path: root/cpukit/rtems/include/rtems/rtems/tasks.h
blob: 325723ff8541ab1dda6fcc2cb8318ef310bb15b7 (plain) (tree)



























































































































 * @file rtems/rtems/tasks.h
 * @defgroup ClassicTasks Tasks
 * @ingroup ClassicRTEMS
 * @brief RTEMS Tasks
 * This include file contains all constants and structures associated
 * with RTEMS tasks. This manager provides a comprehensive set of directives
 * to create, delete, and administer tasks.
 * Directives provided are:
 * - create a task
 * - get an ID of a task
 * - start a task
 * - restart a task
 * - delete a task
 * - suspend a task
 * - resume a task
 * - set a task's priority
 * - change the current task's mode
 * - get a task notepad entry
 * - set a task notepad entry
 * - wake up after interval
 * - wake up when specified

 * COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2011.
 * On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
 * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
 * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at


#include <rtems/score/object.h>
#include <rtems/score/thread.h>
#include <rtems/rtems/types.h>
#include <rtems/rtems/event.h>
#include <rtems/rtems/asr.h>
#include <rtems/rtems/attr.h>
#include <rtems/rtems/status.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 *  @defgroup ClassicTasks Tasks
 *  @ingroup ClassicRTEMS
 *  This encapsulates the functionality of the Classic API Task Manager.
 *  This functionality includes task services such as creation, deletion,
 *  delays, suspend/resume, and manipulation of execution mode and priority.

 *  Constant to be used as the ID of current task
#define RTEMS_SELF                OBJECTS_ID_OF_SELF

 *  This constant is passed to the rtems_task_wake_after directive as the
 *  interval when a task wishes to yield the CPU.

 *  Define the type for an RTEMS API task priority.
typedef Priority_Control rtems_task_priority;

 *  This is the constant used with the rtems_task_set_priority
 *  directive to indicate that the caller wants to obtain its
 *  current priority rather than set it as the name of the
 *  directive indicates.

 *  This constant is the least valid value for a Classic API
 *  task priority.

 *  This constant is the maximum valid value for a Classic API
 *  task priority.
 *  @note This is actually the priority of the IDLE thread so
 *        using this priority will result in having a task
 *        which never executes.  This could be useful if you
 *        want to ensure that a task does not executes during
 *        certain operations such as a system mode change.

 *  The following constant is passed to rtems_task_set_priority when the
 *  caller wants to obtain the current priority.

/** This is used to indicate the lowest numbered notepad */
/** This is used to indicate the notepad location 0. */
#define RTEMS_NOTEPAD_0    0
/** This is used to indicate the notepad location 1. */
#define RTEMS_NOTEPAD_1    1
/** This is used to indicate the notepad location 2. */
#define RTEMS_NOTEPAD_2    2
/** This is used to indicate the notepad location 3. */
#define RTEMS_NOTEPAD_3    3
/** This is used to indicate the notepad location 4. */
#define RTEMS_NOTEPAD_4    4
/** This is used to indicate the notepad location 5. */
#define RTEMS_NOTEPAD_5    5
/** This is used to indicate the notepad location 6. */
#define RTEMS_NOTEPAD_6    6
/** This is used to indicate the notepad location 7. */
#define RTEMS_NOTEPAD_7    7
/** This is used to indicate the notepad location 8. */
#define RTEMS_NOTEPAD_8    8
/** This is used to indicate the notepad location 9. */
#define RTEMS_NOTEPAD_9    9
/** This is used to indicate the notepad location 10. */
#define RTEMS_NOTEPAD_10   10
/** This is used to indicate the notepad location 11. */
#define RTEMS_NOTEPAD_11   11
/** This is used to indicate the notepad location 12. */
#define RTEMS_NOTEPAD_12   12
/** This is used to indicate the notepad location 13. */
#define RTEMS_NOTEPAD_13   13
/** This is used to indicate the notepad location 14. */
#define RTEMS_NOTEPAD_14   14
/** This is used to indicate the notepad location 15. */
#define RTEMS_NOTEPAD_15   15
/** This is used to indicate the highest numbered notepad. */

