path: root/cpukit/score/include/rtems/score/thread.h
blob: 9b35b85f9127fb70c2390c19cd0d4176af41ba66 (plain) (tree)





























































































































































 *  @file  rtems/score/thread.h
 *  @brief Constants and Structures Related with the Thread Control Block
 *  This include file contains all constants and structures associated
 *  with the thread control block.

 *  COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2014.
 *  On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
 *  Copyright (c) 2014 embedded brains GmbH.
 *  The license and distribution terms for this file may be
 *  found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at


#include <rtems/score/atomic.h>
#include <rtems/score/context.h>
#include <rtems/score/mppkt.h>
#include <rtems/score/isrlock.h>
#include <rtems/score/object.h>
#include <rtems/score/priority.h>
#include <rtems/score/resource.h>
#include <rtems/score/stack.h>
#include <rtems/score/states.h>
#include <rtems/score/threadq.h>
#include <rtems/score/timestamp.h>
#include <rtems/score/watchdog.h>

#if defined(RTEMS_SMP)
  #include <rtems/score/cpuset.h>

struct _pthread_cleanup_context;

struct Per_CPU_Control;

struct Scheduler_Control;

struct Scheduler_Node;

struct User_extensions_Iterator;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 *  @defgroup ScoreThread Thread Handler
 *  @ingroup Score
 *  This handler encapsulates functionality related to the management of
 *  threads.  This includes the creation, deletion, and scheduling of threads.
 *  The following variables are maintained as part of the per cpu data
 *  structure.
 *  + Idle thread pointer
 *  + Executing thread pointer
 *  + Heir thread pointer

#if defined(RTEMS_POSIX_API)

 * With the addition of the Constant Block Scheduler (CBS),
 * this feature is needed even when POSIX is disabled.

#if defined(RTEMS_POSIX_API)

 * Only provided for backward compatiblity to not break application
 * configurations.
typedef void *Thread RTEMS_DEPRECATED;

 *  @brief Type of the numeric argument of a thread entry function with at
 *  least one numeric argument.
 *  This numeric argument type designates an unsigned integer type with the
 *  property that any valid pointer to void can be converted to this type and
 *  then converted back to a pointer to void.  The result will compare equal to
 *  the original pointer.
typedef CPU_Uint32ptr Thread_Entry_numeric_type;

 * @brief Data for idle thread entry.
typedef struct {
  void *( *entry )( uintptr_t argument );
} Thread_Entry_idle;

 * @brief Data for thread entry with one numeric argument and no return value.
typedef struct {
  void ( *entry )( Thread_Entry_numeric_type argument );
  Thread_Entry_numeric_type argument;
} Thread_Entry_numeric;

 * @brief Data for thread entry with one pointer argument and a pointer return
 * value.
typedef struct {
  void *( *entry )( void *argument  );
  void *argument;
} Thread_Entry_pointer;

 * @brief Thread entry information.
typedef struct {
   * @brief Thread entry adaptor.
   * Calls the corresponding thread entry with the right parameters.
   * @param executing The executing thread.
  void ( *adaptor )( Thread_Control *executing );

   * @brief Thread entry data used by the adaptor to call the thread entry
   * function with the right parameters.
  union {
    Thread_Entry_idle Idle;
    Thread_Entry_numeric Numeric;
    Thread_Entry_pointer Pointer;
  } Kinds;
} Thread_Entry_information;

 *  The following lists the algorithms used to manage the thread cpu budget.
 *  Reset Timeslice:   At each context switch, reset the time quantum.
 *  Exhaust Timeslice: Only reset the quantum once it is consumed.
 *  Callout:           Execute routine when budget is consumed.
typedef enum {
}  Thread_CPU_budget_algorithms;

/**  This defines thes the entry point for the thread specific timeslice
 *   budget management algorithm.
typedef void (*Thread_CPU_budget_algorithm_callout )( Thread_Control * );

