path: root/mDNSResponder/mDNSWindows/NSPTool/NSPTool.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mDNSResponder/mDNSWindows/NSPTool/NSPTool.c')
1 files changed, 581 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mDNSResponder/mDNSWindows/NSPTool/NSPTool.c b/mDNSResponder/mDNSWindows/NSPTool/NSPTool.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3052d16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mDNSResponder/mDNSWindows/NSPTool/NSPTool.c
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4 -*-
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "CommonServices.h"
+#include "DebugServices.h"
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#include <ws2spi.h>
+// Prototypes
+int main( int argc, char *argv[] );
+DEBUG_LOCAL void Usage( void );
+DEBUG_LOCAL int ProcessArgs( int argc, char *argv[] );
+DEBUG_LOCAL OSStatus InstallNSP( const char *inName, const char *inGUID, const char *inPath );
+DEBUG_LOCAL OSStatus RemoveNSP( const char *inGUID );
+DEBUG_LOCAL OSStatus EnableNSP( const char *inGUID, BOOL inEnable );
+DEBUG_LOCAL OSStatus ListNameSpaces( void );
+DEBUG_LOCAL OSStatus ReorderNameSpaces( void );
+DEBUG_LOCAL WCHAR * CharToWCharString( const char *inCharString, WCHAR *outWCharString );
+DEBUG_LOCAL char * GUIDtoString( const GUID *inGUID, char *outString );
+DEBUG_LOCAL OSStatus StringToGUID( const char *inCharString, GUID *outGUID );
+// main
+int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
+ OSStatus err;
+ debug_initialize( kDebugOutputTypeMetaConsole );
+ debug_set_property( kDebugPropertyTagPrintLevel, kDebugLevelVerbose );
+ err = ProcessArgs( argc, argv );
+ return( (int) err );
+// Usage
+DEBUG_LOCAL void Usage( void )
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "NSP Tool 1.0d1\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, " Name Space Provider Tool\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, " -install <name> <guid> <path> - Installs a Name Space Provider\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, " <name> Name of the NSP\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, " <guid> GUID of the NSP\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, " <path> Path to the NSP file\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, " -remove <guid> - Removes a Name Space Provider\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, " <guid> GUID of the NSP\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, " -enable/-disable <guid> - Enables or Disables a Name Space Provider\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, " <guid> GUID of the NSP\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, " -list - Lists Name Space Providers\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, " -reorder - Reorders Name Space Providers\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, " -q - Enable quiet mode\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, " -h[elp] - Help\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+// ProcessArgs
+DEBUG_LOCAL int ProcessArgs( int argc, char* argv[] )
+ OSStatus err;
+ int i;
+ const char * name;
+ const char * guid;
+ const char * path;
+ if( argc <= 1 )
+ {
+ Usage();
+ err = 0;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ for( i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
+ {
+ if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-install" ) == 0 )
+ {
+ // Install
+ if( argc <= ( i + 3 ) )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n### ERROR: missing arguments for %s\n\n", argv[ i ] );
+ Usage();
+ err = kParamErr;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ name = argv[ ++i ];
+ guid = argv[ ++i ];
+ path = argv[ ++i ];
+ if( *name == '\0' )
+ {
+ name = "DotLocalNSP";
+ }
+ if( *guid == '\0' )
+ {
+ guid = "B600E6E9-553B-4a19-8696-335E5C896153";
+ }
+ err = InstallNSP( name, guid, path );
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ }
+ else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-remove" ) == 0 )
+ {
+ // Remove
+ if( argc <= ( i + 1 ) )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n### ERROR: missing arguments for %s\n\n", argv[ i ] );
+ Usage();
+ err = kParamErr;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ guid = argv[ ++i ];
+ if( *guid == '\0' )
+ {
+ guid = "B600E6E9-553B-4a19-8696-335E5C896153";
+ }
+ err = RemoveNSP( guid );
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ }
+ else if( ( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-enable" ) == 0 ) ||
+ ( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-disable" ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ BOOL enable;
+ // Enable/Disable
+ enable = ( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-enable" ) == 0 );
+ if( argc <= ( i + 1 ) )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n### ERROR: missing arguments for %s\n\n", argv[ i ] );
+ Usage();
+ err = kParamErr;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ guid = argv[ ++i ];
