path: root/ncurses-5.3/Ada95/src/terminal_interface-curses.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ncurses-5.3/Ada95/src/terminal_interface-curses.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2561 deletions
diff --git a/ncurses-5.3/Ada95/src/terminal_interface-curses.adb b/ncurses-5.3/Ada95/src/terminal_interface-curses.adb
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index 359cced..0000000
--- a/ncurses-5.3/Ada95/src/terminal_interface-curses.adb
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--- --
--- GNAT ncurses Binding --
--- --
--- Terminal_Interface.Curses --
--- --
--- B O D Y --
--- --
--- Copyright (c) 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
--- --
--- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a --
--- copy of this software and associated documentation files (the --
--- "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including --
--- without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, --
--- distribute, distribute with modifications, sublicense, and/or sell --
--- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is --
--- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: --
--- --
--- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included --
--- in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. --
--- --
--- --
--- Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright --
--- holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the --
--- sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written --
--- authorization. --
--- Author: Juergen Pfeifer, 1996
--- Contact:
--- Version Control:
--- $Revision$
--- Binding Version 01.00
-with System;
-with Terminal_Interface.Curses.Aux;
-with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
-with Interfaces.C.Strings; use Interfaces.C.Strings;
-with Interfaces.C.Pointers;
-with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling;
-with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-package body Terminal_Interface.Curses is
- use Aux;
- use type System.Bit_Order;
- package ASF renames Ada.Strings.Fixed;
- type chtype_array is array (size_t range <>)
- of aliased Attributed_Character;
- pragma Convention (C, chtype_array);
- generic
- type Element is (<>);
- function W_Get_Element (Win : in Window;
- Offset : in Natural) return Element;
- function W_Get_Element (Win : in Window;
- Offset : in Natural) return Element is
- type E_Array is array (Natural range <>) of aliased Element;
- package C_E_Array is new
- Interfaces.C.Pointers (Natural, Element, E_Array, Element'Val (0));
- use C_E_Array;
- function To_Pointer is new
- Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Window, Pointer);
- P : Pointer := To_Pointer (Win);
- begin
- if Win = Null_Window then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- else
- P := P + ptrdiff_t (Offset);
- return P.all;
- end if;
- end W_Get_Element;
- function W_Get_Int is new W_Get_Element (C_Int);
- function W_Get_Short is new W_Get_Element (C_Short);
- function W_Get_Byte is new W_Get_Element (Interfaces.C.unsigned_char);
- function Get_Flag (Win : Window;
- Offset : Natural) return Boolean;
- function Get_Flag (Win : Window;
- Offset : Natural) return Boolean
- is
- Res : C_Int;
- begin
- case Sizeof_bool is
- when 1 => Res := C_Int (W_Get_Byte (Win, Offset));
- when 2 => Res := C_Int (W_Get_Short (Win, Offset));
- when 4 => Res := C_Int (W_Get_Int (Win, Offset));
- when others => raise Curses_Exception;
- end case;
- case Res is
- when 0 => return False;
- when others => return True;
- end case;
- end Get_Flag;
- function Key_Name (Key : in Real_Key_Code) return String
- is
- function Keyname (K : C_Int) return chars_ptr;
- pragma Import (C, Keyname, "keyname");
- Ch : Character;
- begin
- if Key <= Character'Pos (Character'Last) then
- Ch := Character'Val (Key);
- if Is_Control (Ch) then
- return Un_Control (Attributed_Character'(Ch => Ch,
- Color => Color_Pair'First,
- Attr => Normal_Video));
- elsif Is_Graphic (Ch) then
- declare
- S : String (1 .. 1);
- begin
- S (1) := Ch;
- return S;
- end;
- else
- return "";
- end if;
- else
- return Fill_String (Keyname (C_Int (Key)));
- end if;
- end Key_Name;
- procedure Key_Name (Key : in Real_Key_Code;
- Name : out String)
- is
- begin
- ASF.Move (Key_Name (Key), Name);
- end Key_Name;
- procedure Init_Screen
- is
- function Initscr return Window;
- pragma Import (C, Initscr, "initscr");
- W : Window;
- begin
- W := Initscr;
- if W = Null_Window then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Init_Screen;
- procedure End_Windows
- is
- function Endwin return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Endwin, "endwin");
- begin
- if Endwin = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end End_Windows;
- function Is_End_Window return Boolean
- is
- function Isendwin return Curses_Bool;
- pragma Import (C, Isendwin, "isendwin");
- begin
- if Isendwin = Curses_Bool_False then
- return False;
- else
- return True;
- end if;
- end Is_End_Window;
- procedure Move_Cursor (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Line : in Line_Position;
- Column : in Column_Position)
- is
- function Wmove (Win : Window;
- Line : C_Int;
- Column : C_Int
- ) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wmove, "wmove");
- begin
- if Wmove (Win, C_Int (Line), C_Int (Column)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Move_Cursor;
- procedure Add (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Ch : in Attributed_Character)
- is
- function Waddch (W : Window;
- Ch : C_Chtype) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Waddch, "waddch");
- begin
- if Waddch (Win, AttrChar_To_Chtype (Ch)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Add;
- procedure Add (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Ch : in Character)
- is
- begin
- Add (Win,
- Attributed_Character'(Ch => Ch,
- Color => Color_Pair'First,
- Attr => Normal_Video));
- end Add;
- procedure Add
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Line : in Line_Position;
- Column : in Column_Position;
- Ch : in Attributed_Character)
- is
- function mvwaddch (W : Window;
- Y : C_Int;
- X : C_Int;
- Ch : C_Chtype) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, mvwaddch, "mvwaddch");
- begin
- if mvwaddch (Win, C_Int (Line),
- C_Int (Column),
- AttrChar_To_Chtype (Ch)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Add;
- procedure Add
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Line : in Line_Position;
- Column : in Column_Position;
- Ch : in Character)
- is
- begin
- Add (Win,
- Line,
- Column,
- Attributed_Character'(Ch => Ch,
- Color => Color_Pair'First,
- Attr => Normal_Video));
- end Add;
- procedure Add_With_Immediate_Echo
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Ch : in Attributed_Character)
- is
- function Wechochar (W : Window;
- Ch : C_Chtype) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wechochar, "wechochar");
- begin
- if Wechochar (Win, AttrChar_To_Chtype (Ch)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Add_With_Immediate_Echo;
- procedure Add_With_Immediate_Echo
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Ch : in Character)
- is
- begin
- Add_With_Immediate_Echo
- (Win,
- Attributed_Character'(Ch => Ch,
- Color => Color_Pair'First,
- Attr => Normal_Video));
- end Add_With_Immediate_Echo;
- function Create (Number_Of_Lines : Line_Count;
- Number_Of_Columns : Column_Count;
- First_Line_Position : Line_Position;
- First_Column_Position : Column_Position) return Window
- is
- function Newwin (Number_Of_Lines : C_Int;
- Number_Of_Columns : C_Int;
- First_Line_Position : C_Int;
- First_Column_Position : C_Int) return Window;
- pragma Import (C, Newwin, "newwin");
- W : Window;
- begin
- W := Newwin (C_Int (Number_Of_Lines),
- C_Int (Number_Of_Columns),
- C_Int (First_Line_Position),
- C_Int (First_Column_Position));
- if W = Null_Window then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- return W;
- end Create;
- procedure Delete (Win : in out Window)
- is
- function Wdelwin (W : Window) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wdelwin, "delwin");
- begin
- if Wdelwin (Win) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- Win := Null_Window;
- end Delete;
- function Sub_Window
- (Win : Window := Standard_Window;
- Number_Of_Lines : Line_Count;
- Number_Of_Columns : Column_Count;
- First_Line_Position : Line_Position;
- First_Column_Position : Column_Position) return Window
- is
- function Subwin
- (Win : Window;
- Number_Of_Lines : C_Int;
- Number_Of_Columns : C_Int;
- First_Line_Position : C_Int;
- First_Column_Position : C_Int) return Window;
- pragma Import (C, Subwin, "subwin");
- W : Window;
- begin
- W := Subwin (Win,
- C_Int (Number_Of_Lines),
- C_Int (Number_Of_Columns),
- C_Int (First_Line_Position),
- C_Int (First_Column_Position));
- if W = Null_Window then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- return W;