 *  The following structure contains the information which defines
 *  the starting state of a thread.
typedef struct {
  /** This field contains the thread entry information. */
  Thread_Entry_information             Entry;
  /*-------------- initial execution modes ----------------- */
  /** This field indicates whether the thread was preemptible when
    * it started.
  bool                                 is_preemptible;
  /** This field indicates the CPU budget algorith. */
  Thread_CPU_budget_algorithms         budget_algorithm;
  /** This field is the routine to invoke when the CPU allotment is
   *  consumed.
  Thread_CPU_budget_algorithm_callout  budget_callout;
  /** This field is the initial ISR disable level of this thread. */
  uint32_t                             isr_level;
  /** This field is the initial priority. */
  Priority_Control                     initial_priority;
    /** This field indicates whether the SuperCore allocated the stack. */
    bool                                 core_allocated_stack;
  /** This field is the stack information. */
  Stack_Control                        Initial_stack;
    /** This field is the initial FP context area address. */
    Context_Control_fp                  *fp_context;
  /** This field is the initial stack area address. */
  void                                *stack;
  /** The thread-local storage (TLS) area */
  void                                *tls_area;
} Thread_Start_information;

 *  @brief Union type to hold a pointer to an immutable or a mutable object.
 *  The main purpose is to enable passing of pointers to read-only send buffers
 *  in the message passing subsystem.  This approach is somewhat fragile since
 *  it prevents the compiler to check if the operations on objects are valid
 *  with respect to the constant qualifier.  An alternative would be to add a
 *  third pointer argument for immutable objects, but this would increase the
 *  structure size.
typedef union {
  void       *mutable_object;
  const void *immutable_object;
} Thread_Wait_information_Object_argument_type;

 * @brief This type is able to contain several flags used to control the wait
 * class and state of a thread.
 * The mutually exclusive wait class flags are
 * The mutually exclusive wait state flags are
typedef unsigned int Thread_Wait_flags;

 *  @brief Information required to manage a thread while it is blocked.
 *  This contains the information required to manage a thread while it is
 *  blocked and to return information to it.
typedef struct {
   * @brief Node for thread queues.
  union {
     * @brief A node for chains.
    Chain_Node Chain;

     * @brief A node for red-black trees.
    RBTree_Node RBTree;
  } Node;

   * @brief This field is the identifier of the remote object this thread is
   * waiting upon.
  Objects_Id            remote_id;
  /** This field is used to return an integer while when blocked. */
  uint32_t              count;
  /** This field is for a pointer to a user return argument. */
  void                 *return_argument;
  /** This field is for a pointer to a second user return argument. */
  /** This field contains any options in effect on this blocking operation. */
  uint32_t              option;
  /** This field will contain the return status from a blocking operation.
   *  @note The following assumes that all API return codes can be
   *        treated as an uint32_t.
  uint32_t              return_code;

   * @brief Code to set the timeout return code in _Thread_Timeout().
  uint32_t timeout_code;

   * @brief The current thread queue.
   * In case this field is @c NULL, then the thread is not blocked on a thread
   * queue.  This field is protected by the thread lock.
   * @see _Thread_Lock_set() and _Thread_Wait_set_queue().
  Thread_queue_Queue *queue;

   * @brief This field contains several flags used to control the wait class
   * and state of a thread in case fine-grained locking is used.
#if defined(RTEMS_SMP)
  Atomic_Uint           flags;
  Thread_Wait_flags     flags;

   * @brief The current thread queue operations.
   * This field is protected by the thread lock.
   * @see _Thread_Lock_set() and _Thread_Wait_set_operations().
  const Thread_queue_Operations *operations;

  Thread_queue_Heads *spare_heads;
}   Thread_Wait_information;

 * @brief Information required to manage a thread timer.
typedef struct {
  Watchdog_Header *header;
  Watchdog_Control Watchdog;
} Thread_Timer_information;

