: ./tmp
+--log file : Log file where all build out is written too
+--url url : URL to look for source
+--targetcflags flags : List of C flags for the target code
+--targetcxxflags flags : List of C++ flags for the target code
+--libstdcxxflags flags : List of C++ flags to build the target libstdc++ code
+--with-<label> : Add the --with-<label> to the build
+--without-<label> : Add the --without-<label> to the build
+Set Builder (sb-set-builder)
+This command builds a set as described in a build set. Build set files have the
+extension of +.bset+.
+$ ./source-builder/sb-set-builder --help
+sb-set-builder: [options] [args]
+Source Builder, an RTEMS Tools Project (c) 2012 Chris Johns
+Options and arguments:
+--force : Create directories that are not present
+--trace : Trace the execution (not current used)
+--dry-run : Do everything but actually run the build
+--warn-all : Generate warnings
+--no-clean : Do not clean up the build tree
+--no-smp : Run with 1 job and not as many as CPUs
+--rebuild : Rebuild (not used)
+--host : Set the host triplet
+--build : Set the build triplet
+--target : Set the target triplet
+--prefix path : Tools build prefix, ie where they are installed
+--prefixbase path :
+--topdir path : Top of the build tree, default is $PWD
+--configdir path : Path to the configuration directory, default: ./config
+--builddir path : Path to the build directory, default: ./build
+--sourcedir path : Path to the source directory, default: ./source
+--tmppath path : Path to the temp directory, default: ./tmp
+--log file : Log file where all build out is written too
+--url url : URL to look for source
+--targetcflags flags : List of C flags for the target code
+--targetcxxflags flags : List of C++ flags for the target code
+--libstdcxxflags flags : List of C++ flags to build the target libstdc++ code
+--with-<label> : Add the --with-<label> to the build
+--without-<label> : Add the --without-<label> to the build
+--list-configs : List available configurations
+--list-bsets : List available build sets
+Set Builder (sb-builder)
+This command builds a configuration as described in a configuration
+file. Configuration files have the extension of +.cfg+.
+$ ./source-builder/sb-builder --help
+sb-builder: [options] [args]
+Source Builder, an RTEMS Tools Project (c) 2012 Chris Johns
+Options and arguments:
+--force : Create directories that are not present
+--trace : Trace the execution (not current used)
+--dry-run : Do everything but actually run the build
+--warn-all : Generate warnings
+--no-clean : Do not clean up the build tree
+--no-smp : Run with 1 job and not as many as CPUs
+--rebuild : Rebuild (not used)
+--host : Set the host triplet
+--build : Set the build triplet
+--target : Set the target triplet
+--prefix path : Tools build prefix, ie where they are installed
+--prefixbase path :
+--topdir path : Top of the build tree, default is $PWD
+--configdir path : Path to the configuration directory, default: ./config
+--builddir path : Path to the build directory, default: ./build
+--sourcedir path : Path to the source directory, default: ./source
+--tmppath path : Path to the temp directory, default: ./tmp
+--log file : Log file where all build out is written too
+--url url : URL to look for source
+--targetcflags flags : List of C flags for the target code
+--targetcxxflags flags : List of C++ flags for the target code
+--libstdcxxflags flags : List of C++ flags to build the target libstdc++ code
+--with-<label> : Add the --with-<label> to the build
+--without-<label> : Add the --without-<label> to the build
+--list-configs : List available configurations
+Host Setups
+sudo apt-get build-dep binutils gcc g++ gdb