path: root/gsl-1.9/monte/vegas.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'gsl-1.9/monte/vegas.c')
1 files changed, 864 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gsl-1.9/monte/vegas.c b/gsl-1.9/monte/vegas.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a3eb21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gsl-1.9/monte/vegas.c
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+/* monte/vegas.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Michael Booth
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+ * your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+/* Author: MJB */
+/* Modified by: Brian Gough, 12/2000 */
+/* This is an implementation of the adaptive Monte-Carlo algorithm
+ of G. P. Lepage, originally described in J. Comp. Phys. 27, 192(1978).
+ The current version of the algorithm was described in the Cornell
+ preprint CLNS-80/447 of March, 1980.
+ This code follows most closely the c version by D.R.Yennie, coded
+ in 1984.
+ The input coordinates are x[j], with upper and lower limits xu[j]
+ and xl[j]. The integration length in the j-th direction is
+ delx[j]. Each coordinate x[j] is rescaled to a variable y[j] in
+ the range 0 to 1. The range is divided into bins with boundaries
+ xi[i][j], where i=0 corresponds to y=0 and i=bins to y=1. The grid
+ is refined (ie, bins are adjusted) using d[i][j] which is some
+ variation on the squared sum. A third parameter used in defining
+ the real coordinate using random numbers is called z. It ranges
+ from 0 to bins. Its integer part gives the lower index of the bin
+ into which a call is to be placed, and the remainder gives the
+ location inside the bin.
+ When stratified sampling is used the bins are grouped into boxes,
+ and the algorithm allocates an equal number of function calls to
+ each box.
+ The variable alpha controls how "stiff" the rebinning algorithm is.
+ alpha = 0 means never change the grid. Alpha is typically set between
+ 1 and 2.
+ */
+/* configuration headers */
+#include <config.h>
+/* standard headers */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* gsl headers */
+#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_monte_vegas.h>
+/* lib-specific headers */
+#define BINS_MAX 50 /* even integer, will be divided by two */
+/* A separable grid with coordinates and values */
+#define COORD(s,i,j) ((s)->xi[(i)*(s)->dim + (j)])
+#define NEW_COORD(s,i) ((s)->xin[(i)])
+#define VALUE(s,i,j) ((s)->d[(i)*(s)->dim + (j)])
+/* predeclare functions */
+typedef int coord;
+static void init_grid (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s, double xl[], double xu[],
+ size_t dim);
+static void reset_grid_values (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s);
+static void init_box_coord (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s, coord box[]);
+static int change_box_coord (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s, coord box[]);
+static void accumulate_distribution (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s, coord bin[],
+ double y);
+static void random_point (double x[], coord bin[], double *bin_vol,
+ const coord box[],
+ const double xl[], const double xu[],
+ gsl_monte_vegas_state * s, gsl_rng * r);
+static void resize_grid (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s, unsigned int bins);
+static void refine_grid (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s);
+static void print_lim (gsl_monte_vegas_state * state,
+ double xl[], double xu[], unsigned long dim);
+static void print_head (gsl_monte_vegas_state * state,
+ unsigned long num_dim, unsigned long calls,
+ unsigned int it_num,
+ unsigned int bins, unsigned int boxes);
+static void print_res (gsl_monte_vegas_state * state,
+ unsigned int itr, double res, double err,
+ double cum_res, double cum_err,
+ double chi_sq);
+static void print_dist (gsl_monte_vegas_state * state, unsigned long dim);
+static void print_grid (gsl_monte_vegas_state * state, unsigned long dim);
+gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (gsl_monte_function * f,
+ double xl[], double xu[],
+ size_t dim, size_t calls,
+ gsl_rng * r,
+ gsl_monte_vegas_state * state,
+ double *result, double *abserr)
+ double cum_int, cum_sig;
+ size_t i, k, it;
+ if (dim != state->dim)
+ {
+ GSL_ERROR ("number of dimensions must match allocated size", GSL_EINVAL);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
+ {
+ if (xu[i] <= xl[i])
+ {
+ GSL_ERROR ("xu must be greater than xl", GSL_EINVAL);
+ }
+ if (xu[i] - xl[i] > GSL_DBL_MAX)
+ {
+ GSL_ERROR ("Range of integration is too large, please rescale",
+ }
+ }
+ if (state->stage == 0)
+ {
+ init_grid (state, xl, xu, dim);
+ if (state->verbose >= 0)
+ {
+ print_lim (state, xl, xu, dim);
+ }
+ }
+ if (state->stage <= 1)
+ {
+ state->wtd_int_sum = 0;
+ state->sum_wgts = 0;
+ state->chi_sum = 0;
+ state->it_num = 1;
+ state->samples = 0;
+ }
+ if (state->stage <= 2)
+ {
+ unsigned int bins = state->bins_max;
+ unsigned int boxes = 1;
+ if (state->mode != GSL_VEGAS_MODE_IMPORTANCE_ONLY)
+ {
+ /* shooting for 2 calls/box */
+ boxes = floor (pow (calls / 2.0, 1.0 / dim));
+ if (2 * boxes >= state->bins_max)
+ {
+ /* if bins/box < 2 */
+ int box_per_bin = GSL_MAX (boxes / state->bins_max, 1);
+ bins = GSL_MIN(boxes / box_per_bin, state->bins_max);
+ boxes = box_per_bin * bins;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ double tot_boxes = pow ((double) boxes, (double) dim);
+ state->calls_per_box = GSL_MAX (calls / tot_boxes, 2);
+ calls = state->calls_per_box * tot_boxes;
+ }
+ /* total volume of x-space/(avg num of calls/bin) */
+ state->jac = state->vol * pow ((double) bins, (double) dim) / calls;
+ state->boxes = boxes;
+ /* If the number of bins changes from the previous invocation, bins
+ are expanded or contracted accordingly, while preserving bin
+ density */
+ if (bins != state->bins)
+ {
+ resize_grid (state, bins);
+ if (state->verbose > 1)
+ {
+ print_grid (state, dim);
+ }
+ }
+ if (state->verbose >= 0)
+ {
+ print_head (state,
+ dim, calls, state->it_num, state->bins, state->boxes);
+ }
+ }
+ state->it_start = state->it_num;
+ cum_int = 0.0;
+ cum_sig = 0.0;
+ state->chisq = 0.0;
+ for (it = 0; it < state->iterations; it++)
+ {
+ double intgrl = 0.0, intgrl_sq = 0.0;
+ double sig = 0.0;
+ double wgt;
+ size_t calls_per_box = state->calls_per_box;
+ double jacbin = state->jac;
+ double *x = state->x;
+ coord *bin = state->bin;
+ state->it_num = state->it_start + it;
+ reset_grid_values (state);
+ init_box_coord (state, state->box);
+ do
+ {
+ double m = 0, q = 0;
+ double f_sq_sum = 0.0;
+ for (k = 0; k < calls_per_box; k++)
+ {
+ double fval, bin_vol;
+ random_point (x, bin, &bin_vol, state->box, xl, xu, state, r);
+ fval = jacbin * bin_vol * GSL_MONTE_FN_EVAL (f, x);
+ /* recurrence for mean and variance */
+ {
+ double d = fval - m;
+ m += d / (k + 1.0);
+ q += d * d * (k / (k + 1.0));
+ }
+ if (state->mode != GSL_VEGAS_MODE_STRATIFIED)
+ {
+ double f_sq = fval * fval;
+ accumulate_distribution (state, bin, f_sq);
+ }
+ }
+ intgrl += m * calls_per_box;
+ f_sq_sum = q * calls_per_box ;
+ sig += f_sq_sum ;
+ if (state->mode == GSL_VEGAS_MODE_STRATIFIED)
+ {
+ accumulate_distribution (state, bin, f_sq_sum);
+ }
+ }
+ while (change_box_coord (state, state->box));
+ /* Compute final results for this iteration */
+ sig = sig / (calls_per_box - 1.0) ;
+ if (sig > 0)
+ {
+ wgt = 1.0 / sig;
+ }
+ else if (state->sum_wgts > 0)
+ {
+ wgt = state->sum_wgts / state->samples;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wgt = 0.0;
+ }
+ intgrl_sq = intgrl * intgrl;
+ state->result = intgrl;
+ state->sigma = sqrt(sig);
+ if (wgt > 0.0)
+ {
+ state->samples++ ;
+ state->sum_wgts += wgt;
+ state->wtd_int_sum += intgrl * wgt;
+ state->chi_sum += intgrl_sq * wgt;
+ cum_int = state->wtd_int_sum / state->sum_wgts;
+ cum_sig = sqrt (1 / state->sum_wgts);
+ if (state->samples > 1)
+ {
+ state->chisq = (state->chi_sum - state->wtd_int_sum * cum_int) /