+ err = EnableNSP( guid, enable );
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ }
+ else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-list" ) == 0 )
+ {
+ // List
+ err = ListNameSpaces();
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ }
+ else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-reorder" ) == 0 )
+ {
+ // Reorder
+ err = ReorderNameSpaces();
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ }
+ else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-q" ) == 0 )
+ {
+ gToolQuietMode = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( ( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-help" ) == 0 ) ||
+ ( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-h" ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ // Help
+ Usage();
+ err = 0;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n### ERROR: unknown argment: \"%s\"\n\n", argv[ i ] );
+ Usage();
+ err = kParamErr;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ }
+ err = kNoErr;
+ return( err );
+#if 0
+#pragma mark -
+// InstallNSP
+OSStatus InstallNSP( const char *inName, const char *inGUID, const char *inPath )
+ OSStatus err;
+ size_t size;
+ WSADATA wsd;
+ WCHAR name[ 256 ];
+ GUID guid;
+ WCHAR path[ MAX_PATH ];
+ require_action( inName && ( *inName != '\0' ), exit, err = kParamErr );
+ require_action( inGUID && ( *inGUID != '\0' ), exit, err = kParamErr );
+ require_action( inPath && ( *inPath != '\0' ), exit, err = kParamErr );
+ size = strlen( inName );
+ require_action( size < sizeof_array( name ), exit, err = kSizeErr );
+ CharToWCharString( inName, name );
+ err = StringToGUID( inGUID, &guid );
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ size = strlen( inPath );
+ require_action( size < sizeof_array( path ), exit, err = kSizeErr );
+ CharToWCharString( inPath, path );
+ err = WSAStartup( MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ), &wsd );
+ err = translate_errno( err == 0, errno_compat(), WSAEINVAL );
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ err = WSCInstallNameSpace( name, path, NS_DNS, 1, &guid );
+ err = translate_errno( err == 0, errno_compat(), WSAEINVAL );
+ WSACleanup();
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ if (!gToolQuietMode)
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Installed NSP \"%s\" (%s) at %s\n", inName, inGUID, inPath );
+ }
+ if( err != kNoErr )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "### FAILED (%d) to install \"%s\" (%s) Name Space Provider at %s\n", err, inName, inGUID, inPath );
+ }
+ return( err );
+// RemoveNSP
+DEBUG_LOCAL OSStatus RemoveNSP( const char *inGUID )
+ OSStatus err;
+ WSADATA wsd;
+ GUID guid;
+ require_action( inGUID && ( *inGUID != '\0' ), exit, err = kParamErr );
+ err = StringToGUID( inGUID, &guid );
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ err = WSAStartup( MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ), &wsd );
+ err = translate_errno( err == 0, errno_compat(), WSAEINVAL );
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ err = WSCUnInstallNameSpace( &guid );
+ err = translate_errno( err == 0, errno_compat(), WSAEINVAL );
+ WSACleanup();
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ if (!gToolQuietMode)
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Removed NSP %s\n", inGUID );
+ }
+ if( err != kNoErr )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "### FAILED (%d) to remove %s Name Space Provider\n", err, inGUID );
+ }
+ return( err );
+// EnableNSP
+DEBUG_LOCAL OSStatus EnableNSP( const char *inGUID, BOOL inEnable )
+ OSStatus err;
+ WSADATA wsd;
+ GUID guid;
+ require_action( inGUID && ( *inGUID != '\0' ), exit, err = kParamErr );
+ err = StringToGUID( inGUID, &guid );
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ err = WSAStartup( MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ), &wsd );
+ err = translate_errno( err == 0, errno_compat(), WSAEINVAL );
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ err = WSCEnableNSProvider( &guid, inEnable );
+ err = translate_errno( err == 0, errno_compat(), WSAEINVAL );
+ WSACleanup();
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ if (!gToolQuietMode)
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Removed NSP %s\n", inGUID );
+ }
+ if( err != kNoErr )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "### FAILED (%d) to remove %s Name Space Provider\n", err, inGUID );
+ }
+ return( err );
+// ListNameSpaces
+DEBUG_LOCAL OSStatus ListNameSpaces( void )
+ OSStatus err;
+ WSADATA wsd;
+ bool started;
+ int n;
+ int i;
+ DWORD size;
+ char s[ 256 ];
+ array = NULL;
+ started = false;
+ err = WSAStartup( MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ), &wsd );
+ err = translate_errno( err == 0, errno_compat(), WSAEINVAL );
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ started = true;
+ // Build an array of all the NSPs. Call it first with NULL to get the size, allocate a buffer, then get them into it.
