path: root/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment_filter/comment_filter/
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Diffstat (limited to 'formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment_filter/comment_filter/')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment_filter/comment_filter/ b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment_filter/comment_filter/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd626a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment_filter/comment_filter/
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+from . import rfc
+from . import language
+from functools import reduce, wraps
+from sys import getrecursionlimit, setrecursionlimit
+ from cStringIO import StringIO
+ from io import StringIO
+# Same as rfc.parse_line(), but ensure it always returns a string with the
+# same length as the input string.
+def safe_parse_line(lang, state, **kwargs):
+ old_line = state.line
+ new_line, new_state = rfc.parse_line(lang, state, **kwargs)
+ assert len(new_line) == len(old_line)
+ return new_line, new_state
+def make_state(line='', multi_end_stack=None, in_literal=None):
+ return rfc.State(line, multi_end_stack, in_literal)
+def test_state():
+ """
+ Verify constructor doesn't return a global default value.
+ """
+ rfc.State().multi_end_stack.append('doh!')
+ assert(len(rfc.State().multi_end_stack) == 0)
+def c_line(s):
+ """
+ Given a string, return only the C comments, and in the column same position.
+ """
+ line, state = safe_parse_line(language.c, make_state(s))
+ assert state.multi_end_stack == []
+ return line
+def c_code(s):
+ """
+ Given a string, return only the C code, and in the column same position.
+ """
+ line, state = safe_parse_line(language.c, make_state(s), code_only=True)
+ assert state.multi_end_stack == []
+ return line
+def py_line(s):
+ """
+ Given a string, return only the Python comments, and in the column same position.
+ """
+ line, state = safe_parse_line(language.python, make_state(s))
+ assert state.multi_end_stack == []
+ return line
+def java_line(s):
+ """
+ Given a string, return only the Java comments, and in the column same position.
+ Unlike c_line, java_line supports nested comments.
+ """
+ line, state = safe_parse_line(, make_state(s))
+ assert state.multi_end_stack == []
+ return line
+def parse_code(lang, line):
+ return rfc.parse_code(lang, make_state(line))
+def test_parse_code():
+ c = language.c
+ assert parse_code(c, '') == ('', make_state(''))
+ assert parse_code(c, '\n') == ('\n', make_state(''))
+ assert parse_code(c, 'foo // bar') == ('foo ', make_state('// bar'))
+ assert parse_code(c, 'foo /* bar') == ('foo ', make_state('/* bar')) # Ensure '*' is escapted.
+ assert parse_code(c, '/**/ foo') == ('', make_state('/**/ foo')) # Only return code /before/ comments.
+ # Multi-line Python strings are treated as comments.
+ assert parse_code(language.python, '""" bar """') == ('', make_state('""" bar """'))
+def line_comment(lang, line, keep_tokens=True):
+ cmt, state = rfc.parse_line_comment(lang, make_state(line), keep_tokens)
+ return (cmt, state.line)
+def test_parse_line_comment():
+ c = language.c
+ assert line_comment(c, '') == ('', '')
+ assert line_comment(c, '\n') == ('', '\n')
+ assert line_comment(c, '//\n') == ('//\n', '')
+ assert line_comment(c, '//\n', False) == (' \n', '')
+def test_index_of_first_found():
+ assert rfc.index_of_first_found('', []) == 0 # Nothing to find.
+ assert rfc.index_of_first_found('', ['a']) == -1 # Nothing found.
+ assert rfc.index_of_first_found('ab', ['b']) == 1 # 'b' found.
+ assert rfc.index_of_first_found('abc', ['b', 'c']) == 1 # 'b' found first.
+ assert rfc.index_of_first_found('acb', ['b', 'c']) == 1 # 'c' found first.
+def test_clear_line():
+ assert rfc.clear_line('') == ''
+ assert rfc.clear_line('abc') == ' '
+ assert rfc.clear_line('abc\n') == ' \n' # Preserve newline.
+ assert rfc.clear_line('abc\r\n') == ' \r\n' # Preserve multibyte newline.
+def test_get_linesep():
+ assert rfc.get_linesep('') == ''
+ assert rfc.get_linesep('foo\n') == '\n'
+ assert rfc.get_linesep('foo\r\n') == '\r\n'
+ assert rfc.get_linesep('foo\r\nbar\n') == '\n'
+def multiline_comment(lang, line, keep_tokens=True):
+ return rfc.parse_multiline_comment(lang, make_state(line), keep_tokens)
+def test_parse_multiline_comment():
+ c = language.c
+ assert multiline_comment(c, '/**/\n') == ('/**/', make_state('\n'))
+ assert multiline_comment(c, '/**/\n', False) == (' ', make_state('\n'))
+def declarations(lang, line, keep_tokens=True):
+ return rfc.parse_declarations(lang, make_state(line), keep_tokens=keep_tokens)
+def test_parse_declarations():
+ c = language.c
+ assert declarations(c, '\n') == ('\n', make_state())
+ assert declarations(c, '/**/\n') == ('/**/\n', make_state())
+def test_parse_line():
+ assert c_line('') == ''
+ assert c_line('no comments') == ' '
+ assert c_line('/**/') == '/**/'
+ assert c_line('/* a */') == '/* a */'
+ assert c_line('// a') == '// a'
+ assert py_line('""" a """') == '""" a """'
+ assert py_line("''' a '''") == "''' a '''"
+ # Preserve newline
+ assert c_line('/* a */\n') == '/* a */\n'
+ # Ensure column position is not modified.