- end Sub_Window;
- function Derived_Window
- (Win : Window := Standard_Window;
- Number_Of_Lines : Line_Count;
- Number_Of_Columns : Column_Count;
- First_Line_Position : Line_Position;
- First_Column_Position : Column_Position) return Window
- is
- function Derwin
- (Win : Window;
- Number_Of_Lines : C_Int;
- Number_Of_Columns : C_Int;
- First_Line_Position : C_Int;
- First_Column_Position : C_Int) return Window;
- pragma Import (C, Derwin, "derwin");
- W : Window;
- begin
- W := Derwin (Win,
- C_Int (Number_Of_Lines),
- C_Int (Number_Of_Columns),
- C_Int (First_Line_Position),
- C_Int (First_Column_Position));
- if W = Null_Window then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- return W;
- end Derived_Window;
- function Duplicate (Win : Window) return Window
- is
- function Dupwin (Win : Window) return Window;
- pragma Import (C, Dupwin, "dupwin");
- W : Window := Dupwin (Win);
- begin
- if W = Null_Window then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- return W;
- end Duplicate;
- procedure Move_Window (Win : in Window;
- Line : in Line_Position;
- Column : in Column_Position)
- is
- function Mvwin (Win : Window;
- Line : C_Int;
- Column : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Mvwin, "mvwin");
- begin
- if Mvwin (Win, C_Int (Line), C_Int (Column)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Move_Window;
- procedure Move_Derived_Window (Win : in Window;
- Line : in Line_Position;
- Column : in Column_Position)
- is
- function Mvderwin (Win : Window;
- Line : C_Int;
- Column : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Mvderwin, "mvderwin");
- begin
- if Mvderwin (Win, C_Int (Line), C_Int (Column)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Move_Derived_Window;
- procedure Set_Synch_Mode (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Mode : in Boolean := False)
- is
- function Syncok (Win : Window;
- Mode : Curses_Bool) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Syncok, "syncok");
- begin
- if Syncok (Win, Curses_Bool (Boolean'Pos (Mode))) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Set_Synch_Mode;
- procedure Add (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Str : in String;
- Len : in Integer := -1)
- is
- function Waddnstr (Win : Window;
- Str : char_array;
- Len : C_Int := -1) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Waddnstr, "waddnstr");
- Txt : char_array (0 .. Str'Length);
- Length : size_t;
- begin
- To_C (Str, Txt, Length);
- if Waddnstr (Win, Txt, C_Int (Len)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Add;
- procedure Add
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Line : in Line_Position;
- Column : in Column_Position;
- Str : in String;
- Len : in Integer := -1)
- is
- begin
- Move_Cursor (Win, Line, Column);
- Add (Win, Str, Len);
- end Add;
- procedure Add
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Str : in Attributed_String;
- Len : in Integer := -1)
- is
- function Waddchnstr (Win : Window;
- Str : chtype_array;
- Len : C_Int := -1) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Waddchnstr, "waddchnstr");
- Txt : chtype_array (0 .. Str'Length);
- begin
- for Length in 1 .. size_t (Str'Length) loop
- Txt (Length - 1) := Str (Natural (Length));
- end loop;
- Txt (Str'Length) := Default_Character;
- if Waddchnstr (Win,
- Txt,
- C_Int (Len)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Add;
- procedure Add
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Line : in Line_Position;
- Column : in Column_Position;
- Str : in Attributed_String;
- Len : in Integer := -1)
- is
- begin
- Move_Cursor (Win, Line, Column);
- Add (Win, Str, Len);
- end Add;
- procedure Border
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Left_Side_Symbol : in Attributed_Character := Default_Character;
- Right_Side_Symbol : in Attributed_Character := Default_Character;
- Top_Side_Symbol : in Attributed_Character := Default_Character;
- Bottom_Side_Symbol : in Attributed_Character := Default_Character;
- Upper_Left_Corner_Symbol : in Attributed_Character := Default_Character;
- Upper_Right_Corner_Symbol : in Attributed_Character := Default_Character;
- Lower_Left_Corner_Symbol : in Attributed_Character := Default_Character;
- Lower_Right_Corner_Symbol : in Attributed_Character := Default_Character)
- is
- function Wborder (W : Window;
- LS : C_Chtype;
- RS : C_Chtype;
- TS : C_Chtype;
- BS : C_Chtype;
- ULC : C_Chtype;
- URC : C_Chtype;
- LLC : C_Chtype;
- LRC : C_Chtype) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wborder, "wborder");
- begin
- if Wborder (Win,
- AttrChar_To_Chtype (Left_Side_Symbol),
- AttrChar_To_Chtype (Right_Side_Symbol),
- AttrChar_To_Chtype (Top_Side_Symbol),
- AttrChar_To_Chtype (Bottom_Side_Symbol),
- AttrChar_To_Chtype (Upper_Left_Corner_Symbol),
- AttrChar_To_Chtype (Upper_Right_Corner_Symbol),
- AttrChar_To_Chtype (Lower_Left_Corner_Symbol),
- AttrChar_To_Chtype (Lower_Right_Corner_Symbol)
- ) = Curses_Err
- then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Border;
- procedure Box
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Vertical_Symbol : in Attributed_Character := Default_Character;
- Horizontal_Symbol : in Attributed_Character := Default_Character)
- is
- begin
- Border (Win,
- Vertical_Symbol, Vertical_Symbol,
- Horizontal_Symbol, Horizontal_Symbol);
- end Box;
- procedure Horizontal_Line
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Line_Size : in Natural;
- Line_Symbol : in Attributed_Character := Default_Character)
- is
- function Whline (W : Window;
- Ch : C_Chtype;
- Len : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Whline, "whline");
- begin
- if Whline (Win,
- AttrChar_To_Chtype (Line_Symbol),
- C_Int (Line_Size)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Horizontal_Line;
- procedure Vertical_Line
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Line_Size : in Natural;
- Line_Symbol : in Attributed_Character := Default_Character)
- is
- function Wvline (W : Window;
- Ch : C_Chtype;
- Len : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wvline, "wvline");
- begin
- if Wvline (Win,
- AttrChar_To_Chtype (Line_Symbol),
- C_Int (Line_Size)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Vertical_Line;
- function Get_Keystroke (Win : Window := Standard_Window)
- return Real_Key_Code
- is
- function Wgetch (W : Window) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wgetch, "wgetch");
- C : constant C_Int := Wgetch (Win);
- begin
- if C = Curses_Err then
- return Key_None;
- else
- return Real_Key_Code (C);
- end if;
- end Get_Keystroke;
- procedure Undo_Keystroke (Key : in Real_Key_Code)
- is
- function Ungetch (Ch : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Ungetch, "ungetch");
- begin
- if Ungetch (C_Int (Key)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Undo_Keystroke;
- function Has_Key (Key : Special_Key_Code) return Boolean
- is
- function Haskey (Key : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Haskey, "has_key");
- begin
- if Haskey (C_Int (Key)) = Curses_False then
- return False;
- else
- return True;
- end if;
- end Has_Key;
- function Is_Function_Key (Key : Special_Key_Code) return Boolean
- is
- L : constant Special_Key_Code := Special_Key_Code (Natural (Key_F0) +
- Natural (Function_Key_Number'Last));
- begin
- if (Key >= Key_F0) and then (Key <= L) then
- return True;
- else
- return False;
- end if;
- end Is_Function_Key;
- function Function_Key (Key : Real_Key_Code)
- return Function_Key_Number
- is
- begin
- if Is_Function_Key (Key) then
- return Function_Key_Number (Key - Key_F0);
- else
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- end Function_Key;
- function Function_Key_Code (Key : Function_Key_Number) return Real_Key_Code
- is
- begin
- return Real_Key_Code (Natural (Key_F0) + Natural (Key));
- end Function_Key_Code;
- procedure Standout (Win : Window := Standard_Window;
- On : Boolean := True)
- is
- function wstandout (Win : Window) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, wstandout, "wstandout");
- function wstandend (Win : Window) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, wstandend, "wstandend");
- Err : C_Int;
- begin
- if On then
- Err := wstandout (Win);
- else
- Err := wstandend (Win);
- end if;
- if Err = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Standout;
- procedure Switch_Character_Attribute
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Attr : in Character_Attribute_Set := Normal_Video;
- On : in Boolean := True)
- is
- function Wattron (Win : Window;
- C_Attr : C_AttrType) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wattron, "wattr_on");
- function Wattroff (Win : Window;
- C_Attr : C_AttrType) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wattroff, "wattr_off");
- -- In Ada we use the On Boolean to control whether or not we want to
- -- switch on or off the attributes in the set.
