path: root/cpukit/libfs/src/jffs2/include/cyg/infra/cyg_type.h
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1 files changed, 559 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpukit/libfs/src/jffs2/include/cyg/infra/cyg_type.h b/cpukit/libfs/src/jffs2/include/cyg/infra/cyg_type.h
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/cpukit/libfs/src/jffs2/include/cyg/infra/cyg_type.h
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+// cyg_type.h
+// Standard types, and some useful coding macros.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
+// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+// Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later
+// version.
+// eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+// for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+// As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use
+// macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file
+// and link it with other works to produce a work based on this file,
+// this file does not by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by
+// the GNU General Public License. However the source code for this file
+// must still be made available in accordance with section (3) of the GNU
+// General Public License v2.
+// This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based
+// on this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Author(s): nickg from an original by hmt
+// Contributors: nickg
+// Date: 1997-09-08
+// Purpose: share unambiguously sized types.
+// Description: we typedef [cyg_][u]int8,16,32 &c for general use.
+// Usage: #include "cyg/infra/cyg_type.h"
+// ...
+// cyg_int32 my_32bit_integer;
+#include <stddef.h> // Definition of NULL from the compiler
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Some useful macros. These are defined here by default.
+// __externC is used in mixed C/C++ headers to force C linkage on an external
+// definition. It avoids having to put all sorts of ifdefs in.
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+# define __externC extern "C"
+# define __externC extern
+// Also define externC for now - but it is deprecated
+#define externC __externC
+// Compiler version.
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+# if defined(__GNU_PATCHLEVEL__)
+# define __GNUC_VERSION__ (__GNUC__ * 10000 \
+ + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 \
+# else
+# define __GNUC_VERSION__ (__GNUC__ * 10000 \
+ + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100)
+# endif
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The header <basetype.h> defines the base types used here. It is
+// supplied either by the target architecture HAL, or by the host
+// porting kit. They are all defined as macros, and only those that
+// make choices other than the defaults given below need be defined.
+#define CYG_LSBFIRST 1234
+#define CYG_MSBFIRST 4321
+#include <cyg/hal/basetype.h>
+# error You must define CYG_BYTEORDER to equal CYG_LSBFIRST or CYG_MSBFIRST
+#ifndef cyg_halint8
+# define cyg_halint8 char
+#ifndef cyg_halint16
+# define cyg_halint16 short
+#ifndef cyg_halint32
+# define cyg_halint32 int
+#ifndef cyg_halint64
+# define cyg_halint64 long long
+#ifndef cyg_halcount8
+# define cyg_halcount8 int
+#ifndef cyg_halcount16
+# define cyg_halcount16 int
+#ifndef cyg_halcount32
+# define cyg_halcount32 int
+#ifndef cyg_halcount64
+# define cyg_halcount64 long long
+#ifndef cyg_haladdress
+# define cyg_haladdress cyg_uint32
+#ifndef cyg_haladdrword
+# define cyg_haladdrword cyg_uint32
+#ifndef cyg_halbool
+# define cyg_halbool int
+#ifndef cyg_halatomic
+# define cyg_halatomic cyg_halint8
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Provide a default architecture alignment
+// This may be overridden in basetype.h if necessary.
+// These should be straightforward numbers to allow use in assembly.
+// And corresponding power of two alignment
+# error "Inconsistent CYGARC_ALIGNMENT and CYGARC_P2ALIGNMENT values"
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The obvious few that compilers may define for you.
+// But in case they don't:
+#ifndef NULL
+# define NULL 0
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+typedef cyg_halbool bool;
+# ifndef false
+# define false 0
+# endif
+# ifndef true
+# define true (!false)
+# endif
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Allow creation of procedure-like macros that are a single statement,
+// and must be followed by a semi-colon
+#define CYG_MACRO_START do {
+#define CYG_MACRO_END } while (0)
+#define CYG_UNUSED_PARAM( _type_, _name_ ) CYG_MACRO_START \
+ _type_ __tmp1 = (_name_); \
+ _type_ __tmp2 = __tmp1; \
+ __tmp1 = __tmp2; \
+// The unused attribute stops the compiler warning about the variable
+// not being used.