+ (state->samples - 1.0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cum_int += (intgrl - cum_int) / (it + 1.0);
+ cum_sig = 0.0;
+ }
+ if (state->verbose >= 0)
+ {
+ print_res (state,
+ state->it_num, intgrl, sqrt (sig), cum_int, cum_sig,
+ state->chisq);
+ if (it + 1 == state->iterations && state->verbose > 0)
+ {
+ print_grid (state, dim);
+ }
+ }
+ if (state->verbose > 1)
+ {
+ print_dist (state, dim);
+ }
+ refine_grid (state);
+ if (state->verbose > 1)
+ {
+ print_grid (state, dim);
+ }
+ }
+ /* By setting stage to 1 further calls will generate independent
+ estimates based on the same grid, although it may be rebinned. */
+ state->stage = 1;
+ *result = cum_int;
+ *abserr = cum_sig;
+ return GSL_SUCCESS;
+gsl_monte_vegas_state *
+gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (size_t dim)
+ gsl_monte_vegas_state *s =
+ (gsl_monte_vegas_state *) malloc (sizeof (gsl_monte_vegas_state));
+ if (s == 0)
+ {
+ GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate space for vegas state struct",
+ }
+ s->delx = (double *) malloc (dim * sizeof (double));
+ if (s->delx == 0)
+ {
+ free (s);
+ GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate space for delx", GSL_ENOMEM, 0);
+ }
+ s->d = (double *) malloc (BINS_MAX * dim * sizeof (double));
+ if (s->d == 0)
+ {
+ free (s->delx);
+ free (s);
+ GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate space for d", GSL_ENOMEM, 0);
+ }
+ s->xi = (double *) malloc ((BINS_MAX + 1) * dim * sizeof (double));
+ if (s->xi == 0)
+ {
+ free (s->d);
+ free (s->delx);
+ free (s);
+ GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate space for xi", GSL_ENOMEM, 0);
+ }
+ s->xin = (double *) malloc ((BINS_MAX + 1) * sizeof (double));
+ if (s->xin == 0)
+ {
+ free (s->xi);
+ free (s->d);
+ free (s->delx);
+ free (s);
+ GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate space for xin", GSL_ENOMEM, 0);
+ }
+ s->weight = (double *) malloc (BINS_MAX * sizeof (double));
+ if (s->weight == 0)
+ {
+ free (s->xin);
+ free (s->xi);
+ free (s->d);
+ free (s->delx);
+ free (s);
+ GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate space for xin", GSL_ENOMEM, 0);
+ }
+ s->box = (coord *) malloc (dim * sizeof (coord));
+ if (s->box == 0)
+ {
+ free (s->weight);
+ free (s->xin);
+ free (s->xi);
+ free (s->d);
+ free (s->delx);
+ free (s);
+ GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate space for box", GSL_ENOMEM, 0);
+ }
+ s->bin = (coord *) malloc (dim * sizeof (coord));
+ if (s->bin == 0)
+ {
+ free (s->box);
+ free (s->weight);
+ free (s->xin);
+ free (s->xi);
+ free (s->d);
+ free (s->delx);
+ free (s);
+ GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate space for bin", GSL_ENOMEM, 0);
+ }
+ s->x = (double *) malloc (dim * sizeof (double));
+ if (s->x == 0)
+ {
+ free (s->bin);
+ free (s->box);
+ free (s->weight);
+ free (s->xin);
+ free (s->xi);
+ free (s->d);
+ free (s->delx);
+ free (s);
+ GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate space for x", GSL_ENOMEM, 0);
+ }
+ s->dim = dim;
+ s->bins_max = BINS_MAX;
+ gsl_monte_vegas_init (s);
+ return s;
+/* Set some default values and whatever */
+gsl_monte_vegas_init (gsl_monte_vegas_state * state)
+ state->stage = 0;
+ state->alpha = 1.5;
+ state->verbose = -1;
+ state->iterations = 5;
+ state->chisq = 0;
+ state->bins = state->bins_max;
+ state->ostream = stdout;
+ return GSL_SUCCESS;
+gsl_monte_vegas_free (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s)
+ free (s->x);
+ free (s->delx);
+ free (s->d);
+ free (s->xi);
+ free (s->xin);
+ free (s->weight);
+ free (s->box);
+ free (s->bin);
+ free (s);
+static void
+init_box_coord (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s, coord box[])
+ size_t i;
+ size_t dim = s->dim;
+ for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
+ {
+ box[i] = 0;
+ }
+/* change_box_coord steps through the box coord like
+ {0,0}, {0, 1}, {0, 2}, {0, 3}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {1, 2}, ...