+ size = 0;
+ n = WSAEnumNameSpaceProviders( &size, NULL );
+ err = translate_errno( n != SOCKET_ERROR, (OSStatus) GetLastError(), kUnknownErr );
+ require_action( err == WSAEFAULT, exit, err = kUnknownErr );
+ array = (WSANAMESPACE_INFO *) malloc( size );
+ require_action( array, exit, err = kNoMemoryErr );
+ n = WSAEnumNameSpaceProviders( &size, array );
+ err = translate_errno( n != SOCKET_ERROR, (OSStatus) GetLastError(), kUnknownErr );
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
+ for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+ {
+ fprintf( stdout, "Name Space %d\n", i + 1 );
+ fprintf( stdout, " NSProviderId: %s\n", GUIDtoString( &array[ i ].NSProviderId, s ) );
+ fprintf( stdout, " dwNameSpace: %d\n", array[ i ].dwNameSpace );
+ fprintf( stdout, " fActive: %s\n", array[ i ].fActive ? "YES" : "NO" );
+ fprintf( stdout, " dwVersion: %d\n", array[ i ].dwVersion );
+ fprintf( stdout, " lpszIdentifier: \"%s\"\n", array[ i ].lpszIdentifier );
+ fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
+ }
+ err = kNoErr;
+ if( array )
+ {
+ free( array );
+ }
+ if( started )
+ {
+ WSACleanup();
+ }
+ if( err != kNoErr )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "### FAILED (%d) to list Name Space Providers\n", err );
+ }
+ return( err );
+// ReorderNameSpaces
+DEBUG_LOCAL OSStatus ReorderNameSpaces( void )
+ OSStatus err;
+ WSADATA wsd;
+ bool started;
+ int n;
+ int i;
+ DWORD size;
+ WCHAR name[ 256 ];
+ WCHAR path[ MAX_PATH ];
+ array = NULL;
+ started = false;
+ err = WSAStartup( MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ), &wsd );
+ err = translate_errno( err == 0, errno_compat(), WSAEINVAL );
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ started = true;
+ // Build an array of all the NSPs. Call it first with NULL to get the size, allocate a buffer, then get them into it.
+ size = 0;
+ n = WSAEnumNameSpaceProviders( &size, NULL );
+ err = translate_errno( n != SOCKET_ERROR, (OSStatus) GetLastError(), kUnknownErr );
+ require_action( err == WSAEFAULT, exit, err = kUnknownErr );
+ array = (WSANAMESPACE_INFO *) malloc( size );
+ require_action( array, exit, err = kNoMemoryErr );
+ n = WSAEnumNameSpaceProviders( &size, array );
+ err = translate_errno( n != SOCKET_ERROR, (OSStatus) GetLastError(), kUnknownErr );
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ // Find the "Tcpip" NSP.
+ for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+ {
+ if( strcmp( array[ i ].lpszIdentifier, "Tcpip" ) == 0 )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ require_action( i < n, exit, err = kNotFoundErr );
+ // Uninstall it then re-install it to move it to the end.