- Err : C_Int;
- AC : constant Attributed_Character := (Ch => Character'First,
- Color => Color_Pair'First,
- Attr => Attr);
- begin
- if On then
- Err := Wattron (Win, AttrChar_To_AttrType (AC));
- else
- Err := Wattroff (Win, AttrChar_To_AttrType (AC));
- end if;
- if Err = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Switch_Character_Attribute;
- procedure Set_Character_Attributes
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Attr : in Character_Attribute_Set := Normal_Video;
- Color : in Color_Pair := Color_Pair'First)
- is
- function Wattrset (Win : Window;
- C_Attr : C_AttrType) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wattrset, "wattrset"); -- ??? wattr_set
- begin
- if Wattrset (Win,
- AttrChar_To_AttrType (Attributed_Character'
- (Ch => Character'First,
- Color => Color,
- Attr => Attr))) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Set_Character_Attributes;
- function Get_Character_Attribute (Win : Window := Standard_Window)
- return Character_Attribute_Set
- is
- function Wattrget (Win : Window;
- Atr : access C_AttrType;
- Col : access C_Short;
- Opt : System.Address) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wattrget, "wattr_get");
- Attr : aliased C_AttrType;
- Col : aliased C_Short;
- Res : constant C_Int := Wattrget (Win, Attr'Access, Col'Access,
- System.Null_Address);
- Ch : Attributed_Character;
- begin
- if Res = Curses_Ok then
- Ch := AttrType_To_AttrChar (Attr);
- return Ch.Attr;
- else
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Get_Character_Attribute;
- function Get_Character_Attribute (Win : Window := Standard_Window)
- return Color_Pair
- is
- function Wattrget (Win : Window;
- Atr : access C_AttrType;
- Col : access C_Short;
- Opt : System.Address) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wattrget, "wattr_get");
- Attr : aliased C_AttrType;
- Col : aliased C_Short;
- Res : constant C_Int := Wattrget (Win, Attr'Access, Col'Access,
- System.Null_Address);
- Ch : Attributed_Character;
- begin
- if Res = Curses_Ok then
- Ch := AttrType_To_AttrChar (Attr);
- return Ch.Color;
- else
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Get_Character_Attribute;
- procedure Set_Color (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Pair : in Color_Pair)
- is
- function Wset_Color (Win : Window;
- Color : C_Short;
- Opts : C_Void_Ptr) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wset_Color, "wcolor_set");
- begin
- if Wset_Color (Win,
- C_Short (Pair),
- C_Void_Ptr (System.Null_Address)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Set_Color;
- procedure Change_Attributes
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Count : in Integer := -1;
- Attr : in Character_Attribute_Set := Normal_Video;
- Color : in Color_Pair := Color_Pair'First)
- is
- function Wchgat (Win : Window;
- Cnt : C_Int;
- Attr : C_AttrType;
- Color : C_Short;
- Opts : System.Address := System.Null_Address)
- return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wchgat, "wchgat");
- Ch : constant Attributed_Character :=
- (Ch => Character'First, Color => Color_Pair'First, Attr => Attr);
- begin
- if Wchgat (Win, C_Int (Count), AttrChar_To_AttrType (Ch),
- C_Short (Color)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Change_Attributes;
- procedure Change_Attributes
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Line : in Line_Position := Line_Position'First;
- Column : in Column_Position := Column_Position'First;
- Count : in Integer := -1;
- Attr : in Character_Attribute_Set := Normal_Video;
- Color : in Color_Pair := Color_Pair'First)
- is
- begin
- Move_Cursor (Win, Line, Column);
- Change_Attributes (Win, Count, Attr, Color);
- end Change_Attributes;
- procedure Beep
- is
- function Beeper return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Beeper, "beep");
- begin
- if Beeper = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Beep;
- procedure Flash_Screen
- is
- function Flash return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Flash, "flash");
- begin
- if Flash = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Flash_Screen;
- procedure Set_Cbreak_Mode (SwitchOn : in Boolean := True)
- is
- function Cbreak return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Cbreak, "cbreak");
- function NoCbreak return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, NoCbreak, "nocbreak");
- Err : C_Int;
- begin
- if SwitchOn then
- Err := Cbreak;
- else
- Err := NoCbreak;
- end if;
- if Err = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Set_Cbreak_Mode;
- procedure Set_Raw_Mode (SwitchOn : in Boolean := True)
- is
- function Raw return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Raw, "raw");
- function NoRaw return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, NoRaw, "noraw");
- Err : C_Int;
- begin
- if SwitchOn then
- Err := Raw;
- else
- Err := NoRaw;
- end if;
- if Err = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Set_Raw_Mode;
- procedure Set_Echo_Mode (SwitchOn : in Boolean := True)
- is
- function Echo return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Echo, "echo");
- function NoEcho return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, NoEcho, "noecho");
- Err : C_Int;
- begin
- if SwitchOn then
- Err := Echo;
- else
- Err := NoEcho;
- end if;
- if Err = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Set_Echo_Mode;
- procedure Set_Meta_Mode (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- SwitchOn : in Boolean := True)
- is
- function Meta (W : Window; Mode : Curses_Bool) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Meta, "meta");
- begin
- if Meta (Win, Curses_Bool (Boolean'Pos (SwitchOn))) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Set_Meta_Mode;
- procedure Set_KeyPad_Mode (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- SwitchOn : in Boolean := True)
- is
- function Keypad (W : Window; Mode : Curses_Bool) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Keypad, "keypad");
- begin
- if Keypad (Win, Curses_Bool (Boolean'Pos (SwitchOn))) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Set_KeyPad_Mode;
- function Get_KeyPad_Mode (Win : in Window := Standard_Window)
- return Boolean
- is
- begin
- return Get_Flag (Win, Offset_use_keypad);
- end Get_KeyPad_Mode;
- procedure Half_Delay (Amount : in Half_Delay_Amount)
- is
- function Halfdelay (Amount : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Halfdelay, "halfdelay");
- begin
- if Halfdelay (C_Int (Amount)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Half_Delay;
- procedure Set_Flush_On_Interrupt_Mode
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Mode : in Boolean := True)
- is
- function Intrflush (Win : Window; Mode : Curses_Bool) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Intrflush, "intrflush");
- begin
- if Intrflush (Win, Curses_Bool (Boolean'Pos (Mode))) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Set_Flush_On_Interrupt_Mode;
- procedure Set_Queue_Interrupt_Mode
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Flush : in Boolean := True)
- is
- procedure Qiflush;
- pragma Import (C, Qiflush, "qiflush");
- procedure No_Qiflush;
- pragma Import (C, No_Qiflush, "noqiflush");
- begin
- if Flush then
- Qiflush;
- else
- No_Qiflush;
- end if;
- end Set_Queue_Interrupt_Mode;
- procedure Set_NoDelay_Mode
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Mode : in Boolean := False)
- is
- function Nodelay (Win : Window; Mode : Curses_Bool) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Nodelay, "nodelay");
- begin
- if Nodelay (Win, Curses_Bool (Boolean'Pos (Mode))) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Set_NoDelay_Mode;
- procedure Set_Timeout_Mode (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Mode : in Timeout_Mode;
- Amount : in Natural)
- is
- function Wtimeout (Win : Window; Amount : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wtimeout, "wtimeout");
- Time : C_Int;
- begin
- case Mode is
- when Blocking => Time := -1;
- when Non_Blocking => Time := 0;
- when Delayed =>
- if Amount = 0 then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- Time := C_Int (Amount);
- end case;
- if Wtimeout (Win, Time) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Set_Timeout_Mode;
- procedure Set_Escape_Timer_Mode
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Timer_Off : in Boolean := False)
- is
- function Notimeout (Win : Window; Mode : Curses_Bool) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Notimeout, "notimeout");
- begin
- if Notimeout (Win, Curses_Bool (Boolean'Pos (Timer_Off)))
- = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Set_Escape_Timer_Mode;
- procedure Set_NL_Mode (SwitchOn : in Boolean := True)
- is
- function NL return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, NL, "nl");
- function NoNL return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, NoNL, "nonl");
- Err : C_Int;
- begin
- if SwitchOn then
- Err := NL;
- else
- Err := NoNL;
- end if;
- if Err = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Set_NL_Mode;
- procedure Clear_On_Next_Update
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Do_Clear : in Boolean := True)
- is
- function Clear_Ok (W : Window; Flag : Curses_Bool) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Clear_Ok, "clearok");
- begin
- if Clear_Ok (Win, Curses_Bool (Boolean'Pos (Do_Clear))) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Clear_On_Next_Update;
- procedure Use_Insert_Delete_Line
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Do_Idl : in Boolean := True)
- is
- function IDL_Ok (W : Window; Flag : Curses_Bool) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, IDL_Ok, "idlok");
- begin
- if IDL_Ok (Win, Curses_Bool (Boolean'Pos (Do_Idl))) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Use_Insert_Delete_Line;
