# # RTEMS Project Documentation # import sys import os.path import waflib # # Set Python's system path to `common` from the top level so the # conf.py modules in subdirectories can be found. See xml_catalogue in # common/waf.py. # sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('common')) from common import waf as docs_waf from common import version # # Branch version # rtems_major_version = '6' # # The documents to build. # build_all = ['user', 'c-user', 'bsp-howto', 'posix-users', 'posix-compliance', 'eng', 'filesystem', 'legacy-networking', 'shell', 'cpu-supplement', 'develenv', 'eclipse'] building = build_all def options(opt): docs_waf.cmd_options(opt) def configure(conf): conf.find_program('git') for b in building: conf.recurse(b) conf.env['BUILD_FROM_TOP'] = 'yes' def catalogue(ctx): docs_waf.xml_catalogue(ctx, building) def coverpage_js(ctx): js = None xml = None for f in ctx.inputs: if f.abspath().endswith('.js'): with open(f.abspath()) as i: js = i.read() elif f.abspath().endswith('.xml'): with open(f.abspath()) as i: xml = i.read() xml = xml.replace('\n', ' \\\n'); with open(ctx.outputs[0].abspath(), 'w') as o: o.write(js.replace('@CATALOGUE', xml)) def index_html(ctx): html = '' year = ctx.env.DATE.split()[2] for f in ctx.inputs: if f.abspath().endswith('.html'): with open(f.abspath()) as i: html += i.read() with open(ctx.outputs[0].abspath(), 'w') as o: html = html.replace('@COPYRIGHT_YEAR@', year) html = html.replace('@VER_DATE@', ctx.env.DATE) o.write(html) def build(ctx): # # Get the version. # ver_version, ver_date, ver_released = version.get(ctx, rtems_major_version) ctx.env.DATE = ver_date ctx.env.RELEASE = ver_version + ' (' + ver_date + ')' ctx.env.VERSION = ver_version ctx.env.RTEMS_MAJOR = version.major() ctx.env.RTEMS_MINOR = version.minor() ctx.env.RTEMS_REVISION = version.revision() ctx.to_log('Build: %s%s' % (ctx.env.RELEASE, os.linesep)) # # # Generate any PlantUML images if enabled. # ctx.recurse('images') ctx.add_group('images') for b in building: ctx.recurse(b) # # Build the catalogue, coverpage.js, index.html and install. # ctx(rule = catalogue, target = 'catalogue.xml', source = ['wscript', 'common/waf.py'] + ['%s/conf.py' % x for x in building]) ctx.install_files('${PREFIX}', 'catalogue.xml') ctx(rule = coverpage_js, target = 'coverpage.js', source = ['wscript', 'catalogue.xml', 'common/coverpage/coverpage.js']) ctx.install_as('${PREFIX}/coverpage.js', 'coverpage.js') ctx(rule = index_html, target = 'coverpage.html', source = ['wscript', 'common/coverpage/coverpage.html']) ctx.install_as('${PREFIX}/index.html', 'coverpage.html') # # Install the static content. # static_dir = ctx.path.find_dir('common/coverpage/static') ctx.install_files('${PREFIX}/static', static_dir.ant_glob('**'), cwd = static_dir, relative_trick = True) def install(ctx): for b in building: ctx.recurse(b) def cmd_spell(ctx): for b in building: ctx.recurse(b) def cmd_linkcheck(ctx): for b in building: ctx.recurse(b)