/** This is used to indicate the number of notepads available. */

 *  External API name for Thread_Control
typedef Thread_Control rtems_tcb;

 *  The following defines the "return type" of an RTEMS task.
typedef void rtems_task;

 *  The following defines the argument to an RTEMS task.
typedef Thread_Entry_numeric_type rtems_task_argument;

 *  The following defines the type for the entry point of an RTEMS task.
typedef rtems_task ( *rtems_task_entry )(

 *  The following records define the Initialization Tasks Table.
 *  Each entry contains the information required by RTEMS to
 *  create and start a user task automatically at executive
 *  initialization time.
typedef struct {
  /** This is the Initialization Task's name. */
  rtems_name            name;
  /** This is the Initialization Task's stack size. */
  size_t                stack_size;
  /** This is the Initialization Task's priority. */
  rtems_task_priority   initial_priority;
  /** This is the Initialization Task's attributes. */
  rtems_attribute       attribute_set;
  /** This is the Initialization Task's entry point. */
  rtems_task_entry      entry_point;
  /** This is the Initialization Task's initial mode. */
  rtems_mode            mode_set;
  /** This is the Initialization Task's argument. */
  rtems_task_argument	argument;
} rtems_initialization_tasks_table;

 * @brief RTEMS Task Create
 * This routine implements the rtems_task_create directive. The task
 * will have the name name. The attribute_set can be used to indicate
 * that the task will be globally accessible or utilize floating point.
 * The task's stack will be stack_size bytes. The task will begin
 * execution with initial_priority and initial_modes. It returns the
 * id of the created task in ID.
 * @param[in] name is the user defined thread name
 * @param[in] initial_priority is the thread priority
 * @param[in] stack_size is the stack size in bytes
 * @param[in] initial_modes is the initial thread mode
 * @param[in] attribute_set is the thread attributes
 * @param[in] id is the pointer to thread id
 * @retval RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if successful or error code if unsuccessful
 *             	and *id thread id filled in
rtems_status_code rtems_task_create(
  rtems_name           name,
  rtems_task_priority  initial_priority,
  size_t               stack_size,
  rtems_mode           initial_modes,
  rtems_attribute      attribute_set,
  rtems_id            *id

 * @brief RTEMS Task Name to Id
 * This routine implements the rtems_task_ident directive.
 * This directive returns the task ID associated with name.
 * If more than one task is named name, then the task to
 * which the ID belongs is arbitrary. node indicates the
 * extent of the search for the ID of the task named name.
 * The search can be limited to a particular node or allowed to
 * encompass all nodes.
 * @param[in] name is the user defined thread name
 * @param[in] node is(are) the node(s) to be searched
 * @param[in] id is the pointer to thread id
 * @retval This method returns RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if there was not an
 *         error. Otherwise, a status code is returned indicating the
 *         source of the error. If successful, the id will
 *         be filled in with the thread id.
rtems_status_code rtems_task_ident(
  rtems_name    name,
  uint32_t      node,
  rtems_id     *id

 * @brief RTEMS Delete Task
 * This routine implements the rtems_task_delete directive. The
 * task indicated by ID is deleted. The executive halts execution
 * of the thread and frees the thread control block.
 * @param[in] id is the thread id
 * @retval This method returns RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if there was not an
 *         error and id is not the requesting thread. Status code is
 *         returned indicating the source of the error. Nothing
 *         is returned if id is the requesting thread (always succeeds).
rtems_status_code rtems_task_delete(
  rtems_id   id

 * @brief RTEMS Get Task Node
 * This routine implements the rtems_task_get_note directive. The
 * value of the indicated notepad for the task associated with ID
 * is returned in note.
 * @param[in] id is the thread id
 * @param[in] notepad is the notepad number
 * @param[out] note is the pointer to note
 * @retval RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if successful or error code if unsuccessful
rtems_status_code rtems_task_get_note(
  rtems_id    id,
  uint32_t    notepad,
  uint32_t   *note