+ size = (DWORD) strlen( array[ i ].lpszIdentifier );
+ require_action( size < sizeof_array( name ), exit, err = kSizeErr );
+ CharToWCharString( array[ i ].lpszIdentifier, name );
+ size = (DWORD) strlen( "%SystemRoot%\\System32\\mswsock.dll" );
+ require_action( size < sizeof_array( path ), exit, err = kSizeErr );
+ CharToWCharString( "%SystemRoot%\\System32\\mswsock.dll", path );
+ err = WSCUnInstallNameSpace( &array[ i ].NSProviderId );
+ err = translate_errno( err == 0, errno_compat(), WSAEINVAL );
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ err = WSCInstallNameSpace( name, path, NS_DNS, array[ i ].dwVersion, &array[ i ].NSProviderId );
+ err = translate_errno( err == 0, errno_compat(), WSAEINVAL );
+ require_noerr( err, exit );
+ // Success!
+ fprintf( stderr, "Reordered \"Tcpip\" NSP to to the bottom of the NSP chain\n" );
+ err = kNoErr;
+ if( array )
+ {
+ free( array );
+ }
+ if( started )
+ {
+ WSACleanup();
+ }
+ if( err != kNoErr )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "### FAILED (%d) to reorder Name Space Providers\n", err );
+ }
+ return( err );
+#if 0
+#pragma mark -
+// CharToWCharString
+DEBUG_LOCAL WCHAR * CharToWCharString( const char *inCharString, WCHAR *outWCharString )
+ const char * src;
+ WCHAR * dst;
+ char c;
+ check( inCharString );
+ check( outWCharString );
+ src = inCharString;
+ dst = outWCharString;
+ do
+ {
+ c = *src++;
+ *dst++ = (WCHAR) c;
+ } while( c != '\0' );
+ return( outWCharString );
+// GUIDtoString
+DEBUG_LOCAL char * GUIDtoString( const GUID *inGUID, char *outString )
+ check( inGUID );
+ check( outString );
+ sprintf( outString, "%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",
+ inGUID->Data1, inGUID->Data2, inGUID->Data3,
+ inGUID->Data4[ 0 ], inGUID->Data4[ 1 ], inGUID->Data4[ 2 ], inGUID->Data4[ 3 ],
+ inGUID->Data4[ 4 ], inGUID->Data4[ 5 ], inGUID->Data4[ 6 ], inGUID->Data4[ 7 ] );
+ return( outString );
+// StringToGUID
+DEBUG_LOCAL OSStatus StringToGUID( const char *inCharString, GUID *outGUID )
+ OSStatus err;
+ int n;
+ unsigned int v[ 8 ];
+ check( inCharString );
+ check( outGUID );
+ n = sscanf( inCharString, "%lX-%hX-%hX-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X",
+ &outGUID->Data1, &outGUID->Data2, &outGUID->Data3,
+ &v[ 0 ], &v[ 1 ], &v[ 2 ], &v[ 3 ], &v[ 4 ], &v[ 5 ], &v[ 6 ], &v[ 7 ] );
+ require_action( n == 11, exit, err = kFormatErr );
+ outGUID->Data4[ 0 ] = (unsigned char) v[ 0 ];
+ outGUID->Data4[ 1 ] = (unsigned char) v[ 1 ];
+ outGUID->Data4[ 2 ] = (unsigned char) v[ 2 ];
+ outGUID->Data4[ 3 ] = (unsigned char) v[ 3 ];
+ outGUID->Data4[ 4 ] = (unsigned char) v[ 4 ];
+ outGUID->Data4[ 5 ] = (unsigned char) v[ 5 ];
+ outGUID->Data4[ 6 ] = (unsigned char) v[ 6 ];
+ outGUID->Data4[ 7 ] = (unsigned char) v[ 7 ];
+ err = kNoErr;
+ return( err );