path: root/cpukit/rtems/include/rtems/rtems/message.h
blob: e8bbee8cc44423ca8321da08a4384f789ae8112e (plain) (tree)





































































 * @file rtems/rtems/message.h
 * @defgroup ClassicMessageQueue Message Queues
 * @ingroup ClassicRTEMS
 * @brief Message Queue Manager
 * This include file contains all the constants and structures associated
 * with the Message Queue Manager. This manager provides a mechanism for
 * communication and synchronization between tasks using messages.
 * Directives provided are:
 * - create a queue
 * - get ID of a queue
 * - delete a queue
 * - put a message at the rear of a queue
 * - put a message at the front of a queue
 * - broadcast N messages to a queue
 * - receive message from a queue
 * - flush all messages on a queue

/* COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2008.
 * On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
 * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
 * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at


 *  This constant is defined to extern most of the time when using
 *  this header file.  However by defining it to nothing, the data
 *  declared in this header file can be instantiated.  This is done
 *  in a single per manager file.

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <rtems/rtems/types.h>
#include <rtems/rtems/status.h>
#include <rtems/rtems/options.h>
#include <rtems/score/chain.h>
#include <rtems/score/object.h>
#include <rtems/rtems/attr.h>
#include <rtems/score/coremsg.h>

 *  @defgroup ClassicMessageQueue Message Queues
 *  @ingroup ClassicRTEMS
 *  This encapsulates functionality which XXX

 *  The following enumerated type details the modes in which a message
 *  may be submitted to a message queue.  The message may be posted
 *  in a send or urgent fashion.
typedef enum {
   *  This value indicates the user wants to send the message using the
   *  normal message insertion protocol (FIFO or priority).
   *  This value indicates the user considers the message to be urgent
   *  and wants it inserted at the head of the pending message queue.
}  Message_queue_Submit_types;

 *  The following records define the control block used to manage
 *  each message queue.
typedef struct {
  /** This field is the inherited object characteristics. */
  Objects_Control             Object;
  /** This field is the attribute set as defined by the API. */
  rtems_attribute             attribute_set;
  /** This field is the instance of the SuperCore Message Queue. */
  CORE_message_queue_Control  message_queue;
}   Message_queue_Control;

 *  The following defines the information control block used to
 *  manage this class of objects.
RTEMS_MESSAGE_EXTERN Objects_Information  _Message_queue_Information;

 *  @brief Message Queue Manager Initialization
 *  This routine performs the initialization necessary for this manager.
void _Message_queue_Manager_initialization(void);

 * @brief RTEMS Create Message Queue
 * This routine implements the rtems_message_queue_create directive. The
 * message queue will have the @a name. If the @a attribute_set indicates
 * that the message queue is to be limited in the number of messages
 * that can be outstanding, then @a count indicates the maximum number of
 * messages that will be held. It returns the id of the created
 * message queue in @a id.
 * @param[in] name is the user defined queue name
 * @param[in] count is the maximum message and reserved buffer count
 * @param[in] max_message_size is the maximum size of each message
 * @param[in] attribute_set is the process method
 * @param[in] id is the pointer to queue
 * @retval This method returns RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if there was not an
 *         error. Otherwise, a status code is returned indicating the
 *         source of the error. If successful, the @a id will
 *         be filled in with the queue id.
rtems_status_code rtems_message_queue_create(
  rtems_name       name,
  uint32_t         count,
  size_t           max_message_size,
  rtems_attribute  attribute_set,
  rtems_id        *id

 * @brief RTEMS Message Queue Name to Id
 * This routine implements the rtems_message_queue_ident directive.
 * This directive returns the message queue ID associated with NAME.
 * If more than one message queue is named name, then the message
 * queue to which the ID belongs is arbitrary. node indicates the
 * extent of the search for the ID of the message queue named name.
 * The search can be limited to a particular node or allowed to
 * encompass all nodes.
 * @param[in] name is the user defined message queue name
 * @param[in] node is the node(s) to be searched
 * @param[in] id is the pointer to message queue id
 * @retval RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if successful or error code if unsuccessful and
 * *id filled with the message queue id
rtems_status_code rtems_message_queue_ident(
  rtems_name  name,
  uint32_t    node,
  rtems_id   *id

 * @brief RTEMS Delete Message Queue
 * This routine implements the rtems_message_queue_delete directive. The
 * message queue indicated by ID is deleted.
 * @param[in] id is the queue id
 * @retval RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if successful or error code if unsuccessful
rtems_status_code rtems_message_queue_delete(
  rtems_id id

 *  @brief rtems_message_queue_send
 *  Message Queue Manager - rtems_message_queue_send
 *  This routine implements the rtems_message_queue_send directive.
 *  This directive sends the message buffer to the message queue
 *  indicated by ID.  If one or more tasks is blocked waiting
 *  to receive a message from this message queue, then one will
 *  receive the message.  The task selected to receive the
 *  message is based on the task queue discipline algorithm in
 *  use by this particular message queue.  If no tasks are waiting,
 *  then the message buffer will be placed at the REAR of the
 *  chain of pending messages for this message queue.
rtems_status_code rtems_message_queue_send(
  rtems_id    id,
  const void *buffer,
  size_t      size

