path: root/cpukit/include/adainclude/rtems-object.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cpukit/include/adainclude/rtems-object.adb')
1 files changed, 303 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpukit/include/adainclude/rtems-object.adb b/cpukit/include/adainclude/rtems-object.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7be02ecd4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpukit/include/adainclude/rtems-object.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+-- RTEMS / Body
+-- This package provides the interface to the RTEMS API.
+-- COPYRIGHT (c) 1997-2011.
+-- On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
+-- The license and distribution terms for this file may in
+-- the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
+with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
+with Interfaces.C.Strings; use Interfaces.C.Strings;
+package body RTEMS.Object is
+ --
+ -- Object Services
+ --
+ function Build_Name
+ (C1 : in Character;
+ C2 : in Character;
+ C3 : in Character;
+ C4 : in Character)
+ return RTEMS.Name
+ is
+ C1_Value : RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ C2_Value : RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ C3_Value : RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ C4_Value : RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ begin
+ C1_Value := Character'Pos (C1);
+ C2_Value := Character'Pos (C2);
+ C3_Value := Character'Pos (C3);
+ C4_Value := Character'Pos (C4);
+ return Interfaces.Shift_Left (C1_Value, 24) or
+ Interfaces.Shift_Left (C2_Value, 16) or
+ Interfaces.Shift_Left (C3_Value, 8) or
+ C4_Value;
+ end Build_Name;
+ procedure Get_Classic_Name
+ (ID : in RTEMS.ID;
+ Name : out RTEMS.Name;
+ Result : out RTEMS.Status_Codes)
+ is
+ function Get_Classic_Name_Base
+ Name : access RTEMS.Name)
+ return RTEMS.Status_Codes;
+ pragma Import
+ (C,
+ Get_Classic_Name_Base,
+ "rtems_object_get_classic_name");
+ Tmp_Name : aliased RTEMS.Name;
+ begin
+ Result := Get_Classic_Name_Base (ID, Tmp_Name'Access);
+ Name := Tmp_Name;
+ end Get_Classic_Name;
+ procedure Get_Name
+ (ID : in RTEMS.ID;
+ Name : out String;
+ Result : out RTEMS.Address)
+ is
+ function Get_Name_Base
+ Length : RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ Name : RTEMS.Address)
+ return RTEMS.Address;
+ pragma Import (C, Get_Name_Base, "rtems_object_get_name");
+ begin
+ Name := (others => ASCII.NUL);
+ Result :=
+ Get_Name_Base (ID, Name'Length, Name (Name'First)'Address);
+ end Get_Name;
+ procedure Set_Name
+ (ID : in RTEMS.ID;
+ Name : in String;
+ Result : out RTEMS.Status_Codes)
+ is
+ function Set_Name_Base
+ Name : chars_ptr)
+ return RTEMS.Status_Codes;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Name_Base, "rtems_object_set_name");
+ NameAsCString : constant chars_ptr := New_String (Name);
+ begin
+ Result := Set_Name_Base (ID, NameAsCString);
+ end Set_Name;
+ procedure Id_Get_API
+ (ID : in RTEMS.ID;
+ API : out RTEMS.Unsigned32)
+ is
+ function Id_Get_API_Base
+ return RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ pragma Import (C, Id_Get_API_Base, "rtems_object_id_get_api");
+ begin
+ API := Id_Get_API_Base (ID);
+ end Id_Get_API;
+ procedure Id_Get_Class
+ (ID : in RTEMS.ID;
+ The_Class : out RTEMS.Unsigned32)
+ is
+ function Id_Get_Class_Base
+ return RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ pragma Import
+ (C,
+ Id_Get_Class_Base,
+ "rtems_object_id_get_class");
+ begin
+ The_Class := Id_Get_Class_Base (ID);
+ end Id_Get_Class;
+ procedure Id_Get_Node
+ (ID : in RTEMS.ID;
+ Node : out RTEMS.Unsigned32)
+ is
+ function Id_Get_Node_Base
+ return RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ pragma Import (C, Id_Get_Node_Base, "rtems_object_id_get_node");
+ begin
+ Node := Id_Get_Node_Base (ID);
+ end Id_Get_Node;
+ procedure Id_Get_Index
+ (ID : in RTEMS.ID;
+ Index : out RTEMS.Unsigned32)
+ is
+ function Id_Get_Index_Base
+ return RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ pragma Import
+ (C,
+ Id_Get_Index_Base,
+ "rtems_object_id_get_index");
+ begin
+ Index := Id_Get_Index_Base (ID);
+ end Id_Get_Index;
+ function Build_Id