- procedure Use_Insert_Delete_Character
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Do_Idc : in Boolean := True)
- is
- function IDC_Ok (W : Window; Flag : Curses_Bool) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, IDC_Ok, "idcok");
- begin
- if IDC_Ok (Win, Curses_Bool (Boolean'Pos (Do_Idc))) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Use_Insert_Delete_Character;
- procedure Leave_Cursor_After_Update
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Do_Leave : in Boolean := True)
- is
- function Leave_Ok (W : Window; Flag : Curses_Bool) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Leave_Ok, "leaveok");
- begin
- if Leave_Ok (Win, Curses_Bool (Boolean'Pos (Do_Leave))) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Leave_Cursor_After_Update;
- procedure Immediate_Update_Mode
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Mode : in Boolean := False)
- is
- function Immedok (Win : Window; Mode : Curses_Bool) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Immedok, "immedok");
- begin
- if Immedok (Win, Curses_Bool (Boolean'Pos (Mode))) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Immediate_Update_Mode;
- procedure Allow_Scrolling
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Mode : in Boolean := False)
- is
- function Scrollok (Win : Window; Mode : Curses_Bool) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Scrollok, "scrollok");
- begin
- if Scrollok (Win, Curses_Bool (Boolean'Pos (Mode))) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Allow_Scrolling;
- function Scrolling_Allowed (Win : Window := Standard_Window)
- return Boolean
- is
- begin
- return Get_Flag (Win, Offset_scroll);
- end Scrolling_Allowed;
- procedure Set_Scroll_Region
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Top_Line : in Line_Position;
- Bottom_Line : in Line_Position)
- is
- function Wsetscrreg (Win : Window;
- Lin : C_Int;
- Col : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wsetscrreg, "wsetscrreg");
- begin
- if Wsetscrreg (Win, C_Int (Top_Line), C_Int (Bottom_Line))
- = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Set_Scroll_Region;
- procedure Update_Screen
- is
- function Do_Update return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Do_Update, "doupdate");
- begin
- if Do_Update = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Update_Screen;
- procedure Refresh (Win : in Window := Standard_Window)
- is
- function Wrefresh (W : Window) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wrefresh, "wrefresh");
- begin
- if Wrefresh (Win) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Refresh;
- procedure Refresh_Without_Update
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window)
- is
- function Wnoutrefresh (W : Window) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wnoutrefresh, "wnoutrefresh");
- begin
- if Wnoutrefresh (Win) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Refresh_Without_Update;
- procedure Redraw (Win : in Window := Standard_Window)
- is
- function Redrawwin (Win : Window) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Redrawwin, "redrawwin");
- begin
- if Redrawwin (Win) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Redraw;
- procedure Redraw
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Begin_Line : in Line_Position;
- Line_Count : in Positive)
- is
- function Wredrawln (Win : Window; First : C_Int; Cnt : C_Int)
- return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wredrawln, "wredrawln");
- begin
- if Wredrawln (Win,
- C_Int (Begin_Line),
- C_Int (Line_Count)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Redraw;
- procedure Erase (Win : in Window := Standard_Window)
- is
- function Werase (W : Window) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Werase, "werase");
- begin
- if Werase (Win) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Erase;
- procedure Clear (Win : in Window := Standard_Window)
- is
- function Wclear (W : Window) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wclear, "wclear");
- begin
- if Wclear (Win) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Clear;
- procedure Clear_To_End_Of_Screen (Win : in Window := Standard_Window)
- is
- function Wclearbot (W : Window) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wclearbot, "wclrtobot");
- begin
- if Wclearbot (Win) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Clear_To_End_Of_Screen;
- procedure Clear_To_End_Of_Line (Win : in Window := Standard_Window)
- is
- function Wcleareol (W : Window) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wcleareol, "wclrtoeol");
- begin
- if Wcleareol (Win) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Clear_To_End_Of_Line;
- procedure Set_Background
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Ch : in Attributed_Character)
- is
- procedure WBackground (W : in Window; Ch : in C_Chtype);
- pragma Import (C, WBackground, "wbkgdset");
- begin
- WBackground (Win, AttrChar_To_Chtype (Ch));
- end Set_Background;
- procedure Change_Background
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Ch : in Attributed_Character)
- is
- function WChangeBkgd (W : Window; Ch : C_Chtype) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, WChangeBkgd, "wbkgd");
- begin
- if WChangeBkgd (Win, AttrChar_To_Chtype (Ch)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Change_Background;
- function Get_Background (Win : Window := Standard_Window)
- return Attributed_Character
- is
- function Wgetbkgd (Win : Window) return C_Chtype;
- pragma Import (C, Wgetbkgd, "getbkgd");
- begin
- return Chtype_To_AttrChar (Wgetbkgd (Win));
- end Get_Background;
- procedure Change_Lines_Status (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Start : in Line_Position;
- Count : in Positive;
- State : in Boolean)
- is
- function Wtouchln (Win : Window;
- Sta : C_Int;
- Cnt : C_Int;
- Chg : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wtouchln, "wtouchln");
- begin
- if Wtouchln (Win, C_Int (Start), C_Int (Count),
- C_Int (Boolean'Pos (State))) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Change_Lines_Status;
- procedure Touch (Win : in Window := Standard_Window)
- is
- Y : Line_Position;
- X : Column_Position;
- begin
- Get_Size (Win, Y, X);
- Change_Lines_Status (Win, 0, Positive (Y), True);
- end Touch;
- procedure Untouch (Win : in Window := Standard_Window)
- is
- Y : Line_Position;
- X : Column_Position;
- begin
- Get_Size (Win, Y, X);
- Change_Lines_Status (Win, 0, Positive (Y), False);
- end Untouch;
- procedure Touch (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Start : in Line_Position;
- Count : in Positive)
- is
- begin
- Change_Lines_Status (Win, Start, Count, True);
- end Touch;
- function Is_Touched
- (Win : Window := Standard_Window;
- Line : Line_Position) return Boolean
- is
- function WLineTouched (W : Window; L : C_Int) return Curses_Bool;
- pragma Import (C, WLineTouched, "is_linetouched");
- begin
- if WLineTouched (Win, C_Int (Line)) = Curses_Bool_False then
- return False;
- else
- return True;
- end if;
- end Is_Touched;
- function Is_Touched
- (Win : Window := Standard_Window) return Boolean
- is
- function WWinTouched (W : Window) return Curses_Bool;
- pragma Import (C, WWinTouched, "is_wintouched");
- begin
- if WWinTouched (Win) = Curses_Bool_False then
- return False;
- else
- return True;
- end if;
- end Is_Touched;
- procedure Copy
- (Source_Window : in Window;
- Destination_Window : in Window;
- Source_Top_Row : in Line_Position;
- Source_Left_Column : in Column_Position;
- Destination_Top_Row : in Line_Position;
- Destination_Left_Column : in Column_Position;
- Destination_Bottom_Row : in Line_Position;
- Destination_Right_Column : in Column_Position;
- Non_Destructive_Mode : in Boolean := True)
- is
- function Copywin (Src : Window;
- Dst : Window;
- Str : C_Int;
- Slc : C_Int;
- Dtr : C_Int;
- Dlc : C_Int;
- Dbr : C_Int;
- Drc : C_Int;
- Ndm : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Copywin, "copywin");
- begin
- if Copywin (Source_Window,
- Destination_Window,
- C_Int (Source_Top_Row),
- C_Int (Source_Left_Column),
- C_Int (Destination_Top_Row),
- C_Int (Destination_Left_Column),
- C_Int (Destination_Bottom_Row),
- C_Int (Destination_Right_Column),
- Boolean'Pos (Non_Destructive_Mode)
- ) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Copy;
- procedure Overwrite
- (Source_Window : in Window;
- Destination_Window : in Window)
- is
- function Overwrite (Src : Window; Dst : Window) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Overwrite, "overwrite");
- begin
- if Overwrite (Source_Window, Destination_Window) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Overwrite;
- procedure Overlay
- (Source_Window : in Window;
- Destination_Window : in Window)
- is
- function Overlay (Src : Window; Dst : Window) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Overlay, "overlay");
- begin
- if Overlay (Source_Window, Destination_Window) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Overlay;
- procedure Insert_Delete_Lines
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Lines : in Integer := 1) -- default is to insert one line above
- is
- function Winsdelln (W : Window; N : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Winsdelln, "winsdelln");
- begin
- if Winsdelln (Win, C_Int (Lines)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Insert_Delete_Lines;
- procedure Delete_Line (Win : in Window := Standard_Window)
- is
- begin
- Insert_Delete_Lines (Win, -1);
- end Delete_Line;
- procedure Insert_Line (Win : in Window := Standard_Window)
- is
- begin
- Insert_Delete_Lines (Win, 1);
- end Insert_Line;
- procedure Get_Size
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Number_Of_Lines : out Line_Count;
- Number_Of_Columns : out Column_Count)
- is
- -- Please note: in ncurses they are one off.
