path: root/bsps/powerpc/include/ppc4xx/ppc405gp.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'bsps/powerpc/include/ppc4xx/ppc405gp.h')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bsps/powerpc/include/ppc4xx/ppc405gp.h b/bsps/powerpc/include/ppc4xx/ppc405gp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cf46a780a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bsps/powerpc/include/ppc4xx/ppc405gp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+/* SDRAM DCRs */
+enum {
+ SDRAM0_BESR0 = 0,
+ SDRAM0_BESR1 = 8,
+ SDRAM0_BEAR = 0x10,
+ SDRAM0_CFG = 0x20,
+ SDRAM0_STATUS = 0x24,
+ SDRAM0_RTR = 0x30,
+ SDRAM0_PMIT = 0x34,
+ SDRAM0_TR = 0x80
+/* EBC DCRs */
+enum {
+ EBC0_B0CR = 0,
+ EBC0_B1CR = 1,
+ EBC0_B2CR = 2,
+ EBC0_B3CR = 3,
+ EBC0_B4CR = 4,
+ EBC0_B5CR = 5,
+ EBC0_B6CR = 6,
+ EBC0_B7CR = 7,
+ EBC0_B0AP = 0x10,
+ EBC0_B1AP = 0x11,
+ EBC0_B2AP = 0x12,
+ EBC0_B3AP = 0x13,
+ EBC0_B4AP = 0x14,
+ EBC0_B5AP = 0x15,
+ EBC0_B6AP = 0x16,
+ EBC0_B7AP = 0x17,
+ EBC0_BEAR = 0x20,
+ EBC0_BESR0 = 0x21,
+ EBC0_BESR1 = 0x22,
+ EBC0_CFG = 0x23
+/* MAL DCRs, have to be #defines */
+#define MAL0_CFG 0x180
+#define MAL0_ESR 0x181
+#define MAL0_IER 0x182
+#define MAL0_TXCASR 0x184
+#define MAL0_TXCARR 0x185
+#define MAL0_TXEOBISR 0x186
+#define MAL0_TXDEIR 0x187
+#define MAL0_RXCASR 0x190
+#define MAL0_RXCARR 0x191
+#define MAL0_RXEOBISR 0x192
+#define MAL0_RXDEIR 0x193
+#define MAL0_TXCTP0R 0x1A0
+#define MAL0_TXCTP1R 0x1A1
+#define MAL0_RXCTP0R 0x1C0
+#define MAL0_RXCTP1R 0x1C1
+#define MAL0_RCBS0 0x1E0
+#define MAL0_RCBS1 0x1E1
+/* Memory-mapped registers */
+typedef struct EthernetRegisters_GP {
+ uint32_t mode0;
+ uint32_t mode1;
+ uint32_t xmtMode0;
+ uint32_t xmtMode1;
+ uint32_t rcvMode;
+ uint32_t intStatus;
+ uint32_t intEnable;
+ uint32_t addrHi;
+ uint32_t addrLo;
+ uint32_t VLANTPID;
+ uint32_t VLANTCI;
+ uint32_t pauseTimer;
+ uint32_t g_indivHash[4]; /* EX non-IP multicast addr/mask */
+ uint32_t g_groupHash[4];
+ uint32_t lastSrcLo;
+ uint32_t lastSrcHi;
+ uint32_t IPGap;
+ uint32_t STAcontrol;
+ uint32_t xmtReqThreshold;
+ uint32_t rcvWatermarks;
+ uint32_t bytesXmtd;
+ uint32_t bytesRcvd;
+ uint32_t e_unused2;
+ uint32_t e_revID;
+ uint32_t e_unused3[2];
+ uint32_t e_indivHash[8];
+ uint32_t e_groupHash[8];
+ uint32_t e_xmtPause;
+} EthernetRegisters_GP;
+typedef struct EthernetRegisters_GP EthernetRegisters_EX;
+enum { EMACAddress = 0xEF600800 };
+enum { EMAC0GPAddress = 0xEF600800 };
+enum {
+ // Mode 0 bits
+ kEMACRxIdle = 0x80000000,
+ kEMACTxIdle = 0x40000000,
+ kEMACSoftRst = 0x20000000,
+ kEMACTxEnable = 0x10000000,
+ kEMACRxEnable = 0x08000000,
+ // Mode 1 bits