 *  The following defines the control block used to manage
 *  each thread proxy.
 *  @note It is critical that proxies and threads have identical
 *        memory images for the shared part.
typedef struct {
  /** This field is the object management structure for each proxy. */
  Objects_Control          Object;

   * @see Thread_Control::Join_queue
  Thread_queue_Control     Join_queue;

  /** This field is the current execution state of this proxy. */
  States_Control           current_state;
   * @brief This field is the current priority state of this thread.
   * Writes to this field are only allowed in _Thread_Initialize() or via
   * _Thread_Change_priority().
  Priority_Control         current_priority;

   * @brief This field is the base priority of this thread.
   * Writes to this field are only allowed in _Thread_Initialize() or via
   * _Thread_Change_priority().
  Priority_Control         real_priority;

   * @brief Generation of the current priority value.
   * It is used in _Thread_Change_priority() to serialize the update of
   * priority related data structures.
  uint32_t                 priority_generation;

   * @brief Hints if a priority restore is necessary once the resource count
   * changes from one to zero.
   * This is an optimization to speed up the mutex surrender sequence in case
   * no attempt to change the priority was made during the mutex ownership.  On
   * SMP configurations atomic fences must synchronize writes to
   * Thread_Control::priority_restore_hint and Thread_Control::resource_count.
  bool                     priority_restore_hint;

  /** This field is the number of mutexes currently held by this proxy. */
  uint32_t                 resource_count;

  /** This field is the blocking information for this proxy. */
  Thread_Wait_information  Wait;
  /** This field is the Watchdog used to manage proxy delays and timeouts. */
  Thread_Timer_information Timer;
  /** This field is the received response packet in an MP system. */
  MP_packet_Prefix        *receive_packet;
     /****************** end of common block ********************/

   * @brief Thread queue callout for _Thread_queue_Enqueue_critical().
  Thread_queue_MP_callout  thread_queue_callout;

   * @brief Thread queue object identifier for
   * _Thread_queue_Enqueue_critical().
  Objects_Id               thread_queue_id;

   * @brief This field is used to manage the set of active proxies in the system.
  RBTree_Node              Active;

   * @brief Provide thread queue heads for this thread proxy.
   * The actual size of the thread queue heads depends on the application
   * configuration.  Since thread proxies are never destroyed we can use the
   * same storage place for the thread queue heads.
  Thread_queue_Heads       Thread_queue_heads[ RTEMS_ZERO_LENGTH_ARRAY ];
}   Thread_Proxy_control;

 *  The following record defines the control block used
 *  to manage each thread.
 *  @note It is critical that proxies and threads have identical
 *        memory images for the shared part.
typedef enum {
  /** This value is for the Classic RTEMS API. */
  /** This value is for the POSIX API. */
}  Thread_APIs;

/** This macro defines the first API which has threads. */

/** This macro defines the last API which has threads. */

typedef struct Thread_Action Thread_Action;

 * @brief Thread action handler.
 * The thread action handler will be called with interrupts disabled and a
 * corresponding lock acquired, e.g. _Thread_State_acquire().  The handler must
 * release the corresponding lock, e.g. _Thread_State_release().  So, the
 * corresponding lock may be used to protect private data used by the
 * particular action.
 * Since the action is passed to the handler additional data may be accessed
 * @param[in] the_thread The thread performing the action.
 * @param[in] action The thread action.
 * @param[in] lock_context The lock context to use for the lock release.
typedef void ( *Thread_Action_handler )(
  Thread_Control   *the_thread,
  Thread_Action    *action,
  ISR_lock_Context *lock_context

 * @brief Thread action.
 * Thread actions can be chained together to trigger a set of actions on
 * particular events like for example a thread post-switch.  Use
 * _Thread_Action_initialize() to initialize this structure.
 * Thread actions are the building block for efficient implementation of
 * - Classic signals delivery,
 * - POSIX signals delivery, and
 * - thread life-cycle changes.
 * @see _Thread_Add_post_switch_action() and _Thread_Run_post_switch_actions().
struct Thread_Action {
  Chain_Node            Node;
  Thread_Action_handler handler;

