/* * Copyright (c) 2006 Kolja Waschk rtemsdev/ixo.de * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE. */ #include #include #include #include #include "ptf.h" #define PTFPARSER_MAXDEPTH 20 #define PTFPARSER_NAMEBUFSIZE 1024 #define PTFPARSER_VALUEBUFSIZE 4096 #define DEBUG_EXPECTATIONS 1 #define DEBUG_READVALUES 2 #define DEBUG_FINDER 4 #define DEBUG 0 struct ptf_parser_state { struct ptf *tree; struct ptf *current_in[PTFPARSER_MAXDEPTH]; struct ptf *current_item; long line; /* starts with 1, increments whenever a LF (ASCII 10) passes */ int section_level; /* starts at 0, incremented at {, decremented at } */ char *filename; char name_buffer[PTFPARSER_NAMEBUFSIZE]; int name_length; char value_buffer[PTFPARSER_VALUEBUFSIZE]; int value_length; struct { unsigned error:1; unsigned escaped:1; unsigned single_quoted:1; unsigned double_quoted:1; } flag; enum { section_or_item_specification, more_section_type_or_item_name_chars, whitespace_after_section_specification, whitespace_after_section_or_item_name, whitespace_before_item_value, more_section_name_chars, more_item_value_chars, } expectation; }; /***************************************************************************/ struct ptf *ptf_alloc_item(ptf_item_type t, char *name, char *value) { struct ptf *new_item; new_item = (struct ptf *)malloc(sizeof(struct ptf)); if(!new_item) return NULL; new_item->type = t; new_item->sub = NULL; new_item->next = NULL; new_item->name = NULL; new_item->value = NULL; if(name != NULL) { int n = strlen(name); if(n > 0) { new_item->name = (char *)malloc(n + 1); if(new_item->name == NULL) { free(new_item); return NULL; }; strcpy(new_item->name, name); } }; if(value != NULL) { int n = strlen(value); if(n > 0) { new_item->value = (char *)malloc(n + 1); if(new_item->value == NULL) { if(name != NULL) free(new_item->name); free(new_item); return NULL; }; strcpy(new_item->value, value); }; }; return new_item; } /***************************************************************************/ void add_ptf_item(struct ptf_parser_state *state, struct ptf *item) { if(state->current_item == NULL) { if(state->section_level > 0) state->current_in[state->section_level-1]->sub = item; else state->tree = item; } else state->current_item->next = item; } /***************************************************************************/ void parse_error(struct ptf_parser_state *state, char *errmsg) { fprintf(stderr, "Error while parsing %s (line %lu): %s\n", state->filename, state->line, errmsg); state->flag.error = 1; } /***************************************************************************/ void init_parser(struct ptf_parser_state *state, char *filename) { int i; state->line = 1; state->flag.error = 0; state->flag.escaped = 0; state->flag.double_quoted = 0; state->flag.single_quoted = 0; state->section_level = 0; state->filename = (char *)malloc(strlen(filename)+1); if(state->filename != NULL) strcpy(state->filename, filename); state->expectation = section_or_item_specification; state->tree = NULL; state->current_item = NULL; for(i=1; icurrent_in[i] = NULL; } /***************************************************************************/ void ptf_free(struct ptf *ptf) { struct ptf *this, *next; for(this = ptf; this != NULL; this = next) { next = this->next; if(this->value != NULL) free(this->value); if(this->name != NULL) free(this->name); if(this->type == section) ptf_free(this->sub); free(this); }; } /***************************************************************************/ void abort_parsing(struct ptf_parser_state *state) { if(state->filename != NULL) free(state->filename); ptf_free(state->tree); } /***************************************************************************/ int add_char_to_buffer(int *len, char *buf, int maxlen, char c) { if(*len >= maxlen) return 0; buf[(*len)++] = c; return 1; } /***************************************************************************/ void parse_char(struct ptf_parser_state *state, int c) { int is_not_quoted; int is_no_space; enum { item_parsed, section_opened, section_closed, none } parser_event; switch(c) { case '\\': { if(state->flag.escaped == 0) { state->flag.escaped = 1; return; }; break; }; case '"': { if(!state->flag.escaped && !state->flag.single_quoted) { state->flag.double_quoted = 1 - state->flag.double_quoted; return; } break; }; case '\'': { if(!state->flag.escaped && !state->flag.double_quoted) { state->flag.single_quoted = 1 - state->flag.single_quoted; return; } break; }; case '\n': { state->line++; break; }; default: break; }; parser_event = none; is_not_quoted = !(state->flag.escaped || state->flag.single_quoted || state->flag.double_quoted); is_no_space = (!is_not_quoted || !isspace(c)); state->flag.escaped = 0; switch(state->expectation) { case section_or_item_specification: { #if DEBUG&DEBUG_EXPECTATIONS printf("Expectation: section_or_item_specification\n"); #endif if(is_not_quoted && c == '}') { parser_event = section_closed; } else if(is_no_space) { state->name_length = 1; state->name_buffer[0] = c; state->expectation = more_section_type_or_item_name_chars; }; break; }; case more_section_type_or_item_name_chars: { #if DEBUG&DEBUG_EXPECTATIONS printf("Expectation: more_section_type_or_item_name_chars\n"); #endif /* Item name is stored in name_buffer */ /* Section type is stored in name_buffer */ if(is_no_space) { if(!add_char_to_buffer(&state->name_length, state->name_buffer, PTFPARSER_NAMEBUFSIZE, c)) parse_error(state, "First word is too long; I expected a shorter section type or item name"); } else { state->expectation = whitespace_after_section_or_item_name; } break; }; case whitespace_after_section_specification: { #if DEBUG&DEBUG_EXPECTATIONS printf("Expectation: whitespace_after_section_specification\n"); #endif if(c == '{') parser_event = section_opened; else if(is_no_space) parse_error(state, "Expected section content within brackets {...}"); break; }; case whitespace_after_section_or_item_name: { #if DEBUG&DEBUG_EXPECTATIONS printf("Expectation: whitespace_after_section_or_item_name\n"); #endif if(c == '{') { state->value_length = 0; parser_event = section_opened; } else if(c == '=') state->expectation = whitespace_before_item_value; else if(is_no_space) { state->value_length = 1; state->value_buffer[0] = c; state->expectation = more_section_name_chars; }; break; }; case more_section_name_chars: { #if DEBUG&DEBUG_EXPECTATIONS printf("Expectation: more_section_name_chars\n"); #endif /* Section name is stored in value_buffer */ if(is_no_space) { if(!add_char_to_buffer(&state->value_length, state->value_buffer, PTFPARSER_VALUEBUFSIZE, c)) parse_error(state, "Section name is too long"); } else state->expectation = whitespace_after_section_specification; break; } case whitespace_before_item_value: { #if DEBUG&DEBUG_EXPECTATIONS printf("Expectation: whitespace_before_item_value\n"); #endif if(is_not_quoted && c == ';') { state->value_length = 0; parser_event = item_parsed; } else if(is_no_space) { state->value_length = 1; state->value_buffer[0] = c; state->expectation = more_item_value_chars; }; break; }; case more_item_value_chars: { #if DEBUG&DEBUG_EXPECTATIONS printf("Expectation: more_item_value_chars\n"); #endif /* Item value is stored in value_buffer */ if(is_not_quoted && c == ';') parser_event = item_parsed; else if(is_no_space) { if(!add_char_to_buffer(&state->value_length, state->value_buffer, PTFPARSER_VALUEBUFSIZE, c)) parse_error(state, "Item value is too long"); } else parser_event = item_parsed; break; } default: #if DEBUG&DEBUG_EXPECTATIONS printf("Expectation: %d (?)