path: root/include/libnds/nds/bios.h
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1 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/libnds/nds/bios.h b/include/libnds/nds/bios.h
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index 0000000000..0b91c4cbef
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+ BIOS functions
+ Copyright (C) 2005
+ Michael Noland (joat)
+ Jason Rogers (dovoto)
+ Dave Murphy (WinterMute)
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
+ damages arising from the use of this software.
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
+ purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
+ redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
+ must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
+ this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
+ documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
+ must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
+ distribution.
+/*! \file bios.h
+ \brief Nintendo DS Bios functions
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <nds/jtypes.h>
+typedef struct DecompressionStream {
+ int (*getSize)(uint8 * source, uint16 * dest, uint32 r2);
+ int (*getResult)(uint8 * source); // can be NULL
+ uint8 (*readByte)(uint8 * source);
+} PACKED TDecompressionStream;
+typedef struct UnpackStruct {
+ uint16 sourceSize; // in bytes
+ uint8 sourceWidth;
+ uint8 destWidth;
+ uint32 dataOffset;
+} PACKED TUnpackStruct, * PUnpackStruct;
+/*! \fn swiSoftReset(void)
+ \brief reset the DS.
+void swiSoftReset(void);
+/*! \fn swiDelay( uint32 duration)
+ \brief delay
+ Delays for for a period X + Y*duration where X is the swi overhead and Y is a cycle of
+ loop:
+ sub r0, #1
+ bgt loop
+ of thumb fetches in BIOS memory
+ \param duration
+ length of delay
+ \note
+ Duration should be 1 or more, a duration of 0 is a huge delay
+void swiDelay(uint32 duration);
+/*! \fn swiIntrWait(int waitForSet, uint32 flags)
+ \brief wait for interrupt(s) to occur
+ \param waitForSet
+ 0: Return if the interrupt has already occured
+ 1: Wait until the interrupt has been set since the call
+ \param flags
+ interrupt mask to wait for
+void swiIntrWait(int waitForSet, uint32 flags);
+/*! \fn swiWaitForVBlank(void)
+ \brief Wait for vblank interrupt
+ Waits for a vertical blank interrupt
+ \note Identical to calling swiIntrWait(1, 1)
+void swiWaitForVBlank(void);
+/*! \fn int swiDivide(int numerator, int divisor)
+ \param numerator
+ signed integer to divide
+ \param divisor
+ signed integer to divide by
+ \return numerator / divisor
+ \fn int swiRemainder(int numerator, int divisor)
+ \param numerator
+ signed integer to divide
+ \param divisor
+ signed integer to divide by
+ \return numerator % divisor
+ \fn void swiDivMod(int numerator, int divisor, int * result, int * remainder)
+ \param numerator
+ signed integer to divide
+ \param divisor
+ signed integer to divide by
+ \param result
+ pointer to integer set to numerator / divisor
+ \param remainder
+ pointer to integer set to numerator % divisor
+int swiDivide(int numerator, int divisor);
+int swiRemainder(int numerator, int divisor);
+void swiDivMod(int numerator, int divisor, int * result, int * remainder);
+/*! \fn swiCopy(const void * source, void * dest, int flags)
+ \param source
+ pointer to transfer source
+ \param dest
+ dest = pointer to transfer destination
+ \param flags
+ copy mode and size
+// flags(26) = transfer width (0: halfwords, 1: words)
+// flags(24) = transfer mode (0: copy, 1: fill)
+// flags(20..0) = transfer count (always in words)
+ \fn swiFastCopy (const void * source, void * dest, int flags)
+ \param source
+ pointer to transfer source
+ \param dest
+ dest = pointer to transfer destination
+ \param flags
+ copy mode and size
+// flags(24) = transfer mode (0: copy, 1: fill)
+// flags(20..0) = transfer count (in words)
+ \note Transfers more quickly than swiCopy, but has higher interrupt latency
+#define COPY_MODE_HWORD (0)
+#define COPY_MODE_WORD (1<<26)
+#define COPY_MODE_COPY (0)
+#define COPY_MODE_FILL (1<<24)
+void swiCopy(const void * source, void * dest, int flags);
+void swiFastCopy(const void * source, void * dest, int flags);
+// swiSqrt (swi 0x0D)
+int swiSqrt(int value);
+// swiCRC16(uint16 crc, void * data, uint32 size) (swi 0x0E)
+// crc - starting CRC-16
+// data - pointer to data (processed nibble by nibble)
+// size - size in bytes
+// Returns the CRC-16 after the data has been processed
+uint16 swiCRC16(uint16 crc, void * data, uint32 size);
+// int swiIsDebugger(void)
+// Returns 0 if running on a debugger (8 MB of ram instead of 4 MB)
+// Note: swi 0x0F on both CPUs
+int swiIsDebugger(void);
+// swiUnpackBits
+// source - Source address
+// destination - destination address (word aligned)
+// params - Unpack structure
+// uint16 sourceSize (in bytes)
+// uint8 sourceWidth (1,2,4,8)
+// uint8 destWidth (1,2,4,8,16,32)