 * @brief Per-thread information for POSIX Keys.
typedef struct {
   * @brief Key value pairs registered for this thread.
  RBTree_Control Key_value_pairs;

   * @brief Lock to protect the tree operations.
} Thread_Keys_information;

 * @brief Control block to manage thread actions.
 * Use _Thread_Action_control_initialize() to initialize this structure.
typedef struct {
  Chain_Control Chain;
} Thread_Action_control;

 * @brief Thread life states.
 * The thread life states are orthogonal to the thread states used for
 * synchronization primitives and blocking operations.  They reflect the state
 * changes triggered with thread restart and delete requests.
 * The individual state values must be a power of two to allow use of bit
 * operations to manipulate and evaluate the thread life state.
typedef enum {
} Thread_Life_state;

 * @brief Thread life control.
typedef struct {
   * @brief Thread life action used to react upon thread restart and delete
   * requests.
  Thread_Action      Action;

   * @brief The current thread life state.
  Thread_Life_state  state;
} Thread_Life_control;

#if defined(RTEMS_SMP)
 * @brief The thread state with respect to the scheduler.
typedef enum {
   * @brief This thread is blocked with respect to the scheduler.
   * This thread uses no scheduler nodes.

   * @brief This thread is scheduled with respect to the scheduler.
   * This thread executes using one of its scheduler nodes.  This could be its
   * own scheduler node or in case it owns resources taking part in the
   * scheduler helping protocol a scheduler node of another thread.

   * @brief This thread is ready with respect to the scheduler.
   * None of the scheduler nodes of this thread is scheduled.
} Thread_Scheduler_state;

 * @brief Thread scheduler control.
typedef struct {
#if defined(RTEMS_SMP)
   * @brief The current scheduler state of this thread.
  Thread_Scheduler_state state;

   * @brief The own scheduler control of this thread.
   * This field is constant after initialization.
  const struct Scheduler_Control *own_control;

   * @brief The scheduler control of this thread.
   * The scheduler helping protocol may change this field.
  const struct Scheduler_Control *control;

   * @brief The own scheduler node of this thread.
   * This field is constant after initialization.  It is used by change
   * priority and ask for help operations.
  struct Scheduler_Node *own_node;

   * @brief The scheduler node of this thread.
   * On uni-processor configurations this field is constant after
   * initialization.
   * On SMP configurations the scheduler helping protocol may change this
   * field.
  struct Scheduler_Node *node;

#if defined(RTEMS_SMP)
   * @brief The processor assigned by the current scheduler.
  struct Per_CPU_Control *cpu;

#if defined(RTEMS_DEBUG)
   * @brief The processor on which this thread executed the last time or is
   * executing.
  struct Per_CPU_Control *debug_real_cpu;
} Thread_Scheduler_control;

typedef struct  {
  uint32_t      flags;
  void *        control;

#if defined(RTEMS_SMP)
 * @brief Thread lock control.
 * The thread lock is either the default lock or the lock of the resource on
 * which the thread is currently blocked.  The generation number takes care
 * that the up to date lock is used.  Only resources using fine grained locking
 * provide their own lock.
 * The thread lock protects the following thread variables
 *  - Thread_Control::current_priority,
 *  - Thread_Control::Wait::queue, and
 *  - Thread_Control::Wait::operations.
 * @see _Thread_Lock_acquire(), _Thread_Lock_release(), _Thread_Lock_set() and
 * _Thread_Lock_restore_default().
typedef struct {
   * @brief The current thread lock.
   * This is a plain ticket lock without SMP lock statistics support.  This
   * enables external libraries to use thread locks since they are independent
   * of the actual RTEMS build configuration, e.g. profiling enabled or
   * disabled.
  SMP_ticket_lock_Control *current;