\n", state->expectation); #endif parse_error(state, "Internal error: Unhandled state of expectation"); }; switch(parser_event) { /* TODO: pointer tuff */ case item_parsed: { struct ptf *new_item; state->name_buffer[state->name_length] = 0; state->value_buffer[state->value_length] = 0; #if DEBUG&DEBUG_READVALUES printf("== Item %s is '%s' ==\n", state->name_buffer, state->value_buffer); #endif new_item = ptf_alloc_item(item, state->name_buffer, state->value_buffer); if(new_item == NULL) { parse_error(state, "Internal error: " "Could not allocate memory for new item"); return; }; add_ptf_item(state, new_item); state->current_item = new_item; state->expectation = section_or_item_specification; break; }; case section_opened: { struct ptf *new_section; state->name_buffer[state->name_length] = 0; state->value_buffer[state->value_length] = 0; #if DEBUG&DEBUG_READVALUES printf("== New %s section '%s' opened ==\n", state->name_buffer, state->value_buffer); #endif if(state->section_level >= PTFPARSER_MAXDEPTH-1) { parse_error(state, "Internal error: " "cannot handle sections nested as deep as here."); return; }; new_section = ptf_alloc_item(section, state->name_buffer, state->value_buffer); if(new_section == NULL) { parse_error(state, "Internal error: " "Could not allocate memory for new section"); return; }; add_ptf_item(state, new_section); state->current_item = NULL; state->current_in[state->section_level] = new_section; state->section_level++; state->expectation = section_or_item_specification; break; }; case section_closed: { if(state->section_level < 1) { parse_error(state, "Found closing '}' without opening '{' before"); return; }; state->section_level--; state->current_item = state->current_in[state->section_level]; state->expectation = section_or_item_specification; #if DEBUG&DEBUG_READVALUES printf("-- Closed section --\n"); #endif break; }; default: break; }; } /***************************************************************************/ struct ptf *ptf_parse_file(char *filename) { FILE *f; char buffer[1024]; struct ptf *root; struct ptf_parser_state state; if(filename == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Internal error: " "No filename was given to ptf_read()\n"); return NULL; }; f = fopen(filename, "r"); if(f == NULL) { perror(filename); return NULL; }; init_parser(&state, filename); while(!feof(f)) { size_t r, n; if(ferror(f)) { perror(filename); abort_parsing(&state); fclose(f); return NULL; }; n = fread(buffer, 1, 1024, f); for(r=0; rnext != NULL; leaf = leaf->next); leaf->next = b; return a; } /***************************************************************************/ void ptf_dump_ptf_item(FILE *f, struct ptf_item *pi) { int i; fprintf(f, "level=%d in %p\n", pi->level, pi); for(i=pi->level;i>=0;i--) { if(pi->item[i] != NULL) { fprintf(f, " %d: %s name=%s value=%s\n", i, pi->item[i]->type == item ? "item":"section", pi->item[i]->name, pi->item[i]->value); } else { fprintf(f, " %d: NULL\n"); } fflush(f); } } /***************************************************************************/ void ptf_printf(FILE *s, struct ptf *tree, char *prefix) { struct ptf *leaf; for(leaf = tree; leaf != NULL; leaf = leaf->next) { switch(leaf->type) { case section: { char *new_prefix; int new_prefix_len; new_prefix_len = strlen(prefix) + strlen(leaf->name) + 2; if(leaf->value != NULL && leaf->value[0] != 0) { new_prefix_len += strlen(leaf->value) + 1; }; new_prefix = (char *)malloc(new_prefix_len); strcpy(new_prefix, prefix); strcat(new_prefix, leaf->name); if(leaf->value != NULL && leaf->value[0] != 0) { strcat(new_prefix, ":"); strcat(new_prefix, leaf->value); }; strcat(new_prefix, "/"); fputs(new_prefix, s); fputs("\n", s); ptf_printf(s, leaf->sub, new_prefix); break; }; case item: { char *c; fputs(prefix, s); fputs(leaf->name, s); fputs(" = \"", s); if(leaf->value == NULL) { fputs("(NULL)", s); } else { for(c=leaf->value; *c; c++) { if(*c=='\\' || *c=='"') putc('\\', s); putc(*c, s); }; } fprintf(s, "\"\n"); break; }; default: break; }; }; } /***************************************************************************/ int ptf_advance_one(struct ptf_item *item) { int d; struct ptf *leaf; d = item->level; leaf = item->item[d]; if(leaf != NULL) { if(leaf->type == section && leaf->sub != NULL) { if(item->level >= MAX_SECTION_NESTING-1) { /* raise an error? hm, for now we silently ignore the subtree */ } else { d++; item->item[d] = leaf->sub; item->level = d; return 0; } } item->item[item->level] = leaf->next; }; while(item->item[d] == NULL) { if(d == 0) { item->level = 0; item->item[0] = NULL; errno = ENOENT; return -1; } d --; leaf = item->item[d]; if(leaf != NULL) item->item[d] = leaf->next; }; item->level = d; return 0; } /***************************************************************************/ int ptf_advance_until( struct ptf_item *item, ptf_item_type ttype, char *name, char *value) { int r; struct ptf *leaf; do { leaf = item->item[item->level]; #if DEBUG&DEBUG_FINDER printf(" Does %s/%s match %s/%s?\n", leaf->name, leaf->value, name, value); #endif if(leaf->type == ttype) { if(name == NULL) { if(value == NULL) { return 0; /* got it (any value) */ } else if (leaf->value != NULL) { if(strcmp(leaf->value, value) == 0) return 0; /* got it */ } } else if(leaf->name != NULL) { if(strcmp(leaf->name, name) == 0) { if(value == NULL) { return 0; /* got it (any value) */ } else if(leaf->value != NULL) { if(strcmp(leaf->value, value) == 0) return 0; /* got it */ } } } }; r = ptf_advance_one(item); } while(r == 0); return r; } /***************************************************************************/ struct ptf *ptf_find( struct ptf *tree, struct ptf_item *item, ptf_item_type ttype, char *name, char *value) { int r; if(item == NULL) { errno = EINVAL; return NULL; }; if(tree == NULL) { errno = ENOENT; return NULL; }; item->level = 0; item->item[0] = tree; if(ptf_advance_until(item, ttype, name, value) != 0) return NULL; r = item->level; item->level++; /* To match ptf_match */ return item->item[r]; } /***************************************************************************/ struct ptf *ptf_next( struct ptf_item *item, ptf_item_type ttype, char *name, char *value) { int r; struct ptf *leaf; if(item == NULL) { errno = EINVAL; return NULL; }; if(item->level < 1) return NULL; item->level--; /* To match ptf_match */ r = ptf_advance_one(item); if(r == 0) r = ptf_advance_until(item, ttype, name, value); if(r != 0) return NULL; r = item->level; item->level++; /* To match ptf_match */ return item->item[r]; } /***************************************************************************/ int ptf_match( struct ptf *const ptf, struct ptf_item *const match, const ptf_match_action action, void *arg) { int count; struct ptf *p; struct ptf_item pi; p = ptf; count = 0; pi.level = 0; while(p != NULL) { ptf_item_type mtype = match->item[pi.level]->type; char *mname = match->item[pi.level]->name; char *mvalue = match->item[pi.level]->value; #if DEBUG&DEBUG_FINDER printf("Looking for %s/%s, checking %s/%s\n", mname, mvalue, p->name, p->value); #endif if(mtype == p->type && (mname==NULL || p->name==NULL || strcmp(mname, p->name)==0) && (mvalue==NULL || p->value==NULL || strcmp(mvalue, p->value)==0)) { pi.item[pi.level] = p; if(pi.level == match->level - 1) { if(action != NULL) action(&pi, arg); p = p->next; count++; } else { if(p->sub != NULL && pi.level < MAX_SECTION_NESTING-1) { pi.item[pi.level] = p; pi.level++; p = p->sub; } else { p = p->next; }; }; } else { p = p->next; }; while(p == NULL && pi.level > 0) { pi.level--; p = pi.item[pi.level]->next; }; }; return count; } /***************************************************************************/ char *ptf_defused_name(char *orig_name) { int i,j; char *s = (char *)malloc(1+strlen(orig_name)); if(!s) return NULL; for(i=j=0;orig_name[i];i++) { if(!isalnum(orig_name[i])) { if(j>0) if(s[j-1]!='_') s[j++]='_'; } else { s[j++] = toupper(orig_name[i]); }; }; s[j] = 0; return s; }