path: root/spec/rtems/object/val/object.yml
blob: f2e79ad712b9f4a7e2cb86a3ebdc43ee3de4c897 (plain) (tree)




SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (
enabled-by: true
links: []
- action-brief: |
    Validate the results of rtems_build_name() for a sample set of parameters.
  action-code: |
    static const uint16_t chars[] = { 0, 255, 257 };
    rtems_name            accumulated_name;
    size_t                i;
    size_t                j;
    size_t                k;
    size_t                r;

    accumulated_name = 0;

    for ( i = 0; i < RTEMS_ARRAY_SIZE( chars ); ++i ) {
      for ( j = 0; j < RTEMS_ARRAY_SIZE( chars ); ++j ) {
        for ( k = 0; k < RTEMS_ARRAY_SIZE( chars ); ++k ) {
          for ( r = 0; r < RTEMS_ARRAY_SIZE( chars ); ++r ) {
            unsigned char u1;
            unsigned char u2;
            unsigned char u3;
            unsigned char u4;
            signed char s1;
            signed char s2;
            signed char s3;
            signed char s4;
            rtems_name expected_name;
            rtems_name actual_name;

            expected_name = ( chars[ i ] % 256 ) * UINT32_C( 16777216 ) +
              ( chars[ j ] % 256 ) * UINT32_C( 65536 ) +
              ( chars[ k ] % 256 ) * UINT32_C( 256 ) +
              ( chars[ r ] % 256 );

            u1 = (unsigned char) chars[ i ];
            u2 = (unsigned char) chars[ j ];
            u3 = (unsigned char) chars[ k ];
            u4 = (unsigned char) chars[ r ];
            actual_name = rtems_build_name( u1, u2, u3, u4 );
            T_quiet_eq_u32( actual_name, expected_name )
            accumulated_name += actual_name;

            s1 = (signed char) u1;
            s2 = (signed char) u2;
            s3 = (signed char) u3;
            s4 = (signed char) u4;
            actual_name = rtems_build_name( s1, s2, s3, s4 );
            T_quiet_eq_u32( actual_name, expected_name )
            accumulated_name += actual_name;

            actual_name = rtems_build_name(
              chars[ i ],
              chars[ j ],
              chars[ k ],
              chars[ r ]
            T_quiet_eq_u32( actual_name, expected_name );
            accumulated_name += actual_name;
  - brief: |
      Check that the accumulated name has the expected value.
    code: |
      T_step_eq_u32( ${step}, accumulated_name, 0x51515100 );
    - role: validation
      uid: ../req/build-name-macro
  - role: validation
    uid: ../req/build-name-macro
- action-brief: |
    Validate the result of ${../if/get-local-node:/name}.
  action-code: |
    uint32_t node;

    node = rtems_object_get_local_node();
  - brief: |
      Check that the returned value is one.
    code: |
      T_step_eq_u32( ${step}, node, 1 );
    links: []
  - role: validation
    uid: ../req/get-local-node
test-brief: |
  Tests the ${../if/group:/name} directives.
test-context: []
test-context-support: null
test-description: null
test-header: null
- rtems.h
test-local-includes: []
test-setup: null
test-stop: null
test-support: null
test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-object.c
test-teardown: null
type: test-case