path: root/tester/rt/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tester/rt/')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 336 deletions
diff --git a/tester/rt/ b/tester/rt/
index e202946..0f9ee13 100755
--- a/tester/rt/
+++ b/tester/rt/
@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ import traceback
import pprint
-from rtemstoolkit import configuration
from rtemstoolkit import execute
from rtemstoolkit import error
from rtemstoolkit import host
from rtemstoolkit import log
from rtemstoolkit import mailer
from rtemstoolkit import path
+from rtemstoolkit import rtems
from rtemstoolkit import textbox
from rtemstoolkit import version
@@ -880,327 +880,6 @@ class arch_bsp_builder:
self._notice('Cleaning: %s' % (self._build_dir()))
-class configuration_:
- def __init__(self):
- self.config = configuration.configuration()
- self.archs = { }
- self.builds_ = { }
- self.profiles = { }
- def __str__(self):
- s = + os.linesep
- s += 'Archs:' + os.linesep + \
- pprint.pformat(self.archs, indent = 1, width = 80) + os.linesep
- s += 'Builds:' + os.linesep + \
- pprint.pformat(self.builds_, indent = 1, width = 80) + os.linesep
- s += 'Profiles:' + os.linesep + \
- pprint.pformat(self.profiles, indent = 1, width = 80) + os.linesep
- return s
- def _build_options(self, build, nesting = 0):
- if ':' in build:
- section, name = build.split(':', 1)
- opts = [self.config.get_item(section, name)]
- return opts
- builds = self.builds_['builds']
- if build not in builds:
- raise error.general('build %s not found' % (build))
- if nesting > 20:
- raise error.general('nesting build %s' % (build))
- options = []
- for option in self.builds_['builds'][build]:
- if ':' in option:
- section, name = option.split(':', 1)
- opts = [self.config.get_item(section, name)]
- else:
- opts = self._build_options(option, nesting + 1)
- for opt in opts:
- if opt not in options:
- options += [opt]
- return options
- def load(self, name, build):
- self.config.load(name)
- archs = []
- self.profiles['profiles'] = \
- self.config.comma_list('profiles', 'profiles', err = False)
- if len(self.profiles['profiles']) == 0:
- self.profiles['profiles'] = ['tier-%d' % (t) for t in range(1,4)]
- for p in self.profiles['profiles']:
- profile = {}
- profile['name'] = p
- profile['archs'] = self.config.comma_list(profile['name'], 'archs', err = False)
- archs += profile['archs']
- for arch in profile['archs']:
- bsps = 'bsps_%s' % (arch)
- profile[bsps] = self.config.comma_list(profile['name'], bsps)
- self.profiles[profile['name']] = profile
- invalid_chars = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]')
- for a in set(archs):
- if len(invalid_chars.findall(a)) != 0:
- raise error.general('invalid character(s) in arch name: %s' % (a))
- arch = {}
- arch['excludes'] = {}
- for exclude in self.config.comma_list(a, 'exclude', err = False):
- arch['excludes'][exclude] = ['all']
- for i in self.config.get_items(a, False):
- if i[0].startswith('exclude-'):
- exclude = i[0][len('exclude-'):]
- if exclude not in arch['excludes']:
- arch['excludes'][exclude] = []
- arch['excludes'][exclude] += \
- sorted(set([b.strip() for b in i[1].split(',')]))
- arch['bsps'] = self.config.comma_list(a, 'bsps', err = False)
- for b in arch['bsps']:
- if len(invalid_chars.findall(b)) != 0:
- raise error.general('invalid character(s) in BSP name: %s' % (b))
- arch[b] = {}
- arch[b]['bspopts'] = \
- self.config.comma_list(a, 'bspopts_%s' % (b), err = False)
- self.archs[a] = arch
- builds = {}
- builds['default'] = self.config.get_item('builds', 'default')
- if build is None:
- build = builds['default']
- builds['config'] = { }
- for config in self.config.get_items('config'):
- builds['config'][config[0]] = config[1]
- builds['build'] = build
- builds_ = self.config.get_item_names('builds')
- builds['builds'] = {}
- for build in builds_:
- build_builds = self.config.comma_list('builds', build)
- has_config = False
- has_build = False
- for b in build_builds:
- if ':' in b:
- if has_build:
- raise error.general('config and build in build: %s' % (build))
- has_config = True
- else:
- if has_config:
- raise error.general('config and build in build: %s' % (build))
- has_build = True
- builds['builds'][build] = build_builds