+static int
+change_box_coord (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s, coord box[])
+ int j = s->dim - 1;
+ int ng = s->boxes;
+ while (j >= 0)
+ {
+ box[j] = (box[j] + 1) % ng;
+ if (box[j] != 0)
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ j--;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void
+init_grid (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s, double xl[], double xu[], size_t dim)
+ size_t j;
+ double vol = 1.0;
+ s->bins = 1;
+ for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
+ {
+ double dx = xu[j] - xl[j];
+ s->delx[j] = dx;
+ vol *= dx;
+ COORD (s, 0, j) = 0.0;
+ COORD (s, 1, j) = 1.0;
+ }
+ s->vol = vol;
+static void
+reset_grid_values (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s)
+ size_t i, j;
+ size_t dim = s->dim;
+ size_t bins = s->bins;
+ for (i = 0; i < bins; i++)
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
+ {
+ VALUE (s, i, j) = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+accumulate_distribution (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s, coord bin[], double y)
+ size_t j;
+ size_t dim = s->dim;
+ for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
+ {
+ int i = bin[j];
+ VALUE (s, i, j) += y;
+ }
+static void
+random_point (double x[], coord bin[], double *bin_vol,
+ const coord box[], const double xl[], const double xu[],
+ gsl_monte_vegas_state * s, gsl_rng * r)
+ /* Use the random number generator r to return a random position x
+ in a given box. The value of bin gives the bin location of the
+ random position (there may be several bins within a given box) */
+ double vol = 1.0;
+ size_t j;
+ size_t dim = s->dim;
+ size_t bins = s->bins;
+ size_t boxes = s->boxes;
+ DISCARD_POINTER(xu); /* prevent warning about unused parameter */
+ for (j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
+ {
+ /* box[j] + ran gives the position in the box units, while z
+ is the position in bin units. */
+ double z = ((box[j] + gsl_rng_uniform_pos (r)) / boxes) * bins;
+ int k = z;
+ double y, bin_width;
+ bin[j] = k;
+ if (k == 0)
+ {
+ bin_width = COORD (s, 1, j);
+ y = z * bin_width;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bin_width = COORD (s, k + 1, j) - COORD (s, k, j);
+ y = COORD (s, k, j) + (z - k) * bin_width;
+ }
+ x[j] = xl[j] + y * s->delx[j];
+ vol *= bin_width;
+ }
+ *bin_vol = vol;
+static void
+resize_grid (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s, unsigned int bins)
+ size_t j, k;
+ size_t dim = s->dim;
+ /* weight is ratio of bin sizes */
+ double pts_per_bin = (double) s->bins / (double) bins;
+ for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
+ {
+ double xold;
+ double xnew = 0;
+ double dw = 0;
+ int i = 1;
+ for (k = 1; k <= s->bins; k++)
+ {
+ dw += 1.0;
+ xold = xnew;
+ xnew = COORD (s, k, j);
+ for (; dw > pts_per_bin; i++)
+ {
+ dw -= pts_per_bin;
+ NEW_COORD (s, i) = xnew - (xnew - xold) * dw;
+ }
+ }
+ for (k = 1 ; k < bins; k++)
+ {
+ COORD(s, k, j) = NEW_COORD(s, k);
+ }
+ COORD (s, bins, j) = 1;
+ }
+ s->bins = bins;
+static void
+refine_grid (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s)
+ size_t i, j, k;
+ size_t dim = s->dim;
+ size_t bins = s->bins;
+ for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
+ {
+ double grid_tot_j, tot_weight;
+ double * weight = s->weight;
+ double oldg = VALUE (s, 0, j);
+ double newg = VALUE (s, 1, j);
+ VALUE (s, 0, j) = (oldg + newg) / 2;
+ grid_tot_j = VALUE (s, 0, j);
+ /* This implements gs[i][j] = (gs[i-1][j]+gs[i][j]+gs[i+1][j])/3 */
+ for (i = 1; i < bins - 1; i++)
+ {
+ double rc = oldg + newg;
+ oldg = newg;