+ (The_API : in RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ The_Class : in RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ The_Node : in RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ The_Index : in RTEMS.Unsigned32)
+ return RTEMS.ID
+ is
+ function Build_Id_Base
+ (The_API : RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ The_Class : RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ The_Node : RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ The_Index : RTEMS.Unsigned32)
+ return RTEMS.ID;
+ pragma Import (C, Build_Id_Base, "rtems_build_id");
+ begin
+ return Build_Id_Base (The_API, The_Class, The_Node, The_Index);
+ end Build_Id;
+ function Id_API_Minimum return RTEMS.Unsigned32 is
+ function Id_API_Minimum_Base return RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ pragma Import
+ (C,
+ Id_API_Minimum_Base,
+ "rtems_object_id_api_minimum");
+ begin
+ return Id_API_Minimum_Base;
+ end Id_API_Minimum;
+ function Id_API_Maximum return RTEMS.Unsigned32 is
+ function Id_API_Maximum_Base return RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ pragma Import
+ (C,
+ Id_API_Maximum_Base,
+ "rtems_object_id_api_maximum");
+ begin
+ return Id_API_Maximum_Base;
+ end Id_API_Maximum;
+ procedure API_Minimum_Class
+ (API : in RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ Minimum : out RTEMS.Unsigned32)
+ is
+ function API_Minimum_Class_Base
+ (API : RTEMS.Unsigned32)
+ return RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ pragma Import
+ (C,
+ API_Minimum_Class_Base,
+ "rtems_object_api_minimum_class");
+ begin
+ Minimum := API_Minimum_Class_Base (API);
+ end API_Minimum_Class;
+ procedure API_Maximum_Class
+ (API : in RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ Maximum : out RTEMS.Unsigned32)
+ is
+ function API_Maximum_Class_Base
+ (API : RTEMS.Unsigned32)
+ return RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ pragma Import
+ (C,
+ API_Maximum_Class_Base,
+ "rtems_object_api_maximum_class");
+ begin
+ Maximum := API_Maximum_Class_Base (API);
+ end API_Maximum_Class;
+ -- Translate S from a C-style char* into an Ada String.
+ -- If S is Null_Ptr, return "", don't raise an exception.
+ -- Copied from Lovelace Tutorial
+ function Value_Without_Exception (S : chars_ptr) return String is
+ begin
+ if S = Null_Ptr then
+ return "";
+ else
+ return Value (S);
+ end if;
+ end Value_Without_Exception;
+ pragma Inline (Value_Without_Exception);
+ procedure Get_API_Name
+ (API : in RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ Name : out String)
+ is
+ function Get_API_Name_Base
+ (API : RTEMS.Unsigned32)
+ return chars_ptr;
+ pragma Import
+ (C,
+ Get_API_Name_Base,
+ "rtems_object_get_api_name");
+ Result : constant chars_ptr := Get_API_Name_Base (API);
+ APIName : constant String := Value_Without_Exception (Result);
+ begin
+ Name := APIName;
+ end Get_API_Name;
+ procedure Get_API_Class_Name
+ (The_API : in RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ The_Class : in RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ Name : out String)
+ is
+ function Get_API_Class_Name_Base
+ (API : RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ Class : RTEMS.Unsigned32)
+ return chars_ptr;
+ pragma Import
+ (C,
+ Get_API_Class_Name_Base,
+ "rtems_object_get_api_class_name");
+ Result : constant chars_ptr :=
+ Get_API_Class_Name_Base (The_API, The_Class);
+ ClassName : constant String := Value_Without_Exception (Result);
+ begin
+ Name := ClassName;
+ end Get_API_Class_Name;
+ procedure Get_Class_Information
+ (The_API : in RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ The_Class : in RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ Info : out API_Class_Information;
+ Result : out RTEMS.Status_Codes)
+ is
+ function Get_Class_Information_Base
+ (The_API : RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ The_Class : RTEMS.Unsigned32;
+ Info : access API_Class_Information)
+ return RTEMS.Status_Codes;
+ pragma Import
+ (C,
+ Get_Class_Information_Base,
+ "rtems_object_get_class_information");
+ TmpInfo : aliased API_Class_Information;
+ begin
+ Result :=
+ Get_Class_Information_Base
+ (The_API,
+ The_Class,
+ TmpInfo'Access);
+ Info := TmpInfo;
+ end Get_Class_Information;
+end RTEMS.Object;