- self.builds_ = builds
- def configs(self):
- return sorted(list(self.builds_['config'].keys()))
- def config_flags(self, config):
- if config not in self.builds_['config']:
- raise error.general('config entry not found: %s' % (config))
- return self.builds_['config'][config]
- def build(self):
- return self.builds_['build']
- def builds(self):
- if self.builds_['build'] in self.builds_['builds']:
- build = copy.copy(self.builds_['builds'][self.builds_['build']])
- if ':' in build[0]:
- return [self.builds_['build']]
- return build
- return None
- def build_options(self, build):
- return ' '.join(self._build_options(build))
- def excludes(self, arch, bsp):
- return list(set(self.arch_excludes(arch) + self.bsp_excludes(arch, bsp)))
- def exclude_options(self, arch, bsp):
- return ' '.join([self.config_flags('no-' + e) for e in self.excludes(arch, bsp)])
- def archs(self):
- return sorted(self.archs.keys())
- def arch_present(self, arch):
- return arch in self.archs
- def arch_excludes(self, arch):
- excludes = self.archs[arch]['excludes'].keys()
- for exclude in self.archs[arch]['excludes']:
- if 'all' not in self.archs[arch]['excludes'][exclude]:
- excludes.remove(exclude)
- return sorted(excludes)
- def arch_bsps(self, arch):
- return sorted(self.archs[arch]['bsps'])
- def bsp_present(self, arch, bsp):
- return bsp in self.archs[arch]['bsps']
- def bsp_excludes(self, arch, bsp):
- excludes = self.archs[arch]['excludes'].keys()
- for exclude in self.archs[arch]['excludes']:
- if 'all' not in self.archs[arch]['excludes'][exclude] and \
- bsp not in self.archs[arch]['excludes'][exclude]:
- excludes.remove(exclude)
- return sorted(excludes)
- def bspopts(self, arch, bsp):
- if arch not in self.archs:
- raise error.general('invalid architecture: %s' % (arch))
- if bsp not in self.archs[arch]:
- raise error.general('invalid BSP: %s' % (bsp))
- return self.archs[arch][bsp]['bspopts']
- def profile_present(self, profile):
- return profile in self.profiles
- def profile_archs(self, profile):
- if profile not in self.profiles:
- raise error.general('invalid profile: %s' % (profile))
- return self.profiles[profile]['archs']
- def profile_arch_bsps(self, profile, arch):
- if profile not in self.profiles:
- raise error.general('invalid profile: %s' % (profile))
- if 'bsps_%s' % (arch) not in self.profiles[profile]:
- raise error.general('invalid profile arch: %s' % (arch))
- return ['%s/%s' % (arch, bsp) for bsp in self.profiles[profile]['bsps_%s' % (arch)]]
- def report(self, profiles = True, builds = True, architectures = True):
- width = 70
- cols_1 = [width]
- cols_2 = [10, width - 10]
- s = textbox.line(cols_1, line = '=', marker = '+', indent = 1)
- s1 = ' File(s)'
- for f in self.config.files():
- colon = ':'
- for l in textwrap.wrap(f, width = cols_2[1] - 3):
- s += textbox.row(cols_2, [s1, ' ' + l], marker = colon, indent = 1)
- colon = ' '
- s1 = ' ' * len(s1)
- s += textbox.line(cols_1, marker = '+', indent = 1)
- s += os.linesep
- if profiles:
- s += textbox.line(cols_1, line = '=', marker = '+', indent = 1)
- profiles = sorted(self.profiles['profiles'])
- archs = []
- bsps = []
- for profile in profiles:
- archs += self.profiles[profile]['archs']
- for arch in sorted(self.profiles[profile]['archs']):
- bsps += self.profiles[profile]['bsps_%s' % (arch)]
- archs = len(set(archs))
- bsps = len(set(bsps))
- s += textbox.row(cols_1,
- [' Profiles : %d (archs:%d, bsps:%d)' % \
- (len(profiles), archs, bsps)],
- indent = 1)
- for profile in profiles:
- textbox.row(cols_2,
- [profile, self.profiles[profile]['name']],
- indent = 1)
- s += textbox.line(cols_1, marker = '+', indent = 1)
- for profile in profiles:
- s += textbox.row(cols_1, [' %s' % (profile)], indent = 1)
- profile = self.profiles[profile]
- archs = sorted(profile['archs'])
- for arch in archs:
- arch_bsps = ', '.join(profile['bsps_%s' % (arch)])
- if len(arch_bsps) > 0:
- s += textbox.line(cols_2, marker = '+', indent = 1)
- s1 = ' ' + arch
- for l in textwrap.wrap(arch_bsps,
- width = cols_2[1] - 3):
- s += textbox.row(cols_2, [s1, ' ' + l], indent = 1)
- s1 = ' ' * len(s1)
- s += textbox.line(cols_2, marker = '+', indent = 1)
- s += os.linesep
- if builds:
- s += textbox.line(cols_1, line = '=', marker = '+', indent = 1)
- s += textbox.row(cols_1,
- [' Builds: %s (default)' % (self.builds_['default'])],
- indent = 1)
- builds = self.builds_['builds']
- bsize = 0
- for build in builds:
- if len(build) > bsize:
- bsize = len(build)
- cols_b = [bsize + 2, width - bsize - 2]
- s += textbox.line(cols_b, marker = '+', indent = 1)
- for build in builds:
- s1 = ' ' + build
- for l in textwrap.wrap(', '.join(builds[build]),
- width = cols_b[1] - 3):
- s += textbox.row(cols_b, [s1, ' ' + l], indent = 1)
- s1 = ' ' * len(s1)
- s += textbox.line(cols_b, marker = '+', indent = 1)
- configs = self.builds_['config']
- s += textbox.row(cols_1,
- [' Configure Options: %d' % (len(configs))],
- indent = 1)
- csize = 0
- for config in configs:
- if len(config) > csize:
- csize = len(config)
- cols_c = [csize + 3, width - csize - 3]
- s += textbox.line(cols_c, marker = '+', indent = 1)
- for config in configs:
- s1 = ' ' + config
- for l in textwrap.wrap(configs[config], width = cols_c[1] - 3):
- s += textbox.row(cols_c, [s1, ' ' + l], indent = 1)
- s1 = ' ' * len(s1)
- s += textbox.line(cols_c, marker = '+', indent = 1)
- s += os.linesep
- if architectures:
- s += textbox.line(cols_1, line = '=', marker = '+', indent = 1)
- archs = sorted(self.archs.keys())
- bsps = 0
- asize = 0
- for arch in archs:
- if len(arch) > asize:
- asize = len(arch)
- bsps += len(self.archs[arch]['bsps'])
- s += textbox.row(cols_1,
- [' Architectures : %d (bsps: %d)' % (len(archs), bsps)],
- indent = 1)
- cols_a = [asize + 2, width - asize - 2]
- s += textbox.line(cols_a, marker = '+', indent = 1)
- for arch in archs:
- s += textbox.row(cols_a,
- [' ' + arch, ' %d' % (len(self.archs[arch]['bsps']))],
- indent = 1)
- s += textbox.line(cols_a, marker = '+', indent = 1)
- for archn in archs:
- arch = self.archs[archn]
- if len(arch['bsps']) > 0:
- bsize = 0
- for bsp in arch['bsps']:
- if len(bsp) > bsize:
- bsize = len(bsp)
- cols_b = [bsize + 3, width - bsize - 3]
- s += textbox.row(cols_1, [' ' + archn + ':'], indent = 1)
- s += textbox.line(cols_b, marker = '+', indent = 1)
- for bsp in arch['bsps']:
- s1 = ' ' + bsp
- bspopts = ' '.join(arch[bsp]['bspopts'])
- if len(bspopts):
- for l in textwrap.wrap('bopt: ' + bspopts,
- width = cols_b[1] - 3):
- s += textbox.row(cols_b, [s1, ' ' + l], indent = 1)
- s1 = ' ' * len(s1)
- excludes = []
- for exclude in arch['excludes']:
- if 'all' in arch['excludes'][exclude] or \
- bsp in arch['excludes'][exclude]:
- excludes += [exclude]
- excludes = ', '.join(excludes)
- if len(excludes):
- for l in textwrap.wrap('ex: ' + excludes,
- width = cols_b[1] - 3):
- s += textbox.row(cols_b, [s1, ' ' + l], indent = 1)
- s1 = ' ' * len(s1)
- if len(bspopts) == 0 and len(excludes) == 0:
- s += textbox.row(cols_b, [s1, ' '], indent = 1)
- s += textbox.line(cols_b, marker = '+', indent = 1)
- s += os.linesep
- return s
class build_jobs:
def __init__(self, config, arch, bsp):
@@ -1442,16 +1121,7 @@ def run_args(args):
b = None
ec = 0
- #
- # On Windows MSYS2 prepends a path to itself to the environment
- # path. This means the RTEMS specific automake is not found and which
- # breaks the bootstrap. We need to remove the prepended path. Also
- # remove any ACLOCAL paths from the environment.
- #
- if == 'nt':
- cspath = os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep)
- if 'msys' in cspath[0] and cspath[0].endswith('bin'):
- os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(cspath[1:])
+ rtems.clean_windows_path()
start =
top = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])))
@@ -1460,10 +1130,9 @@ def run_args(args):
build_dir = 'bsp-builds'
logf = 'bsp-build-%s.txt' % \
- config_file = path.join(top, 'share', 'rtems', 'tester',
- 'rtems', 'rtems-bsps.ini')
+ config_file = path.join(top, 'config', 'rtems-bsps.ini')
if not path.exists(config_file):
- config_file = path.join(top, 'tester', 'rtems', 'rtems-bsps.ini')
+ config_file = path.join(top, 'share', 'rtems', 'config', 'rtems-bsps.ini')
argsp = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argsp.add_argument('--prefix', help = 'Prefix to build the BSP.',
@@ -1521,7 +1190,7 @@ def run_args(args):
- config = configuration_()
+ config = rtems.configuration()
if opts.config_report: