#!/usr/bin/env python # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause """ Views the specification. """ # Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH & Co. KG # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import argparse import itertools import sys from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple from rtemsspec.build import gather_files from rtemsspec.items import EmptyItem, Item, ItemCache, ItemMapper, \ ItemGetValueContext from rtemsspec.rtems import augment_with_test_links, is_pre_qualified, \ recursive_is_enabled, validate from rtemsspec.sphinxcontent import SphinxContent from rtemsspec.transitionmap import Transition, TransitionMap from rtemsspec.util import load_config from rtemsspec.validation import augment_with_test_case_links _CHILD_ROLES = [ "requirement-refinement", "interface-ingroup", "interface-ingroup-hidden", "interface-function", "glossary-member", "runtime-measurement-request", "test-case" ] _PARENT_ROLES = [ "function-implementation", "interface-enumerator", "performance-runtime-limits" ] def _get_value_dummy(_ctx: ItemGetValueContext) -> Any: return "" _MAPPER = ItemMapper(EmptyItem()) _MAPPER.add_get_value("requirement/functional/action:/text-template", _get_value_dummy) _MAPPER.add_get_value("glossary/term:/plural", _get_value_dummy) _MAPPER.add_get_value( "requirement/non-functional/performance-runtime:/limit-kind", _get_value_dummy) _MAPPER.add_get_value( "requirement/non-functional/performance-runtime:/limit-condition", _get_value_dummy) _MAPPER.add_get_value( "requirement/non-functional/performance-runtime:/environment", _get_value_dummy) _MAPPER.add_get_value( "requirement/non-functional/performance-runtime-limits:/text-template", _get_value_dummy) _SPEC_TYPES = [ "requirement/functional/action", "requirement/functional/capability", "requirement/functional/function", "requirement/non-functional/design", "requirement/non-functional/design-group", "requirement/non-functional/interface-requirement", "requirement/non-functional/performance", "requirement/non-functional/performance-runtime", "requirement/non-functional/quality", ] for type_name in _SPEC_TYPES: _MAPPER.add_get_value(f"{type_name}:/spec", _get_value_dummy) def _visit_action_conditions(item: Item, name: str) -> None: for index, condition in enumerate(item[name]): for index_2, state in enumerate(condition["states"]): _MAPPER.substitute(state["text"], item, f"{name}[{index}]/states[{index_2}]/text") def _visit_action(item: Item) -> None: _visit_action_conditions(item, "pre-conditions") _visit_action_conditions(item, "post-conditions") _VISITORS = { "requirement/functional/action": _visit_action, } def _info(item: Item) -> str: if not item.get("_pre_qualified", True): return ", not-pre-qualified" try: if item["_validated"]: return "" return ", not-validated" except KeyError: return "" _TEXT_ATTRIBUTES = [ "brief", "description", "notes", "rationale", "test-brief", "test-description", "text", ] def _visit_item(item: Item, level: int, role: Optional[str], validated_filter: str) -> bool: validated = item.get("_validated", True) if validated_filter == "yes" and not validated: return False if validated_filter == "no" and validated: return False role_info = "" if role is None else f", role={role}" print( f"{' ' * level}{item.uid} (type={item.type}{role_info}{_info(item)})") for name in _TEXT_ATTRIBUTES: if name in item: _MAPPER.substitute(item[name], item) try: visitor = _VISITORS[item.type] except KeyError: pass else: visitor(item) return True def _view_interface_placment(item: Item, level: int, validated_filter: str) -> None: for link in item.links_to_children("interface-placement"): if _visit_item(link.item, level, link.role, validated_filter): _view_interface_placment(link.item, level + 1, validated_filter) def _view(item: Item, level: int, role: Optional[str], validated_filter: str) -> None: if not _visit_item(item, level, role, validated_filter): return for child in item.children("validation"): _visit_item(child, level + 1, "validation", validated_filter) _view_interface_placment(item, level + 1, validated_filter) for link in item.links_to_children(_CHILD_ROLES): _view(link.item, level + 1, link.role, validated_filter) for link in item.links_to_parents(_PARENT_ROLES): _view(link.item, level + 1, link.role, validated_filter) def _validation_count(item: Item) -> int: return len(list(child for child in item.children("validation"))) def _no_validation(item: Item, path: List[str]) -> List[str]: path_2 = path + [item.uid] leaf = _validation_count(item) == 0 for child in item.children(_CHILD_ROLES): path_2 = _no_validation(child, path_2) leaf = False for parent in item.parents(_PARENT_ROLES): path_2 = _no_validation(parent, path_2) leaf = False if leaf and not item.get("_validated", True): for index, component in enumerate(path_2): if component: print(f"{' ' * index}{component}") path_2[index] = "" return path_2[:-1] _REFINEMENTS = ["interface-function", "requirement-refinement"] _GROUPS = ["requirement/non-functional/design-group", "interface/group"] def _is_refinement(item: Item, other: Item) -> bool: for parent in item.parents(_REFINEMENTS): if parent == other: return True if _is_refinement(parent, other): return True return False def _gather_design_components(item: Item, components: List[Item]) -> bool: if item.type in _GROUPS: components.append(item) return True if item.type.startswith("requirement"): for parent in item.parents("interface-function"): components.append(parent) for parent in item.parents("requirement-refinement"): _gather_design_components(parent, components) return True return False def _design(item_cache: ItemCache) -> None: for item in item_cache.values(): if not item.enabled: continue components: List[Item] = [] if not _gather_design_components(item, components): continue compact: Set[Item] = set() for