+// The used attribute prevents the compiler from optimizing it away.
+#define CYG_REFERENCE_OBJECT(__object__) \
+ static const void* __cygvar_discard_me__ \
+ __attribute__ ((unused, used)) = (const void*)&(__object__); \
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Define basic types for using integers in memory and structures;
+// depends on compiler defaults and CPU type.
+typedef unsigned cyg_halint8 cyg_uint8 ;
+typedef signed cyg_halint8 cyg_int8 ;
+typedef unsigned cyg_halint16 cyg_uint16 ;
+typedef signed cyg_halint16 cyg_int16 ;
+typedef unsigned cyg_halint32 cyg_uint32 ;
+typedef signed cyg_halint32 cyg_int32 ;
+typedef unsigned cyg_halint64 cyg_uint64 ;
+typedef signed cyg_halint64 cyg_int64 ;
+typedef cyg_halbool cyg_bool ;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Define types for using integers in registers for looping and the like;
+// depends on CPU type, choose what it is most comfortable with, with at
+// least the range required.
+typedef unsigned cyg_halcount8 cyg_ucount8 ;
+typedef signed cyg_halcount8 cyg_count8 ;
+typedef unsigned cyg_halcount16 cyg_ucount16 ;
+typedef signed cyg_halcount16 cyg_count16 ;
+typedef unsigned cyg_halcount32 cyg_ucount32 ;
+typedef signed cyg_halcount32 cyg_count32 ;
+typedef unsigned cyg_halcount64 cyg_ucount64 ;
+typedef signed cyg_halcount64 cyg_count64 ;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Define a type to be used for atomic accesses. This type is guaranteed
+// to be read or written in a single uninterruptible operation. This type
+// is at least a single byte.
+typedef volatile unsigned cyg_halatomic cyg_atomic;
+typedef volatile unsigned cyg_halatomic CYG_ATOMIC;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Define types for access plain, on-the-metal memory or devices.
+typedef cyg_uint32 CYG_WORD;
+typedef cyg_uint8 CYG_BYTE;
+typedef cyg_uint16 CYG_WORD16;
+typedef cyg_uint32 CYG_WORD32;
+typedef cyg_uint64 CYG_WORD64;
+typedef cyg_haladdress CYG_ADDRESS;
+typedef cyg_haladdrword CYG_ADDRWORD;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Number of elements in a (statically allocated) array.
+#define CYG_NELEM(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructor ordering macros. These are added as annotations to all
+// static objects to order the constuctors appropriately.
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && defined(__GNUC__) && \
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_INIT_PRI( _pri_ ) __attribute__((init_priority(_pri_)))
+#elif !defined(CYGBLD_ATTRIB_INIT_PRI)
+// FIXME: should maybe just bomb out if this is attempted anywhere else?
+// Not sure
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_INIT_PRI( _pri_ )
+// The following will be removed eventually as it doesn't allow the use of
+// e.g. pri+5 format
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__cplusplus) && (__GNUC_VERSION__ >= 40300)
+// Equivalents of the above for C functions, available from gcc 4.3 onwards.
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_C_INIT_PRI( _pri_) __attribute__((constructor (_pri_)))
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_C_INIT_BEFORE( _pri_ ) __attribute__((constructor (_pri_-100)))
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_C_INIT_AFTER( _pri_ ) __attribute__((constructor (_pri_+100)))
+// Start with initializing everything inside the cpu and the main memory.