+ newg = VALUE (s, i + 1, j);
+ VALUE (s, i, j) = (rc + newg) / 3;
+ grid_tot_j += VALUE (s, i, j);
+ }
+ VALUE (s, bins - 1, j) = (newg + oldg) / 2;
+ grid_tot_j += VALUE (s, bins - 1, j);
+ tot_weight = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < bins; i++)
+ {
+ weight[i] = 0;
+ if (VALUE (s, i, j) > 0)
+ {
+ oldg = grid_tot_j / VALUE (s, i, j);
+ /* damped change */
+ weight[i] = pow (((oldg - 1) / oldg / log (oldg)), s->alpha);
+ }
+ tot_weight += weight[i];
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("weight[%d] = %g\n", i, weight[i]);
+ }
+ {
+ double pts_per_bin = tot_weight / bins;
+ double xold;
+ double xnew = 0;
+ double dw = 0;
+ i = 1;
+ for (k = 0; k < bins; k++)
+ {
+ dw += weight[k];
+ xold = xnew;
+ xnew = COORD (s, k + 1, j);
+ for (; dw > pts_per_bin; i++)
+ {
+ dw -= pts_per_bin;
+ NEW_COORD (s, i) = xnew - (xnew - xold) * dw / weight[k];
+ }
+ }
+ for (k = 1 ; k < bins ; k++)
+ {
+ COORD(s, k, j) = NEW_COORD(s, k);
+ }
+ COORD (s, bins, j) = 1;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+print_lim (gsl_monte_vegas_state * state,
+ double xl[], double xu[], unsigned long dim)
+ unsigned long j;
+ fprintf (state->ostream, "The limits of integration are:\n");
+ for (j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
+ fprintf (state->ostream, "\nxl[%lu]=%f xu[%lu]=%f", j, xl[j], j, xu[j]);
+ fprintf (state->ostream, "\n");
+ fflush (state->ostream);
+static void
+print_head (gsl_monte_vegas_state * state,
+ unsigned long num_dim, unsigned long calls,
+ unsigned int it_num, unsigned int bins, unsigned int boxes)
+ fprintf (state->ostream,
+ "\nnum_dim=%lu, calls=%lu, it_num=%d, max_it_num=%d ",
+ num_dim, calls, it_num, state->iterations);
+ fprintf (state->ostream,
+ "verb=%d, alph=%.2f,\nmode=%d, bins=%d, boxes=%d\n",
+ state->verbose, state->alpha, state->mode, bins, boxes);
+ fprintf (state->ostream,
+ "\n single.......iteration ");
+ fprintf (state->ostream, "accumulated......results \n");
+ fprintf (state->ostream,
+ "iteration integral sigma integral ");
+ fprintf (state->ostream, " sigma chi-sq/it\n\n");
+ fflush (state->ostream);
+static void
+print_res (gsl_monte_vegas_state * state,
+ unsigned int itr,
+ double res, double err,
+ double cum_res, double cum_err,
+ double chi_sq)
+ fprintf (state->ostream,
+ "%4d %6.4e %10.2e %6.4e %8.2e %10.2e\n",
+ itr, res, err, cum_res, cum_err, chi_sq);
+ fflush (state->ostream);
+static void
+print_dist (gsl_monte_vegas_state * state, unsigned long dim)
+ unsigned long i, j;
+ int p = state->verbose;
+ if (p < 1)
+ return;
+ for (j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
+ {
+ fprintf (state->ostream, "\n axis %lu \n", j);
+ fprintf (state->ostream, " x g\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < state->bins; i++)
+ {
+ fprintf (state->ostream, "weight [%11.2e , %11.2e] = ",
+ COORD (state, i, j), COORD(state,i+1,j));
+ fprintf (state->ostream, " %11.2e\n", VALUE (state, i, j));
+ }
+ fprintf (state->ostream, "\n");
+ }
+ fprintf (state->ostream, "\n");
+ fflush (state->ostream);
+static void
+print_grid (gsl_monte_vegas_state * state, unsigned long dim)
+ unsigned long i, j;
+ int p = state->verbose;
+ if (p < 1)
+ return;
+ for (j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
+ {
+ fprintf (state->ostream, "\n axis %lu \n", j);
+ fprintf (state->ostream, " x \n");
+ for (i = 0; i <= state->bins; i++)
+ {
+ fprintf (state->ostream, "%11.2e", COORD (state, i, j));
+ if (i % 5 == 4)
+ fprintf (state->ostream, "\n");
+ }
+ fprintf (state->ostream, "\n");
+ }
+ fprintf (state->ostream, "\n");
+ fflush (state->ostream);