#!/usr/bin/perl # # Perl script to beautify and enhance RTEMS configure.in # # Reads from stdin and writes to stdout # # usage: # acpolish configure.in~ # mv configure.in~ configure.in # # $Id$ # find relative up-path to configure.in my $rtems_cfg = &find_file(".","VERSION"); my $rtems_root = &find_root() ; $rtems_root =~ tr/\//\-/ ; my $rtems_name = "rtems" ; $rtems_name .= "-" . "$rtems_root" if (length($rtems_root) > 0 ) ; my @buffer = () ; while ( <> ) { push @buffer, "$_" ; } { my @tbuf = () ; foreach ( @buffer ) { if ( /^#.*list.*Makefile.*$/o ) {} elsif ( /^dnl[\s]+check.*target.*cc.*$/o ) {} elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR\(.*\)[\s]*$/o ) { push @tbuf, "AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR($rtems_cfg)\n" ; } elsif ( /^[\s]*RTEMS_TOP\(.*\)[\s]*$/o ) { push @tbuf, "RTEMS_TOP($rtems_cfg)\n" ; } elsif ( /^[\s]*AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE\(.*\)[\s]*$/o ) { push @tbuf, "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE($rtems_name,\$RTEMS_VERSION,no)\n" ; } elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_HAS_POSIX_API\)[\s]*$/o ) { #remove the line } elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_HAS_ITRON_API\)[\s]*$/o ) { #remove the line } elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_HAS_HWAPI\)[\s]*$/o ) { #remove the line } elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_USE_MACROS\)[\s]*$/o ) { #remove the line } elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_HAS_MULTIPROCESSING\)[\s]*$/o ) { #remove the line } elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_HAS_RDBG\)[\s]*$/o ) { #remove the line } elsif ( /^[\s\t]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_USE_OWN_PDIR\)[\s]*$/o ) { # obsolete option #remove the line } elsif ( /^[\s\t]*RTEMS_ENABLE_GMAKE_PRINT[ ]*$/o ) { # obsolete macro #remove the line } elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_HAS_NETWORKING\)[\s]*$/o ) { #remove the line } elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_LIBC_DIR\)[\s]*$/o ) { #remove the line } elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(PROJECT_ROOT\)[\s]*$/o ) { #remove the line } elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_GAS_CODE16\)[\s]*$/o ) { #remove the line } elsif ( /^[\s]*PROJECT_ROOT[\s]*=.*$/o ) { #remove the line } elsif ( /^[\s]*(RTEMS_ENABLE_LIBCDIR).*$/o ) { #remove the line &define_variable("$1",""); push @tbuf, "$_" ; } elsif ( /^[\s]*(RTEMS_PROG_CC_FOR_TARGET).*$/o ) { &define_variable("$1",""); push @tbuf, "$_" ; } elsif ( /^[\s]*(RTEMS_PROG_CXX_FOR_TARGET).*$/o ) { &define_variable("$1",""); push @tbuf, "$_" ; } else { push @tbuf, "$_" ; } } # foreach @buffer = @tbuf ; } { my @tbuf = () ; foreach ( @buffer ) { if ( /^[\s]*(RTEMS_ENABLE_LIBCDIR).*$/o ) { if ( ( not defined $var_RTEMS_PROG_CC_FOR_TARGET ) and ( not defined $var_RTEMS_PROG_CXX_FOR_TARGET ) ) { push @tbuf, "$_" ; } } elsif ( /^AC_OUTPUT.*$/o ) { push @tbuf, "# Explicitly list all Makefiles here\n" ; push @tbuf, "$_" ; } else { push @tbuf, "$_" ; } } @buffer = @tbuf ; } { ## pretty print my $out = join ('',@buffer) ; $out =~ s/\s\#\n(\#\n)+/\n/g ; $out =~ s/\n\n\#\n\n/\n/g ; $out =~ s/\n\n[\n]*/\n\n/g ; print $out ; } exit 1 ; # find a relative up-path to a file $file, starting at directory $pre sub find_file($$) { my $pre = $_[0] ; my $file= $_[1] ; my $top = "." ; if (not "$pre") { $pre = "." ; } for ( $str = "$pre" . "/" . "$top" ; ( -d "$str" ) ; $str = "$pre" . "/" . "$top" ) { if ( -f "${str}/${file}" ) { return $top ; } if ( "$top" eq "." ) { $top = ".." ; } else { $top .= "/.." ; } } ; die "Can't find file ${file}\n" ; } sub find_root() { my $top_builddir = "." ; my $subdir=""; my $pwd = `pwd`; chomp $pwd; $pwd .= "/" ; my $len ; if ( -f "VERSION" ) { return $subdir ; } my $i = rindex($pwd,'/'); $len = $i; $pwd = substr($pwd,0,$len); $i = rindex($pwd,'/'); $subdir = substr($pwd,$i+1,$len - 1); $top_builddir = ".." ; while( -d "$top_builddir" ) { if ( -f "${top_builddir}/VERSION" ) { return $subdir ; } $len=$i; $pwd = substr($pwd,0,$len); $i = rindex($pwd,'/'); $subdir = substr($pwd,$i+1,$len - 1) . "/$subdir"; $top_builddir .= "/.." ; } ; die "Can't find VERSION\n" ; } sub define_variable { my ($name,$value) = @_ ; if ( not defined ${"var_$name"} ) { # print STDERR "DEFINING $name = $value\n" ; push @vars, "$name" ; ${"var_$name"} = "$value" ; } else { # print STDERR "APPENDING <$name> <- <$value>\n" ; ${"var_$name"} .= " $value" ; } }