 * @brief RTEMS Set Task Note
 * This routine implements the rtems_task_set_note directive. The
 * value of the indicated notepad for the task associated with ID
 * is returned in note.
 * @param[in] id is the thread id
 * @param[in] notepad is the notepad number
 * @param[in] note is the note value
 * @return This method returns RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if there was not an
 *         error. Otherwise, a status code is returned indicating the
 *         source of the error.
rtems_status_code rtems_task_set_note(
  rtems_id   id,
  uint32_t   notepad,
  uint32_t   note

 * @brief RTEMS Task Mode
 * This routine implements the rtems_task_mode directive. The current
 * values of the modes indicated by mask of the calling task are changed
 * to that indicated in mode_set. The former mode of the task is
 * returned in mode_set.
 * @param[in] mode_set is the new mode
 * @param[in] mask is the mask
 * @param[in] previous_mode_set is the address of previous mode set
 * @retval RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL and previous_mode_set filled in with the
 * previous mode set
rtems_status_code rtems_task_mode(
  rtems_mode  mode_set,
  rtems_mode  mask,
  rtems_mode *previous_mode_set

 * @brief RTEMS Task Restart
 * This routine implements the rtems_task_restart directive. The
 * task associated with ID is restarted at its initial entry
 * point with the new argument.
 * @param[in] id is the thread id
 * @param[in] arg is the thread argument
 * @retval RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if successful or error code if unsuccessful
rtems_status_code rtems_task_restart(
  rtems_id   id,
  uint32_t   arg

 * @brief RTEMS Suspend Task
 * This routine implements the rtems_task_suspend directive. The
 * SUSPENDED state is set for task associated with ID. Note that the
 * suspended state can be in addition to other waiting states.
 * @param[in] id is the thread id
 * @retval This method returns RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if there was not an
 *         error. Otherwise, a status code is returned indicating the
 *         source of the error.
rtems_status_code rtems_task_suspend(
  rtems_id   id

 * @brief RTEMS Resume Task
 * This routine implements the rtems_task_resume Directive. The
 * SUSPENDED state is cleared for task associated with ID.
 * @param[in] id is the thread id
 * @retval This method returns RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if there was not an
 *         error. Otherwise, a status code is returned indicating the
 *         source of the error.
rtems_status_code rtems_task_resume(
  rtems_id   id

 * @brief RTEMS Set Task Priority
 * This routine implements the rtems_task_set_priority directive. The
 * current priority of the task associated with ID is set to
 * new_priority. The former priority of that task is returned
 * in old_priority.
 * @param[in] id is the thread to extract
 * @param[in] new_priority is the thread to extract
 * @param[in] old_priority is the thread to extract
 * @retval RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if successful or error code if unsuccessful and
 * and *old_priority filled in with the previous previous priority
rtems_status_code rtems_task_set_priority(
  rtems_id             id,
  rtems_task_priority  new_priority,
  rtems_task_priority *old_priority

 *  @brief RTEMS Start Task
 *  RTEMS Task Manager
 *  This routine implements the rtems_task_start directive.  The
 *  starting execution point of the task associated with ID is
 *  set to entry_point with the initial argument.
rtems_status_code rtems_task_start(
  rtems_id             id,
  rtems_task_entry     entry_point,
  rtems_task_argument  argument

 * @brief RTEMS Task Wake When
 * This routine implements the rtems_task_wake_when directive. The
 * calling task is blocked until the current time of day is
 * equal to that indicated by time_buffer.
 * @param[in] time_buffer is the pointer to the time and date structure
 * @retval RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if successful or error code if unsuccessful
rtems_status_code rtems_task_wake_when(
  rtems_time_of_day *time_buffer

 * @brief RTEMS Task Wake After
 * This routine implements the rtems_task_wake_after directive. The
 * calling task is blocked until the indicated number of clock
 * ticks have occurred.
 * @param[in] ticks is the number of ticks to wait
rtems_status_code rtems_task_wake_after(
  rtems_interval  ticks