   * @brief The default thread lock in case the thread is not blocked on a
   * resource.
  SMP_ticket_lock_Control Default;

#if defined(RTEMS_PROFILING)
   * @brief The thread lock statistics.
   * These statistics are used by the executing thread in case it acquires a
   * thread lock.  Thus the statistics are an aggregation of acquire and
   * release operations of diffent locks.
  SMP_lock_Stats Stats;

   * @brief Generation number to invalidate stale locks.
  Atomic_Uint generation;
} Thread_Lock_control;

 *  This structure defines the Thread Control Block (TCB).
 *  Uses a leading underscore in the structure name to allow forward
 *  declarations in standard header files provided by Newlib and GCC.
struct _Thread_Control {
  /** This field is the object management structure for each thread. */
  Objects_Control          Object;

   * @brief Thread queue for thread join operations and multi-purpose lock.
   * The lock of this thread queue is used for various purposes.  It protects
   * the following fields
   * - POSIX_API_Control::Attributes,
   * - POSIX_API_Control::schedparam,
   * - POSIX_API_Control::schedpolicy,
   * - RTEMS_API_Control::Signal,
   * - Thread_Control::budget_algorithm,
   * - Thread_Control::budget_callout,
   * - Thread_Control::cpu_time_budget,
   * - Thread_Control::current_state,
   * - Thread_Control::Post_switch_actions,
   * - Thread_Control::Scheduler::control, and
   * - Thread_Control::Scheduler::own_control.
   * @see _Thread_State_acquire().
  Thread_queue_Control     Join_queue;

  /** This field is the current execution state of this thread. */
  States_Control           current_state;

   * @brief This field is the current priority state of this thread.
   * Writes to this field are only allowed in _Thread_Initialize() or via
   * _Thread_Change_priority().
  Priority_Control         current_priority;

   * @brief This field is the base priority of this thread.
   * Writes to this field are only allowed in _Thread_Initialize() or via
   * _Thread_Change_priority().
  Priority_Control         real_priority;

   * @brief Generation of the current priority value.
   * It is used in _Thread_Change_priority() to serialize the update of
   * priority related data structures.
  uint32_t                 priority_generation;

   * @brief Hints if a priority restore is necessary once the resource count
   * changes from one to zero.
   * This is an optimization to speed up the mutex surrender sequence in case
   * no attempt to change the priority was made during the mutex ownership.  On
   * SMP configurations atomic fences must synchronize writes to
   * Thread_Control::priority_restore_hint and Thread_Control::resource_count.
  bool                     priority_restore_hint;

  /** This field is the number of mutexes currently held by this thread. */
  uint32_t                 resource_count;
  /** This field is the blocking information for this thread. */
  Thread_Wait_information  Wait;
  /** This field is the Watchdog used to manage thread delays and timeouts. */
  Thread_Timer_information Timer;
  /** This field is the received response packet in an MP system. */
  MP_packet_Prefix        *receive_packet;
     /*================= end of common block =================*/

#if defined(RTEMS_SMP)
   * @brief Thread lock control.
  Thread_Lock_control Lock;

#if defined(RTEMS_SMP) && defined(RTEMS_PROFILING)
   * @brief Potpourri lock statistics.
   * These SMP lock statistics are used for all lock objects that lack a
   * storage space for the statistics.  Examples are lock objects used in
   * external libraries which are independent of the actual RTEMS build
   * configuration.
  SMP_lock_Stats Potpourri_stats;

#if defined(RTEMS_SMP)
   * @brief Resource node to build a dependency tree in case this thread owns
   * resources or depends on a resource.
  Resource_Node            Resource_node;
  /** This field is true if the thread is offered globally */
  bool                                  is_global;
  /** This field is true if the thread is preemptible. */
  bool                                  is_preemptible;
  /** This field is true if the thread uses the floating point unit. */
  bool                                  is_fp;

   * @brief Scheduler related control.
  Thread_Scheduler_control              Scheduler;