+ kEMACFullDuplex = 0x80000000,
+ kEMACDoFlowControl = 0x10000000,
+ kEMACIgnoreSQE = 0x01000000,
+ kEMAC100MBbps = 0x00400000,
+ kEMAC4KRxFIFO = 0x00300000,
+ kEMAC2KTxFIFO = 0x00080000,
+ kEMACTx0Multi = 0x00008000,
+ kEMACTxDependent= 0x00014000,
+ kEMAC100Mbps = 0x00400000,
+ kgEMAC4KRxFIFO = 0x00300000,
+ kgEMAC2KTxFIFO = 0x00080000,
+ kgEMACTx0Multi = 0x00008000,
+ kgEMACTxDependent= 0x00014000,
+ // Tx mode bits
+ kEMACNewPacket0 = 0x80000000,
+ kEMACNewPacket1 = 0x40000000,
+ // Receive mode bits
+ kEMACStripPadding = 0x80000000,
+ kEMACStripFCS = 0x40000000,
+ kEMACRcvRunts = 0x20000000,
+ kEMACRcvFCSErrs = 0x10000000,
+ kEMACRcvOversize = 0x08000000,
+ kEMACPromiscRcv = 0x01000000,
+ kEMACPromMultRcv = 0x00800000,
+ kEMACIndivRcv = 0x00400000,
+ kEMACHashRcv = 0x00200000,
+ kEMACBrcastRcv = 0x00100000,
+ kEMACMultcastRcv = 0x00080000,
+ keEMACNonIPMultcast = 0x00040000,
+ keEMACRxFIFOAFMax = 7,
+ // EMAC_STACR bits
+ kgSTAComplete = 0x8000,
+ kSTAErr = 0x4000,
+ // Interrupt status bits
+ kEMACIOverrun = 0x02000000,
+ kEMACIPause = 0x01000000,
+ kEMACIBadPkt = 0x00800000,
+ kEMACIRuntPkt = 0x00400000,
+ kEMACIShortEvt= 0x00200000,
+ kEMACIAlignErr= 0x00100000,
+ kEMACIBadFCS = 0x00080000,
+ kEMACIOverSize= 0x00040000,
+ kEMACILLCRange= 0x00020000,
+ kEMACISQEErr = 0x00000080,
+ kEMACITxErr = 0x00000040,
+ // Buffer descriptor control bits
+ kMALTxReady = 0x8000,
+ kMALRxEmpty = 0x8000,
+ kMALWrap = 0x4000,
+ kMALContinuous = 0x2000,
+ kMALLast = 0x1000,
+ kMALRxFirst = 0x0800,
+ kMALInterrupt = 0x0400,
+ kMALReset = 0x80000000,
+ kMALLowPriority = 0,
+ kMALMedLowPriority = 0x00400000,
+ kMALMedHiPriority = 0x00800000,
+ kMALHighPriority = 0x00C00000,
+ kMALLatency8 = 0x00040000,
+ kMALLockErr = 0x8000,
+ kMALCanBurst = 0x4000,
+ kMALLocksOPB = 0x80,
+ kMALLocksErrs = 0x2,
+ // MAL channel masks
+ kMALChannel0 = 0x80000000,
+ kMALChannel1 = 0x40000000,
+ // EMAC Tx descriptor bits sent
+ kEMACGenFCS = 0x200,
+ kEMACGenPad = 0x100,
+ kEMACInsSrcAddr = 0x080,
+ kEMACRepSrcAddr = 0x040,
+ kEMACInsVLAN = 0x020,
+ kEMACRepVLAN = 0x010,
+ // EMAC TX descriptor bits returned
+ kEMACErrMask = 0x3FF,
+ kEMACFCSWrong = 0x200,
+ kEMACBadPrev = 0x100,
+ kEMACLostCarrier = 0x080,
+ kEMACDeferred = 0x040,
+ kEMACCollFail = 0x020,
+ kEMACLateColl = 0x010,
+ kEMACMultColl = 0x008,
+ kEMACOneColl = 0x004,
+ kEMACUnderrun = 0x002,
+ kEMACSQEFail = 0x001,
+ // EMAC Rx descriptor bits returned
+ kEMACOverrun = 0x200,
+ kEMACPausePkt = 0x100,
+ kEMACBadPkt = 0x080,
+ kEMACRuntPkt = 0x040,
+ kEMACShortEvt = 0x020,
+ kEMACAlignErr = 0x010,
+ kEMACBadFCS = 0x008,
+ kEMACPktLong = 0x004,
+ kEMACPktOOR = 0x002,
+ kEMACPktIRL = 0x001