- -- This might be different in other implementations of curses
- Y : C_Int := C_Int (W_Get_Short (Win, Offset_maxy)) + C_Int (Offset_XY);
- X : C_Int := C_Int (W_Get_Short (Win, Offset_maxx)) + C_Int (Offset_XY);
- begin
- Number_Of_Lines := Line_Count (Y);
- Number_Of_Columns := Column_Count (X);
- end Get_Size;
- procedure Get_Window_Position
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Top_Left_Line : out Line_Position;
- Top_Left_Column : out Column_Position)
- is
- Y : C_Short := W_Get_Short (Win, Offset_begy);
- X : C_Short := W_Get_Short (Win, Offset_begx);
- begin
- Top_Left_Line := Line_Position (Y);
- Top_Left_Column := Column_Position (X);
- end Get_Window_Position;
- procedure Get_Cursor_Position
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Line : out Line_Position;
- Column : out Column_Position)
- is
- Y : C_Short := W_Get_Short (Win, Offset_cury);
- X : C_Short := W_Get_Short (Win, Offset_curx);
- begin
- Line := Line_Position (Y);
- Column := Column_Position (X);
- end Get_Cursor_Position;
- procedure Get_Origin_Relative_To_Parent
- (Win : in Window;
- Top_Left_Line : out Line_Position;
- Top_Left_Column : out Column_Position;
- Is_Not_A_Subwindow : out Boolean)
- is
- Y : C_Int := W_Get_Int (Win, Offset_pary);
- X : C_Int := W_Get_Int (Win, Offset_parx);
- begin
- if Y = -1 then
- Top_Left_Line := Line_Position'Last;
- Top_Left_Column := Column_Position'Last;
- Is_Not_A_Subwindow := True;
- else
- Top_Left_Line := Line_Position (Y);
- Top_Left_Column := Column_Position (X);
- Is_Not_A_Subwindow := False;
- end if;
- end Get_Origin_Relative_To_Parent;
- function New_Pad (Lines : Line_Count;
- Columns : Column_Count) return Window
- is
- function Newpad (Lines : C_Int; Columns : C_Int) return Window;
- pragma Import (C, Newpad, "newpad");
- W : Window;
- begin
- W := Newpad (C_Int (Lines), C_Int (Columns));
- if W = Null_Window then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- return W;
- end New_Pad;
- function Sub_Pad
- (Pad : Window;
- Number_Of_Lines : Line_Count;
- Number_Of_Columns : Column_Count;
- First_Line_Position : Line_Position;
- First_Column_Position : Column_Position) return Window
- is
- function Subpad
- (Pad : Window;
- Number_Of_Lines : C_Int;
- Number_Of_Columns : C_Int;
- First_Line_Position : C_Int;
- First_Column_Position : C_Int) return Window;
- pragma Import (C, Subpad, "subpad");
- W : Window;
- begin
- W := Subpad (Pad,
- C_Int (Number_Of_Lines),
- C_Int (Number_Of_Columns),
- C_Int (First_Line_Position),
- C_Int (First_Column_Position));
- if W = Null_Window then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- return W;
- end Sub_Pad;
- procedure Refresh
- (Pad : in Window;
- Source_Top_Row : in Line_Position;
- Source_Left_Column : in Column_Position;
- Destination_Top_Row : in Line_Position;
- Destination_Left_Column : in Column_Position;
- Destination_Bottom_Row : in Line_Position;
- Destination_Right_Column : in Column_Position)
- is
- function Prefresh
- (Pad : Window;
- Source_Top_Row : C_Int;
- Source_Left_Column : C_Int;
- Destination_Top_Row : C_Int;
- Destination_Left_Column : C_Int;
- Destination_Bottom_Row : C_Int;
- Destination_Right_Column : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Prefresh, "prefresh");
- begin
- if Prefresh (Pad,
- C_Int (Source_Top_Row),
- C_Int (Source_Left_Column),
- C_Int (Destination_Top_Row),
- C_Int (Destination_Left_Column),
- C_Int (Destination_Bottom_Row),
- C_Int (Destination_Right_Column)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Refresh;
- procedure Refresh_Without_Update
- (Pad : in Window;
- Source_Top_Row : in Line_Position;
- Source_Left_Column : in Column_Position;
- Destination_Top_Row : in Line_Position;
- Destination_Left_Column : in Column_Position;
- Destination_Bottom_Row : in Line_Position;
- Destination_Right_Column : in Column_Position)
- is
- function Pnoutrefresh
- (Pad : Window;
- Source_Top_Row : C_Int;
- Source_Left_Column : C_Int;
- Destination_Top_Row : C_Int;
- Destination_Left_Column : C_Int;
- Destination_Bottom_Row : C_Int;
- Destination_Right_Column : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Pnoutrefresh, "pnoutrefresh");
- begin
- if Pnoutrefresh (Pad,
- C_Int (Source_Top_Row),
- C_Int (Source_Left_Column),
- C_Int (Destination_Top_Row),
- C_Int (Destination_Left_Column),
- C_Int (Destination_Bottom_Row),
- C_Int (Destination_Right_Column)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Refresh_Without_Update;
- procedure Add_Character_To_Pad_And_Echo_It
- (Pad : in Window;
- Ch : in Attributed_Character)
- is
- function Pechochar (Pad : Window; Ch : C_Chtype)
- return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Pechochar, "pechochar");
- begin
- if Pechochar (Pad, AttrChar_To_Chtype (Ch)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Add_Character_To_Pad_And_Echo_It;
- procedure Add_Character_To_Pad_And_Echo_It
- (Pad : in Window;
- Ch : in Character)
- is
- begin
- Add_Character_To_Pad_And_Echo_It
- (Pad,
- Attributed_Character'(Ch => Ch,
- Color => Color_Pair'First,
- Attr => Normal_Video));
- end Add_Character_To_Pad_And_Echo_It;
- procedure Scroll (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Amount : in Integer := 1)
- is
- function Wscrl (Win : Window; N : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wscrl, "wscrl");
- begin
- if Wscrl (Win, C_Int (Amount)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Scroll;
- procedure Delete_Character (Win : in Window := Standard_Window)
- is
- function Wdelch (Win : Window) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wdelch, "wdelch");
- begin
- if Wdelch (Win) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Delete_Character;
- procedure Delete_Character
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Line : in Line_Position;
- Column : in Column_Position)
- is
- function Mvwdelch (Win : Window;
- Lin : C_Int;
- Col : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Mvwdelch, "mvwdelch");
- begin
- if Mvwdelch (Win, C_Int (Line), C_Int (Column)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Delete_Character;
- function Peek (Win : Window := Standard_Window)
- return Attributed_Character
- is
- function Winch (Win : Window) return C_Chtype;
- pragma Import (C, Winch, "winch");
- begin
- return Chtype_To_AttrChar (Winch (Win));
- end Peek;
- function Peek
- (Win : Window := Standard_Window;
- Line : Line_Position;
- Column : Column_Position) return Attributed_Character
- is
- function Mvwinch (Win : Window;
- Lin : C_Int;
- Col : C_Int) return C_Chtype;
- pragma Import (C, Mvwinch, "mvwinch");
- begin
- return Chtype_To_AttrChar (Mvwinch (Win, C_Int (Line), C_Int (Column)));
- end Peek;
- procedure Insert (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Ch : in Attributed_Character)
- is
- function Winsch (Win : Window; Ch : C_Chtype) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Winsch, "winsch");
- begin
- if Winsch (Win, AttrChar_To_Chtype (Ch)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Insert;
- procedure Insert
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Line : in Line_Position;
- Column : in Column_Position;
- Ch : in Attributed_Character)
- is
- function Mvwinsch (Win : Window;
- Lin : C_Int;
- Col : C_Int;
- Ch : C_Chtype) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Mvwinsch, "mvwinsch");
- begin
- if Mvwinsch (Win,
- C_Int (Line),
- C_Int (Column),
- AttrChar_To_Chtype (Ch)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Insert;
- procedure Insert (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Str : in String;
- Len : in Integer := -1)
- is
- function Winsnstr (Win : Window;
- Str : char_array;
- Len : Integer := -1) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Winsnstr, "winsnstr");