+ assert c_line('abc /* a */') == ' /* a */'
+ assert c_line('abc // a') == ' // a'
+ # Test comments in comments
+ assert c_line('// /*abc*/') == '// /*abc*/'
+ assert c_line('/* a */ // a') == '/* a */ // a'
+ assert java_line('/* /**/ */') == '/* /**/ */'
+ assert java_line('/*/**/*/') == '/*/**/*/'
+ assert c_line('/*/**/*/') == '/*/**/ '
+ assert c_line('/* // */') == '/* // */'
+ assert py_line('"""# a"""') == '"""# a"""'
+ # Test strings with strings
+ assert c_line('"\\\"foo\\\""') == ' '
+ assert c_line('"foo') == ' '
+ # Test string literals with comments
+ assert c_line('"/*"') == ' '
+ assert c_line("'/*'") == ' '
+ # Test c_code
+ assert c_code('') == ''
+ assert c_code('no comments') == 'no comments'
+ assert c_code('/**/') == ' '
+ assert c_code('/* a */\n') == ' \n'
+ assert c_code('/* a */ abc') == ' abc'
+ assert c_code('abc /**/') == 'abc '
+def string_literal(quote, line):
+ lit, state = rfc.parse_string_literal(quote, make_state(line))
+ return (lit, state.line)
+def test_parse_string_literal():
+ assert string_literal('"', 'abc') == ('', 'abc')
+ assert string_literal('"', '"a"') == ('"a"', '')
+ assert string_literal("'", "'a'") == ("'a'", '')
+ assert string_literal("'", "'a'b") == ("'a'", 'b')
+ # String without an end quote.
+ assert string_literal('"', '"a') == ('"a', '')
+def parse_line(lang, line, multi_end_stack=None, code_only=False):
+ return safe_parse_line(lang, make_state(line, multi_end_stack), code_only=code_only)
+def test_incomplete_multiline():
+ c = language.c
+ assert parse_line(c, '/* a\n') == ('/* a\n', make_state('', ['*/']))
+def test_incomplete_string_literal():
+ c = language.c
+ assert parse_line(c, '" a \\\n', code_only=True) == ('" a \\\n', make_state('', None, '"'))
+def test_previous_state_maintained():
+ c = language.c
+ assert parse_line(c, '', ['foo']) == ('', make_state('', ['foo']))
+ assert parse_line(c, '/**/', ['foo']) == ('/**/', make_state('', ['foo']))
+ assert parse_line(c, '/*', ['foo']) == ('/*', make_state('', ['foo']))
+ j =
+ assert parse_line(j, '/*', ['foo']) == ('/*', make_state('', ['foo', '*/']))
+def test_code_of_resumed_multiline_comment():
+ c = language.c
+ assert parse_line(c, 'a', ['*/'], True) == (' ', make_state('', ['*/']))
+ assert parse_line(c, 'a */', ['*/'], True) == (' ', make_state('', []))
+def parse_lit_line(lang, line, code_only=False):
+ return safe_parse_line(lang, make_state(line, None, lang.string_literal_start), code_only=code_only)
+def test_previous_state_maintained_literal():
+ c = language.c
+ assert parse_lit_line(c, '') == ('', make_state('', in_literal='"'))
+ assert parse_lit_line(c, '"') == (' ', make_state(''))
+def test_code_of_resumed_multiline_literal():
+ c = language.c
+ assert parse_lit_line(c, '', True) == ('', make_state('', in_literal='"'))
+ assert parse_lit_line(c, '"', True) == ('"', make_state(''))
+def c_comments(s, keep_tokens=True):
+ return list(rfc.parse_file(language.c, StringIO(s), keep_tokens=keep_tokens))
+def test_parse_file():
+ assert c_comments('/* hello */ world\n') == ['/* hello */ \n']
+ assert c_comments('/* hello */ world\n', False) == [' hello \n']
+def test_parse_comments_via_reduce():
+ def f(st, x):
+ st.line = x
+ _, st = safe_parse_line(language.c, st)
+ return st
+ assert reduce(f, ['/*a', 'b*/'], make_state()) == make_state()
+ assert reduce(f, ['/*a', 'b'], make_state()) == make_state('', ['*/'])