+#define CYG_INIT_HAL 10000
+#define CYG_INIT_SCHEDULER 11000
+#define CYG_INIT_IDLE_THREAD 11100
+#define CYG_INIT_INTERRUPTS 12000
+#define CYG_INIT_CLOCK 14000
+#define CYG_INIT_THREADS 16000
+#define CYG_INIT_KERNEL 19000
+#define CYG_INIT_MEMALLOC 20000
+// Now move on to I/O subsystems and device drivers. These can make use of
+// kernel and HAL functionality, and can dynamically allocate memory if
+// absolutely needed. For now they can also assume that diag_printf()
+// functionality is available, but that may change in future.
+// Primary buses are ones very closely tied to the processor, e.g. PCI.
+#define CYG_INIT_BUS_PRIMARY 30000
+// Not yet: on some targets cyg_pci_init() has to be called very early
+// on for HAL diagnostics to work.
+// Secondary buses may hang off primary buses, e.g. USB host.
+// Tertiary buses are everything else.
+#define CYG_INIT_BUS_TERTIARY 32000
+// In future HAL diag initialization may happen at this point.
+// Watchdogs and wallclocks often hang off a tertiary bus but
+// have no dependencies
+#define CYG_INIT_DEV_WATCHDOG 35000
+// A primary block configuration can be initialized with no need
+// for per-unit configuration information.
+// Per-unit configuration data extracted from primary storage.
+// NOTE: for future use, not implemented yet.
+#define CYG_INIT_CONFIG 38000
+// Secondary block devices may use per-unit configuration data
+// for e.g. interpreting partition layout. Few devices are expected
+// to fall into this category. Note that these devices, as well as
+// some char devices, may not actually be usable until interrupts
+// are enabled.
+// Char devices are everything else: serial, ethernet, CAN, ...
+#define CYG_INIT_DEV_CHAR 41000
+// For backwards compatibility. Subject to change in future so
+// a CYG_INIT_DEV_ priority should be used instead.
+#define CYG_INIT_DRIVERS 48000
+// CYG_INIT_IO and CYG_INIT_IO_FS are poorly defined at present,
+// and may get reorganized in future.
+#define CYG_INIT_IO 49000
+#define CYG_INIT_IO_FS 50000
+// The I/O subsystems and device drivers have been initialized.
+#define CYG_INIT_LIBC 56000
+#define CYG_INIT_COMPAT 58000
+#define CYG_INIT_PREDEFAULT 65534
+#define CYG_INIT_DEFAULT 65535
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Label name macros. Some toolsets generate labels with initial
+// underscores and others don't. CYG_LABEL_NAME should be used on
+// labels in C/C++ code that are defined in assembly code or linker
+// scripts. CYG_LABEL_DEFN is for use in assembly code and linker
+// scripts where we need to manufacture labels that can be used from
+// C/C++.
+// These are default implementations that should work for most targets.
+// They may be overridden in basetype.h if necessary.
+#define CYG_LABEL_NAME(_name_) _name_
+#define CYG_LABEL_DEFN(_label) _label
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+// Force a 'C' routine to be called like a 'C++' contructor
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_CONSTRUCTOR __attribute__((constructor))
+# endif
+// Define a compiler-specific rune for saying a function doesn't return
+# if !defined(CYGBLD_ATTRIB_NORET)
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_NORET __attribute__((noreturn))
+# endif
+// How to define weak symbols - this is only relevant for ELF and a.out,
+// but that won't be a problem for eCos
+# if !defined(CYGBLD_ATTRIB_WEAK)
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_WEAK __attribute__ ((weak))
+# endif
+// How to define alias to symbols. Just pass in the symbol itself, not
+// the string name of the symbol
+# if !defined(CYGBLD_ATTRIB_ALIAS)
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_ALIAS(__symbol__) \
+ __attribute__ ((alias (#__symbol__)))
+# endif
+// This effectively does the reverse of the previous macro. It defines
+// a name that the attributed variable or function will actually have
+// in assembler.
