/* * Copyright (C) 2020 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de) * * COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2012. * On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR). * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include const char rtems_test_name[] = "SPINTRCRITICAL 8"; typedef struct { rtems_id period; Thread_Control *thread; } test_context; static rtems_rate_monotonic_period_states getState(test_context *ctx) { Rate_monotonic_Control *the_period; ISR_lock_Context lock_context; the_period = _Rate_monotonic_Get( ctx->period, &lock_context ); T_quiet_assert_not_null( the_period ); _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &lock_context ); return the_period->state; } static T_interrupt_test_state interrupt( void *arg ) { test_context *ctx; Per_CPU_Control *cpu_self; Watchdog_Header *header; Watchdog_Control *watchdog; T_interrupt_test_state state; Thread_Wait_flags flags; ISR_Level level; rtems_rate_monotonic_period_states previous_period_state; state = T_interrupt_test_get_state(); if ( state != T_INTERRUPT_TEST_ACTION ) { return T_INTERRUPT_TEST_CONTINUE; } ctx = arg; cpu_self = _Per_CPU_Get(); header = &cpu_self->Watchdog.Header[ PER_CPU_WATCHDOG_TICKS ]; watchdog = (Watchdog_Control *) header->first; T_quiet_assert_not_null( watchdog ); T_quiet_eq_u64( watchdog->expire, cpu_self->Watchdog.ticks ); T_quiet_eq_ptr( watchdog->routine, _Rate_monotonic_Timeout ); flags = _Thread_Wait_flags_get( ctx->thread ); _ISR_Local_disable( level ); _Watchdog_Per_CPU_remove( watchdog, cpu_self, header ); _ISR_Local_enable( level ); previous_period_state = getState( ctx ); ( *watchdog->routine )( watchdog ); if ( flags == RATE_MONOTONIC_INTEND_TO_BLOCK ) { T_quiet_eq_int( previous_period_state, RATE_MONOTONIC_ACTIVE ); T_quiet_eq_int( getState( ctx ), RATE_MONOTONIC_ACTIVE ); state = T_INTERRUPT_TEST_DONE; } else if ( flags == THREAD_WAIT_STATE_READY ) { T_quiet_true( previous_period_state == RATE_MONOTONIC_ACTIVE || previous_period_state == RATE_MONOTONIC_EXPIRED ); state = T_INTERRUPT_TEST_EARLY; } else { T_quiet_eq_int( flags, RATE_MONOTONIC_BLOCKED ); T_quiet_true( previous_period_state == RATE_MONOTONIC_ACTIVE || previous_period_state == RATE_MONOTONIC_EXPIRED ); state = T_INTERRUPT_TEST_LATE; } return state; } static void prepare( void *arg ) { test_context *ctx; rtems_status_code sc; ctx = arg; do { sc = rtems_rate_monotonic_cancel( ctx->period ); T_quiet_rsc_success( sc ); sc = rtems_rate_monotonic_period( ctx->period, 1 ); T_quiet_rsc_success( sc ); /* * Depending on the time to the next clock tick and the CPU time available * to a simulator, we may get sporadic RTEMS_TIMEOUT here. In the next * round we are synchronized with the clock tick. */ sc = rtems_rate_monotonic_period( ctx->period, 1 ); } while ( sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ); } static void action( void *arg ) { test_context *ctx; rtems_status_code sc; ctx = arg; sc = rtems_rate_monotonic_period( ctx->period, 1 ); T_quiet_true( sc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL || sc == RTEMS_TIMEOUT ); T_interrupt_test_busy_wait_for_interrupt(); } static const T_interrupt_test_config config = { .prepare = prepare, .action = action, .interrupt = interrupt, .max_iteration_count = 10000 }; T_TEST_CASE( RateMonotonicPeriodInterrupt ) { test_context ctx; rtems_status_code sc; T_interrupt_test_state state; memset( &ctx, 0 , sizeof( ctx ) ); ctx.thread = _Thread_Get_executing(); sc = rtems_rate_monotonic_create( rtems_build_name( 'P', 'E', 'R', '1' ), &ctx.period ); T_rsc_success( sc ); state = T_interrupt_test( &config, &ctx ); T_eq_int( state, T_INTERRUPT_TEST_DONE ); sc = rtems_rate_monotonic_delete( ctx.period ); T_rsc_success( sc ); } static rtems_task Init( rtems_task_argument argument ) { rtems_test_run( argument, TEST_STATE ); } /* configuration information */ #define CONFIGURE_APPLICATION_NEEDS_SIMPLE_CONSOLE_DRIVER #define CONFIGURE_APPLICATION_NEEDS_CLOCK_DRIVER #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TASKS 1 #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PERIODS 1 #define CONFIGURE_MICROSECONDS_PER_TICK 10000 #define CONFIGURE_INITIAL_EXTENSIONS RTEMS_TEST_INITIAL_EXTENSION #define CONFIGURE_RTEMS_INIT_TASKS_TABLE #define CONFIGURE_INIT #include /* global variables */