 *  @brief rtems_task_is_suspended
 *  This directive returns a status indicating whether or not
 *  the specified task is suspended.
 *  RTEMS Task Manager
rtems_status_code rtems_task_is_suspended(
  rtems_id   id

 *  @brief RTEMS Add Task Variable
 *  This directive adds a per task variable.
rtems_status_code rtems_task_variable_add(
  rtems_id  tid,
  void    **ptr,
  void    (*dtor)(void *)

 *  @brief Get a per-task variable
 *  RTEMS Task Variable Get
 *  This directive gets the value of a task variable.
rtems_status_code rtems_task_variable_get(
  rtems_id tid,
  void **ptr,
  void **result

 *  @brief RTEMS Delete Task Variable
 *  This directive removes a per task variable.
rtems_status_code rtems_task_variable_delete(
  rtems_id  tid,
  void    **ptr

#if defined(__RTEMS_HAVE_SYS_CPUSET_H__) && defined(RTEMS_SMP)
 *  @brief RTEMS Get Task Affinity
 *  This directive returns the cpuset for the
 *  given task.  The cpuset size must be the
 *  same size as the task affinity set size.
 * @param[in] id is the thread to extract
 * @param[in] cpusetsize is the size of the cpuset
 * @param[out] cpuset is the tasks affinity cpuset
 * @retval RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if successful or error code if unsuccessful
 * @retval RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS if cpuset is NULL
 * @retval RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER if cpusetsize is incorrect
 * @retval RTEMS_INVALID_ID if id not valid
rtems_status_code rtems_task_get_affinity(
  rtems_id             id,
  size_t               cpusetsize,
  cpu_set_t           *cpuset

 *  @brief RTEMS Set Task Affinity
 *  This directive sets the given tasks
 *  affinity cpuset.
 * @param[in] id is the thread to extract
 * @param[in] cpusetsize is the size of the cpuset
 * @param[in] cpuset is affinity set to assign to the task
 * @retval RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if successful or error code if unsuccessful
 * @retval RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS if cpuset is NULL
 * @retval RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER if cpuset or cpusetsize is incorrect
 * @retval RTEMS_INVALID_ID if id not valid
rtems_status_code rtems_task_set_affinity(
  rtems_id             id,
  size_t               cpusetsize,
  cpu_set_t           *cpuset

 *  @brief RTEMS Get Self Task Id
 *  This directive returns the ID of the currently executing task.
rtems_id rtems_task_self(void);


 *  This is the API specific information required by each thread for
 *  the RTEMS API to function correctly.
 *  @note Notepads must be the last entry in the structure and memory
 *        will be taken away from this structure when allocated if
 *        notespads are disabled by the application configuration.
typedef struct {
  /** This field contains the event control for this task. */
  Event_Control            Event;
  /** This field contains the system event control for this task. */
  Event_Control            System_event;
  /** This field contains the Classic API Signal information for this task. */
  ASR_Information          Signal;

   * @brief Signal post-switch action in case signals are pending.
  Thread_Action            Signal_action;

   *  This field contains the notepads for this task.
   *  @note MUST BE LAST ENTRY.
  uint32_t                 Notepads[ RTEMS_NUMBER_NOTEPADS ];
}  RTEMS_API_Control;

 *  When the user configures a set of Classic API initialization tasks,
 *  This variable will point to the method used to initialize them.
 *  @note It is instantiated and initialized by confdefs.h based upon
 *        application requirements.
extern void (*_RTEMS_tasks_Initialize_user_tasks_p)(void);

 *  @brief _RTEMS_tasks_Initialize_user_tasks_body
 *  This routine creates and starts all configured user
 *  initialization threads.
 *  Input parameters: NONE
 *  Output parameters:  NONE
 *  RTEMS Task Manager

extern void _RTEMS_tasks_Initialize_user_tasks_body( void );

#ifdef __cplusplus

/* end of include file */