#if __RTEMS_ADA__
  /** This field is the GNAT self context pointer. */
  void                                 *rtems_ada_self;
  /** This field is the length of the time quantum that this thread is
   *  allowed to consume.  The algorithm used to manage limits on CPU usage
   *  is specified by budget_algorithm.
  uint32_t                              cpu_time_budget;
  /** This field is the algorithm used to manage this thread's time
   *  quantum.  The algorithm may be specified as none which case,
   *  no limit is in place.
  Thread_CPU_budget_algorithms          budget_algorithm;
  /** This field is the method invoked with the budgeted time is consumed. */
  Thread_CPU_budget_algorithm_callout   budget_callout;
  /** This field is the amount of CPU time consumed by this thread
   *  since it was created.
  Timestamp_Control                     cpu_time_used;

  /** This field contains information about the starting state of
   *  this thread.
  Thread_Start_information              Start;

  Thread_Action_control                 Post_switch_actions;

  /** This field contains the context of this thread. */
  Context_Control                       Registers;
  /** This field points to the floating point context for this thread.
   *  If NULL, the thread is integer only.
  Context_Control_fp                   *fp_context;
  /** This field points to the newlib reentrancy structure for this thread. */
  struct _reent                        *libc_reent;
  /** This array contains the API extension area pointers. */
  void                                 *API_Extensions[ THREAD_API_LAST + 1 ];

   * @brief The POSIX Keys information.
  Thread_Keys_information               Keys;

   * @brief Thread life-cycle control.
   * Control state changes triggered by thread restart and delete requests.
  Thread_Life_control                   Life;

  Thread_Capture_control                Capture;

   * @brief LIFO list of POSIX cleanup contexts.
  struct _pthread_cleanup_context *last_cleanup_context;

   * @brief LIFO list of user extensions iterators.
  struct User_extensions_Iterator *last_user_extensions_iterator;

   * @brief Variable length array of user extension pointers.
   * The length is defined by the application via <rtems/confdefs.h>.
  void                                 *extensions[ RTEMS_ZERO_LENGTH_ARRAY ];

 *  This routine is the body of the system idle thread.
 *  NOTE: This routine is actually instantiated by confdefs.h when needed.
void *_Thread_Idle_body(
  uintptr_t  ignored

/**  This defines the type for a method which operates on a single thread.
typedef void (*rtems_per_thread_routine)( Thread_Control * );

 *  @brief Iterates over all threads.
 *  This routine iterates over all threads regardless of API and
 *  invokes the specified routine.
void rtems_iterate_over_all_threads(
  rtems_per_thread_routine routine

 * @brief Thread control add-on.
typedef struct {
   * @brief Offset of the pointer field in Thread_Control referencing an
   * application configuration dependent memory area in the thread control
   * block.
  size_t destination_offset;

   * @brief Offset relative to the thread control block begin to an application
   * configuration dependent memory area.
  size_t source_offset;
} Thread_Control_add_on;

 * @brief Thread control add-ons.
 * The thread control block contains fields that point to application
 * configuration dependent memory areas, like the scheduler information, the
 * API control blocks, the user extension context table, and the Newlib
 * re-entrancy support.  Account for these areas in the configuration and
 * avoid extra workspace allocations for these areas.
 * This array is provided via <rtems/confdefs.h>.
 * @see _Thread_Control_add_on_count and _Thread_Control_size.
extern const Thread_Control_add_on _Thread_Control_add_ons[];

 * @brief Thread control add-on count.
 * Count of entries in _Thread_Control_add_ons.
 * This value is provided via <rtems/confdefs.h>.
extern const size_t _Thread_Control_add_on_count;

 * @brief Size of the thread control block of a particular application.
 * This value is provided via <rtems/confdefs.h>.
 * @see _Thread_Control_add_ons.
extern const size_t _Thread_Control_size;


#ifdef __cplusplus

/* end of include file */