/* * COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2009. * On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR). * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rtems.com/license/LICENSE. * * $Id$ */ #define __RTEMS_VIOLATE_KERNEL_VISIBILITY__ 1 #include #include #if defined(FIFO_NO_TIMEOUT) #define TEST_NAME "01" #define TEST_STRING "FIFO/Without Timeout" #define SEMAPHORE_OBTAIN_TIMEOUT 0 #define SEMAPHORE_ATTRIBUTES RTEMS_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES #elif defined(FIFO_WITH_TIMEOUT) #define TEST_NAME "02" #define TEST_STRING "FIFO/With Timeout" #define SEMAPHORE_OBTAIN_TIMEOUT 10 #define SEMAPHORE_ATTRIBUTES RTEMS_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES #elif defined(PRIORITY_NO_TIMEOUT) #define TEST_NAME "03" #define TEST_STRING "Priority/Without Timeout" #define SEMAPHORE_OBTAIN_TIMEOUT 0 #define SEMAPHORE_ATTRIBUTES RTEMS_PRIORITY #elif defined(PRIORITY_WITH_TIMEOUT) #define TEST_NAME "04" #define TEST_STRING "Priority/With Timeout" #define SEMAPHORE_OBTAIN_TIMEOUT 10 #define SEMAPHORE_ATTRIBUTES RTEMS_PRIORITY #elif defined(PRIORITY_NO_TIMEOUT_REVERSE) #define TEST_NAME "05" #define TEST_STRING "Priority/Without Timeout (Reverse)" #define SEMAPHORE_OBTAIN_TIMEOUT 0 #define SEMAPHORE_ATTRIBUTES RTEMS_PRIORITY #else #error "Test Mode not defined" #endif rtems_id Main_task; rtems_id Semaphore; volatile bool case_hit; Thread_blocking_operation_States getState(void) { Objects_Locations location; Semaphore_Control *sem; sem = (Semaphore_Control *)_Objects_Get( &_Semaphore_Information, Semaphore, &location ); if ( location != OBJECTS_LOCAL ) { puts( "Bad object lookup" ); rtems_test_exit(0); } _Thread_Unnest_dispatch(); return sem->Core_control.semaphore.Wait_queue.sync_state; } rtems_timer_service_routine test_release_from_isr( rtems_id timer, void *arg ) { rtems_status_code status; if ( getState() == THREAD_BLOCKING_OPERATION_NOTHING_HAPPENED ) { case_hit = true; } status = rtems_semaphore_release( Semaphore ); } rtems_task Init( rtems_task_argument ignored ) { rtems_status_code status; puts( "\n\n*** TEST INTERRUPT CRITICAL SECTION " TEST_NAME " ***" ); puts( "Init - Trying to generate semaphore release from ISR while blocking" ); puts( "Init - Variation is: " TEST_STRING ); status = rtems_semaphore_create( rtems_build_name( 'S', 'M', '1', ' ' ), 1, SEMAPHORE_ATTRIBUTES, RTEMS_NO_PRIORITY, &Semaphore ); directive_failed( status, "rtems_semaphore_create of SM1" ); Main_task = rtems_task_self(); interrupt_critical_section_test_support_initialize( test_release_from_isr ); case_hit = false; while (!case_hit) { interrupt_critical_section_test_support_delay(); status = rtems_semaphore_obtain( Semaphore, RTEMS_DEFAULT_OPTIONS, SEMAPHORE_OBTAIN_TIMEOUT ); directive_failed( status, "rtems_semaphore_obtain" ); } if ( case_hit ) { puts( "Init - Case hit" ); puts( "*** END OF TEST INTERRUPT CRITICAL SECTION " TEST_NAME " ***" ); } else puts( "Init - Case not hit - ran too long" ); rtems_test_exit(0); } /* configuration information */ #define CONFIGURE_APPLICATION_NEEDS_CONSOLE_DRIVER #define CONFIGURE_APPLICATION_NEEDS_CLOCK_DRIVER #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TASKS 1 #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TIMERS 1 #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_SEMAPHORES 1 #define CONFIGURE_MICROSECONDS_PER_TICK 1000 #if defined(PRIORITY_NO_TIMEOUT_REVERSE) #define CONFIGURE_INIT_TASK_PRIORITY 250 #endif #define CONFIGURE_MICROSECONDS_PER_TICK 1000 #define CONFIGURE_RTEMS_INIT_TASKS_TABLE #define CONFIGURE_INIT #include /* global variables */