path: root/ncurses-5.2/doc/html/man/curs_addch.3x.html
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-<!-- Manpage converted by man2html 3.0.1 -->
- <B>addch</B>, <B>waddch</B>, <B>mvaddch</B>, <B>mvwaddch</B>, <B>echochar</B>, <B>wechochar</B> -
- add a character (with attributes) to a <B>curses</B> window, then
- advance the cursor
- <B>#include</B> <B>&lt;curses.h&gt;</B>
- <B>int</B> <B>addch(chtype</B> <B>ch);</B>
- <B>int</B> <B>waddch(WINDOW</B> <B>*win,</B> <B>chtype</B> <B>ch);</B>
- <B>int</B> <B>mvaddch(int</B> <B>y,</B> <B>int</B> <B>x,</B> <B>chtype</B> <B>ch);</B>
- <B>int</B> <B>mvwaddch(WINDOW</B> <B>*win,</B> <B>int</B> <B>y,</B> <B>int</B> <B>x,</B> <B>chtype</B> <B>ch);</B>
- <B>int</B> <B>echochar(chtype</B> <B>ch);</B>
- <B>int</B> <B>wechochar(WINDOW</B> <B>*win,</B> <B>chtype</B> <B>ch);</B>
- The <B>addch</B>, <B>waddch</B>, <B>mvaddch</B> and <B>mvwaddch</B> routines put the
- character <I>ch</I> into the given window at its current window
- position, which is then advanced. They are analogous to
- <B>putchar</B> in <B><A HREF="stdio.3.html">stdio(3)</A></B>. If the advance is at the right mar-
- gin, the cursor automatically wraps to the beginning of
- the next line. At the bottom of the current scrolling
- region, if <B>scrollok</B> is enabled, the scrolling region is
- scrolled up one line.
- If <I>ch</I> is a tab, newline, or backspace, the cursor is moved
- appropriately within the window. Backspace moves the cur-
- sor one character left; at the left edge of a window it
- does nothing. Newline does a <B>clrtoeol</B>, then moves the
- cursor to the window left margin on the next line,
- scrolling the window if on the last line). Tabs are con-
- sidered to be at every eighth column.
- If <I>ch</I> is any control character other than tab, newline, or
- backspace, it is drawn in <B>^</B><I>X</I> notation. Calling <B>winch</B>
- after adding a control character does not return the char-
- acter itself, but instead returns the ^-representation of
- the control character.
- Video attributes can be combined with a character argument
- passed to <B>addch</B> or related functions by logical-ORing them
- into the character. (Thus, text, including attributes,
- can be copied from one place to another using <B>inch</B> and
- <B>addch</B>.). See the <B><A HREF="curs_attr.3x.html">curs_attr(3x)</A></B> page for values of prede-
- fined video attribute constants that can be usefully OR'ed
- into characters.
- The <B>echochar</B> and <B>wechochar</B> routines are equivalent to a
- call to <B>addch</B> followed by a call to <B>refresh</B>, or a call to
- <B>waddch</B> followed by a call to <B>wrefresh</B>. The knowledge that
- only a single character is being output is used and, for
- non-control characters, a considerable performance gain
- may be seen by using these routines instead of their
- equivalents.
- <B>Line</B> <B>Graphics</B>
- The following variables may be used to add line drawing
- characters to the screen with routines of the <B>addch</B> fam-
- ily. The default character listed below is used if the
- <B>acsc</B> capability doesn't define a terminal-specific
- replacement for it (but see the EXTENSIONS section below).
- The names are taken from VT100 nomenclature.
- <I>Name</I> <I>Default</I> <I>Description</I>
- --------------------------------------------------
- ACS_BLOCK # solid square block
- ACS_BOARD # board of squares
- ACS_BTEE + bottom tee
- ACS_BULLET o bullet
- ACS_CKBOARD : checker board (stipple)
- ACS_DARROW v arrow pointing down
- ACS_DEGREE ' degree symbol
- ACS_DIAMOND + diamond
- ACS_GEQUAL &gt; greater-than-or-equal-to
- ACS_HLINE - horizontal line
- ACS_LANTERN # lantern symbol
- ACS_LARROW &lt; arrow pointing left
- ACS_LEQUAL &lt; less-than-or-equal-to
- ACS_LLCORNER + lower left-hand corner
- ACS_LRCORNER + lower right-hand corner
- ACS_LTEE + left tee
- ACS_NEQUAL ! not-equal
- ACS_PI * greek pi
- ACS_PLMINUS # plus/minus
- ACS_PLUS + plus
- ACS_RARROW &gt; arrow pointing right
- ACS_RTEE + right tee
- ACS_S1 - scan line 1
- ACS_S3 - scan line 3
- ACS_S7 - scan line 7
- ACS_S9 _ scan line 9
- ACS_STERLING f pound-sterling symbol
- ACS_TTEE + top tee
- ACS_UARROW ^ arrow pointing up
- ACS_ULCORNER + upper left-hand corner
- ACS_URCORNER + upper right-hand corner
- ACS_VLINE | vertical line
- All routines return the integer <B>ERR</B> upon failure and <B>OK</B> on
- success (the SVr4 manuals specify only "an integer value
- other than <B>ERR</B>") upon successful completion, unless other-
- wise noted in the preceding routine descriptions.
- Note that <B>addch</B>, <B>mvaddch</B>, <B>mvwaddch</B>, and <B>echochar</B> may be
- macros.
- All these functions are described in the XSI Curses stan-
- dard, Issue 4. The defaults specified for forms-drawing
- characters apply in the POSIX locale.
- ACS_PI, ACS_NEQUAL, ACS_STERLING) were not documented in
- any publicly released System V. However, many publicly
- available terminfos include <B>acsc</B> strings in which their
- key characters (pryz{|}) are embedded, and a second-hand
- list of their character descriptions has come to light.
- The ACS-prefixed names for them were invented for
- <B><A HREF="ncurses.3x.html">ncurses(3x)</A></B>.
- <B><A HREF="ncurses.3x.html">curses(3x)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="curs_attr.3x.html">curs_attr(3x)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="curs_clear.3x.html">curs_clear(3x)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="curs_inch.3x.html">curs_inch(3x)</A></B>,
- <B><A HREF="curs_outopts.3x.html">curs_outopts(3x)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="curs_refresh.3x.html">curs_refresh(3x)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="putc.3S.html">putc(3S)</A></B>.
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