component in components: for component_2 in components: if component != component_2: if _is_refinement(component_2, component): break else: compact.add(component) if compact: text = ", ".join(component.uid for component in compact) else: text = "N/A" print(f"{item.uid}\t{text}") def _gather_interface_placement(item: Item, spec: Set) -> None: for child in item.children("interface-placement"): spec.add(child) _gather_interface_placement(child, spec) def _gather(item: Item, spec: Set) -> None: spec.add(item) _gather_interface_placement(item, spec) for child in item.children("validation"): spec.add(child) for child in item.children(_CHILD_ROLES): _gather(child, spec) for parent in item.parents(_PARENT_ROLES): _gather(parent, spec) def _make_row(transition_map: TransitionMap, map_idx: int, variant: Transition) -> Tuple[str, ...]: return tuple( itertools.chain( [str(map_idx), str(variant.desc_idx)], (transition_map.pre_co_idx_st_idx_to_st_name(co_idx, st_idx) for co_idx, st_idx in enumerate( transition_map.map_idx_to_pre_co_states( map_idx, variant.pre_cond_na))), (transition_map.post_co_idx_st_idx_to_st_name(co_idx, st_idx) for co_idx, st_idx in enumerate(variant.post_cond)))) def _action_table(item: Item) -> None: rows = [ tuple( itertools.chain(["Entry", "Descriptor"], (condition["name"] for condition in item["pre-conditions"]), (condition["name"] for condition in item["post-conditions"]))) ] transition_map = TransitionMap(item) for map_idx, variant in transition_map.get_variants(item.cache.enabled): rows.append(_make_row(transition_map, map_idx, variant)) content = SphinxContent() content.add_simple_table(rows) print(str(content)) def _to_name(transition_map, co_idx: int, st_idx: int) -> str: return (f"{transition_map.post_co_idx_to_co_name(co_idx)} = " f"{transition_map.post_co_idx_st_idx_to_st_name(co_idx, st_idx)}") def _action_list(item: Item) -> None: transition_map = TransitionMap(item) for post_cond, pre_conds in transition_map.get_post_conditions( item.cache.enabled): print("") if post_cond[0]: print(transition_map.skip_idx_to_name(post_cond[0])) else: names: List[str] = [] for co_idx, st_idx in enumerate(post_cond[1:]): st_name = transition_map.post_co_idx_st_idx_to_st_name( co_idx, st_idx) if st_name != "NA": co_name = transition_map.post_co_idx_to_co_name(co_idx) names.append(f"{co_name} = {st_name}") print(", ".join(names)) for row in pre_conds: entries = [] for co_idx, co_states in enumerate(row): co_name = transition_map.pre_co_idx_to_co_name(co_idx) states = [ transition_map.pre_co_idx_st_idx_to_st_name( co_idx, st_idx) for st_idx in set(co_states) ] if len(states) == 1: if states[0] != "NA": entries.append(f"{co_name} = {states[0]}") else: entries.append(f"{co_name} = {{ " + ", ".join(states) + " }") print("") print(" * " + ", ".join(entries)) _API_INTERFACES = [ "interface/appl-config-option/feature", "interface/appl-config-option/feature-enable", "interface/appl-config-option/initializer", "interface/appl-config-option/integer", "interface/function", "interface/macro", "interface/unspecified-function", ] _API_ROLES = [ "requirement-refinement", "interface-ingroup", ] def _gather_api_names(item: Item, names: Dict[str, List[str]]) -> None: if item.type in _API_INTERFACES and is_pre_qualified(item): try: name = item.parent(_API_ROLES)["name"] except KeyError: name = item.parent(_API_ROLES).spec group = names.setdefault(name, []) group.append(item["name"]) for child in item.children(_API_ROLES): _gather_api_names(child, names) def _list_api(item_cache: ItemCache) -> None: names: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} _gather_api_names(item_cache["/req/applconfig"], names) _gather_api_names(item_cache["/if/group"], names) _gather_api_names(item_cache["/c/if/group"], names) _gather_api_names(item_cache["/newlib/if/group"], names) for group in sorted(names.keys()): print(group) for name in sorted(names[group]): print(f"\t{name}") def main() -> None: """ Views the specification. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--filter', choices=[ "none", "api", "build", "orphan", "no-validation", "action-table", "action-list", "design", "types" ], type=str.lower, default="none", help="filter the items") parser.add_argument('--validated', choices=["all", "yes", "no"], type=str.lower, default="all", help="filter the items by the validated status") parser.add_argument( "--enabled", help=("a comma separated list of enabled options used to evaluate " "enabled-by expressions")) parser.add_argument("UIDs", metavar="UID", nargs="*", help="an UID of a specification item") args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) config = load_config("config.yml") item_cache_config = config["spec"] item_cache_config["enabled"] = args.enabled.split( ",") if args.enabled else [] item_cache = ItemCache(item_cache_config, is_item_enabled=recursive_is_enabled) augment_with_test_links(item_cache) augment_with_test_case_links(item_cache) root = item_cache["/req/root"] if args.filter == "none": validate(root) _view(root, 0, None, args.validated) elif args.filter == "action-table": for uid in args.UIDs: _action_table(item_cache[uid]) elif args.filter == "action-list": for uid in args.UIDs: _action_list(item_cache[uid]) elif args.filter == "orphan": validate(root) for item in item_cache.values(): if item["type"] in ["build", "spec"]: continue if item.enabled and "_validated" not in item: print(item.uid) elif args.filter == "no-validation": validate(root) _no_validation(root, []) elif args.filter == "api": validate(root) _list_api(item_cache) elif args.filter == "design": _design(item_cache) elif args.filter == "types": for name in sorted(item_cache.items_by_type.keys()): print(name) elif args.filter == "build": for name in gather_files(config["build"], item_cache, False): print(name) if __name__ == "__main__": main()