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diff --git a/user/rsb/commands.rst b/user/rsb/commands.rst
index 04d3cea..4048568 100644
--- a/user/rsb/commands.rst
+++ b/user/rsb/commands.rst
@@ -295,3 +295,84 @@ The ``arguments`` are a list of build sets to build.
Print a list of dependent files used by a build set. Dependent files have a
``dep[?]` prefix where ``?`` is a number. The files are listed alphabetically.
+Track (sb-track)
+This command checks build sets and configurations reporting any errors, the
+dependencies and which files are referenced. The command can list all the
+configuration files not referenced. If this option is used when checking all
+build set files a list of all configuration files not referenced can be
+found. The list can be used to purge the RSB of old and unused configurations.
+The check runs a build set through a number of host configurations. This
+checks any logic that is specific to a host.
+The command reports a dependency tree for a build set in the output
+report. For example the dependency tree for the ``database/sqlite`` build set
+.. code-block:: none
+ +-- rtems/config/databases/sqlite.bset
+ +-- rtems/config/databases/sqlite-3.31.1-1.cfg
+ +-- rtems/config/rtems-bsp.cfg
+ +-- source-builder/config/sqlite-3-1.cfg
+ +-- rtems/config/rtems-package.bset
+ +-- rtems/config/rtems-urls.bset
+ +-- rtems/config/rtems-version.bset
+The comnmand is:
+.. code-block:: none
+ $ ../source-builder/sb-track --help
+ usage: sb-dep-check [-h] [--rtems-version RTEMS_VERSION] [--list-hosts]
+ [--list-bsets] [--output OUTPUT] [--log LOG] [--trace]
+ [--not-referenced]
+ [bsets [bsets ...]]
+ RTEMS Track Dependencies a build set has for all hosts.
+ positional arguments:
+ bsets Build sets.
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --rtems-version RTEMS_VERSION
+ Set the RTEMS version.
+ --list-hosts List the hosts.
+ --list-bsets List the hosts.
+ --output OUTPUT Output file.
+ --log LOG Log file.
+ --trace Enable trace logging for debugging.
+ --not-referenced Write out the list of config files not referenced.
+The ``bsets`` are a list of build sets to check. If none are provided all
+build sets are checked.
+``-h, --help``:
+ The command's help.
+ Set the RTEMS version number.
+ List the hosts each build set of check against.
+ List all the build set files.
+ Write the report to the output file.
+ The log file the build set check processing is written too.
+ Enable trace debugging.
+ List the configration files not referenced by a build set in the output.