+# define __Str(x) #x
+# define __Xstr(x) __Str(x)
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_ASM_ALIAS(__symbol__) \
+ __asm__ ( __Xstr( CYG_LABEL_DEFN( __symbol__ ) ) )
+# endif
+// Shows that a function returns the same value when given the same args, but
+// note this can't be used if there are pointer args
+# if !defined(CYGBLD_ATTRIB_CONST)
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_CONST __attribute__((const))
+// Assign a defined variable to a specific section
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_SECTION(__sect__) __attribute__((section (__sect__)))
+# endif
+// Give a type or object explicit minimum alignment
+# if !defined(CYGBLD_ATTRIB_ALIGN)
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_ALIGN(__align__) __attribute__((aligned(__align__)))
+# endif
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_ALIGN_MAX __attribute__((aligned))
+# endif
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_ALIGNOFTYPE( _type_ ) \
+ __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( _type_ ))))
+# endif
+// Teach compiler how to check format of printf-like functions
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_PRINTF_FORMAT(__format__, __args__) \
+ __attribute__((format (printf, __format__, __args__)))
+// Teach compiler how to check format of scanf-like functions
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_SCANF_FORMAT(__format__, __args__) \
+ __attribute__((format (scanf, __format__, __args__)))
+// Teach compiler how to check format of strftime-like functions
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_STRFTIME_FORMAT(__format__, __args__) \
+ __attribute__((format (strftime, __format__, __args__)))
+// Tell compiler not to warn us about an unused variable -- generally
+// because it will be used when sources are build under certain
+// circumstances (e.g. with debugging or asserts enabled.
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
+// Tell the compiler not to throw away a variable or function. Only known
+// available on 3.3.2 or above. Old version's didn't throw them away,
+// but using the unused attribute should stop warnings.
+# if !defined(CYGBLD_ATTRIB_USED)
+# if __GNUC_VERSION__ >= 30302
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_USED __attribute__((used))
+# else
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_USED __attribute__((unused))
+# endif
+# endif
+// Enforce inlining of a C function. GCC does not inline any C
+// function when not optimizing, unless you specify "always_inline" attribute.
+// Other attributes suppress generation of standalone function.
+# if !defined(CYGBLD_FORCE_INLINE)
+# define CYGBLD_FORCE_INLINE __externC inline __attribute((gnu_inline)) __attribute((always_inline))
+# endif
+// Suppress function inlining
+#define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_NO_INLINE __attribute__((noinline))
+#else // non-GNU
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_UNUSED /* nothing */
+ // This intentionally gives an error only if we actually try to
+ // use it. #error would give an error if we simply can't.
+// FIXME: Had to disarm the bomb - the CYGBLD_ATTRIB_WEAK macro is now
+// (indirectly) used in host tools.
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_WEAK /* !!!-- Attribute weak not defined --!!! */
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_ALIAS(__x__) !!!-- Attribute alias not defined --!!!
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_ASM_ALIAS(__symbol__) !!!-- Asm alias not defined --!!!
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_ALIGN(__align__) !!!-- Alignment alias not defined --!!!
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_ALIGN_MAX !!!-- Alignment alias not defined --!!!
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_ALIGNOFTYPE( _type_ ) !!!-- Alignment alias not defined --!!!
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_PRINTF_FORMAT(__format__, __args__)
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_SCANF_FORMAT(__format__, __args__)
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_STRFTIME_FORMAT(__format__, __args__)
+// How to define weak aliases. Currently this is simply a mixture of the
+// above
+# define CYGBLD_ATTRIB_WEAK_ALIAS(__symbol__) \
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+# define __THROW throw()
+# define __THROW
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Variable annotations
+// These annotations may be added to various static variables in the
+// HAL and kernel to indicate which component they belong to. These
+// are used by some targets to optimize memory placement of these
+// variables.
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Various "flavours" of memory regions that can be described by the
+// Memory Layout Tool (MLT).
+#define CYGMEM_REGION_ATTR_R 0x01 // Region can be read
+#define CYGMEM_REGION_ATTR_W 0x02 // Region can be written
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // CYGONCE_INFRA_CYG_TYPE_H multiple inclusion protection
+// EOF cyg_type.h