- Txt : char_array (0 .. Str'Length);
- Length : size_t;
- begin
- To_C (Str, Txt, Length);
- if Winsnstr (Win, Txt, Len) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Insert;
- procedure Insert
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Line : in Line_Position;
- Column : in Column_Position;
- Str : in String;
- Len : in Integer := -1)
- is
- function Mvwinsnstr (Win : Window;
- Line : C_Int;
- Column : C_Int;
- Str : char_array;
- Len : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Mvwinsnstr, "mvwinsnstr");
- Txt : char_array (0 .. Str'Length);
- Length : size_t;
- begin
- To_C (Str, Txt, Length);
- if Mvwinsnstr (Win, C_Int (Line), C_Int (Column), Txt, C_Int (Len))
- = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Insert;
- procedure Peek (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Str : out String;
- Len : in Integer := -1)
- is
- function Winnstr (Win : Window;
- Str : char_array;
- Len : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Winnstr, "winnstr");
- N : Integer := Len;
- Txt : char_array (0 .. Str'Length);
- Cnt : Natural;
- begin
- if N < 0 then
- N := Str'Length;
- end if;
- if N > Str'Length then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- Txt (0) := Interfaces.C.char'First;
- if Winnstr (Win, Txt, C_Int (N)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- To_Ada (Txt, Str, Cnt, True);
- if Cnt < Str'Length then
- Str ((Str'First + Cnt) .. Str'Last) := (others => ' ');
- end if;
- end Peek;
- procedure Peek
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Line : in Line_Position;
- Column : in Column_Position;
- Str : out String;
- Len : in Integer := -1)
- is
- begin
- Move_Cursor (Win, Line, Column);
- Peek (Win, Str, Len);
- end Peek;
- procedure Peek
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Str : out Attributed_String;
- Len : in Integer := -1)
- is
- function Winchnstr (Win : Window;
- Str : chtype_array; -- out
- Len : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Winchnstr, "winchnstr");
- N : Integer := Len;
- Txt : chtype_array (0 .. Str'Length) := (0 => Default_Character);
- Cnt : Natural := 0;
- begin
- if N < 0 then
- N := Str'Length;
- end if;
- if N > Str'Length then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- if Winchnstr (Win, Txt, C_Int (N)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- for To in Str'Range loop
- exit when Txt (size_t (Cnt)) = Default_Character;
- Str (To) := Txt (size_t (Cnt));
- Cnt := Cnt + 1;
- end loop;
- if Cnt < Str'Length then
- Str ((Str'First + Cnt) .. Str'Last) :=
- (others => (Ch => ' ',
- Color => Color_Pair'First,
- Attr => Normal_Video));
- end if;
- end Peek;
- procedure Peek
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Line : in Line_Position;
- Column : in Column_Position;
- Str : out Attributed_String;
- Len : in Integer := -1)
- is
- begin
- Move_Cursor (Win, Line, Column);
- Peek (Win, Str, Len);
- end Peek;
- procedure Get (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Str : out String;
- Len : in Integer := -1)
- is
- function Wgetnstr (Win : Window;
- Str : char_array;
- Len : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Wgetnstr, "wgetnstr");
- N : Integer := Len;
- Txt : char_array (0 .. Str'Length);
- Cnt : Natural;
- begin
- if N < 0 then
- N := Str'Length;
- end if;
- if N > Str'Length then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- Txt (0) := Interfaces.C.char'First;
- if Wgetnstr (Win, Txt, C_Int (N)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- To_Ada (Txt, Str, Cnt, True);
- if Cnt < Str'Length then
- Str ((Str'First + Cnt) .. Str'Last) := (others => ' ');
- end if;
- end Get;
- procedure Get
- (Win : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Line : in Line_Position;
- Column : in Column_Position;
- Str : out String;
- Len : in Integer := -1)
- is
- begin
- Move_Cursor (Win, Line, Column);
- Get (Win, Str, Len);
- end Get;
- procedure Init_Soft_Label_Keys
- (Format : in Soft_Label_Key_Format := Three_Two_Three)
- is
- function Slk_Init (Fmt : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Slk_Init, "slk_init");
- begin
- if Slk_Init (Soft_Label_Key_Format'Pos (Format)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Init_Soft_Label_Keys;
- procedure Set_Soft_Label_Key (Label : in Label_Number;
- Text : in String;
- Fmt : in Label_Justification := Left)
- is
- function Slk_Set (Label : C_Int;
- Txt : char_array;
- Fmt : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Slk_Set, "slk_set");
- Txt : char_array (0 .. Text'Length);
- Len : size_t;
- begin
- To_C (Text, Txt, Len);
- if Slk_Set (C_Int (Label), Txt,
- C_Int (Label_Justification'Pos (Fmt))) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Set_Soft_Label_Key;
- procedure Refresh_Soft_Label_Keys
- is
- function Slk_Refresh return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Slk_Refresh, "slk_refresh");
- begin
- if Slk_Refresh = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Refresh_Soft_Label_Keys;
- procedure Refresh_Soft_Label_Keys_Without_Update
- is
- function Slk_Noutrefresh return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Slk_Noutrefresh, "slk_noutrefresh");
- begin
- if Slk_Noutrefresh = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Refresh_Soft_Label_Keys_Without_Update;
- procedure Get_Soft_Label_Key (Label : in Label_Number;
- Text : out String)
- is
- function Slk_Label (Label : C_Int) return chars_ptr;
- pragma Import (C, Slk_Label, "slk_label");
- begin
- Fill_String (Slk_Label (C_Int (Label)), Text);
- end Get_Soft_Label_Key;
- function Get_Soft_Label_Key (Label : in Label_Number) return String
- is
- function Slk_Label (Label : C_Int) return chars_ptr;
- pragma Import (C, Slk_Label, "slk_label");
- begin
- return Fill_String (Slk_Label (C_Int (Label)));
- end Get_Soft_Label_Key;
- procedure Clear_Soft_Label_Keys
- is
- function Slk_Clear return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Slk_Clear, "slk_clear");
- begin
- if Slk_Clear = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Clear_Soft_Label_Keys;
- procedure Restore_Soft_Label_Keys
- is
- function Slk_Restore return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Slk_Restore, "slk_restore");
- begin
- if Slk_Restore = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Restore_Soft_Label_Keys;
- procedure Touch_Soft_Label_Keys
- is
- function Slk_Touch return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Slk_Touch, "slk_touch");
- begin
- if Slk_Touch = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Touch_Soft_Label_Keys;
- procedure Switch_Soft_Label_Key_Attributes
- (Attr : in Character_Attribute_Set;
- On : in Boolean := True)
- is
- function Slk_Attron (Ch : C_Chtype) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Slk_Attron, "slk_attron");
- function Slk_Attroff (Ch : C_Chtype) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Slk_Attroff, "slk_attroff");
- Err : C_Int;
- Ch : constant Attributed_Character := (Ch => Character'First,
- Attr => Attr,
- Color => Color_Pair'First);
- begin
- if On then
- Err := Slk_Attron (AttrChar_To_Chtype (Ch));
- else
- Err := Slk_Attroff (AttrChar_To_Chtype (Ch));
- end if;
- if Err = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Switch_Soft_Label_Key_Attributes;
- procedure Set_Soft_Label_Key_Attributes
- (Attr : in Character_Attribute_Set := Normal_Video;
- Color : in Color_Pair := Color_Pair'First)
- is
- function Slk_Attrset (Ch : C_Chtype) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Slk_Attrset, "slk_attrset");
- Ch : constant Attributed_Character := (Ch => Character'First,
- Attr => Attr,
- Color => Color);
- begin
- if Slk_Attrset (AttrChar_To_Chtype (Ch)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Set_Soft_Label_Key_Attributes;