+// uint32 dataOffset (bits 0..30 are added to all non-zero
+// destination writes, unless b31 is set,
+// which does it for zeros too)
+// Unpack data stored multiple elements to a byte into a larger space
+// i.e. 8 elements per byte (i.e. b/w font), into 1 element per byte
+// Note: swi 0x10 on both CPUs
+void swiUnpackBits(uint8 * source, uint32 * destination, PUnpackStruct params);
+// DecompressLZSSWram (swi 0x11)
+// source - pointer to a header word, followed by compressed data
+// word(31..8) = size of uncompressed data (in bytes)
+// word(7..0) = ignored
+// destination - destination address
+// Writes data a byte at a time
+// DecompressLZSSVram (swi 0x12)
+// Writes data a halfword at a time
+// See DecompressRLEVram for parameter details
+void swiDecompressLZSSWram(void * source, void * destination);
+int swiDecompressLZSSVram(void * source, void * destination, uint32 toGetSize, TDecompressionStream * stream);
+// swiDecompressHuffman (swi 0x13)
+// See DecompressRLE for parameter details
+int swiDecompressHuffman(void * source, void * destination, uint32 toGetSize, TDecompressionStream * stream);
+// DecompressRLEWram (swi 0x14)
+// r0 - pointer to a header word, followed by compressed data
+// word(31..8) = size of uncompressed data (in bytes)
+// word(7..0) = ignored
+// r1 - destination address
+// Writes data a byte at a time
+// DecompressRLEVram (swi 0x15)
+// r0 - pointer to compressed source data, maybe! (always goes through
+// the function pointers, so could just be an offset)
+// r1 - pointer to destination (halfword)
+// r2 - no idea, passed to getSize function
+// r3 - pointer to a structure
+// Writes data a halfword at a time
+// Result of getSize is a word, with the size of decompressed data in
+// bits 31..8, and bits 7..0 are ignored. This value is also returned
+// by the swi, unless getResult is non-NULL and returns a neg. value
+// getResult is used to provide a result for the swi, given the source
+// pointer after all data has been read (or if getSize < 0). It can
+// be NULL, unlike getSize and readByte. Its value is only returned
+// if negative, otherwise the typical result is used, so it is likely
+// some sort of error-checking procedure
+// readByte is used in lieu of directly accessing memory
+// compressed data format:
+// bit(7): 0: uncompressed, 1: compressed
+// bit(6..0) when uncompressed: run length - 1, followed by run_length bytes of true data
+// bit(6..0) when compressed: run length - 3, followed by one byte of true data, to be repeated
+void swiDecompressRLEWram(void * source, void * destination);
+int swiDecompressRLEVram(void * source, void * destination, uint32 toGetSize, TDecompressionStream * stream);
+// swiDecodeDelta8
+// source - pointer to a header word, followed by encoded data
+// word(31..8) = size of data (in bytes)
+// word(7..0) = ignored
+// destination - destination address
+// Writes data a byte at a time
+// Note: ARM9 exclusive swi 0x16
+#ifdef ARM9
+/*! \fn swiWaitForIRQ
+ \brief wait for any interrupt
+ \note ARM9 exclusive
+void swiWaitForIRQ(void);
+void swiSetHaltCR(uint32 data);
+extern void swiDecodeDelta8(void * source, void * destination);
+// swiDecodeDelta16
+// source - pointer to a header word, followed by encoded data
+// word(31..8) = size of data (in bytes)
+// word(7..0) = ignored
+// destination - destination address
+// Writes data a halfword at a time
+// Note: ARM9 exclusive swi 0x18
+void swiDecodeDelta16(void * source, void * destination);
+#ifdef ARM7
+// swiHalt (swi 0x06)
+// Same as swiSetHaltCR(0x80)
+// swiSleep (swi 0x07)
+// Same as swiSetHaltCR(0xC0)
+// swiSwitchToGBAMode (not a SWI)
+// Same as swiSetHaltCR(0x40)
+// swiSetHaltCR (swi 0x1F)
+// Writes a byte of the data to 0x04000301:8
+// Note: All of these are ARM7 exclusive
+// swiSetHaltCR (swi 0x1F)
+// Writes a word of the data to 0x04000300:32
+// Note: This is on the ARM9, but works differently to the ARM7 function!
+void swiHalt(void);
+void swiSleep(void);
+void swiSwitchToGBAMode(void);
+void swiSetHaltCR(uint8 data);
+// swiGetSineTable(int index)
+// Returns an entry in the sine table (index = 0..63)
+// Note: ARM7 exclusive swi 0x1A
+uint16 swiGetSineTable(int index);
+// swiGetPitchTable(int index)
+// Returns an entry in the pitch table (index = 0..767)
+// Note: ARM7 exclusive swi 0x1B
+uint16 swiGetPitchTable(int index);
+// swiGetVolumeTable(int index)
+// Returns an entry in the volume table (index = 0..723)
+// Note: ARM7 exclusive swi 0x1C
+uint8 swiGetVolumeTable(int index);
+// swiChangeSoundBias(int enabled, int delay)
+// enabled
+// 0: decrement SOUND_BIAS once per delay until it reaches 0x000
+// 1: increment SOUND_BIAS once per delay until it reaches 0x200
+// delay is in the same units of time as swiDelay
+// Note: ARM7 exclusive SWI 0x08
+void swiChangeSoundBias(int enabled, int delay);
+#endif //ARM7
+#ifdef __cplusplus