/* * COPYRIGHT (c) 2010 * Bharath Suri. * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rtems.com/license/LICENSE. * * $Id$ */ /* Includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define NUM_OPEN_REQ 26 void test_main(void) { int status = -1; int fd = 0; int index = 0; int num_opens = 0; puts("\n\n*** FIFO / PIPE OPEN TEST - 4 ***"); puts( "\n\nConfiguration: Pipes configured, \ but number of barriers configured = 2\n" ); puts("\n\nCreating directory /tmp"); status = mkdir("/tmp", 0777); rtems_test_assert(status == 0); puts("\n\nCreating fifo /tmp/fifo"); status = mkfifo("/tmp/fifo01", 0777); rtems_test_assert(status == 0); puts("\n\nAttempt to open the fifo file in RDWR mode\n"); puts("Should be successful and non-negative\ file descriptor expected"); fd = open("/tmp/fifo01", O_RDWR); rtems_test_assert(fd > 0); ++num_opens; puts("\n\nClosing the fifo file"); status = close(fd); rtems_test_assert(status == 0); puts("\n\nAttempt to open the fifo file in \ RDONLY and NONBLOCK mode\n"); puts("Should be successful and non-negative\ file descriptor expected"); fd = open("/tmp/fifo01", O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); rtems_test_assert(fd > 0); ++num_opens; puts("\n\nClosing the fifo file"); status = close(fd); rtems_test_assert(status == 0); puts("\n\nAttempt to open the fifo file in \ WRONLY and NONBLOCK mode\n"); puts("Should return with an error ENXIO"); fd = open("/tmp/fifo01", O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK); rtems_test_assert(fd == -1); rtems_test_assert(errno == ENXIO); ++num_opens; // Number of attempts to open fifo till now = 3 // Number of attempts to move the static char // from 'a' -> 'z' = 26 // => Number of opens required = 23 puts("\n\nMultiple opens\n"); for(index = 0; index < NUM_OPEN_REQ - num_opens; ++index) { fd = open("/tmp/fifo01", O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); rtems_test_assert(fd > 0); status = close(fd); rtems_test_assert(status == 0); printf("%d... ", index+1); } puts("\n\nRemove the entry /tmp/fifo01"); status = unlink("/tmp/fifo01"); rtems_test_assert(status == 0); puts("\n\nRemove directory /tmp"); status = rmdir("/tmp"); rtems_test_assert(status == 0); puts("\n\n*** END OF FIFO / PIPE OPEN TEST - 4 ***"); } rtems_task Init( rtems_task_argument not_used ) { test_main(); rtems_test_exit(0); } #define CONFIGURE_APPLICATION_NEEDS_CONSOLE_DRIVER #define CONFIGURE_APPLICATION_NEEDS_CLOCK_DRIVER #define CONFIGURE_USE_IMFS_AS_BASE_FILESYSTEM #define CONFIGURE_LIBIO_MAXIMUM_FILE_DESCRIPTORS 6 #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TASKS 1 #define CONFIGURE_RTEMS_INIT_TASKS_TABLE #define CONFIGURE_PIPES_ENABLED #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PIPES 1 #define CONFIGURE_INIT #include /* end of file */