- function Get_Soft_Label_Key_Attributes return Character_Attribute_Set
- is
- function Slk_Attr return C_Chtype;
- pragma Import (C, Slk_Attr, "slk_attr");
- Attr : constant C_Chtype := Slk_Attr;
- begin
- return Chtype_To_AttrChar (Attr).Attr;
- end Get_Soft_Label_Key_Attributes;
- function Get_Soft_Label_Key_Attributes return Color_Pair
- is
- function Slk_Attr return C_Chtype;
- pragma Import (C, Slk_Attr, "slk_attr");
- Attr : constant C_Chtype := Slk_Attr;
- begin
- return Chtype_To_AttrChar (Attr).Color;
- end Get_Soft_Label_Key_Attributes;
- procedure Set_Soft_Label_Key_Color (Pair : in Color_Pair)
- is
- function Slk_Color (Color : in C_Short) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Slk_Color, "slk_color");
- begin
- if Slk_Color (C_Short (Pair)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Set_Soft_Label_Key_Color;
- procedure Enable_Key (Key : in Special_Key_Code;
- Enable : in Boolean := True)
- is
- function Keyok (Keycode : C_Int;
- On_Off : Curses_Bool) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Keyok, "keyok");
- begin
- if Keyok (C_Int (Key), Curses_Bool (Boolean'Pos (Enable)))
- = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Enable_Key;
- procedure Define_Key (Definition : in String;
- Key : in Special_Key_Code)
- is
- function Defkey (Def : char_array;
- Key : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Defkey, "define_key");
- Txt : char_array (0 .. Definition'Length);
- Length : size_t;
- begin
- To_C (Definition, Txt, Length);
- if Defkey (Txt, C_Int (Key)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Define_Key;
- procedure Un_Control (Ch : in Attributed_Character;
- Str : out String)
- is
- function Unctrl (Ch : C_Chtype) return chars_ptr;
- pragma Import (C, Unctrl, "unctrl");
- begin
- Fill_String (Unctrl (AttrChar_To_Chtype (Ch)), Str);
- end Un_Control;
- function Un_Control (Ch : in Attributed_Character) return String
- is
- function Unctrl (Ch : C_Chtype) return chars_ptr;
- pragma Import (C, Unctrl, "unctrl");
- begin
- return Fill_String (Unctrl (AttrChar_To_Chtype (Ch)));
- end Un_Control;
- procedure Delay_Output (Msecs : in Natural)
- is
- function Delayoutput (Msecs : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Delayoutput, "delay_output");
- begin
- if Delayoutput (C_Int (Msecs)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Delay_Output;
- procedure Flush_Input
- is
- function Flushinp return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Flushinp, "flushinp");
- begin
- if Flushinp = Curses_Err then -- docu says that never happens, but...
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Flush_Input;
- function Baudrate return Natural
- is
- function Baud return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Baud, "baudrate");
- begin
- return Natural (Baud);
- end Baudrate;
- function Erase_Character return Character
- is
- function Erasechar return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Erasechar, "erasechar");
- begin
- return Character'Val (Erasechar);
- end Erase_Character;
- function Kill_Character return Character
- is
- function Killchar return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Killchar, "killchar");
- begin
- return Character'Val (Killchar);
- end Kill_Character;
- function Has_Insert_Character return Boolean
- is
- function Has_Ic return Curses_Bool;
- pragma Import (C, Has_Ic, "has_ic");
- begin
- if Has_Ic = Curses_Bool_False then
- return False;
- else
- return True;
- end if;
- end Has_Insert_Character;
- function Has_Insert_Line return Boolean
- is
- function Has_Il return Curses_Bool;
- pragma Import (C, Has_Il, "has_il");
- begin
- if Has_Il = Curses_Bool_False then
- return False;
- else
- return True;
- end if;
- end Has_Insert_Line;
- function Supported_Attributes return Character_Attribute_Set
- is
- function Termattrs return C_Chtype;
- pragma Import (C, Termattrs, "termattrs");
- Ch : constant Attributed_Character := Chtype_To_AttrChar (Termattrs);
- begin
- return Ch.Attr;
- end Supported_Attributes;
- procedure Long_Name (Name : out String)
- is
- function Longname return chars_ptr;
- pragma Import (C, Longname, "longname");
- begin
- Fill_String (Longname, Name);
- end Long_Name;
- function Long_Name return String
- is
- function Longname return chars_ptr;
- pragma Import (C, Longname, "longname");
- begin
- return Fill_String (Longname);
- end Long_Name;
- procedure Terminal_Name (Name : out String)
- is
- function Termname return chars_ptr;
- pragma Import (C, Termname, "termname");
- begin
- Fill_String (Termname, Name);
- end Terminal_Name;
- function Terminal_Name return String
- is
- function Termname return chars_ptr;
- pragma Import (C, Termname, "termname");
- begin
- return Fill_String (Termname);
- end Terminal_Name;
- procedure Init_Pair (Pair : in Redefinable_Color_Pair;
- Fore : in Color_Number;
- Back : in Color_Number)
- is
- function Initpair (Pair : C_Short;
- Fore : C_Short;
- Back : C_Short) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Initpair, "init_pair");
- begin
- if Integer (Pair) >= Number_Of_Color_Pairs then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- if Integer (Fore) >= Number_Of_Colors or else
- Integer (Back) >= Number_Of_Colors then raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- if Initpair (C_Short (Pair), C_Short (Fore), C_Short (Back))
- = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Init_Pair;
- procedure Pair_Content (Pair : in Color_Pair;
- Fore : out Color_Number;
- Back : out Color_Number)
- is
- type C_Short_Access is access all C_Short;
- function Paircontent (Pair : C_Short;
- Fp : C_Short_Access;
- Bp : C_Short_Access) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Paircontent, "pair_content");
- F, B : aliased C_Short;
- begin
- if Paircontent (C_Short (Pair), F'Access, B'Access) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- else
- Fore := Color_Number (F);
- Back := Color_Number (B);
- end if;
- end Pair_Content;
- function Has_Colors return Boolean
- is
- function Hascolors return Curses_Bool;
- pragma Import (C, Hascolors, "has_colors");
- begin
- if Hascolors = Curses_Bool_False then
- return False;
- else
- return True;
- end if;
- end Has_Colors;
- procedure Init_Color (Color : in Color_Number;
- Red : in RGB_Value;
- Green : in RGB_Value;
- Blue : in RGB_Value)
- is
- function Initcolor (Col : C_Short;
- Red : C_Short;
- Green : C_Short;
- Blue : C_Short) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Initcolor, "init_color");
- begin
- if Initcolor (C_Short (Color), C_Short (Red), C_Short (Green),
- C_Short (Blue)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Init_Color;
- function Can_Change_Color return Boolean
- is
- function Canchangecolor return Curses_Bool;
- pragma Import (C, Canchangecolor, "can_change_color");
- begin
- if Canchangecolor = Curses_Bool_False then
- return False;
- else
- return True;
- end if;
- end Can_Change_Color;
- procedure Color_Content (Color : in Color_Number;
- Red : out RGB_Value;
- Green : out RGB_Value;
- Blue : out RGB_Value)
- is
- type C_Short_Access is access all C_Short;
- function Colorcontent (Color : C_Short; R, G, B : C_Short_Access)
- return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Colorcontent, "color_content");
- R, G, B : aliased C_Short;
- begin
- if Colorcontent (C_Short (Color), R'Access, G'Access, B'Access) =
- Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- else
- Red := RGB_Value (R);
- Green := RGB_Value (G);
- Blue := RGB_Value (B);
- end if;
- end Color_Content;
- procedure Save_Curses_Mode (Mode : in Curses_Mode)
- is
- function Def_Prog_Mode return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Def_Prog_Mode, "def_prog_mode");
- function Def_Shell_Mode return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Def_Shell_Mode, "def_shell_mode");
- Err : C_Int;
- begin
- case Mode is
- when Curses => Err := Def_Prog_Mode;
- when Shell => Err := Def_Shell_Mode;
- end case;
- if Err = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Save_Curses_Mode;
- procedure Reset_Curses_Mode (Mode : in Curses_Mode)
- is
- function Reset_Prog_Mode return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Reset_Prog_Mode, "reset_prog_mode");
- function Reset_Shell_Mode return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Reset_Shell_Mode, "reset_shell_mode");
- Err : C_Int;
- begin
- case Mode is
- when Curses => Err := Reset_Prog_Mode;
- when Shell => Err := Reset_Shell_Mode;
- end case;
- if Err = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Reset_Curses_Mode;
- procedure Save_Terminal_State
- is
- function Savetty return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Savetty, "savetty");
- begin
- if Savetty = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Save_Terminal_State;
- procedure Reset_Terminal_State
- is
- function Resetty return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Resetty, "resetty");
- begin
- if Resetty = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Reset_Terminal_State;
- procedure Rip_Off_Lines (Lines : in Integer;
- Proc : in Stdscr_Init_Proc)
- is
- function Ripoffline (Lines : C_Int;
- Proc : Stdscr_Init_Proc) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Ripoffline, "_nc_ripoffline");
- begin
- if Ripoffline (C_Int (Lines), Proc) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Rip_Off_Lines;
- procedure Set_Cursor_Visibility (Visibility : in out Cursor_Visibility)
- is
- function Curs_Set (Curs : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Curs_Set, "curs_set");
- Res : C_Int;
- begin
- Res := Curs_Set (Cursor_Visibility'Pos (Visibility));
- if Res /= Curses_Err then
- Visibility := Cursor_Visibility'Val (Res);
- end if;
- end Set_Cursor_Visibility;
- procedure Nap_Milli_Seconds (Ms : in Natural)
- is
- function Napms (Ms : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Napms, "napms");
- begin
- if Napms (C_Int (Ms)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Nap_Milli_Seconds;
- function Standard_Window return Window
- is
- Stdscr : Window;
- pragma Import (C, Stdscr, "stdscr");
- begin
- return Stdscr;
- end Standard_Window;
- function Lines return Line_Count
- is
- C_Lines : C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, C_Lines, "LINES");
- begin
- return Line_Count (C_Lines);
- end Lines;
- function Columns return Column_Count
- is
- C_Columns : C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, C_Columns, "COLS");
- begin
- return Column_Count (C_Columns);
- end Columns;
- function Tab_Size return Natural
- is
- C_Tab_Size : C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, C_Tab_Size, "TABSIZE");
- begin
- return Natural (C_Tab_Size);
- end Tab_Size;
- function Number_Of_Colors return Natural
- is
- C_Number_Of_Colors : C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, C_Number_Of_Colors, "COLORS");
- begin
- return Natural (C_Number_Of_Colors);
- end Number_Of_Colors;
- function Number_Of_Color_Pairs return Natural
- is
- C_Number_Of_Color_Pairs : C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, C_Number_Of_Color_Pairs, "COLOR_PAIRS");
- begin
- return Natural (C_Number_Of_Color_Pairs);
- end Number_Of_Color_Pairs;
- procedure Transform_Coordinates
- (W : in Window := Standard_Window;
- Line : in out Line_Position;
- Column : in out Column_Position;
- Dir : in Transform_Direction := From_Screen)
- is
- type Int_Access is access all C_Int;
- function Transform (W : Window;
- Y, X : Int_Access;
- Dir : Curses_Bool) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, Transform, "wmouse_trafo");
- X : aliased C_Int := C_Int (Column);
- Y : aliased C_Int := C_Int (Line);
- D : Curses_Bool := Curses_Bool_False;
- R : C_Int;
- begin
- if Dir = To_Screen then
- D := 1;
- end if;
- R := Transform (W, Y'Access, X'Access, D);
- if R = Curses_False then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- else
- Line := Line_Position (Y);
- Column := Column_Position (X);
- end if;
- end Transform_Coordinates;
- procedure Use_Default_Colors is
- function C_Use_Default_Colors return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, C_Use_Default_Colors, "use_default_colors");
- Err : constant C_Int := C_Use_Default_Colors;
- begin
- if Err = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Use_Default_Colors;
- procedure Assume_Default_Colors (Fore : Color_Number := Default_Color;
- Back : Color_Number := Default_Color)
- is
- function C_Assume_Default_Colors (Fore : C_Int;
- Back : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, C_Assume_Default_Colors, "assume_default_colors");
- Err : constant C_Int := C_Assume_Default_Colors (C_Int (Fore),
- C_Int (Black));
- begin
- if Err = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Assume_Default_Colors;
- function Curses_Version return String
- is
- function curses_versionC return chars_ptr;
- pragma Import (C, curses_versionC, "curses_version");
- Result : constant chars_ptr := curses_versionC;
- begin
- return Fill_String (Result);
- end Curses_Version;
- function Use_Extended_Names (Enable : Boolean) return Boolean
- is
- function use_extended_namesC (e : Curses_Bool) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, use_extended_namesC, "use_extended_names");
- Res : constant C_Int :=
- use_extended_namesC (Curses_Bool (Boolean'Pos (Enable)));
- begin
- if Res = C_Int (Curses_Bool_False) then
- return False;
- else
- return True;
- end if;
- end Use_Extended_Names;
- procedure Screen_Dump_To_File (Filename : in String)
- is
- function scr_dump (f : char_array) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, scr_dump, "scr_dump");
- Txt : char_array (0 .. Filename'Length);
- Length : size_t;
- begin
- To_C (Filename, Txt, Length);
- if Curses_Err = scr_dump (Txt) then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Screen_Dump_To_File;
- procedure Screen_Restore_From_File (Filename : in String)
- is
- function scr_restore (f : char_array) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, scr_restore, "scr_restore");
- Txt : char_array (0 .. Filename'Length);
- Length : size_t;
- begin
- To_C (Filename, Txt, Length);
- if Curses_Err = scr_restore (Txt) then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Screen_Restore_From_File;
- procedure Screen_Init_From_File (Filename : in String)
- is
- function scr_init (f : char_array) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, scr_init, "scr_init");
- Txt : char_array (0 .. Filename'Length);
- Length : size_t;
- begin
- To_C (Filename, Txt, Length);
- if Curses_Err = scr_init (Txt) then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Screen_Init_From_File;
- procedure Screen_Set_File (Filename : in String)
- is
- function scr_set (f : char_array) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, scr_set, "scr_set");
- Txt : char_array (0 .. Filename'Length);
- Length : size_t;
- begin
- To_C (Filename, Txt, Length);
- if Curses_Err = scr_set (Txt) then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Screen_Set_File;
- procedure Resize (Win : Window := Standard_Window;
- Number_Of_Lines : Line_Count;
- Number_Of_Columns : Column_Count) is
- function wresize (win : Window;
- lines : C_Int;
- columns : C_Int) return C_Int;
- pragma Import (C, wresize);
- begin
- if wresize (Win,
- C_Int (Number_Of_Lines),
- C_Int (Number_Of_Columns)) = Curses_Err then
- raise Curses_Exception;
- end if;
- end Resize;
-end Terminal_Interface.Curses;