path: root/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/
diff options
authorChris Johns <>2017-08-09 20:19:22 +1000
committerChris Johns <>2017-08-09 20:19:22 +1000
commit58de62d8beb931995ec8bf2677f1714dfa004719 (patch)
treeb0fcd040cdcfc426697b590bdee4e082276e2215 /common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/
parentAdd the sphinxcontrib.bibtex extension to the repo. (diff)
Revert "Add the sphinxcontrib.bibtex extension to the repo."
This reverts commit aa4f8e2e436d6c49e1524a4a3fb164b28632d894. The contrib has too many dependencies to add into the repo.
Diffstat (limited to 'common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/ b/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e4cdcb..0000000
--- a/common/sphinxcontrib/bibtex/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- New Doctree Transforms
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- .. autoclass:: BibliographyTransform
- :show-inheritance:
- .. autoattribute:: default_priority
- .. automethod:: apply
- .. autofunction:: node_text_transform
- .. autofunction:: transform_curly_bracket_strip
- .. autofunction:: transform_url_command
-import docutils.nodes
-import docutils.transforms
-from pybtex.plugin import find_plugin
-from sphinxcontrib.bibtex.nodes import bibliography
-def node_text_transform(node, transform):
- """Apply transformation to all Text nodes within node."""
- for child in node.children:
- if isinstance(child, docutils.nodes.Text):
- node.replace(child, transform(child))
- else:
- node_text_transform(child, transform)
-def transform_curly_bracket_strip(textnode):
- """Strip curly brackets from text."""
- text = textnode.astext()
- if '{' in text or '}' in text:
- text = text.replace('{', '').replace('}', '')
- return docutils.nodes.Text(text)
- else:
- return textnode
-def transform_url_command(textnode):
- """Convert '\\\\url{...}' into a proper docutils hyperlink."""
- text = textnode.astext()
- if '\\url' in text:
- text1, _, text = text.partition('\\url')
- text2, _, text3 = text.partition('}')
- text2 = text2.lstrip(' {')
- ref = docutils.nodes.reference(refuri=text2)
- ref += docutils.nodes.Text(text2)
- node = docutils.nodes.inline()
- node += transform_url_command(docutils.nodes.Text(text1))
- node += ref
- node += transform_url_command(docutils.nodes.Text(text3))
- return node
- else:
- return textnode
-class BibliographyTransform(docutils.transforms.Transform):
- """A docutils transform to generate citation entries for
- bibliography nodes.
- """
- # transform must be applied before references are resolved
- default_priority = 10
- """Priority of the transform. See
- """
- def apply(self):
- """Transform each
- :class:`~sphinxcontrib.bibtex.nodes.bibliography` node into a
- list of citations.
- """
- env = self.document.settings.env
- docname = env.docname
- for bibnode in self.document.traverse(bibliography):
- id_ = bibnode['ids'][0]
- bibcache = env.bibtex_cache.get_bibliography_cache(
- docname=docname, id_=id_)
- entries = env.bibtex_cache.get_bibliography_entries(
- docname=docname, id_=id_,
- # locate and instantiate style and backend plugins
- style = find_plugin('',
- backend = find_plugin('pybtex.backends', 'docutils')()
- # create citation nodes for all references
- if bibcache.list_ == "enumerated":
- nodes = docutils.nodes.enumerated_list()
- nodes['enumtype'] = bibcache.enumtype
- if bibcache.start >= 1:
- nodes['start'] = bibcache.start
- env.bibtex_cache.set_enum_count(
- env.docname, bibcache.start)
- else:
- nodes['start'] = env.bibtex_cache.get_enum_count(
- env.docname)
- elif bibcache.list_ == "bullet":
- nodes = docutils.nodes.bullet_list()
- else: # "citation"
- nodes = docutils.nodes.paragraph()
- # remind: style.format_entries modifies entries in unpickable way
- for entry in style.format_entries(entries):
- if bibcache.list_ in ["enumerated", "bullet"]:
- citation = docutils.nodes.list_item()
- citation += backend.paragraph(entry)
- else: # "citation"
- citation = backend.citation(entry, self.document)
- # backend.citation(...) uses entry.key as citation label
- # we change it to entry.label later onwards
- # but we must note the entry.label now;
- # at this point, we also already prefix the label
- key = citation[0].astext()
- bibcache.labels[key] = bibcache.labelprefix + entry.label
- node_text_transform(citation, transform_url_command)
- if bibcache.curly_bracket_strip:
- node_text_transform(
- citation,
- transform_curly_bracket_strip)
- nodes += citation
- if bibcache.list_ == "enumerated":
- env.bibtex_cache.inc_enum_count(env.docname)
- bibnode.replace_self(nodes)