 * @brief RTEMS Urgent Message Queue
 * This routine implements the rtems_message_queue_urgent directive.
 * This directive has the same behavior as rtems_message_queue_send
 * except that if no tasks are waiting, the message buffer will
 * be placed at the FRONT of the chain of pending messages rather
 * than at the REAR.
 * @param[in] id is the pointer to message queue
 * @param[in] buffer is the pointer to message buffer
 * @param[in] size is the size of message to send urgently
 * @retval RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if successful or error code if unsuccessful
rtems_status_code rtems_message_queue_urgent(
  rtems_id    id,
  const void *buffer,
  size_t      size

 * @brief RTEMS Broadcast Message Queue
 * This routine implements the rtems_message_queue_broadcast directive.
 * This directive sends the message buffer to all of the tasks blocked
 * waiting for a message on the message queue indicated by ID.
 * If no tasks are waiting, then the message buffer will not be queued.
 * @param[in] id is the pointer to message queue
 * @param[in] buffer is the pointer to message buffer
 * @param[in] size is the size of message to broadcast
 * @param[in] count pointer to area to store number of threads made ready
 * @retval RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if successful or error code if unsuccessful and
 * 		*count filled in with number of threads made ready
rtems_status_code rtems_message_queue_broadcast(
  rtems_id    id,
  const void *buffer,
  size_t      size,
  uint32_t   *count

 * @brief RTEMS Message Queue Receive
 * This routine implements the rtems_message_queue_receive directive.
 * This directive is invoked when the calling task wishes to receive
 * a message from the message queue indicated by ID. The received
 * message is to be placed in buffer. If no messages are outstanding
 * and the option_set indicates that the task is willing to block,
 * then the task will be blocked until a message arrives or until,
 * optionally, timeout clock ticks have passed.
 * @param[in] id is the queue id
 * @param[in] buffer is the pointer to message buffer
 * @param[in] size is the size of message receive
 * @param[in] option_set is the options on receive
 * @param[in] timeout is the number of ticks to wait
 * @retval This method returns RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if there was not an
 *         error. Otherwise, a status code is returned indicating the
 *         source of the error.
rtems_status_code rtems_message_queue_receive(
  rtems_id        id,
  void           *buffer,
  size_t         *size,
  rtems_option    option_set,
  rtems_interval  timeout

 *  @brief rtems_message_queue_flush
 *  This routine implements the rtems_message_queue_flush directive.
 *  This directive takes all outstanding messages for the message
 *  queue indicated by ID and returns them to the inactive message
 *  chain.  The number of messages flushed is returned in COUNT.
 *  Message Queue Manager
rtems_status_code rtems_message_queue_flush(
  rtems_id  id,
  uint32_t *count

 *  @brief RTEMS Message Queue Get Number Pending
 *  Message Queue Manager
 *  This routine implements the rtems_message_queue_get_number_pending
 *  directive.  This directive returns the number of pending
 *  messages for the message queue indicated by ID
 *  chain.  The number of messages pending is returned in COUNT.
rtems_status_code rtems_message_queue_get_number_pending(
  rtems_id  id,
  uint32_t *count

 *  @brief Message_queue_Submit
 *  This routine implements the directives rtems_message_queue_send
 *  and rtems_message_queue_urgent.  It processes a message that is
 *  to be submitted to the designated message queue.  The message will
 *  either be processed as a send send message which it will be inserted
 *  at the rear of the queue or it will be processed as an urgent message
 *  which will be inserted at the front of the queue.
rtems_status_code _Message_queue_Submit(
  rtems_id                    id,
  const void                 *buffer,
  size_t                      size,
  Message_queue_Submit_types  submit_type

 * @brief Message Queue Allocate
 * This function allocates a message queue control block from
 * the inactive chain of free message queue control blocks.
 * @retval the_message_queue filled in if successful, NULL otherwise
Message_queue_Control *_Message_queue_Allocate (void);

 * @brief Message queue Translate Core Message Queue Return Code
 * This function returns a RTEMS status code based on
 * @a the_message_queue_status.
 * @param[in] the_message_queue_status is the status code to translate
 * @retval translated RTEMS status code
rtems_status_code _Message_queue_Translate_core_message_queue_return_code (
  uint32_t   the_message_queue_status

 *  @brief Message_queue_Core_message_queue_mp_support
 *  Input parameters:
 *    the_thread - the remote thread the message was submitted to
 *    id         - id of the message queue
 *  Output parameters: NONE
void  _Message_queue_Core_message_queue_mp_support (
  Thread_Control *the_thread,
  rtems_id        id

#include <rtems/rtems/message.inl>
#include <rtems/rtems/msgmp.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus


/* end of include file */